Young Woman Raises Over $300k On Homeless Veteran Who Gave Her His Last $20 To Buy Her Gas

Happy happy joy joy feel good story.  I love this one!


A young woman has raised over $318,000 for a homeless man who, she said, spent his last $20 to buy her gas after she became stranded on a major interstate.

On a fundraising page she has since set up for the man, Kate McClure, 27, wrote that she pulled off an exit ramp on I-95 near Philadelphia late one night when she realized her car was running out of gas.

A homeless man, Johnny Bobbitt, 34, spotted her vehicle and approached to offer her assistance, she said.

“Johnny sits on the side of the road every day, holding a sign. He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong,” McClure wrote. “He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors. A few minutes later, he comes back with a red gas can.”

Follow the story here, which includes a news clip.

Free Cyntoia Brown


I am asking you, my readers, to read this woman’s story and go to the link below to sign the petition to free her.  She was a victim of child trafficking. Killing her perpetrator does not make her a criminal ~ it makes her a powerful Being who had had enough and took matters into her own hands when no one would step up and help her.  I have long believed when people kill their abusers, they aren’t a threat to the public.  They are only a threat to the abusers of the world.

UBUNTU Seeking 111 Angels


This was sent to me via e-mail.  I thought I would share…


Managing the UBUNTU Office and Growth

Dear Victoria,
This email is intended for those UBUNTU supporters who are financially well off and are able to support causes they feel inspired by. If you are such a person I urge you to help me manage the growth of UBUNTU.
I am seeking 111 UBUNTU Angels who can afford to contribute $100 every month for the next year – to help me stabilise the activities at the UBUNTU office and manage it successfully.

Please go to this link –  Under Subscription Donations click on the drop down menu and choose the $100 option.

Please send me an email to with the heading:  UBUNTU ANGEL – with your name and country so that I can keep a record of this group.

Every month remains a struggle to keep the UBUNTU office going and growing and spreading the message in many ways. As I write this we have less than $400 to keep things going. So this is my attempt to create a stable and sufficient source of funding, knowing that I can afford the skilled help which is now critical to the movement.

If you are not able to make this contributions – please keep supporting us in any way you can manage, especially by simply spreading the message and bringing new people to join the UBUNTU family and database. Invite your friends – just click the appropriate link below.

I thank everyone on who receives this email for being on the UBUNTU family database and for all your amazing support we have received in the past. Please keep it up. Mayor Ron Higgins is about to present his plan to the council on 3 November 2017 for our first ONE SMALL TOWN, in North Frontenac, Canada.

In unity & resonance
Michael Tellinger
Founder of the UBUNTU Movement

Follow us on Facebook here.
Refer your friends here.
You can update your details here.


Friends Parents In Need of Help After The Santa Rosa Fires


A friend of mine from junior high school days has parents who live in Santa Rosa.  Their house was completely destroyed by the fires last night. My friend and her sister created a Go Fund Me page for them.  They had no insurance (renters).  If you are interested, here is the link.  At the very least, please share.  Thank you.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]

Calling Everyone to Hold Highest Vision for Extreme Global Conditions – 8 Minutes at 8PM



In Mexico today (Tuesday), there was a 7.1 magnitude earthquake.

In the Caribbean, Category 5 Hurricane Maria is bearing down on Puerto Rico.

In Yemen the people are starving and dying of cholera.

And hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims – a stateless minority in the Buddhist-majority state Rakhine – have fled Myanmar for Bangladesh. . .

Please join us, 8 minutes at 8PM, to respond by holding the highest vision of Love and peace, everything in balance, for our Nova Earth.

Thank you.


Sourced from here.

Powerful 7.1 Earthquake Hits Outside Mexico City


Editor’s note:  Sending forth healing soothing energies.  Let us all do the same.


A powerful earthquake has jolted Mexico City – measuring magnitude 7.1 according to the US Geological Survey (USGS) – causing buildings to sway sickeningly on the anniversary of a 1985 quake that did major damage to the capital.

The extent of damage or injuries was not immediately clear, but people fled office buildings along the central Reforma Avenue.

Mexico’s seismological agency estimated its preliminary magnitude at 6.8 and said its centre was east of the city in the state of Puebla. That municipality is about 40 miles southeast of the capital.

Live Updates

Officials in Mexico say they fear the death toll is still likely to rise.
The federal interior minister, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, said authorities had reports of people possibly still being trapped in collapsed buildings. He said search efforts were slow because of the fragility of rubble.

“It has to be done very carefully,” he said. And “time is against us.”

Continue reading here.

Ben Fulford Update ~ Chances of new financial system announcement and US civil war both skyrocketing


Editor’s note: These bastards who have created this financial system of disaster with their crooked deals and horrendous policies that have destroyed lives while making them trillions are creating these storms as a diversion.  It is THEY who are causing the implosion of the economy and they are manufacturing these storms to create the diversion for the masses, making it “easier” for the to say “the storms caused the economic disaster”.  Do not look the other way, people. Look at the very ones telling us to look the other way.  Enough is enough. Time’s up for these desperate but disgusting entities.  I would also say they are setting the fires up and down the west coast.  Again – more diversions.  At the very least the unusual weather “patterns” they are manufacturing are allowing for these fires to fluorish.  FAKE  FAKE  FAKE  


Chances of new financial system announcement and US civil war both skyrocketing

Evidence is mounting that both a new financial system and a civil war in the US are imminent. There is also a high probability the US east coast will be hit with a geo-engineered hurricane so severe that people are being asked to evacuate 60 miles inland, CIA sources say. What seems to be happening is that the Khazarian mafia is unleashing weather weapons and making other mischief to try to prevent the announcement of a new, gold-backed financial system.

First, let us look at all the gold related news, some of it bizarre, that has suddenly poured out in recent days and all seems to be preparing us for the announcement of a gold-backed system. This started on August 21st when Steven Mnuchin became the first US Treasury Secretary to visit the Fort Knox gold depository since 1948 and proceeded to tweet “glad gold is safe.”

Then, since his visit apparently failed to generate enough publicity, a fake scandal involving the visit to the fort, the solar eclipse and pictures of his bikini-clad trophy wife appears to have been concocted. In all of this Mnuchin failed to mention the fact the gold has not been counted since 1953 or how much gold “is safe,” but never mind, his wife makes for good distracting eye candy.

Then self-described US intelligence community financial adviser Jim Rickards appeared on TV predicting the price of gold would rise to $5000 or even $10,000 an ounce.

Also, the Rothschilds contacted the White Dragon Society last week to inform them that a large amount of off-ledger gold was being monetized and moved into the financial system. This was backed up with a series of gold-related events from around the world. The most important one was the announcement that China is starting oil futures trading denominated in gold-backed yuan, a clear shot at the Khazarian mafia’s petrodollar system.

Then Germany’s Bundesbank announced it had completed its plan to repatriate half of its gold three years in advance.

Furthermore, Germany announced the forced evacuation of 60,000 people from around the area of the Bundesbank last weekend just as 743 tons of gold was due to arrive there, because of “unexploded World War II bombs.”

This is interesting because when Germany first asked for its gold back from France and the US, neither country had any gold to give back. Around the same time the Americans were caught shipping gold-plated tungsten to the Chinese. Now suddenly the gold is being returned ahead of schedule as Mnuchin tweets about gold being safe.

So, where is all this gold suddenly coming from? Two reliable sources say that gold bunkers in Asia are being opened and the gold is being removed. WDS sources in Indonesia were told by Indonesian authorities that gold bunkers in Indonesia had indeed been opened and the gold was removed. Furthermore, Freeport-McMoRan announced that a deal has been reached with the Indonesian government to continue operation of the giant Grasberg mine there, with Indonesia getting 51% control.

Sources in the Rothschild family say the mine is just a front being used to launder the historical gold into the financial system. The important point to note though is that the Asians now have majority control.

Neil Keenan for his part, has reported that gold and cash bunkers in South Korea have also been broken into. He backed this up by posting videos of gold as well as freshly minted US dollars and Korean Won being divvied up.
All these gold related announcements were combined with serious attacks on the current petrodollar system and strong indications the current US financial system is about to implode. Jacob Rothschild, for example, announced that his company, RIT Capital Partners, reduced its US dollar investment exposure to 37% from 61% in the first six months of this year. Rothschild’s reasons for getting out of US assets were “unprecedented” share prices and a belief that the artificial propping up of markets by the World Bank and Central Banks was unsustainable.
Another high level insider who is getting out of the US stock market is investment guru Warren Buffet who is now sitting on $100 billion in cash because he is finding it hard to find attractive deals.
Investors are also paying 20% more for US Treasuries that mature before the end of September US fiscal deadline than they are for ones that mature after that date, yet another sign that people sense something is coming.
There was a chart on the internet that appeared shortly after the private central bankers had their Jackson Hole summer meeting that showed about 40% of so-called world GDP was just fake central bank accounting magic. This chart has now been deleted from the internet.
The Federal Reserve Board has announced it will be selling off the assets it has been buying to prop up markets but, with $4.5 trillion worth of stuff on its books, it is mathematically impossible for them to do this without imploding the economy.
While this writer does not pretend to be a financial adviser, I can say that in my long career as a financial/business/geopolitical journalist, I have never before seen so many clear warning signs of a disruptive financial event on the horizon.
Clearly the controllers of the old system are not going out without a fight. The “once in a thousand years” (upgraded from once in 500 years) Hurricane Harvey was definitely a weather warfare attack on the US. The Magazine Charlie Hebdo, owned by the French branch of the Rothschild family, seems to point the finger at its owners with a cover page implying that God flooded Houston, Texas as an attack on Nazis.
Now an even bigger weather warfare attack is apparently about to take place in the form of Hurricane Irma. The warning below was forwarded to this writer from a source in the CIA via e-mail:
Hurricane IRMA – expected landfall Eastern coastline USA, tracking TBA (uncertain) CAT 5 and higher expectation.
Expect major damage – life threatening – major flooding – power outage – transport chaos – looting – high casualty rate/deaths.
Landfall expected from 9th September onwards through 10th and 11th September 2017, could be sooner, TBA.
Updates see:- BPEarthwatch on the web.
ADVISE ALL STATIONS – make preparations now, secure property – LEAVE THE AREA by a distance of at least 60 miles from coast.
Seek altitude, avoid river valleys, flood plains, heavy population areas. Secure food, portable water, fuel and secure shelter.
THIS IS NOT A DRILL. This is “HARVEY” on steroids.
Speed this warning far and wide NOW. Do not wait for the crisis to develop. Even if it does not come ashore (unlikely) the wave propagation is showing wave height expectations of over 50 ft and duration of wavelength of 16 seconds. ALL SHIPPING leave tracking area immediately and run for safe haven at maximum speed while time allows please. All models agree the above data set.
North Atlantic Intelligence Group (NAIG) Public Domain. Ends 23.10 02/09/2017 TREAT AS URGENT.”
This writer could not locate any NAIG on the internet but clearly, at the very least, some people in the CIA are trying to generate fear.
The US military is, in any case, taking action. Here is what a Pentagon source had to say:
“Hurricane Harvey, while tragic, allows the military to bring troops and equipment to stop states like California from seceding, defend the republic’s gold depository, defend borders from drug cartels, terrorists, human, arms traffickers, stop the UN agenda 21 which preys on weak states, deny Soros illegal aliens for his antifa troops, strengthen the state’s leadership against the Khazarian liberal LGBT, abortion, pro-immigration, anti-Christian, anti-gun agenda.”
There is also a crackdown continuing in Washington DC against “Mossad assets like former Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Zionist senator, minority leader Chuck Schumer,” the sources say.
Thugs like the Antifa and fake KKK rioters hired by the Khazarians are also being rounded up now that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security have formally labelled them as domestic terrorists, they note. Google’s Eric Schmidt, Facebooks’ Mark Zuckerberg and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos are also now under attack for their brazen efforts to manipulate public discourse and will have their companies nationalized and broken up, CIA sources say.
The other person who is under serious attack now is top ranking Satanist Benjamin Netanyahu who faces jail in Israel for corruption but really should be treated as a war criminal of the highest order. Netanyahu recently visited Russia uninvited and made a series of threats to Russian President Vladimir Putin, multiple sources agree. Pentagon sources say “Putin was not amused by bibi [Netanyahu]’s threats and lies and sent two attack submarines into the Mediterranean to hunt Israeli subs, to improve training and test new weapons, and potentially to impose a naval blockade.”
The Khazarian controlled or influenced rogue states of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Ukraine are being steadily quarantined while their criminal leadership is being removed.
North Korea, for its part, is getting lots of money and weapons technology from the Khazarians but is only interested in its own survival and is not about to start some suicidal nuclear attack on behalf of Khazarians with apocalyptical delusions.

Single/Widowed Mom In Need Of Help


Everyone who sees this donates $1 (“All it takes is a dollar”) would be awesome!

Trying to make ends meet on a limited income and have hit another bump in the road.  Just when you think you are going to have things together, something happens to set you back.  After my husband took his life, every day is a struggle that seems to get worse.  Sometimes I feel like giving up myself but with my daughter and three grandchildren here, I have to try an keep going so they are not put in another bad situation.


Goodbye To Linear Time ~ The Return To Unity Consciousness


Editor’s note:  While I don’t much resonate with the interpretation of how we arrived at the experience of separation, I am completely feeling and experiencing this shift.  Most days I’m just floating along then I get snapped back by some old pain/story. Recognize it. Process it if I feel it is something to process.  And move on.  Also have been naturally drawn away from schedules (I no longer call meals breakfast lunch or dinner anymore – they are just meals.).  Can’t remember the last time I looked at the calendar.  I am sure clocks are next.  (i like her name by the way – enjoy saying “ingeborg” lol)


By Vera Ingeborg

August 15, 2017

We are in the middle of the bifurcation of timelines and realities shift. Old timelines collapse and there is no way back. While many of the early adapters are still feeling huge bi-polar shifts between the two realities and between love and fear, first movers are now entering more and more an energetic state of being that is called zero-point. The place where we are only observing, allowing and are moving along with the energetic flow without being entangled with any of the drama, stories and illusions of the old paradigm. We enter these points shortly before big energetic shifts – individually and collectively.

We have reached the critical mass now. The amount of people that went through their awakening process and have anchored themselves on higher frequency levels. The critical mass to cause a ripple effect to cause the grand awakening of the human collective. The evolution back from Polarity Consciousness into Unity Consciousness.

“We have reached the critical mass now. The amount of people that went through their awakening process and have anchored themselves on higher frequency levels.”

Transitioning is not easy. Transitioning means to let go of a lot of things and people we had developed an attachment to. And yet, attachment is not a natural state of being. It is an ego construct. Just as linear time is. We had developed these constructs to experience a life out of balance as far as possible. An experiment to see how far we could move away from our collective center. From Oneness. From Unity Consciousness. Our origin. The Source of all that is. The organism humanity went into collective amnesia and developed the concept of linear time, to give fear an artificial space to exist. To then create fear, it was necessary to cut off the conscious energetic connection to Spirit/Source (which caused the amnesia) and withdraw the feminine energy, creating the necessary misbalance. The masculine energy alone, without the balancing counterpart, experienced separation, lack and darkness. The energetic frequencies of fear were created. That was the fertile ground for the ego mind to evolve and grow and with it the illusion of duality. Further ego constructs evolved based on these concepts: Loneliness, danger, the need to survive, the need to be better than others etc. All of these were necessary to create the illusion humanity has been experiencing for eons (although also that is an illusion, as linear time does not exist). Humanity created its own auto-immune disease, fighting itself to move further and further out of balance, while living in this illusion. Now that we have reached the point of being furthest away from that inner balance of the collective before complete destruction of the organism humanity, it was time to end that experiment.

The Construct of Linear Time and the Ego

Now that we have more and more re-established our conscious connection to Source/All that is and have re-invited the mature feminine energy in, we entered that zero zone, where we experience the breakdown of the construct of linear time. And that means: Those that experience it are transforming the last bits of ego. And with it: The return of the mature masculine, the energy of doing, manifesting without any need of control.

The ego cannot exist in the NOW. The place where there is no linear time. The ego always needs the artificial space of linear time to project its illusions. Now that this space drops away, fear has no fertile ground. We remember enough now to not buy into these artificial programs any longer. We are not even able to relate to all the human drama, all the stories, as we can see right through the illusion. It feels like white noise, a frequency of a radio station, we are no longer able to receive.

“We notice that we are completely in the zero point field/NOW moment, when uncertainty does not upset us any longer.” 

We notice that we are completely in the zero point field/NOW moment, when uncertainty does not upset us any longer. As indeed it is our natural state of being. We are not able to create expectations, impatience, control, mistrust, conditions…, as they need a concrete reference point in the future. All we can be is unconditional, trusting and open to whatever comes, knowing it is perfectly in the flow. Human artificial structures such as schedules, appointments, daily routines become impossible to stick to, as they are not synchronizing with the Universal Flow. When linear time drops away, we automatically get access to the bigger picture. We align with unity consciousness and remember more and more of our essence and truth. All of a sudden we know things, we did not know before. We see and understand this all connecting energetic field, and how we incarnate into experiences in the physical. We are re-establishing the holy trinity. And with it, the full embodiment of Spirit, Soul and Body. Everything happens at once in the NOW as all possibilities are available, always. Linear time was helping to create the illusion that there were sequences and with it memories – that helped to keep fear projections alive. But what about past live memories, might the ego mind ask? All we do is choosing one or parallel experiences in a physical existence. Depending on where we tune in with our consciousness, we get flashes of information that feel like a past life memory although it is just a parallel reality we chose to access.

Those that are in the middle of this transition, will more and more have that experience, that even what happened yesterday feels like a past life memory. The truth is, we create every moment anew, nothing is solid. When we become multidimensional again, anything becomes possible.

“The truth is, we create every moment anew, nothing is solid. When we become multidimensional again, anything becomes possible.” 


Multidimensional experience is a super confusing, but also fun thing to experience. As we create moment to moment anew, we can also shift our realities quite easily. From the energetic frequency levels of the fifth dimension and onwards, we have all these different parallel timelines and realities available to access. And we choose our access point(s) into the field of all possibilities from moment to moment. And can alter as we wish once we are fully aligned. So what happens quite often while we are not yet fully stable and anchored in one frequency, is that we have to deal with multidimensional versions of other people, too. For example a 3D and a 5D self of a person. These seem to be completely bi-polar, do not remember what they had said before, or say even the complete opposite.

“That is the Mandela Effect. We are switching between different realities – collectively and individually and we remember things differently than they are in our current timeline we chose to access.”

The Mandela Effect is exactly this. We are switching between different realities – collectively and individually and we remember things differently than they are in our current timeline we chose to access. Our limited, fear driven ego mind was not able to understand any of this. Only now we are entering the process of transcending it completely into a free spirit mind. A mind that is connected to all that is, is able to connect all dots, comes up with brilliant ideas to set intentions: The basis for all creation. Now that the mature masculine comes back and balances within us with the mature feminine, we have set the foundation for co-creation with others. We are back in the field of unconditional love within.


In order to create, we need to be able to embody our connection to Source (the open heart-center) and Unity consciousness (the mature mind) in our physical vessel (the evolved body). We need the physical existence to be able to create. It is our physical body that lets us follow the energetic impulses we receive from the universal flow. The intention of the mind causes a feeling from the heart, which sets the energetic vibration that we emit into the field. We synchronize with frequency matches in the field (people, situations,..), we resonate and that creates our outside reality. The more we learn to read and “speak” energy (by feeling it), the more we are able to follow the natural impulses we are receiving constantly with our physical body: Our intuition. The deep knowing, this is what I have to do next, because it feels right. No matter what the rational mind might have to say about that to protect us. Once we have embodied the balance of the mature feminine and the mature masculine within, we are ready for the next phase: Co-Creation.

Next Stage: Co-Creation

Just as cells in an organism pair up to work together to create something, we are now more and more pairing up with like-minded and like-hearted people that have also found their balance within. This will be happening in all areas of life. Friendships, “Relationships” (much more a relatedness now, based on freedom), work, and activities of all sorts. First, we mainly feel drawn to co-create in pairs – members of our tribe that we have met while finding our true self in our process of awakening to practice balancing energy between two people/physical entities. They might remain in our experience as partner or will move on, and both will feel absolutely fine.

“Just as cells in an organism pair up to work together to create something, we are now more and more pairing up with like-minded and like-hearted people that have also found their balance within.”

That – on a sidenote – was one very important part of our journey. To find our people all over the planet, anchor the grid and activate it to build all these little centers for the ripples we are now creating for the big shift. Co-creating in pairs will help us to learn how to balance energy between two physical entities (people) before we will take the next step to create something even bigger, pairing up with other pairs that have gone through that process. Returning to community, oneness, completely new models of living based on love and abundance. This is the way how New Earth will take form quickly. We are all creating this together. We are passed the point of having to walk it alone. NOW: How perfectly organized and how exciting is this?!?

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg

If you feel ready to work on raising your frequency, to align all of your bodies, to connect with like-minded and hearted people within a unique environment, come to one of our “Own It! Retreats”!

You want a true change in your life and reality? Although spiritual awakening can become quite challenging, there are many simple ways to navigate it as smooth and effective as possible. The key: Learning the language of Energy. Check out  the wake up program that I have created, to make this journey an exciting life changer for you! 

You find it helpful what you read? I am grateful for your support of my blog and writing and appreciate your contribution today. Thank you <3

Sourced from here.