Amazing Polly ~ Is This Torture?


an AWESOME and very timely video!

my child is being harmed due to this fraudulent virus response….her friends parents are sleeping bots who can’t think for themselves (and yes at this point i hope they are reading this)….they can’t SEE what is really being done – because they WON’T think outside their box and they refuse to question their own narrative….i have shared opposing information with them….i have asked them questions and tried to understand their pov….at this point i don’t care about “feelings” much less respecting their positions…this is about the children now who are being harmed because they are being denied the right to play with one another….they are being denied the right to participate in activities… is summer – the time when they are supposed to be KIDS – just kids – play together – swim together – bike together – without wearing a damn ineffective mask, without this ridiculous social distancing crap…..she cries and whines often now….her basic socialization needs are not being met and i am DONE with being understanding on this.  i do my best to explain to her what’s going on and given she isn’t a programmed frightened child afraid of some invisible boogieman, she is even more upset over all of this…

as far as we adults – i now see people with masks and sometimes i burst into tears….sometimes i shake inside….seeing someone with a mask suddenly appear in my view brings on panic now and then….seeing only the eyes of my fellow humans makes me wonder “are they smiling at me?  are they frowning?”  i can pretend i am some enlightened Being who doesn’t care but the truth is – I DO.  i am a very sensitive Soul who sees and feels deeply.   and i want this entire game to be put to an end.  

share this video with all you know.  we are all being harmed and denied basic rights.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.  NO MORE.

and Remember:  No government institution can “give you” rights.  You are Born with them fully in tact.  All they do is attempt to take them away.  Do not allow them to.


315K subscribers



Texas Criminal District Attorney with Vaccine Injured Child Speaks Out: Vaccines Do Cause Autism


damn right they do.  encephalitis – swelling of the brain = autism (and other “disease”).  



October 24, 2019

Health Impact News

The film VAXXED continues to be shown in new cities across the U.S., with the film crew also traveling to these cities to sponsor Q&A sessions after the filming. Producer Del Bigtree states that the story of the CDC whistleblower and cover-up told in the film is “Bigger than Watergate.

The film crew also films parents of vaccine damaged or vaccine killed children who turn out to view the film and tell their own stories. Each city they go to reveals incredible stories of families who have suffered from vaccines, and wish they had known more about the risks before agreeing with doctors who seldom, if ever, discuss the side effects and risks.

The film crew was recently in San Antonio, Texas where they met Nico LaHood, the criminal District Attorney for San Antonio. You can watch the interview with Nico and his wife below.

The video starts out with Nico in his office, identifying himself and his position as the criminal District Attorney, and then he makes this statement:

I am here to tell you that vaccines can and do cause autism.



Vaccine Injuries Ratio: One for Every 39 Vaccines Administered


editor victoria’s comment ~ this is one issue i feel people need to be outspoken about.  too often there’s this “let the parents make what they feel is the best choice for their children” and i guarantee you not one of those parents had studied this issue in depth and i’m confident most if not all have never read a vaccine insert.  it is overdue for people – especially parents – to stop being socially correct and speak up and out.  these are children and with each vaccine, the threat of injury – from mild to fatal – is there.  doctors aren’t going to say anything so it is up to each of us.  i will always remember when our daughter was an infant and her pediatrician was pushing the flu vaccine.  when i told her how the vaccine had been banned in Australia for children under 2 due to concerns of coma and death, she said “well yes there are risks” to which i immediately said “and it is up to you as her pediatrician to inform me of those risks”.  she busied herself and dropped the topic.  we found another doctor.


OCTOBER 10, 2019


By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

During our September 18 debate, Spectrum TV host Renee Eng asked Kaiser’s, Dr. Robert Riewerts, how many vaccine injuries he had seen during his 30 years as a Pediatrician. His answer: “None, not a single one.”

Slide 1. A 2010 HHS pilot study by the AHCR.

Slide 1 shows a 2010 U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) pilot study by the Federal Agency for Health Care Research (AHCR) to test the efficiency of a state-of-the-art machine counting (AI) system on data records from the Harvard Pilgrim HMO. Those government researchers found that 2.6% of vaccination resulted in injuries—a ratio one for every 39 vaccines administered. The same study found that typical clinicians see 1.3 vaccine injuries per month.



Slide 2. A table from HHS’s 2016 Neiss-Cades survey published in JAMA

Slide 2 is a table from HHS’s 2016 Neiss-Cades survey published in JAMA reporting an astonishing 19.5% of children under five who are admitted to emergency rooms for drug reactions are suffering vaccine injuries. This finding certainly represents an undercount since pediatric hospitals, which treat most serious injuries, were badly underrepresented in the database, (Only six of 63 hospitals surveyed).



How is it then that Dr. Riewerts has given thousands of vaccines and never seen an injury?

Medical schools—largely funded by Pharma, do not teach doctors to recognize vaccine injuries, and indoctrinate pediatricians to believe such injuries don’t exist. CDC tells doctors that vaccine injury is vanishingly rare. Therefore, Pediatricians like Dr. Riewerts whose patients suffer vaccine injury like seizures, epilepsy, allergies, autoimmune and neurological injuries, or SIDS, are likely to dismiss those incidents as “sad coincidences” unrelated to vaccines and never report them to VAERS.

Slide 3. AHCR confirmed these assessments, finding that “fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries were reported.

Indeed,  HHS commissioned the AHCR pilot study in response to criticism that vaccine injuries were horribly underreported. AHCR confirmed these assessments, finding that “fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries were reported.”



Slide 4. CDC terminated the system-wide roll-out and stopped returning phone calls from their sister agency.

Slide 4 shows that CDC officially were so panicked by AHRC’s revelations that they killed the AI system-wide roll-out and stopped returning phone calls from their sister agency. Today, CDC purposefully continues to use a surveillance system designed to under-count vaccine injuries by over 99%!



A Witch Hunt Against Parents of Unvaccinated Children


March 14, 2019

By Vera Sharav, CHD Contributing Writer


Measles Outbreaks: How a Witch Hunt* Against Parents of Unvaccinated Children Was Unleashed

We are witness to an orchestrated frenzy that has been revved-up by vaccine stakeholders – i.e., those who have a direct or indirect financial stake in vaccines– through the corporate / academic institutions that employ them. Their unified objective is to achieve maximum utilization of vaccines, and total compliance with vaccination schedules set by the government in collaboration with vaccine manufacturers.

During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees. Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences.

Contrary to the barrage of “fake news” promulgated by government public health officials and the media to influence public opinion, the fact is, most childhood infectious disease “outbreaks” include both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. What’s more, when the infection has been tested, vaccine strain has often been identified as the cause of infection.

In 2015, a “measles outbreak” in California’s Disney Land garnered nationwide front page publicity and dire warnings by public health officials and vaccine “authorities”. They generated high public anxiety. This fear mongering led to the demonization of unvaccinated children, who were perceived as the spreaders of disease.

Never disclosed to the public, but known to CDC officials is the following evidence that has finally been published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology(2017):

“During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees. Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences (R. J. McNall, unpublished data).”[1]



HB 3063 (Oregon) ~ Fascist vaccine bill passes out of committee….Freedom supporting opponents of the bill gather to sing Star Spangled Banner in a beautiful moment of Unity: WE WILL NOT REMAIN QUIET ON THIS ISSUE!


Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ Oh HELL no!  Not on our watch.  THIS WILL NOT STAND!


Link to the article.


Video sourced from below:

Published on Mar 14, 2019


Blue Cross Blue Shield Payout for Doctors who Vaccinate Children (2 and under)

No photo description available.

Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ I originally saw the above image on social media and wanted verification as to the numbers – as did the person posting.  She was able to verify – and I was too.  Not surprising as it is public knowledge doctors receive “incentives” ($$) from big pharma and insurance companies for complying w/their agenda…. but still horrifying.

I went more into research.  I wanted to know the average number of patients a pediatrician sees per year – especially in the 2 and under category.

Using this link (for the year 1999), I was able to get an estimate (average) as to how many “2 and under” patients the average pediatrician sees.  The average pediatrician sees (in 1999) 1546 children.  More than half are age 6 and under. So conservatively saying 850 are 6 and under.  Using that number, I divide 850 by 3 thus arriving at the number of 283.  Say if half of that 283 are fully vaccinated and in compliance w/the combo 10 criteria as referenced below (another conservative number), that means that doctor is receiving $56,400 PER YEAR (141 – the number of fully vaccinated 2 year olds per practice multiplied by $400).  Speaks volumes, doesn’t it?  

Image may contain: text


Here is the link for the 2016 Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Incentive Program (which is where the above graph was taken):

One final tidbit:  A piece published in 2016 by Wellness and Equality had this to say: “Update 4/30/2017: After Wellness & Equality published this article, Blue Cross Blue Shield locked online access to their incentive program and then removed the page altogether. Clearly this incentive program was never intended to be public knowledge and created a bit of PR issue for them. Fortunately, another website managed to save the entire BCBS incentive program booklet and has published it in entirety online… You can read it here:  Blue Cross Blue Shield Physician Incentive Program”

Our Grand Awakening continues – full speed ahead…


A Message about Vaccines from Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD


editor victoria’s comment ~ i have appreciated her wisdom for the past 25 years…



“For the record and for those of you who haven’t been around as long as I have, here goes…

“For my entire career as a physician, I have attempted to educate my patients and my community about issues that were not mainstream at all at the time. Examples: routine circumcision, over diagnosis of DCIS from mammograms, the need for DHA fats for brain health in infants that is in breast milk and was not in baby formula until the last few decades, the need to supplement with folic acid in pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects, the fact that HPV is cleared naturally by the body 90% of the time, the role of optimal levels of vitamin D, and the fact that hormones not native to the female body (like Provera) have untoward effects that can be dangerous and that there are far safer alternatives for menopausal relief.

“None of these views was popular or well accepted at the time. One radiologist spit at me on stage and told me how dangerous I was when I suggested years ago that mammograms were overdiagnosing so-called cancer and resulting in too much unnecessary and dangerous treatment. Over time my views on these things have become far more accepted by the mainstream as public opinion and increasing numbers of studies have shifted beliefs.

“My position on vaccines hasn’t changed in 40 years. I advocate optimal immunity and all the ways we can improve it, not by ever increasing numbers of vaccines (now up to 72 by age 18 according to the CDCschedule). Congress excused vaccine manufacturers from all liability back in 1986. No other industry has ever had this unquestioned support to do whatever they want without adequate testing or oversight. The CDC recommended number of vaccines has tripled since then. And the CDC is paid millions by vaccine manufacturers to promote them. It is NOT an unbiased organization at all. Most people don’t know this. And since then, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) (VAERS) has paid out over $4 billion dollars to families of vaccine-injured children. This organization reports that only about 1 % of vaccine injuries are EVER reported. Why are we so quick to dismiss the suffering of those who have been harmed by vaccines? And vilify those of us who question their safety … especially at the current rate?

“Read the package inserts on vaccine ingredients and the potential adverse effects. It is all right there in plain sight. And none have ever been studied in combination or cumulatively. Yet infants are being given 5-11 at one time! My home state of Maine, like so many others, is about to hear a bill making many vaccines mandatory for school, day care, etc. Yet there hasn’t been a single case of measles reported here (except one Canadian visitor) in 17 years.This narrative—that we’re all about to die from a major epidemic—is being drive by fear and also huge amounts of money being paid to push the Pharma agenda. And for the record, China 🇨🇳 has a 99% vaccination rate. Yet they, like the United States 🇺🇸, have pockets of measles outbreaks. 26,000 cases reported in one study.

“Why? Because no vaccine is 100% effective. Lifetime immunity from getting a disease is entirely different. You are protected for life. When it comes to measles, mumps, etc, evidence shows that vaccines don’t give you lifetime immunity. I believe this is connected to the fact that more than 50% of children in the US now have a chronic disease. All these vaccines have messed up our natural immunity. And studies have verified…

“Back in the late 80s and early 90s, women were banned from some doctors’ practices if they refused to take conventional hormone replacement. The belief that hormones were the key to heart disease prevention was so strong that doctors pushed it on everyone. (And the Pharma position was huge then too). If you questioned the narrative, you were shamed. The huge women’s health initiative changed all that, however, when a well designed study FINALLY showed that when Premarin and Provera were used for hormone replacement, the risks outweighed the benefits. We need these same kinds of studies with individual vaccines. They are not likely to be done given the current political and medical climate. But simply pointing this truth out is now increasingly being censored.” ~Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD
