UPDATE on Hurricane Florence


Sourced here (from the same piece I linked last night).  WOO HOO!!

Updated 9/13/18

You’re doing it!  See you are so much more powerful than the doom predictors on TV!  Hurricane down from CAT 4 to CAT 2 and has slowed down by 30 MPH, and back wall of the hurricane is breaking down!  North Carolina will get a lot of rain from this, as will South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee.

Urgent Request From Denice Regarding Hurricane Florence

editor’s note:  i also added “if something dark is guiding and manipulating you, let it go.  it’s ok.  let go of all false attachments.”


Terran note: All is awareness, this hurricane has already slowed down 10 mph, we need to slow it down more and shift it north over colder water so it dissipates most of its energy and rain in the Atlantic Ocean.  If you know who you really are, Source in body, nothing is impossible.  Whether natural in origin or created by synthetic weather technology, it does not matter.  The path can be altered.  Be very wary when the media predicts disasters before they happen, they are trying to cause an public that may not yet be aware of who they be, into reinforcing this potential disaster. Nothing is cast in stone as to what this storm does.

11 September 2018

My family and I live along the southeastern North Carolina coast, in Ocean Isle Beach, close to the South Carolina border. I am sending this special request now, because I believe that together, all hearts are capable of any thing! Most especially dancing with the ‘worst storm the east coast has ever seen’.

Florence, whether a designer storm, or a natural event appears to be heading here. She is not now, nor has she ever been a “Monster”.

The name “Florence” means to flower, or to blossom.

There is plenty of “time” to assist her out to sea. “Florry”, as a dear friend calls her, is already moving slightly north.

I simply ask that if you have a moment, please send some love to Florry. Send her gently out to sea. All is possible now, especially with heart

I am so very grateful for all of you!





editor’s note:  fellow truther in alignment with what some of us are thinking/feeling in regards to 9/11 and “the great awakening” team as well as the Zionist agenda/influence….this is OUR awakening and WE need to be asking these same questions and expecting an answer of those who are carrying out the plan to drain the swamp…THIS below contains the kind of bread crumbs team Q needs to be dropping right now….


Published on Sep 12, 2018


Team Light Victorious


editor’s note:  a beautiful piece set free in perfect alignment on this day….

September 11, 2018

Today’s chapter is hot off the press, possible complete with typos and all.  This is the picture that I chose before I finished the chapter and it fits – as does the title.

In case you can’t make out the words, “The road to the champion’s title was not an easy one.  Nevertheless, you were able to come together and confront formidable opponents with strong team spirit, character and will, all the while demonstrating wonderful technique, and the ability to put up blistering attacks and strong defences.”  – Vladimir Putin


Scarlett could hardly believe she was seeing. She was sitting in her favorite chair and, from the comfort of her home, ‘watching’ nothing less than the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!

Not only was this particular moment in time written in the stars, it was also written into the title and lyrics of a popular song from the 60’s, “The Age of Aquarius,” by the 5th Dimension…

“When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius


Harmony and understanding

Sympathy and trust abounding

No more falsehoods or derisions

Golden living dreams of visions

Mystic crystal revelation

And the mind’s true liberation…”

Scarlett sang the lyrics as she watched the planets align. She was no expert and she had no fancy charts to use to predict where exactly the moon would be at any particular time, but she was fairly accurate tuning in and getting a feel.

Her guess was that at the exact time Jupiter aligned with Mars the moon would be in the seventh house at a symbol that meant a lot to her. She and Blue had a special spot they hiked to on many a magic pilgrimage.

The called it ‘the Lion Gate.’

She smiled at the memories.

“The Lion Gate controls access to the arena,” Scarlett sang as she looked at Blue in question.

He knew she was looking for something symbolic.

Something that would rhyme.

Blue answered her in Russian, “шторм проходит мимо (shtorm prokhodit mimo) – Горе выпущено (Gore vypushcheno)…”

Scarlett smiled.

They were two of her favorite symbols to use together in a Gatha.

шторм проходит мимо translated, “The storm passes by,” and Горе выпущено means, “Woe is released.”

“The Lion Gate controls access to the arena,” Scarlett began. She had to add a flavor of rap to it, but the words flowed like magic – no doubt.

“шторм проходит мимо – Горе выпущено…”

It was perfect, and so was their day.

She sang the Gatha now as she watched the planets align.

Scarlett stopped as Mars neared perfect alignment with Jupiter. She knew she was being a bit obsessive, but it felt like this alignment was part of the reason for everything.

She was taken aback when she realized the moon was going to be at a different degree than she had guessed.

The exact moment Jupiter would align with Mars the moon would be in the 7th house at the next degree.

A degree she shared with Fluffy.

She got out the book she bought when Fluffy was a puppy, “Fluffy Scourge of the Sea.”

People made fun of her for naming her boy dog, “Fluffy,” and when she saw the book she Had to buy it. And she put it on display so people could see the title!

Scarlett opened the book and began to read, “He was just a pampered poodle sailing seaward on his yacht, when a pirate ship approached and in a moment he was caught…”

The poodle in the story looked just like Fluffy and his bravery and the way he turned things around was just like Fluffy too.

When the captain challenged him to a fencing duel, Fluffy chased him all around.

Fluffy went to fencing school.

Fluffy won every challenge.

The last challenge the captain proposed was to sing a song.

“Fluffy sang a song of hope, of love that lasts the years, of winds that take you home again…

The crew’s eyes filled with tears.”

So did Scarlett’s.

It felt like destiny.

“Fluffy Scourge of the Sea – Spirit of the sea set free.”

Scarlett sang until the timer she set went off and she reached for her phone to check the astrological chart.

It was time.

“A woman and a dog that looked like a little lamb,” she said as she took a screen shot of the chart on her phone at the exact moment Jupiter aligned with Mars and the moon was in the seventh house…


As I typed the words a meme that I saved yesterday came to mind, and I am smiling as I share it…

Have no fear even though it does appear the storm is here.

We know how the story ends…

Team Light Victorious 🙂  It’s TIME!!


editor’s note:  had to add the song too!  it just dawned on me ~ the second part of the song “let the sunshine in” ~ could be a divinely guided metaphor for the event.  just a thought – i got chills and tears upon feeling that.  i know how musicians create – often from the cosmos.  the divine – the All – where ALL is.  it’s an amazing space to be.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

The event 2018. Full circle.


editor’s note:  i like this one.  i too once was into the karma and lessons system.  i was never fully able to align with all of that though – i couldn’t. my heart would not let me.  it is my feeeeel we put things into categories – label this, label that – in order to push away the pain of knowing we have been in a prison.  i used to need to categorize things to help my mind make sense of the horror and trauma and controlling systems.  now i see this realm very simply (and again this is my experience, my feel –  not telling anyone how to think or feel) – it’s a prison.  we are getting out….for FREEDOM, i fully feel and know is the inherent desire – experience – of our Souls.  Grandest Selves.  Eternal Selves.  whatever label we wish to put on it.  why wouldn’t it be?  isn’t that more joyful?  fun?  don’t we want what FEEEEEEEEEEEEEELS good?

and the human ego desires this freedom as well (which is why i have long felt part of the “death to the ego” is another arm of the new age religion).  for any being who attempts to tell us how to think/feel/be/do is still plugged in to the matrix system.  let’s get the freedom train going!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Published on Sep 7, 2018

One last share of synchronicity ~ indeed Universal Communication


Tonight on a bike ride I saw a penny in the road.  I immediately recalled a dream last night where I was picking up pennies in the road.  So I pick it up – didn’t stop to look at the date just kept on riding. As I do, I begin to hear “the skies were all purple there were people running everywhere” followed by “tonight i’m gonna party like it’s 1999”.

I get home and check ~ it’s a 1999 penny. 😍😎

Trigger the Event – mass meditation


editor’s note:  passed along by my long time reader/support Sword. awesome!   [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Trigger the Event – mass meditation

We all can agree that this liberation process is taking too damn long. No matter who you follow: Corey Goode, Cobra, Ben Fulford  or others and what future they present and what you believe would happen after Event (Ascension, Nesara, mass arrest etc.)we need first to trigger Event  to let all that abundance manifest in our lives. Thats why I need you! This is focal point of all lightworkers/channeling intel shown to US. Cosmic Wave, Galactic Wave, Gamma burst, Solar Flares, Sun changes – whatever you name it. We TRIGGER IT. We need everyone to participate so please make it viral, post on your blog, youtube, facebook etc. We all here on Gaia are perfect and powerful beings, FAR MORE then we can expect. We HAVE POWER in our hands and hearts to change this world forever and LET IT BE!

09.09.18 11:11 CEST
You can check time of meditation in your timezone:


9 + 9 + 18
18 + 18
1+8  1+8
9  +  9
1 + 8

Nine is number of end, this is last number, nothing more to gain, the cycle ends here. Everything starts a new.


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as tool to trigger Event.

3. Visualise electric blue pillar coming from Galactic Central Sun to Solar system through Sun then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualise another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards Sun then to Galactic Central Sun and finally connecting with Source.

You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously.

Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Visualize a beam of Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches / 20 centimeters above your head) into the Soul Star chakras of everybody meditating,

5. Visualise everyone participating in this meditation simultaniously sending from their Heart chakra to Soul chakra then to Galactic Central Sun through Light pillars intent: “WE ARE READY, TRIGGER THE EVENT IMMEDIATELY! ”

6. Visualise energetic wave coming from Galactic Center as response to Solar system and Earth. Removing everything on its way.

7. Visualise yourself and other lightworkers anchoring this energy wave to surface of Earth.

8. Visualise only light and love remaining.

Suggested time for meditation is 15 minutes.

Sky Goddess want unity and unity it will be!
Sourced here.

The Cats ~ List of Clair-Senses



Clairvoyance — seeing things with your Third Eye (6th chakra), aka, “the mind’s eye,” mental images of past, present, or future.

Clairaudience — what? oh, “HEARING THINGS.” Spirit/ET/HOB (Higher Order Being) voices, tones, music, ringing, energy ZAPs, vibrations, static, etc. (The Oversoul/ONE *loves* communicating to clairaudients with music and movie theme songs. It’s quite hilarious, at times; at other times, it’s extremely annoying.)

Clairsentience — just “knowing” something, as well as knowing the Truth when you hear it — and knowing when people are lying. things.” It’s also feeling differences in energy, which can indicate spirits, portals, Wave X, energy attacks, microwaves (HAARP), proximity to certain celebrity egos, etc.

Clairscent — literally smelling energy (it’s pretty cool and dead-useful); certain spirits/beings have a psychic “smell” to their energy. Good spirits can smell like coffee! You can really smell anything that the spirit or being wants yu sto smell, like a favorite perfume, fav food, etc. It’s a bit odd at first.

Clairtangency — aka, psychometry: being able to get impressions by handling an object. A great and terrible gift (“Someone has had sex on this table.”)

Clairgustance —  perceiving the essence of something a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.

Clairempathy — aka, being an “empath.” Empaths easily feel what others are feeling, even at a distance, in past, present, or future.

Channeling/Mediums — A channeler allows their body/mind to be used as a mechanism for other beings to speak through, while Mediums are expert at speaking with the spirit world. There’s nothing like a really good Medium. As for channeling, PLEASE don’t attempt this if you’re not trained. All kinds of things are out there to trick you.

Clair-aping — making really accurate ape noises through ape-channeling (this is the best), second only to cheese-channeling.

Click here to read the article in its entirety.

Stay Closed to Psychic Intrusion


Jen Ward
August 21 at 7:00 PM

Stay Closed to Psychic Intrusion

Don’t answer questions about yourself from people who don’t need to know the answer. They may be merely fishing for their own advantage in reference to you.

Don’t seek permission from people who are not in authority. It is a way of giving your power away.

Don’t ask advice from anyone who is not in a position to know the answer.

Don’t interject yourself in conversations that are not concerning you.

Don’t give advice that no one has asked for.

When you are in public places, and your mood changes suddenly, try to equivocate it with your surroundings. For instance if you are in the mall and start feeling desperate about finances, it could be you walking in to the energy of someone was there before you. Just like you can stand in someones pee in a pool, you can stand in someone’s sadness in the mall. Try to shake feelings off so as not to keep the one that’s not yours.

Understand the energy exchange behind everything that transpires. Much of language is meant to subjugate each other. Comparisons are a way to level your individuality. Saying “Don’t do that or that will happen” is a curse we put on each others. Much of people’s opinions are a curse so don ‘t open yourself up to them.

Asking someone’s opinion is many times seeking validation. know that you don’t need to be validated by anyone else.

If you accept a gift from someone, you are allowing their energy into your own field. It is best not to accept gifts from someone you don’t like.

If you have an aversion to someone, something, or some place, pay attention to it. Your innate intelligence is telling you something. If you get a bad feeling going somewhere, it may because it is not healthy for you energetically.

You know when you are not being respected. Don’t go, or be anywhere where you are not honored. Obligation is no excuse. You are too important.

Respect the rights of others. There is no quicker way for the Universe to give you lessons on your blind spots than to put you in the position of those you have judged. Pay attention to who you judge and see if you do not see the grain of similarity in your own experiences.

Refuse to take sides when two loved ones are in disagreement. When two people in your circle have an argument, you may be recruited as the moral compass. Refrain from allowing your ego to be stroked in this way.


Your Meterage & Timeline Jumpy House for 8-21-18 [MAJOR UPDATE]


editor’s note:  after months of not feeling the draw to link the cats stuff, i now have been having the draw to check them out lately.  so…..here is my feeeel on “things” ~ i noticed something different today.  a lightening up.  a smoothing.  that may be due to recent purges and unplugging and all of that i went through this week.  so is it ME having this experience as a result of what i have done or is it due to outside energy spikes and changes ~ or a bit of both (likely).  i know this ~ i feel like inner ME pulled me away from politics and all of the awakening stuff going on in this realm and said “focus HERE” hence my return to more Event and Spiritual and “get outta this realm” stuff.  it was a sudden and strong yet gentle shift w/in.  Self works in this way.  this morning my mate had on a youtube channel where POTUS was set to speak ~ and i had no desire to listen.  zero.  not that i have lost respect for who he is and what is doing and not that i do not see and feel his greater purpose ~ just that ME says “no longer need to follow that”.  
so instead i am going to make a brazilian coconut dessert later.  sudden desire to cook brazilian type foods.  expanding out for what is to be our new way of living?  the huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge draw for the New?  
i am also allowing myself to recall and play with the initial thought i had after my kitchen table spine buzzing lifting up experience last fall.  first i knew at the time either big Me or the Source Me or fractals multi-d Me or all of the previous gave me that experience so i wouldn’t totally freak out when “the time” comes.  i have a very strong personality (NO!) and as such a strong need to KNOW and CONTROL (double NO!!) my life, my surroundings.  so, for example, while i may be the type in my heart to welcome any Being who would wish to visit, i am also the type to want to know their purpose, their reason to visit and to feel them out.  anyway….(i also ramble a lot at times ~ sorry)….so i was drawn to go back to that experience last night.  and the thought i had at the time was i was being pulled out of my body.  my first feel was i was leaving my body.  my conscious full aware me was.  so ok ~ that freaked me out because i automatically go to NO I AM NOT DYING NO WAY NO HOW am i leaving my body for this line of thinking.  totally natural.  and YET…IF all of this is a simulation it is completely possible these vessels, these altered, dumbed down vessels, are also part of the simulation and taking this one step further in written word (which has already been playing out in my mind for months) it is possible that upon the end of all of this and the transition/event, the fully conscious We leave these bodies and quickly if not immediately enter into our REAL bodies with REAL Source Code Original.  a possibility some have not only suggested but have said this is how it will be.  it is MY feeeeeeeeeeeeel it would be a choice.  new body altogether or take the one we have and change it/heal it.  i have seen myself on the real earth (new earth i have decided is a term i don’t resonate with – real earth feeeeeels right to me.).  and i look more or less the same as i do now.  lighter.  younger.  fully healed.  and yet it is also possible i look quite different.  if i had had an experience of being on real earth looking the way i (possibly) really will, human me would likely have not thought it was ME but either a previous ME and i may have dismissed those dreams and visions.  or perhaps i here now am but one part of the fractal left waiting to enter the new Me which is already “there” and waiting for the rest of the merge to happen.  scientifically this is all totally feasible and i could spend hours talking and contemplating this one so i will stop for now….  i just know i have been encountering others who are contemplating the same/similar.
so those are my current feels at the moment.  well ok my feel i have had for awhile now and am just giving myself permission to allow it.
please as always share your thoughts (in so long as they are respectful.)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

On and on it goes (and on) as we try to sort out our various futures and wishes and dreams vis-à-vis the energies and shifting timelines. What we’re seeing is a kind of “stepping-stones to The Event” situation, with lots of little steps instead of the bigger Steps we were seeing before (which may come back), with some of us like-minded SOURCE enthusiasts being jollied into an evolutionary timeline-y group (we’re guessing), so we can more easily GROUP-PUSH the UP button on the Cosmic Elevator of Cosmicness. Or something like that.

First, we had another big K-index (as opposed to Circle K) event at Kiruna… that’s two in two days:


And, lo and behold, the NASA meters were NOT edited! A miracle. Lookie:

And this brought the usual geophone/ULF/ELF/SR confirmation…

…but now we have so much timeline kerfuffflage that it’s tough to keep track:

Timeline jumpage in Lombardy.
[sigh] And Canada.

AND another GRB…

…which in some cases are “Universal Being” information transmissions. It’s a long story. The message? Either, “The Event is almost here!” or… “DUCK!”


We feel you, bro.


Ok. One of the CATs just spoke with Lisa Gawlas and we are all now literally swimming in a new energy — an energy that’s already here; we’re living in it, now — an energy that has never been on the earth before. Those tingles you might’ve been feeling are going to start getting more tingle-y!

Note that you also might start noticing people REALLY getting twitchy, that is, those people who don’t know what’s going on. Some people are open to knowing, some aren’t. Be careful and gentle with the norms.

Also, when you meditate, try asking SOURCE to merge with you. See what happens.

Oh, and we’ve had more activity, so you may have felt some of it:

Please note that, while some of us are trained as scientists, we use these (and all) meters in ways the techs and scientists didn’t intend. Basically, we understand what scientists are seeing a lot better than they do because our brains on running better software. Simple as that. Everyone on their path, everything going well.

Lookie here:

Lombardian timeline jump, slightly delayed from the Russian one above.
Those numbers on the right basically indicate vibration, in Hertz. (That’s much higher than Schumann Resonance).
When the meter goes dark, it’s showing that the 3d computer system is reacting to the timeline jump.
You might notice lots of electrical and computer systems will become spurious during timeline jumps.
Here’s Canada, showing the same jump as the Russian meter.
Like the Middle East and Pakistan, Canadians are dealing with TONS of energy. Timeline jumps.
Wow. This is crazy, the SR meter totally saturated. (We suspect that 50 Hz signature in the middle is a power line, btw.)
Krikey. Never seen this before. It could be showing us that new earth energy we mentioned.
Look at the amplitude recording on the far right. (Psst, actually it’s a CME.)

Like we said…

A small CME, but looks like it’ll hit around the 25th (the chart’s an estimate). Some energy travels faster, some slower.

And… wow! Look at the Wave X bursts! (Sorry for the large file.) That spiraling one is HAARP making hurricanes in Asia… which is then negated by SOURCE and Wave X!

Wave X in action.
Wave X in action.
Wave X in action. Is it lessening a hurricane??

Wow. What a day.

Ok, get comfy now… whaAAA!