3.30.25 ~ It’s all about Letting Go – Getting out of the drama of the left vs. right game


My work is not just a blog of news finds, my insights and reflections and other tidbits – it’s been a movement since its inception.  Recurring support keeps my work thriving. For $5/month, you help fuel daily truths as well as enable my family to eat as we journey towards that New paradigm.  

Thank you for your support!  Links below.

CASHAPP:  $VictoriaT1144


Photography by Basel.shehada


Letting go of what doesn’t feel good, although it doesn’t feel good to pay what I do just to survive so that’s one to reflect on.

Letting go of the matrix version of self and returning back to the inner that is the Universe.  And staying in that space.

I know this – after making some new focus the past 48 hours that m a t r i x thing really came in likely with the help of my own inner old false programs that could be bouncing around also triggering the machine that “hey she’s at it again she’s trying to break free!”  We’re talking spiders and water and outside appliance issues and unwanted ugly drama pushing me all. day. long.  I had one moment of UGH ENOUGH as everyone has that breaking point until we master what it is that threatens TO break us – and yet sometimes what comes out in that moment is unspoken Truth and so spoken Truth can be very empowering.  It can be a paradox until you realize in the end does it matter?  Because I reached this inner point of peace within where I literally did not give a f.u.  A place of no. fear.  Not that it was POOF gone for good – that is the focused inner experience of course.

Yeah I’m up to my Crown Chakra in debt.  Yeah I have no clue what to do next that doesn’t ask me for several hundred dollars the Universe has not quite yet delivered my way.  Yeah this clown show is unbearable now to step into.  People are still lost in duality – left vs. right.  A video was being played here that started to get me riled up until I said “not going into this” – a young woman infiltrating those Tesla protests – ended up in ridiculous arguments – her ego was still lost in the “the left are crazy and ignorant” red camp just as those in the blue camp think she’s just as crazy and ignorant.  Both sides have truth to share; truth that deserves to be heard.


Do we need a Buffalo Springsteen reminder?  “Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.”  I don’t know who came up with this plan and while I still have a wee ounce of faith in the end there will be Unity, at that time I will see this alleged brilliance behind it.

But for now?  I see people more locked into their ideologies than ever before.

And me?

I just want to be free.

To be healed and restored.

To return to that state of who I am underneath all of the matrix trauma and drama.

I know who I am.

I know my worth.

And that Me just ain’t jiving with this matrix version.




Outer nudges as compared to the inner nudges – and yet when I get the inner nudge it is a response to an outside stimuli.  I am going to rethink that.  Am I following ME or a matrix nudge?  Stop – detach – and ask do I REALLY want to follow this?  How does it FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL in my body?


I think – this is about conscious living as compared to just unconscious living.  The cake thing – see I would have grabbed more cake pieces – those pieces are far too small.  😄  Interesting experiment nonetheless…


Now THIS – I’ve experienced this one – seen it in my girl too.  Being CONSCIOUS of this – recognizing when you’re getting lost – that’s all it takes to break the spell……….









FCC plans to investigate Disney over DEI, in latest scrutiny of media industry – MarketWatch


What savings??

An ‘alarming’ percentage of Americans had to dip into savings just to pay bills or day-to-day expenses. Here’s what’s happening – MarketWatch


Here are the cities with the highest, lowest credit card debts

The total household debt for those cities ranges between $18,500 and $22,700.



Elon Musk:  END THE FED:



Mississippi Eliminates Income Taxes


DHS Prepares to Withhold Federal Funds for ‘Sanctuary Cities’

The administration clarified, however, that they would not target grants for high-risk communities solely based on their sanctuary status. Instead, each grant would be assessed based on its specific purpose, benefits, and the context of the organization receiving the funds.

The memo highlights several federal grants that could be affected. Among them is a $1.9 billion program aimed at assisting high-risk urban areas with terrorist attack prevention, as well as a $760 million program designed to help states and tribes combat terrorism, according to Trending Politics.


LIVE: Israel kills 64 in Gaza on Eid; bodies of 14 missing medics recovered | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera













Divine Timing with this one:


This is a good chart:








Our local co-op is not arranged this way.  The bread is next to the produce – and to get to the milk and eggs and cheese – you walk past juices and meats, down a ramp – past bulk sections.  But yes thinking about it they do have stashes and shelves with temptation items – healthy but still sweet cookies and covered nuts and pretzels.  I’m wondering do people really get drawn into that?  Don’t we know enough by now?  Although I admit – my girl will say “oooh mom that looks good” – normally I say “no” but hey everyone needs a sweet treat now and then


Here are other ways to support my work:

1. You can support me at my other page where I share my personal musings, music and photography:  Victoria T is creating Intuitive Reflections of the world around me…. (buymeacoffee.com)

2.  My inter-active Journal, “Live To Impress Yourself” on sale at LULU.COM.

3.  I am also an affiliate for BlueHost.  If you or someone you know are interested in starting/creating a website and are in need of a hosting company, check out BlueHost. It’s who I use, and I have always found them very helpful from setup to assistance. Click on the previous link to get yourself set up!


And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖













3.27.25 ~ Microcosm of the Macrocosm ~ Some reflecting on an experience…..Finds including a new supplement find



A visit tonight to the local big corporate store (Kroger) – where I really don’t like to shop at – but had to because of budget necessity – greeted us with the smell of sewage upon entering.  And the smell lingered – it was literally in the air – and slowly dissipated.  I was there to get just a few produce items and let me tell you, I was in and out of there in 5 minutes.  My girl reminded me of a conversation she saw online – from a week ago – where people were asking why this store smells like you know what.  🤢

No one really knew why but many spoke of the rat infestation there – how rats are found in the deli section, the produce section.  And how this has been going on for YEARS.

I mean – W T F?  Our neighbors had a rat issue – for years – and seeing them run through our yard into theirs was not that unusual of an occurrence.  She finally decided to take care of it, and after time, we no longer see them.

Back to the smell.  And energy.  And how it feels now living in this city.  Filth has an energy.  People drugged out, living on the streets, relieving themselves in doorways has an energy.  And all of the other agenda’s pushed here.  I’ve tried to be tolerant.  I really have.  I tell my girl no one is above another.  ALL are worthy.  But like she said tonight in the car, “I AM DONE living in this city!  I know I’m not supposed to be judgmental but I don’t like the energy here and how it makes me feel.”

She let it all out.  I listened.  And agreed.  She’s of course absolutely right – the energy here is dirty.  There’s a filth to it.  A ghetto vibe that grows.  It’s like e v i l is outing itself all over the place.  And the disconnect we feel here now is overwhelmingly obvious, apparent AND felt.

And I wonder if there IS someplace in this realm that isn’t like this.  Is this just a microcosm of the macrocosm?  Do any of you notice this experience?  I get I am in that ugly belly of the beast (which is quite vast out west), but is there any place that feels pure?  Anyplace that doesn’t have the toxins and the crime and the ghetto vibe and the agendas?  I HAVE to do something – we have far outstayed our welcome here.  Not that I ever felt welcome, or shall I say, never felt like I fit in.  Although not that I ever fit in anywhere I have lived. 😄🙄

But this oppressive icky energy is unbearable.

I came home, my girl hit the shower while I soaked the food in a vinegar/h20 bath, wiped off our shoes with the same, then said, “what the heck – we walked inside with these shoes from that place” and cleaned the floors.  It’s like being around someone who leaves you feeling as though you’ve been around a demon, and you want to purify your aura/body so you sage and frankincense your energy and personal space.

As far as this realm, I’ve said for yearsssss – there ain’t enough Sage to purify it.  We cannot detox our bodies continuously which is what we have to do as parasites are literally EVERYWHERE here.  And that’s just our bodies I am talking about.  What about the air and water and food and what about the infrastructure and the forests and lands being destroyed ongoing?

Only a frequency change or relocating/exiting to a new reality can remove us from this parasitic filth permanently.

Something has to shift.  The energy of desperation among those most awake, especially among those impinged into the wall $$, is PALPABLE.  I feel it – no matter how detached I can be.  That energy is still right there – waiting to DO.  Waiting to GO.



My work is not just a blog of news finds, my insights and reflections and other tidbits – it’s been a movement since its inception.  Recurring support keeps my work thriving. For $5/month, you help fuel daily truths as we journey towards that New paradigm.  
Thank you for your support!  Links below.
CASHAPP:  $VictoriaT1144



Trump Signs Executive Order to Eliminate ‘Divisive, Race-Centered Ideology’ from Smithsonian Museums | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald



Hey let’s move to WV.  Didn’t they also recently create legislation to ban chemtrails?

West Virginia Bans Artificial Food Dyes that Target Children, implementing Make America Healthy Again Agenda | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor



TEXAS – current:




From the BABYLON BEE (of course) – even Elmo’s turned on Elon:  😄




Former trucker friend educated my naive liberal arse on this topic 10 years ago.  He said there were literal towns in parts of America that had Sharia law.  He said Muslims infiltrated and rather than acclimate, ran out American Held businesses (small biz) and brought in not only their culture but their laws and rules.  I am forever grateful for that eye opening experience.  

¡SHARIA WILL NOT PASS! Texas confronts the islamic threat with a firm hand. – Gateway Hispanic



They know who is behind it all…….

Palestinians protest Hamas in a rare public show of dissent in Gaza | AP News



My dear friend Sister D lives up north and says most Canadians are still asleep at the wheel when it comes to SEEING.  Can we just put them all in the special room so the rest of us who SEE can HAVE what it is that was HIDDEN?  

U.S.-Canada Flight Bookings Have Totally Collapsed amid Ongoing Trade War — Down by Over 75 Percent! | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew


Speaking of Canada……..




There seems to be perhaps some moles still inside ICE that are conducting unnecessary and/or over-the-top business with those not yet citizens.  I am seeing stories of people being deported who aren’t criminals, who have followed the system protocols and have been hit with the bureaucracy of the immigration system.  My opinion on this one is – deport those with criminal records.  The rest?  HELP THEM become citizens.  

DHS Official Placed on Leave, May Have Clearance Revoked After ‘Accidentally’ Adding Reporter to Email Chain on Upcoming ICE Raids | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila



TOP OF THE WORLD: Putin Launches the Arctic Investment Forum, Calls for Cooperation for Peaceful Development – Warns That US Interest in Greenland Is To Be Taken Very Seriously | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran



From the “top” of the world to the “bottom”:

Scientists unveil unprecedented find in secret Antarctic lake: ‘Foundational to understanding biology’

As reported by Live Science, the researchers made their discovery during a visit to Antarctica in 2019 and 2020. They used radar to determine that the aptly named Lake Enigma, which was thought to be dried up and frozen over, actually had at least 40 feet of liquid water underneath the top layer of ice.

After drilling into the ice and using a camera to explore the lake, the researchers found an ecosystem full of microbial life. These cyanobacteria are part of many ice-covered Antarctic lakes, but unique to Lake Enigma is the fact that they are found only in microbial mats, or blobs that cover the lake’s floor.










North Carolina fires:

Evacuations issued in Henderson, Polk counties due to wildfires


Wildfires rage on in North and South Carolina as more firefighters arrive | US wildfires | The Guardian


Table Rock fire: Mandatory evacuations in Greenville, Pickens counties


Today’s New Supplement Find:

Urolithin A

Urolithin A is a natural compound produced by the gut microbiome when it metabolizes ellagitannins, found in certain foods like pomegranates, berries, and nuts. 



Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant

Gut Health

after reading on this today i realized i could really use this so i looked it up – ga!  it’s very expensive.  and the price is for 1 month supply.  i’m already stringing out my supplements as it is to make them last 3 months instead of 1.  this is the company most recommended.  they have an affiliate program – any of you interested let me know and i will sign up as an affiliate.  maybe that will bring in some of that increased i seek:  Mitopure Softgels – Timeline Longevity  



Here are other ways to support my work:

1. You can support me at my other page where I share my personal musings, music and photography:  Victoria T is creating Intuitive Reflections of the world around me…. (buymeacoffee.com)

2.  My inter-active Journal, “Live To Impress Yourself” on sale at LULU.COM.

3.  I am also an affiliate for BlueHost.  If you or someone you know are interested in starting/creating a website and are in need of a hosting company, check out BlueHost. It’s who I use, and I have always found them very helpful from setup to assistance. Click on the previous link to get yourself set up!


And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖












3.24.25 ~ Today’s Headlines and Finds




Feels like a bit of a lull.  Energetically the squeeze is at unbearable levels now.  My entire Being and Body are engaged in a tug of war with toddler like meltdowns and incoming soothing parenting maneuvers of “it will be ok you are ok” which don’t really work much.  And in fact, that type of Being feels really fake now.  Good sleep would be really helpful too.  And for ONE breakthrough $$ and work-related.



My work is not just a blog of news finds, my insights and reflections and other tidbits – it’s been a movement since its inception.  Recurring support keeps my work thriving. For $5/month, you help fuel daily truths as we journey towards that New paradigm.  


Thank you for your support!  Links below.

CASHAPP:  $VictoriaT1144

Today’s updates encompass

  • RFK Acknowledges States Efforts to END GEOENGINEERING
  • President Trump’s decision to revoke Secret Service Protection for former DHS Secretary Mayorkas.
  • Furthermore, the President has nominated the next CDC Director, an incumbent within the agency. Additional information regarding these pivotal decisions will be disclosed below.
  • The ongoing Tesla controversy persists with today’s incident of an anonymous phone call prompting authorities to check out alleged bombs inside a local dealership.
  • Across Europe, individuals labor to provide sustenance for their households as European Union employees grant themselves yet another salary increase.
  • In the Middle East, Israel launches airstrikes on Syrian air bases.

These and other finds below.  



Best find of the day:




This one comes with some RINO energy.  As I understand it, Dr. David Weldon was the choice by both President Trump and Robert Kennedy.  Those who blocked this came from the RINO element.   

JUST IN: President Trump Nominates Next CDC Director After RINOs Took Out His First Pick | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

This be her:

Dr. Cohen receives a Covid vaccine.

Came with this pretty statement:

Dr. Susan Monarez
Got my Covid shot! Vaccines are the best way to prevent serious illness and long Covid. Have you gotten yours?



Domestic Terrorism? Several “Incendiary Devices” Discovered at a Tesla Dealership in Far-Left Austin, Texas | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

A domestic terror attack was likely thwarted today in Texas’s far-left state capital.

As The Daily Mail reported, Austin Police Department (APD) officers were rushed to a Tesla dealership shortly after 8 am after an anonymous caller claimed that there were bombs placed inside the building. The dealership is located along U.S. Highway 183 in Austin.



And on go the war drums:

(1) Update LIVE: Israel bombs Syria air bases, kills 23 in predawn attacks on Gaza


Wait until RFK Jr gets in on this – it will absolutely not take “decades”:

What’s Happened Since A Judge Ruled Water Fluoridation Is Lowering IQ? | ZeroHedge

A landmark ruling in September that directed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to address the “unreasonable” risk fluoride in drinking water poses to lowering IQ in children has become a tipping point, Berhenne told The Epoch Times in an email. The decision has motivated large numbers of local and state governments to ban fluoride in their water supplies.

Change like this isn’t going to happen overnight, but this was the kind of momentum we’ve been waiting for,” he said. “I didn’t think I’d see this kind of progress on fluoride in my lifetime, but now? I think it’s possible. It’ll take time—decades, maybe—but the wheels are turning.”



Domestic Terrorism? Several “Incendiary Devices” Discovered at a Tesla Dealership in Far-Left Austin, Texas | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger


JUST IN: President Trump Revokes Secret Service Protection for Disgraced Former DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger


“The Gravy Train is Over” – HUD Secretary Scott Turner Ends All Taxpayer-Funded Housing For Illegals (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


EU Employees Get 7th Pay Raise in 3 Years as Europeans’ Living Standards Plummet | The Gateway Pundit | by Robert Semonsen




Twenty Two BILLION – while people like me get told “Sorry nothing for you”.  HOUSE NAZI’s….




POOF it leaves.  POOF it comes back in.



Any of you’s over there in Italy want to sponsor a pissed off desperate american?




Moral debacle: Ecuador’s agreement with the mercenary Erik Prince – ThePrisma.co.uk


Hacker claims responsibility for replacing NYU’s website with apparent test scores, racial epithet





Here are other ways to support my work:

1. You can support me at my other page where I share my personal musings, music and photography:  Victoria T is creating Intuitive Reflections of the world around me…. (buymeacoffee.com)

2.  My inter-active Journal, “Live To Impress Yourself” on sale at LULU.COM.

3.  I am also an affiliate for BlueHost.  If you or someone you know are interested in starting/creating a website and are in need of a hosting company, check out BlueHost. It’s who I use, and I have always found them very helpful from setup to assistance. Click on the previous link to get yourself set up!


And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖












3.21.25 ~ Finds and Headlines ~ Another BLACKOUT (6 hours) On the Schumann ~ IS RA EL for last/being EXPOSED


My work is not just a blog of news finds, my insights and reflections and other tidbits – it’s been a movement since its inception.  Recurring support keeps my work thriving. For $5/month, you help fuel daily truths as we journey towards that New paradigm.  

CASHAPP:  $VictoriaT1144

The amount of rain we have had – inundation is the best word.  Usually when it rains this hard it will ease up for a while but wow – it’s been like these soakings that began last Fall.  There are some really good finds in tonight’s drop.



DOJ pushes FBI to review, release more Epstein files amid mounting pressure from Trump supporters: Sources – ABC News

The Justice Department is in the midst of an urgent and chaotic effort to review sensitive materials from the FBI investigation into the convicted sex offender and financier Jeffrey Epstein, with Attorney General Pam Bondi pushing the FBI and her own department to release more files from the case amid continued pressure from President Donald Trump’s supporters, multiple sources told ABC News.




BEAUTIFUL! Hundreds of College Students Are Spending Spring Break Helping Rebuild Homes in North Carolina (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Winston Salem State students are among the wave of volunteers helping communities in western North Carolina, spending their spring break hard at work to help people rebuild.

“I can’t imagine what these people went through with having everything they had just lost in the blink of an eye without any control of theirs,” said Cayla Parrott, a sophomore.



Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands FDA Pull Approval of Dodgy COVID Vaccines ‘Causing Permanent Harm and Death’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

FDA approval for COVID-19 vaccines needs to be pulled and they need taken off the childhood vaccine schedule ASAP.

COVID-19 vaccines are causing permanent harm and deaths.






IS RA EL for last………..this is a really good complication of facts – btw the question posed to GROK at the 3:43 mark – I did the same and received the same response – typed as is…….13 second mark says it all…….something I’ve learned too – sensed as well – the Palestine’s are the original Semites.  Maybe this is why Israel for last had to be last – this is gonna be a hard pill for even many maga-types to grasp.  My question remains:  will the masses not seeing SEE this?  Are their news outlets reporting this stuff or is it what we’ve seen all along – it is the Truthers who research and share?



Biography. Benzion Mileikowsky (later Netanyahu) was born in Warsaw in partitioned Poland, which was under Russian control, to Sarah (Lurie) and the writer and Zionist activist Nathan Mileikowsky. Nathan was a rabbi who toured Europe and the United States, making speeches supporting Zionism.


And BTW – a bit of phonetics – BIBI is a term used to address senior Women.  My mind is going to all sorts of places with that one.









Spells, spells – I remember seeing this about 22, 23 years ago back when I was first deep-diving into this event:



Shouldn’t this be the other way around?





10 – let’s fast forward that to all 50:



I don’t think it’s a coincidence I was nudged to go through my JFK Jr Anniversary Mag this week:


Unacceptable Canadian Girl
I’ll just leave this here. “The dumb goyim will fight while we profit.” The full docs can be found here. israellobby.org/ADL/1199215-00







11.7 flipped 7.11







Ending on a laugh…



Here are other ways to support my work:

1. You can support me at my other page where I share my personal musings, music and photography:  Victoria T is creating Intuitive Reflections of the world around me…. (buymeacoffee.com)

2.  My inter-active Journal, “Live To Impress Yourself” on sale at LULU.COM.

3.  I am also an affiliate for BlueHost.  If you or someone you know are interested in starting/creating a website and are in need of a hosting company, check out BlueHost. It’s who I use, and I have always found them very helpful from setup to assistance. Click on the previous link to get yourself set up!


And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖















3.11.25 ~ 🚨 Today’s Breaking HEADLINES and other finds/shares


My work is not just a blog of news finds, my insights and reflections and other tidbits – it’s been a movement since its inception.  Recurring support keeps my work thriving. For $5/month, you help fuel daily truths as we journey towards that New paradigm.  

Thank you for your support!  Links below.

CASHAPP:  $VictoriaT1144


If you can donate a few dollars for food, I would really appreciate it.





The drama continues………..

Rep. Thomas Massie Responds After President Trump Vows to Lead Primary Challenge Against Him for Opposing Trump-Backed Funding Bill | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

“I’m not voting for the Continuing Resolution budget (cut-copy-paste omnibus) this week,” he added. “Why would I vote to continue the waste fraud and abuse DOGE has found? We were told the CR in December would get us to March when we would fight. Here we are in March, punting again! WTFO”


Trump’s response:




BREAKING: Canada Caves: Ontario Premier Agrees to Suspend Surcharge on Electricity Exports to US a Few Hours After Trump Threatens Retaliation | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Exactly – total b.s. of delays continues……….Not exposing the Truth is Not Acceptable………





First post I’ve been able to embed in 24 hours:



“Security” reasons:

Department of Education staff told offices will be closed Wednesday – CBS News

Washington — Staff at the Department of Education received a notice Tuesday instructing them to leave the building by 6 p.m. local time and informing them that all department offices in Washington, D.C., as well as regional offices, will be closed Wednesday, according to an email obtained by CBS News.

The email, from James Hairfield of the Office of Security, Facilities and Logistics, said that the offices will be closed “for security reasons.”



BREAKING: Ukraine Agrees to 30-Day Ceasefire with Russia After Trump Strong-Arms Zelensky | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila



Prices aren’t down here – we still have shortages and a lot of bare shelves.  Cheapest you can find is above $7/dozen – and they are the yucky eggs/factory farmed.  Still waiting to hear back from my local supplier – pasture raised, fresh – $5/dozen.  (and btw – gas prices have not dropped here – they’ve gone up all year – $3.73/gallon here in town)

Egg Prices Down Nearly Two Dollars Per Dozen After Trump Admin Effort to Reduce Prices: Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor


Airlines issue stark warning on travel demand as confidence sinks – TheStreet



These members of Congress should go to jail: Rep. Tim Burchett | Watch





Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖











3.10.25 ~ X attacked; Trump posts with a missing letter E – do we have a 5:5? More MSM layoffs and other shares including a GEMATRIA


My work is not just a blog of news finds, my insights and reflections and other tidbits – it’s been a movement since its inception.  Recurring support keeps my work thriving. For $5/month, you help fuel daily truths as we journey towards that New paradigm.  
Thank you for your support!  Links below.

CASHAPP:  $VictoriaT1144



Not letting me embed any posts so having to screenshot and/or get my info on here in other creative ways:




(still in the red, btw – 9:30pm PST)



Elon Musk claims IP addresses in ‘massive cyberattack’ on X originated from ‘Ukraine area’ – The Times of India






HOUSE passed this with only one “NO” vote:  Rep. Rashida Talib.





Missing E:



Q posts w/the missing E (there are 5, btw – i have only shared 4) – E is the 5th letter – is this a 5:5?  Also of note – post 144 contains the phrase “THIS WEEK” – shared as sectioned off individual letters….




ABC and ‘Good Morning America’ “Gutted” Amid Huge Layoffs


Federal Investigation Finds Maine Department Of Education In Violation Of Title IX | ZeroHedge


the autopen…..which is essentially a signing machine that automatically signs signatures…..

Who is Behind This Autopen? Six Criminals Were Pardoned with Biden Autopen – *Signed in the City of Washington* – On Same Day Joe Biden Vacationed and Golfed in St. Croix | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Veterans Affairs Secretary Doug Collins Says They’ve Cut $900 Million After Reviewing Just 2% of Unnecessary Contracts (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance


Secretary Rubio in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Tomorrow’s ‘Make or Break’ Peace Talks With Ukraine | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran


Biden Admin Funneled at Least $1 Trillion into DEI-Related Projects, Study Finds | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew


BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard Revokes Security Clearances From 51 ‘Spies Who Lied,’ Blinken, Letitia James and Deep State Lawyers – Daily Brief No Longer Provided to Biden | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Utah will be the first state to ban fluoride in drinking water


Polar Star departs Antarctica after Operation Deep Freeze | WorkBoat

Operation Deep Freeze is the U.S. military’s annual mission to assist the National Science Foundation (NSF) in maintaining the U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP). This effort involves the U.S. Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, and other federal agencies working together to ensure logistical support for research operations in Antarctica. Polar Star’s primary role in the mission is to break through sea ice in McMurdo Sound, clearing a passage for cargo vessels supplying NSF’s McMurdo Station and New Zealand’s Scott Base.


Operation Deep Freeze needs a GEMATRIA:

Marty McFly (time travel anyone?)

Return The Diamonds

Proof the Matrix Crashed


Not a very good day……….biggest “in the red” this year….1.5 trillion wiped…



44 Tires Stolen from 11 Teslas: Is Elon Musk a Target? – County Local News


What’d I miss?

Jeftovic: We’re Already Living In A Post-Singularity World | ZeroHedge

For Techno-Utopians, among them – the transhumanists – the Singularity will bring about a kind of eschatological event, a computerized “End Times” like a Rapture moment wherein technology acquires more brainpower than all of humanity combined, and deftly solves all our problems (unless the techno-doomers are right, and it annihilates us instead)….

I think that we are already in the post-singularity eraRight now


Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖











3.3.25 ~ Finds & Headlines ~ Theorizing on the actors, the Republic…..Trump set to address Congress tomorrow – 3.4….Crypto markets being “drained” – ahem STOLEN/LOOSHED more like it


My work is not just a blog of news finds, my insights and reflections and other tidbits – it’s been a movement since 2016.  Recurring support keeps my work thriving. For $3/month—less than a coffee—you help fuel daily truths as we journey towards that New paradigm. Thank you for your support!

CASHAPP:  $VictoriaT1144


Imho – this is about all anyone really needs to know/listen to – if you’re awake.  I’m still not yet convinced at the end of this is just ONE new experience.  Not all of us are here to stick around for new Constitutional Republics, etc.  Wondering if T is removed – that doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t insulated – just simply removed as his role is over.  Not convinced the original T was one of “them” though.  However, I have for years said and felt that the normies are more likely to wake up with someone else other than T center stage.  Wondering too if hearing my neighbor talk about Trump being removed and having JD in place because JD is “more relatable” – did I just happen to hear that as a coincidence or was it one of those synchronistic comms?  And….Who would be the great Unifier as I have said all along? John Kennedy Jr.  JD Vance is an actor – and as I have said I feel it’s JFK JR playing the role.  We’ll see…………..



Trump administration pauses U.S. military aid to Ukraine – CBS News






Ah the timing of this…………my girl has told me there is online talk on some of the reddit boards of people selling their Tesla’s (we have noticed a noticeable absence of Tesla’s the past year – we used to see them almost literally all over – now – we simple don’t see them)………some talking about destroying them………..all over one person and a hand position………..



Evil is as evil does………



(2) Anna Matson on X: “RFK jr discusses the measles situation in Texas and I’m seeing many people say he is not going far enough. There are so many things in the article that have never been discussed on a national wide scale and people are missing it. I thought this was a great way to plant a seed https://t.co/pZZp9owIaB” / X





US SEC says Trump administration to terminate building leases for Los Angeles, Philadelphia regional offices | Reuters





That’s how you bring back manufacturing to the States……….costs will come down too……….



This is good news:

FBI’s New York Field Office Head resigns following accusations he withheld Epstein documents


BTW – the crypto bots, etc. are really at it now………..

1,070,000,000 – that’s a lot of zero’s………

BREAKING: $1 Billion Vanishes from Crypto Market in 24 Hours! – County Local News







“HAVE FUN” tells me the farmer’s are going to be enjoying some real freedom to farm the way they want……….




Republican Discontent Grows Over NATO’s Ukraine Conflict Stance

“If NATO’S moving on without the U.S. … We should move on without NATO … Time to leave,” Lee wrote on X in response to European leaders standing beside Zelenskyy in London.


That missing should be written as “missing”………with one of these next to it:  🙄

and maybe one of these:

FedEx Unable To Provide Answers For Woman Who Shipped $20K Worth Of Gold And Silver That’s Gone Missing | ZeroHedge

The Fox 13 report said that on February 6, FedEx informed her they had located the package, but by February 27, it was still missing. “It’s been three weeks,” she said.


A wall, eh?

A WALL is Found At The EDGE Of Our Solar System | Watch


On and off again…………will “they” try and distract from T’s speech tomorrow w/the P’s finale?

Pope Francis put back on ventilator after 2 episodes of acute respiratory failure


3.2.25 ~ Today’s Headlines and Finds: We have a “FIREWORKS” comm…..”GOLD SHALL DESTROY FED”


My work is not just a blog of news finds, my insights and reflections and other tidbits – it’s been a movement since 2016.  Recurring support keeps my work thriving. For $3/month—less than a coffee—you help fuel daily truths as we journey towards that New paradigm. Thank you for your support!

CASHAPP:  $VictoriaT1144



Feels on this one.  Two timelines – two totally different experiences.  I’m with the one on the left.


Reality here is strange. The feeeeeeeeeeeeels.

Here are today’s finds/synchs/comms.





We got a Q comm from Johnson: “Give us your sense of what to expect on Tuesday night,” Bartiromo said. “Well, fireworks, you know, in a great way. President Trump is coming in a triumphant return to Congress to address us as the President once again, and in the first month of office, he has accomplished so much that it could fill three hours,” Johnson said.

Speaker Mike Johnson Previews President Trump’s Address to Joint Session of Congress Tuesday Night with Maria Bartiromo (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson





Trump today on TRUTHSOCIAL.  We know he isn’t a fan of crypto



7/11 btw:

and yet he also said this last year (my thoughts included on this):

my feels on this – he knew what was coming – prompting the deepstate to engage in wall street antics by inflating the price, crashing (stealing), inflating, crashing (stealing), etc. etc. and yet all the people invested is being held and will be returned. that said – still not a fan of crypto. i see this as calling out the criminals on stage………..












Putin Ally In Secret Talks With Trump Admin To Restart Nord Stream 2 | ZeroHedge


Hegseth Orders DoD Civilian Employees To Respond To ‘What Did You Do Last Week?’ Email – Then Torches Hillary Clinton | ZeroHedge



The dude that took 3 years to “die”………

Francis off mechanical ventilation entirely, signaling he’s overcome risks from respiratory crisis


Hungary wants to work with DOGE and Elon Musk to trace USAID money for Hungarian NGOs.


How much is Bill Gates’ GAVI getting from UK’s foreign aid? – The Expose





Image via timurlan






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1.27.25 ~ Today’s Finds: Acosta Leaving CNN, almost $800 BILLION wiped from stockmarket, egg prices soar… OH MY what a time to be alive!


Egg prices are up around here.  Like seriously up.  Like 30% – or more.  Sticker shock tonight at the store.  Made me think “They punishing US because Trump is back in office?”  Ugh.  Oh well – NCSWIC – cosmic divine or otherwise.  Here is what I’m seeing.  Please remember to Share my work and leave a donation in exchange for my heartfelt dedication I put into my work each day.




Best biggest news of all – for me and those like me.  D speaks my language.  How long have I griped here over the last few years how we need something. like. this.  🙏💖  I will share more later as details emerge and encourage all of you to join in.  TOGETHER we can help others in need.



BREAKING: Jim Acosta Reportedly OUT at CNN | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Self-appointed anti-Trump ‘resistance’ journalist Jim Acosta is reportedly leaving CNN.

Last week, it was revealed that the struggling network was moving Acosta to the waste land of midnight or 2 AM. As a result, he was allegedly threatening to quit.

Now it’s happening. His dozens of viewers will be very sad about this.


BREAKING: Trump Uses Emergency Powers to Send U.S. Military into California and Provide Water: “The Days of Putting a Fake Environmental Argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER.” | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

“The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond,” the President said on Truth Social. “The days of putting a Fake Environmental argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER.”


Scott Bessent Confirmed as 79th US Treasury Secretary in 68-29 Senate Vote | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft




White hair version….


Riiiiiiiiiiiight Jim….. 😂




The BING & The Ping:




Interesting…………was telling a friend who is also having ‘interesting’ experiences (been having some myself that i keep private) that it seems like a bleed-through of the other timeline is happening………not the literal space but more of a representation OF it to prepare us……….



I wanted to verify the above – this is about all I could find:


Oldest Version Name: Brian Podesta Summary: Clearance Profile URL: Povesta Current Title: Senior Analyst – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Timestamp: 2015-10-28 Newest Version Name: Brian Podesta Summary: Clearance Profile URL: Povesta Current Title: Senior Analyst – National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Timestamp: 2015-12-24 – iFunny



movies movies movies (btw – tried watching the most recent matrix – could not do it – just UGH):


this one feels off to me:




BREAKING: Supreme Court Delivers Major 8-1 Ruling – Boveed











Today’s happy finds:






Female power – young and old:


Trump memeCoin launches ~ JD Vance “jokes” about not attending the inauguration ~ things continue to build up quickly




I tried something out. I always write my own headlines and insights on my website. Earlier today I let AI do it, which was full of attention-grabbing words – something I don’t do. My viewership numbers went up – noticeably. Not sure what to do about this as I prefer to be ME – authentic – but me being ME is not getting my work and messages – my words – out there because the AI and algo’s find them, what, boring? Or maybe we all do function like squirrels and puppies – easily distracted by shiny pretty objects that get our attention?






Only members of Congress and Senate allowed in.  No parade.  No ceremony.  All indoors….



US Debt Clock Secret Window – interesting locations of the white circle objects – representing Light?



I have not been able to vet the arrival of the ICC and NATO:






I do remember that…………I remember his sons had tears in their eyes…….I wondered if that is when he went full-on “insulated” and has remained since……..I remember to tell myself this is a MILITARY Op – not about Trump or anyone else – and it is possible we are literally seeing all actors including T – so even the inauguration will be another “movie scene”…….or not………..just feel something is “off” about this – although how many times have I/we been disappointed after these “senses” come and then leave us with nothing tangible to tie them into.  Yet………More SHUTDOWN/1o days dark vibes:



Why make a joke like that?  Given who we know about him – how he suddenly grew several inches (took google awhile to catch up w/that one) – this is another one giving me the “hmmmm” feeeeeeeeel:



all of those stands and seating – which he says is still being set up – will be taken down on Tuesday…………


Truck drives into the Potomac and the Inauguration moves indoors



T’s senior advisor:


The timing…………..









