2.6.25 Finds & Headlines







The beeper was real…….







Remember Assange saying when all was cleared, 97% of DC would fall?






Trump Takes the Gloves Off, Orders GSA to Cancel “Every Single Media Contract” | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


USAID Accused of Funneling $260 Million to Organizations Linked to George Soros’s Open Society Foundations | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


Carnage: Trump Cuts ‘Environmental Justice’ Programs, Puts Nearly 200 EPA Staffers on Leave | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Need Proof of USAID Funding Being Utilized to Orchestrate Coup D’Etat? Look No Further Than Joe Biden’s Own Admission | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo


Here We Go: Trump Administration Sues Chicago and the State Of Illinois Over Their Pro-Illegal Alien Sanctuary Laws – More Lawsuits to Follow | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger



2.5.25 ~ Check in and a few finds



Keeping it simple.  I need promoting.  I need more help for the work I do here in the form of money.  FMI please go here.

I don’t know why some of these links aren’t loading.  TBH I’m rather in this spot now:


If there is a benevolent consciousness/creator – it best show up now.  I’m not finding the point or purpose in a damn thing.
































1.27.25 ~ Today’s Finds: Acosta Leaving CNN, almost $800 BILLION wiped from stockmarket, egg prices soar… OH MY what a time to be alive!


Egg prices are up around here.  Like seriously up.  Like 30% – or more.  Sticker shock tonight at the store.  Made me think “They punishing US because Trump is back in office?”  Ugh.  Oh well – NCSWIC – cosmic divine or otherwise.  Here is what I’m seeing.  Please remember to Share my work and leave a donation in exchange for my heartfelt dedication I put into my work each day.




Best biggest news of all – for me and those like me.  D speaks my language.  How long have I griped here over the last few years how we need something. like. this.  🙏💖  I will share more later as details emerge and encourage all of you to join in.  TOGETHER we can help others in need.



BREAKING: Jim Acosta Reportedly OUT at CNN | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Self-appointed anti-Trump ‘resistance’ journalist Jim Acosta is reportedly leaving CNN.

Last week, it was revealed that the struggling network was moving Acosta to the waste land of midnight or 2 AM. As a result, he was allegedly threatening to quit.

Now it’s happening. His dozens of viewers will be very sad about this.


BREAKING: Trump Uses Emergency Powers to Send U.S. Military into California and Provide Water: “The Days of Putting a Fake Environmental Argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER.” | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

“The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond,” the President said on Truth Social. “The days of putting a Fake Environmental argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER.”


Scott Bessent Confirmed as 79th US Treasury Secretary in 68-29 Senate Vote | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft




White hair version….


Riiiiiiiiiiiight Jim….. 😂




The BING & The Ping:




Interesting…………was telling a friend who is also having ‘interesting’ experiences (been having some myself that i keep private) that it seems like a bleed-through of the other timeline is happening………not the literal space but more of a representation OF it to prepare us……….



I wanted to verify the above – this is about all I could find:


Oldest Version Name: Brian Podesta Summary: Clearance Profile URL: Povesta Current Title: Senior Analyst – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Timestamp: 2015-10-28 Newest Version Name: Brian Podesta Summary: Clearance Profile URL: Povesta Current Title: Senior Analyst – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Timestamp: 2015-12-24 – iFunny



movies movies movies (btw – tried watching the most recent matrix – could not do it – just UGH):


this one feels off to me:




BREAKING: Supreme Court Delivers Major 8-1 Ruling – Boveed











Today’s happy finds:






Female power – young and old:

12.1.24 ~ Checking in



It’s December 1.  I really want to give my girl a good Christmas.  If you want to help, let me know.  She has an amazon wish list or you can pass along a few extra dollars this month to help me buy her some items – some of them necessary.  She grew over half a foot since summer.  😮😍

Breathing through it all atm – self talk when I remember.  The emotions that continue to stir up inside are intense – I want to give her a better experience and reality more. than. any. thing.  Like NOW.  She’s my world.  🥹

Finds later.  Hoping and intending to all that is good that we are at the [P] moment.



Urgent Need


Woke up to water coming out of the hoses on our tankless hot water heater.  Have had to call in an after-hours service.  No savings.  Please if you can donate whatever you can, thank you!



It’s 11.3.24 in the matrix………I am now back in the future………Finds and some good sleuthing. Happening People.




May be an image of text


Daylight savings time – a silly little thing – messes with the sleep cycle – makes people extra cranky.  I don’t participate and as many of you know haven’t for many years – schedule all things around the time difference.

To those of you doing intentions on my behalf – thank you btw! – please add in the financial abundance one.  Income is down about $300 and that is a lot – at least to someone like myself.  Some day this changes for us all.  Some are doing quite well in this regard – too many aren’t.  And that dayem squirrel dude and whoever/whatever he is – has raised several thousand dollars.  And I research and share truth and write about it here and have my income drop?

R E A L L Y?!

I’ve also been censored during this time on f.b. and x – f.b. actually telling me “it looks like you’re trying to get likes on your post” which they say violates community standards.  But – isn’t that what social media is about?  Share information to get likes.  ??

I command the energies of love and truth be in charge here.  Time to take down this corrupt ugly controlling toxic narcissistic matrix “thing”.


One of my long time friends/subscribers/supporters of my work has a daughter who wrote a book, which you can check out here.  I love the price too.  🥰  She’s struggling as well currently with the making money thing.  Here’s a synopsis:

This book is for those on the quest of optimal health, inspired living, and who know that health and healing are our birthright. Simple daily practices to transform our lives into a beautiful practice of self-care.

Then I have my friend Kimberly who makes beautiful jewelry and could also use some $love$.

Glass Beaded Flower Bracelet

Let’s show the world with our dollars (or pennies lol) that we support those who share Truth, whose focus is on positively changing and enhancing our personal experience, and who LONG for a new better fair beautiful world for us all.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to show your love and support for the work I do by leaving a financial contribution and sharing with your friends and family.  Thank you so much!





Harris violated equal time rule, FCC head alleges


You never know with Community Notes.  Sometimes they miss, sometimes they nail it:



Soon to be removed everywhere:



11.3…..11.4….then we shut it down, never to happen again.  Remember he’s been saying you will never have to vote again after this?  The last time?  NCSWIC  I was really feeling that NEW today – closer – waxes in and out – but today the build up to that moment is quite intense in my body.


This is a really. good. comm/sleuthing (also need to add the Fox news host, when he mentions Martial Law – and all that other fun stuff – he hands it off to Kennedy)………….


The original K exit date?  And Kamala the wrestler’s real last name was Harris…….The Undertaker and Kamala also first wrestled Nov. 25, 1992.


I think he’d also say “and uh I was never Caucasian.  Get out your map.”





The one in LA was allegedly leaving the smell of sulfur in the air……….


Ricky shared this again yesterday:

10.4.24 ~ Some synching, reflecting, a Gematria and Finds


May be an image of 1 person, heart and text


So it seems even the most positive and up-vibe of us are struggling to BE in that up space.  You’d have to be hiding under a rock not to feeeeeeeeeel that energy of ugh buzzing around at this point.  There’s a real sadness out there – and even though I keep myself focused on other things, even doing my daily mindful practices are not feeling so authentic.  Battle fatigue is at a peak now.  I think the normies are starting to see – slowly – for I have seen one home nearby remove their Harris sign.  That said, the show and tell have to wait for real change out there to happen until the normies see – well this vibe is bigger than ever now:


Although I’ve had that feeeeeeeeeeel for a long time now.

Lots happening as we know – that speed-up is on – I feeeeeeeeel it – and we can see it – if we want.  It’s interesting – for me that is – even though I can make a choice to be in my own bubble – in truth – I can’t.  We’re all hooked up and connected together inside this reality.  I can’t grey rock that well because I’m human.  And do I even want to be detached from my emotional state?  Those feelings want a voice – need a voice – deserve a voice.  I have yet to master that alleged art of detachment which continues to feel like being a cold hearted you know what.  Not when it comes to the condition of humans – self and others – being harmed.  That feeeeeeeeel center is alive and kicking – it is that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel that “they” want – that part of us that makes us unique and precious.  We know it.  “they” know it.

It’s what I DO with that initial feeeeeeeeeeeeeel that determines how much focus I choose to give to something.

And yet even at that – even looking the other way – does not detach me from the happenings taking place here.  So, it’s a paradox – as always – isn’t it?  Focused on what you want, taking care of thyself, while still having to take a position in and thus being connected to all that goes on inside this reality.

Here is what I’m seeing, starting with a very interesting 10:10 synch.





Gematria for WORLD SPACE WEEK – because you know – I had to:

Sound of Freedom

The Time Is Now

This Is Not A Game

Its Showtime

Big Changes Are Coming

Love Is The Key To Set Us Free

Time Traveller

My girl is sitting here with me, so we decided to put in her name into the gematria code – interesting but keeping that private.  She asked me to put in my name – which I did – interesting too:

Warrior of End Times

John Kennedy Junior

Message From Future

Pretty much sums me up.  lol  Moving on………






sounds like fleets are coming in tomorrow though……….UNITED.





I don’t care if this is to show and disclose – NONE of this is right – it’s gone on long enough – especially when people are in need, suffering unnecessarily, and could use this money now to liberate themselves from toxic situations, feed and clothe themselves and their children.




Anyone wanting or feeling the need to see how bad it is now in terms of the unreal amount of suffering now, the utter neglect and how we’re having this b.s. shoved into our faces – go here.  If we can organize and help save people from horrifying situations due to “weather”, we can do the same for others in their own horrifying situations.


Could a new tropical storm form in the Gulf? (wptv.com)



Both of these…..this is how I would script it:


the text message – yes – the video below – horrifying.  I’ve reached out locally to see if there are any churches, etc. that are organizing for a supply run back east.






9.30.24 ~ What’s really going on?



It’s crazy – it feels like nothing is tethered – waiting on something to connect it all up again – like a downed power line, flailing around – waiting for it to stop.  Woke up feeling that myself too.  I’m so extra tired too – even after going to bed earlier and sleeping more – and better.  Been seeing 10:10 a lot the last few days.  Feeeeeeeeeels – current – looking deeper within and past the stories and questions in my mind – are to be mindful that there is a lot of disinfo right now – and to listen within to feeeeeeeeeeel if what is being pushed is nothing but fear (for the one side) or what is simply truth.  We have the abilities to differentiate and to feel that fear energy – it’s like a sticky syrup that attaches itself to things – including our own bodies and minds and the words we use.  Message of the day is “it only takes a short time for wonderful things to happen”.  Let’s intend that.




Wanting to help – being told to “stand down”.  He asks why – says “make it make sense”.  Hunger and thirst – survival – takes priority.








Trump Says He Asked Elon Musk to Hook-Up Starlink in Hurricane Hit Areas to Restore Communications (VIDEO)


WATCH LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Valdosta, Georgia After Hurricane Helene Briefing


Massive Verizon Outage Leaves ‘Millions’ Without Service Nationwide


Joe Biden Tells Americans Suffering in Flood Disaster Zone… “No.” There Won’t be More Resources Coming… “We’ve Given Them All We Have” (VIDEO)


Fed-up Citizens in Different Continents Step up Calls for Failed Globalist Leaders to ‘Do the Biden’ and Resign


US ports brace for shut down as dockworkers strike (yahoo.com)


full text:

“We are now heading to Valdosta, Georgia, in order to pay my respects and bring lots of relief material, including fuel, equipment, water, and other things, to the State. Many politicians and Law Enforcement will be there. We’ll be saying hello to Franklin Graham, Burt Jones, Tyler Harper, Mike Collins, Austin Scott, Russ Goodman, Sam Watson, and the Mayor of Valdosta Scott James. They are working very hard. I was also going to stop into North Carolina, which has really been hit hard. I have a lot of supplies ready for them, but access and communication is now restricted, and we want to make sure that Local Emergency Management is able to focus on helping the people most affected, and not being concerned with me. I’ll be there shortly, but don’t like the reports that I’m getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State, going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas. MAGA!”


If you have a few dollars – please buy a piece of her jewelry so her family can eat.  Her hub is recovering from a heart attack (as I shared over the weekend).  TY!




Remember this connection:

John G Trump - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia Julian Assange Says WikiLeaks Has More Info on Clinton | TIME



We still have these things going on – or not going on shall I say:




yes, i have heard the ancient mystics said marinating a pork roast is a cure all for insomnia………….

Prayer Request



Friends ~

My friend Murry (from New Zealand) is in need of our prayers.  He is currently in the hospital, waiting to undergo the first of several surgeries, the first will happen in the next 1-2 weeks – balloon surgery on his aorta.  Second surgery will be to install stents and the final will be to replace the aorta (aka the tavi).

I’ve known Murry for about 7 years now, one of the many wonderful, special connections I’ve made through this website.  He’s such a sweet human with a very Bright Light – and like so many of us is so ready to heal and return Home – awaiting the flash.  So please – however you wish to pray/send energies – I ask that you send them Murry’s way.  As he said, he already has Angels with him – but more energy/assistance is always helpful.

Thank you!  🙏💖🙏

With Love,
