Urgent Request From Denice Regarding Hurricane Florence

editor’s note:  i also added “if something dark is guiding and manipulating you, let it go.  it’s ok.  let go of all false attachments.”


Terran note: All is awareness, this hurricane has already slowed down 10 mph, we need to slow it down more and shift it north over colder water so it dissipates most of its energy and rain in the Atlantic Ocean.  If you know who you really are, Source in body, nothing is impossible.  Whether natural in origin or created by synthetic weather technology, it does not matter.  The path can be altered.  Be very wary when the media predicts disasters before they happen, they are trying to cause an public that may not yet be aware of who they be, into reinforcing this potential disaster. Nothing is cast in stone as to what this storm does.

11 September 2018

My family and I live along the southeastern North Carolina coast, in Ocean Isle Beach, close to the South Carolina border. I am sending this special request now, because I believe that together, all hearts are capable of any thing! Most especially dancing with the ‘worst storm the east coast has ever seen’.

Florence, whether a designer storm, or a natural event appears to be heading here. She is not now, nor has she ever been a “Monster”.

The name “Florence” means to flower, or to blossom.

There is plenty of “time” to assist her out to sea. “Florry”, as a dear friend calls her, is already moving slightly north.

I simply ask that if you have a moment, please send some love to Florry. Send her gently out to sea. All is possible now, especially with heart

I am so very grateful for all of you!



Team Light Victorious


editor’s note:  a beautiful piece set free in perfect alignment on this day….

September 11, 2018

Today’s chapter is hot off the press, possible complete with typos and all.  This is the picture that I chose before I finished the chapter and it fits – as does the title.

In case you can’t make out the words, “The road to the champion’s title was not an easy one.  Nevertheless, you were able to come together and confront formidable opponents with strong team spirit, character and will, all the while demonstrating wonderful technique, and the ability to put up blistering attacks and strong defences.”  – Vladimir Putin


Scarlett could hardly believe she was seeing. She was sitting in her favorite chair and, from the comfort of her home, ‘watching’ nothing less than the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!

Not only was this particular moment in time written in the stars, it was also written into the title and lyrics of a popular song from the 60’s, “The Age of Aquarius,” by the 5th Dimension…

“When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius


Harmony and understanding

Sympathy and trust abounding

No more falsehoods or derisions

Golden living dreams of visions

Mystic crystal revelation

And the mind’s true liberation…”

Scarlett sang the lyrics as she watched the planets align. She was no expert and she had no fancy charts to use to predict where exactly the moon would be at any particular time, but she was fairly accurate tuning in and getting a feel.

Her guess was that at the exact time Jupiter aligned with Mars the moon would be in the seventh house at a symbol that meant a lot to her. She and Blue had a special spot they hiked to on many a magic pilgrimage.

The called it ‘the Lion Gate.’

She smiled at the memories.

“The Lion Gate controls access to the arena,” Scarlett sang as she looked at Blue in question.

He knew she was looking for something symbolic.

Something that would rhyme.

Blue answered her in Russian, “шторм проходит мимо (shtorm prokhodit mimo) – Горе выпущено (Gore vypushcheno)…”

Scarlett smiled.

They were two of her favorite symbols to use together in a Gatha.

шторм проходит мимо translated, “The storm passes by,” and Горе выпущено means, “Woe is released.”

“The Lion Gate controls access to the arena,” Scarlett began. She had to add a flavor of rap to it, but the words flowed like magic – no doubt.

“шторм проходит мимо – Горе выпущено…”

It was perfect, and so was their day.

She sang the Gatha now as she watched the planets align.

Scarlett stopped as Mars neared perfect alignment with Jupiter. She knew she was being a bit obsessive, but it felt like this alignment was part of the reason for everything.

She was taken aback when she realized the moon was going to be at a different degree than she had guessed.

The exact moment Jupiter would align with Mars the moon would be in the 7th house at the next degree.

A degree she shared with Fluffy.

She got out the book she bought when Fluffy was a puppy, “Fluffy Scourge of the Sea.”

People made fun of her for naming her boy dog, “Fluffy,” and when she saw the book she Had to buy it. And she put it on display so people could see the title!

Scarlett opened the book and began to read, “He was just a pampered poodle sailing seaward on his yacht, when a pirate ship approached and in a moment he was caught…”

The poodle in the story looked just like Fluffy and his bravery and the way he turned things around was just like Fluffy too.

When the captain challenged him to a fencing duel, Fluffy chased him all around.

Fluffy went to fencing school.

Fluffy won every challenge.

The last challenge the captain proposed was to sing a song.

“Fluffy sang a song of hope, of love that lasts the years, of winds that take you home again…

The crew’s eyes filled with tears.”

So did Scarlett’s.

It felt like destiny.

“Fluffy Scourge of the Sea – Spirit of the sea set free.”

Scarlett sang until the timer she set went off and she reached for her phone to check the astrological chart.

It was time.

“A woman and a dog that looked like a little lamb,” she said as she took a screen shot of the chart on her phone at the exact moment Jupiter aligned with Mars and the moon was in the seventh house…


As I typed the words a meme that I saved yesterday came to mind, and I am smiling as I share it…

Have no fear even though it does appear the storm is here.

We know how the story ends…

Team Light Victorious 🙂  It’s TIME!!


editor’s note:  had to add the song too!  it just dawned on me ~ the second part of the song “let the sunshine in” ~ could be a divinely guided metaphor for the event.  just a thought – i got chills and tears upon feeling that.  i know how musicians create – often from the cosmos.  the divine – the All – where ALL is.  it’s an amazing space to be.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

Q Posts for 8/15/18


editor’s note:  i would say there’s a BOOM here linked to brennan’s security clearance being revoked…and the references in the last link i would think imply the trafficking hubs have been closed (or are pending shut down).  thank you all who are making this happen.  these aren’t human being’s.  these are clones.  bots.  background horrors who work (knowingly or unknowingly) for the matrix as it has been.  and is now ending.  



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.158📁
“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”
– Corinthians 13:4-13

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”
– Ephesians 6:10-18


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.156📁

There’s A New World Coming ~ Mama Cass Elliott


editor’s note:  maybe mama c. “knew”.  like so many others.  anyway, i saw this one on a friend’s page ~ felt good listening so wanted to pass along the feeeeeeeeeeeeel.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  there’s a new world coming, this one’s coming to an end…..


Published on Mar 4, 2008

The Words of a President (or “this is how a president speaks”)


editor’s note:  dayem, yes!  thank you President Trump to taking on this role to restore what was taken and all but ruined.  you rock!


The event 2018. Going home. Music is the translation of love. 85 views 14 0 SHARE


editor’s note:  so beautiful.  and very much needed.  music does soothe the soul.  i listened to quite a bit earlier this evening.  this one is just a huge hug for the heart.  enjoy.  (to see the lyrics, click on the “you tube” icon w/in the video to go to her page – in the comment section she shares the lyrics.  they are quite profound.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Published on Jul 21, 2018

PUTIN DROPS BOMB AT HELSINKI PRESSER: Says US Intelligence Helped Move $400,000,000 to HILLARY Campaign!! (VIDEO)



President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin held a joint press conference Monday in Helsinki, Finland.

During the press conference Putin dropped a bomb! …

Putin offered permitting officials in the US, including Mueller, to Russia to assist in their investigation of the supposed Trump-Russia collusion story. Then Putin dropped his bomb where the US could reciprocate Russia in one of their investigations –

For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder, in this particular case.  Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia and never paid any taxes neither in Russia or the United States and yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent [a] huge amount of money, $400,000,000, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.  Well that’s their personal case.  It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal.  So we have solid reason to believe that some [US] intelligence offers accompanied and guided these transactions.  So we have an interest in questioning them.

Continue here.

A Vision for Happiness


i like such things “simple”.

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Happiness

Today’s Vision is short and sweet – but oh-so powerful.
We see a world where everyone is happy and at peace within themselves.
Do you Align with us?
As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.