1.27.25 ~ Today’s Finds: Acosta Leaving CNN, almost $800 BILLION wiped from stockmarket, egg prices soar… OH MY what a time to be alive!


Egg prices are up around here.  Like seriously up.  Like 30% – or more.  Sticker shock tonight at the store.  Made me think “They punishing US because Trump is back in office?”  Ugh.  Oh well – NCSWIC – cosmic divine or otherwise.  Here is what I’m seeing.  Please remember to Share my work and leave a donation in exchange for my heartfelt dedication I put into my work each day.




Best biggest news of all – for me and those like me.  D speaks my language.  How long have I griped here over the last few years how we need something. like. this.  🙏💖  I will share more later as details emerge and encourage all of you to join in.  TOGETHER we can help others in need.



BREAKING: Jim Acosta Reportedly OUT at CNN | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Self-appointed anti-Trump ‘resistance’ journalist Jim Acosta is reportedly leaving CNN.

Last week, it was revealed that the struggling network was moving Acosta to the waste land of midnight or 2 AM. As a result, he was allegedly threatening to quit.

Now it’s happening. His dozens of viewers will be very sad about this.


BREAKING: Trump Uses Emergency Powers to Send U.S. Military into California and Provide Water: “The Days of Putting a Fake Environmental Argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER.” | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

“The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond,” the President said on Truth Social. “The days of putting a Fake Environmental argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER.”


Scott Bessent Confirmed as 79th US Treasury Secretary in 68-29 Senate Vote | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft




White hair version….


Riiiiiiiiiiiight Jim….. 😂




The BING & The Ping:




Interesting…………was telling a friend who is also having ‘interesting’ experiences (been having some myself that i keep private) that it seems like a bleed-through of the other timeline is happening………not the literal space but more of a representation OF it to prepare us……….



I wanted to verify the above – this is about all I could find:


Oldest Version Name: Brian Podesta Summary: Clearance Profile URL: Povesta Current Title: Senior Analyst – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Timestamp: 2015-10-28 Newest Version Name: Brian Podesta Summary: Clearance Profile URL: Povesta Current Title: Senior Analyst – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Timestamp: 2015-12-24 – iFunny



movies movies movies (btw – tried watching the most recent matrix – could not do it – just UGH):


this one feels off to me:




BREAKING: Supreme Court Delivers Major 8-1 Ruling – Boveed











Today’s happy finds:






Female power – young and old:

Trump memeCoin launches ~ JD Vance “jokes” about not attending the inauguration ~ things continue to build up quickly




I tried something out. I always write my own headlines and insights on my website. Earlier today I let AI do it, which was full of attention-grabbing words – something I don’t do. My viewership numbers went up – noticeably. Not sure what to do about this as I prefer to be ME – authentic – but me being ME is not getting my work and messages – my words – out there because the AI and algo’s find them, what, boring? Or maybe we all do function like squirrels and puppies – easily distracted by shiny pretty objects that get our attention?






Only members of Congress and Senate allowed in.  No parade.  No ceremony.  All indoors….



US Debt Clock Secret Window – interesting locations of the white circle objects – representing Light?



I have not been able to vet the arrival of the ICC and NATO:






I do remember that…………I remember his sons had tears in their eyes…….I wondered if that is when he went full-on “insulated” and has remained since……..I remember to tell myself this is a MILITARY Op – not about Trump or anyone else – and it is possible we are literally seeing all actors including T – so even the inauguration will be another “movie scene”…….or not………..just feel something is “off” about this – although how many times have I/we been disappointed after these “senses” come and then leave us with nothing tangible to tie them into.  Yet………More SHUTDOWN/1o days dark vibes:



Why make a joke like that?  Given who we know about him – how he suddenly grew several inches (took google awhile to catch up w/that one) – this is another one giving me the “hmmmm” feeeeeeeeel:



all of those stands and seating – which he says is still being set up – will be taken down on Tuesday…………


Truck drives into the Potomac and the Inauguration moves indoors



T’s senior advisor:


The timing…………..










1.13.25 ~ Financial stuff getting exposed – movement on stage speeding up




Giving thanks for the friends today who were once strangers.   💖  Thank you for the birthday wishes too.




So many of us have known this for decades.  Finally seeing it on a mainstream outlet here in the states:







As though we need a law like this at all?  Right?  Low level thinking/evil actions put toxic pokes in the food supply.




Bringing it out on stage?


Because of this truth bomb:



Lots going on in Canada – a TON of minerals up there:


Of course they do….













Agree – dream job:







That smile….







25 years ago – 2 bedroom duplex here in town was $450.  $10/hour wage = 28% of income went to rent.  Very doable.  Today that same duplex goes for $2,000 – 344% increase.  Doable?  Nope – unless one’s income has jumped 300%.  That’s why I get downright pissy and blunt in how I speak these days when I get flack on the affordable housing need issue.

May be an image of text


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1.10.24 ~ Finds, Current feeeeeeeeeeeels in pictures, 5:5 sleuthing, and a Jesus Synch




My current state in pictures:

Mentally Exhausted? Here Are 7 Expert-Backed Ways to Cope | The Output by Peloton

14,521 Female Rage Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, and Images - Getty Images

Other than these in moments, I am also exceptionally this.  Even after a pretty good night sleep.  New level of exhaustion today.  I see others saying the same today.  Tonight at the store, while getting some of my favorite pistachio’s in bulk, I misjudged the bag, and nuts went all over the shelf.  I stood there – and felt a mix of guilt followed by strong giggles – saying to my girl: “I could have sworn I had the bag open.”




Broken Stuff | Daily Devotional | Lincoln Presbyterian Church | Stockton

Clean up in aisle 4….

Time to wrap up this movie, end the psyops, initiate the final blow and get us all out of “their” little matrix playground.  BTW – as I felt – and as I have felt for years now in spite of other biggie’s saying T was going to jail – he is not going to jail.

Here are the finds for today.  Please support my work by leaving a donation and sharing my work on your social media accounts.  Thank you!







T said he’d be talking about this on day 1:


Okay so here’s the Jesus synch……….earlier today making the bed I thought about Jesus for some reason – said to myself “if he’s just a program inside this matrix, what if we ALL get ‘infected’ with it” hence most of us on X who did that social score thing all got 38…….


Yes, ma’am…


This is……….interesting……….perhaps………….JB giving his goodbye speech Jan. 15th – Covid and other things Delta – 5 years………and 5 days after Jan. 15th is T’s inauguration.  I’m seeing…5:5………


Happens to be the day I entered this place………..it’s going to be sunny so that intention has manifested.  Intending other magical wonderful happenings………..




Speaking of Z-burg – he was on Rogan dropping truth bombs – and today is looking human as compared to years past…

 (X user @npc_moments)


Mark Zuckerberg Admits to Joe Rogan that the Biden Admin “Screamed and Cursed” at Facebook Employees – Forced Us to Censor Content Related to COVID-19 Vaccines” – Confirms Arguments Made in Ongoing Murthy vs. MO SCOTUS Lawsuit


Mel Gibson Reveals $14.5M Malibu Mansion Burned to Ashes While Filming Joe Rogan’s Podcast: ‘It Was Like Someone Did It on Purpose’


Leaked Memo Exposes Incompetent LA Mayor Karen Bass’ $49 Million Fire Department Budget Cut Demand Just One Week Before Wildfires Erupted — Plan Would Shut Down 16 Fire Stations


Just like out of a movie, eh?  MrMBB333 – freaky friday………

HERE is what people are seeing NOW! Stopping along the roadside to LOOK UP! Man says “This is crazy” – YouTube



Several in CALI and TEXAS today – shallow too:

Today’s Earthquakes




And yet police said no probable cause for arson……….even though the citizens making the arrest said otherwise……….



There’s the Point……..

Son of Former President Bolsonaro Admits to Helping Israeli Soldier Escape Brazilian Justice Persecution | The Gateway Pundit | by Fernando de Castro






This is us.  KEEP. GOING.



No, but all I would have to do is ask her if she wanted to go to the P A R K and with each letter she would get more excited……….🥰


Cats speak, too:



12.12.24 ~ Early day finds: Trump rings the bell (51x) and gives 2 air Q’s; The Time Is Now; UAP sightings continue


And of course, the animals.  I was greeted this morning by a neighbor’s toddler, who was interested in pointing out all of the cool things she was looking at as well as dancing along with me.  🥰

I played around with Grok for a few minutes last night – overall staying away from that – but asked it to draw me.  Compared to the last image, this one is much more accurate energetically.


Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to donate what you can and share.  Thank you!








FBook, Open AI, Instagram in the red……..



Air Q #1:




Interesting it’s signed The WH – White Hats most likely – which is interesting given the ongoing sky event happenings which I feel is Space Force………..







This is a new one:




First 9 minutes………..9………..2025 = 9 year = end of old start of New.  Swearing in is at 12noon.

post 1209 (12 noon plus 9) includes END:


Today’s News………Finds……….Headlines………Puppies & Reflecting on things like AI and the Matrix



so, there’s more talk about breaking the matrix program…………how exactly does that look for each of us………..when we have people still plugged in how does that allow for those of us ready and calling in our freedom OF the stuff to actually BE in that space?  like LITERALLY – in full – 100%?  can we create ourselves out of this physical frequency space and literally be in a totally DIFFERENT space – not just in our minds or in our energy bodies but LITERALLY BE in a totally different space and thus never SEE/EXPERIENCE “this” place?  how come no one figure that one out yet but like to say you create your reality.  100% or just a little bit or 50% because this place was created TO enslave and thus has programmers/controllers we don’t see or know about – OR if it’s US doing all of it then there are still others separate from me/us who continue to keep the programs going.  how does all of this work exactly?  curious minds – like mine – want to know.

i don’t know.  let’s ask GROK.

oh wait i can’t use that program because i don’t have a blue checkmark.  but grok does think this is what i look like based on my posts because i have friends in high places w/blue checkmarks and one dear friend asked for me:


maybe when i was 22.  with a nose job.  hair dye.  and a botox treatment or two. 😂

Just. N O!!!  including the clothing choice (anyone who knows me IRL for more than 10 minutes knows i do not “do” turtlenecks).  perhaps that’s a sign that my mojo magic i do keeps me hidden from certain elements of this game.

here’s what i’m seeing.  please remember to donate, share and let me know how you’re doing/what thoughts you have on the finds.























is this why Elon is still at Mar-a-Lago?  (still don’t trust KP)







I knew someone who was diagnosed w/schizophrenia.  They used to make drawings of these demonic creatures.  I knew he was drawing the very entities attached to him, controlling him.  His family was not open to the idea (even though I found a psychiatrist who felt the same and used non-traditional shamanic type therapy to remove the attachments thus curing people):






Went looking for Antarctica news – found these:

Furious passengers go on hunger strike after luxury Antarctica cruise trip is abandoned

Antarctic researchers warn of possible ‘catastrophic’ sea level rise within our lifetime – The Mirror US


Late Election Evening Finds & Updates


SO here’s what I’m seeing now:






*According to one election site, as of 1:28AM EST, Trump has a 96% chance of winning.  See that find at the bottom.*




However – the mainstream folks -the usual suspects – still not calling it.  As many are saying – they won’t concede easily – not w/o a fight.  Next chess move is…………?  UPDATE:  Fox news calls it (vetted):

Donald Trump wins 2024 presidential election | Live Updates from Fox News Digital



My sense:  We let “them” cheat – some – then took back control – enough to gather evidence but not enough for a steal.

Current electoral map as of 11:22pm (nice TS eh?):

Trump:  247

Cuz It:  210








Yup – they did this in Washington State too:




Repeats of 2016?   HRC didn’t concede until hours after the election was called – the next day:



And as I end this, I have this to share:




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10.29.24 ~ Anticipation grows – Finds, etc




I watch and observe.  Intend.  The collective feel – certainly here in the states – in my area – is palpable.  It’s like no one knows what’s going to happen but each side is DESPERATELY focused on who they want to see elected.  Many however are probably not participating – however – even if now – the sense of anticipation is present.  However, in the middle of that I am feeling very calm.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




Dark to Light – Dome – Sky Event feeeeeeeeeeels:



Theory (I voted early – did find it interesting T has been saying for weeks to vote early)………..









States are gonna have to have this as well:



Very weird – Is ra el for last vibes:






JUST-IN: Suspect in Phoenix, Arizona Ballot Drop Box Fire Thursday Identified — More on Oregon and Washington Dropbox Fires


SCOTUS Will Address the Collision of Two Federal Election Laws


Joe Rogan Announces Date When JD Vance Will Appear on His #1 Podcast, While Kamala’s Chances of An Interview With Rogan Are Not Looking Good


Some are saying Mel Gibson……..he’s thinner and tan………they got the same height thing going on………..

“I Came Out of Jail Mentally and Physically Sharper” Steve Bannon Tells The Gateway Pundit. HE’S BACK AND READY TO FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!


JUST IN: Supreme Court Rejects RFK Jr.’s Request to be Removed From Ballots in Crucial Battleground States Even Though He Suspended His Campaign


WOAH! Republicans Take Early Voting Lead in Deep Blue New Jersey


WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds Rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania



this is really going on – very interesting (timing) – that plus 2 drills the past week or so – one during the day, one at night……….



Current feels (aligning):






Stefan Burns:

Breaking News ~ “An ‘Application’ to Supreme Court Justice #ClarenceThomas was accepted as a Writ of Mandamus through the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.


This. Is. H U G E.  Didn’t see it coming – at all.  Essentially this gives him the power to act AS the Supreme Court and cast a ruling in the 2020/2022 elections.  Check it out:


BREAKING: 11th Circuit Emergency Writ Accepted To Hear Case To Invalidate Fraudulent 2020, 2022 Elections – Justice Clarence Thomas To Rule (georgiarecord.com)

10.21.23 ~ Finds, goodies and a gematria



Very good commentary – ABSOLUTELY……..



This is when I was up and agitated………





interesting tidbits to paint the picture……..



Anything that demands attention, worship, etc. is not our friend….



They’re all such sneaky, snarky doltheads……..






Not the only one who showed another moon……….i literally had no desire to watch it…………



Chainsaw Populism: Favorite for Sunday’s Argentina Election, Javier Milei Wants to Take Down the Corrupt, Inefficient State Apparatus


Cutting off the Head of the Snake: Swiss Banker Pascal Najadi Calls on Swiss Authorities to Arrest People Behind the Release of “Bioweapon” COVID-19 Shot in New Documentary (VIDEO)


This one was interesting……….






if they had read what i did on the pnac website back in 2001 – they’d of known then……………





don’t know about the WOULD WOULD but i did decide to gematria it:

Install How Do I Exit The Matrix

Remove All Spells in the Now

Defeated New World Order

A Plan To Save The World

The White Rabbit

End of Prophecy

Trump Train

November Three (11.3)



Well there ya go – it’s collective………



Black Monday was October 28, 1929 (the first one)…………Same date as the upcoming solar eclipse…….And the 6 year anniversary of the first 17 post………sealing of “their” fate?  Black Swan event?

Wall Street warns of ‘Black Monday’ repeat just in time for 36th anniversary (msn.com)




And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖








