SerialBrain2 ~ The Deep State’s New Playbook against Trump.



Q told us what was coming. Here it is, in order: the end of the Muller probe, declassification, the OIG report, the truth revealed and justice served. It’s simple, it’s clean, it’s unavoidable:


Now if you are a bad actor and you know this steamroller is on its way to you to obliterate you, what would you do? You know how the Dems operate right? Do you remember what they did with Justice Kavanaugh? Yes, they created a fire and then offered to put it out. It’s right here:

Q2200 PANIC IN DC D’s offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS. POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless… Q

We get from this that losing the Supreme Court is less important for them than declassification. So? We can safely conjecture they are in super panic mode and that they are probably trying to start a huge fire they will also offer to put out. This is why, after the Mueller debacle, they are now targeting people supporting Trump offline and online, and are launching new investigations to quickly have something they can bring to the negotiation table. It will not work:

Q2816 NEW THREATS (investigations by [SDNY], [AS], [MW] in an effort to delay/prevent release (‘insurance extension’) WILL FAIL. TRANSPARENCY is the only way forward.

What if I told you that the Maestro informed us that the Dems were trying to negotiate and stop what’s coming? Yes. It’s coded in this super cool tweet. Hahaha! Who would have thought that by sharing this woman’s amazing skills he was showing his appreciation for the birth of an unknown star but was also talking about the Dems?! Img1 Look at the timestamp: 10PM. It points to Q2200, the very drop we talked about earlier and related to J Kavanaugh. Coincidence? To know more about this negotiation, we need to go to the next tweet. Img2 The capital letters add up to TJT=50, same value as BITS and you know from my previous decodes this refers to the date 02/09/2019 and the release of information and therefore confirms the DECLAS Dems are trying to stop. But then, inside Q2213, we see that a tweet from the Maestro and Q2208 are embedded. They respectively show underlined in red “PLAYBOOK” and “NEW PLAYBOOK NEEDED?” Do you see it? Do you think the lady PLAYING soccer and the embedded Q2208 sharing the same colors is a coincidence? With the lady PLAYING and the matching colors, the Maestro wanted us to triangulate we needed to focus on the question NEW PLAYBOOK NEEDED? This is the Maestro asking to the Dems: you are trying to stop the coming DECLAS, the playbook you used with J Kavanaugh was a disgrace and a major failure, how are you going to do it this time? NEW PLAYBOOK NEEDED?

As you can see, the conversation is getting very interesting. Let’s take a look at the next tweets to see if the Maestro said more about this. Img3 The first one was posted at 10:21PM, or 22:21 military time. We go to Q2221. It laconically says “Yes”. This is the answer to the question: NEW PLAYBOOK NEEDED? The Maestro is not backing down. He will DECLAS. As confirmed by Q:

Q2816 The DECLASSIFICATION of all requested documents (+ more) will occur. This is not a game. Do not let personal (emotional) desires (“do it now””now””what is taking so long””NOW!”) take over. Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. Game-Theory. WE ALL WANT TO SEE EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW.

The capital letters are TA=21 and WM=36, respectively equaling DNC=21 and SCAM=36. Then, the Maestro re-tweeted @real_defender who reminds us POTUS is a “president who keeps his promise”. The third tweet’s capital letters add up to RAMCLJC=60 which also equals ORDER=60. It’s about McCabe obeying Comey and points to Q2226 where we read: “No we are ddosing ourselves with over 330,000 IPs” and Q doubling down with “412,000 now. Q”. This is code for: McCabe’s recent attack on 60 Minutes was done under the Maestro’s order, as confirmed by Q:

Q2732 Dark to Light. The orders came from the highest office in the land. Q

For what purpose? To expose RR on his 25th Amendment plot. By activating McCabe this way, the RR domino falls and Comey’s next. Pretty cool right?

Now we have all we need to extract the Maestro’s hidden message to the DS and their Dems. Read very carefully.

This message was well received by the DS. They responded 2 days later through the HRC tweet linking a Politico article which in turn links to the now famous list of the 200 targeted Twtr accounts. Congrats to those who made the list! You are Top Deplorables and thanks to you, we have another instance confirming the collusion between Dems and the MSM Fake News that Wikileaks revealed!

Img4 Proof: the Politico article was posted on Feb 20 2019 at 6:05 AM EST. HRC tweeted the same day at 1:51 PM EST. The difference is 466 minutes. And it’s the value for:


Coincidence? You caught the last message is referring to Cohen and how they intend to use him to reduce his jail time by one second per lie… As you can see, HRC is using the Politico article as a conduit to tell Trump to get ready because the DS has a new playbook for him.

Img5 This conversation between the Maestro and the DS about the playbook is confirmed by Q in Q2878. Do you see this CROOKED [[[HILLARY]]]? The value for CROOKED is 71, same value as the AMAZING=71 the Maestro used to describe our famous unknown soccer player. Coincidence? Do you see it? We went full circle. This conversation between the Maestro and the DS through HRC is confirmed and it’s undeniably about the Deep State’s new playbook to fight Trump.

What if I told you I saw this playbook?

Before I tell you where and what it is, you need to know why it’s crucial for the DS to have a new game plan to stop Trump and the DECLAS. Img6 Look at the capitalized lines in Q2878. I’ll decode one for you, try to decode the other 2. The last line reads JUDGEMENT DAY COMING=190, same value as THE UNDENIABLE PROOF=190. What is this proof? Do you see this [[[HILLARY]]]? I gave you all the tools needed to open layered doors with this type of key in previous decodes you will find in the archive. If you pursue this, you will see the DS and HRC asked Trump to back off on the crimes found in the server[s] and on pedophilia in exchange for not applying their new playbook. As you already know, among these crimes captured by the server[s] we have U1, the CF, Seth Rich’s murder by 2 MS13 members, Scalia’s murder, the Awan IT Scandal, the selling of SAPs, ICBM tech, NASA tech, the organized loss of US space dominance, the Iran nuke deal, the NK Nuke/Missile Tech operation, tactics on their 16 year Plan to Destroy America and other doozies implicating high level US Government officials and businessmen as described in Q834, Q436, Q438, Q570 and Q1195. Phew! And of course, on pedophilia, we all know that in addition to what is found in the servers, this issue culminates with the HRC video:

Q854 Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774. We have it all.

As you can see, the crimes are countless and horrifying. Imagine all this coming to light. For the DS, this CANNOT come to light.

Q1603 The game is over when the public knows. The fight to keep the LIGHTS OFF is all that matters to you. You will FAIL.

Hence the playbook. They had to have a new one, a powerful one, a playbook dissuasive enough to make Trump back down. I will now show you where it is.

Img7 Let’s go to the link about our excellent 200 Deplorables. Look at the navigation. Every time you see unnecessary capitalization, your decoding alarm should go off. The capital letters add up to TWATEIFR=102, same value as THE GAME PLAN=102. Coincidence? This is where they hid their playbook. Now look at the text. There is only one sentence highlighted. And it has 2 numbers: 200 and 140 million. Do you see it? This refers to the position of the watch hands at 2:00 o’clock which can also be 14:00 military time. This was the key needed to read the graphic with the images of our excellent 200 Deplorables.

Img8 The images are distributed in such a way that, if you superimpose the 2 o’clock position to the set, the watch hands point at the images symbolizing the hidden orders and tactics in their new playbook. Here is how you extract the hidden messages: you draw a circle, position the hands of the clock at 2 o’clock and extract the 2 images (sometimes the third one on top is relevant). Then, you decode what they symbolize put together. In this example, it’s pretty obvious with the flag at the center and states in different colors at 2 o’clock, it is about dividing America. And here is the summarizing image: Img9

I have drawn several other circles to extract additional orders revealing the Deep State’s strategy against Trump. You’ll find them in The 2 O’clock Deplorable Playbook. Train and see how I decoded each of the sets. Like the division decode, some of them are easy. Others are more intricate like the one about biological warfare with a picture of young Trump and Vlad III Dracula which leads to Youth, Trump and Blood which leads to Life, Enemy, and DNA, which leads to bio data, bio warfare and bio weapons as hinted in Q1167.

Try to draw other circles with your friends/family and compare your results. Good luck!

Q354 Therefore, they openly showcase their symbolism. Therefore, they were sloppy. Q

Qanon for 3/1/19


the 21 countdown continues….”bye” Crooked Hillary?  typo?  i think not….


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62c035 No.5449539 📁📁
“Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except [bye] Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen…..”📁
“…and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. [Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed]. Republicans have been [abused long enough]. Must end now!”
Carpet bombs are ok.
Tactical nukes are better.

Qanon (continued) 2/19/19


[Except 1]…???  any ideas on this last drop??


Filters picking up many references tonight.
Desperate to sway opinion?

such a lovely Q too.
He needs to be invited to the White House, Q
All he needs to do is ask.

>>5272527 (/pb)
Thoughts and prayers.
May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you.


Review time.


Review time.

Country v “county”
Error made.
Always on the move.
The DECLASSIFICATION of all requested documents (+ more) will occur.
This is not a game.
Do not let personal (emotional) desires (“do it now””now””what is taking so long””NOW!”) take over.
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied.
NEW THREATS (investigations by [SDNY], [AS], [MW] in an effort to delay/prevent release (‘insurance extension’) WILL FAIL.
TRANSPARENCY is the only way forward.
Define the following:
Conspiracy to commit…
Do you understand and fully appreciate the GRAVITY of the situation?
Do you understand and fully appreciate what POTUS endures each and every singly day?
He loves this County.
He loves you.
There is EVIL in this world.
There is DARKNESS in this world.
There are those in POWER who wish to CONTROL (enslave) you.
To keep you sedated.
To keep you unaware.
To keep you blind.
This will be on our timetable.
(Transparency and Prosecution)
There is simply no other way.
[Except 1]
Discretion must be applied when dealing w/ matters of NAT SEC / sensitive ongoing investigations.
Info released to date was necessary in order to refute the FAKE NEWS narrative and provide the public w/ a taste of the TRUTH (i.e. future events).
Conf sources (House) that you gain critical from is simply one of many vehicles used (by design).
NO LEAKS for this reason.
Insert ‘info’ between critical & from.
On the move.

SerialBrain2 ~ Trump’s message from the battlefield: I took our money back. Next move coming.


LOVE.  THIS.  !!



So where were we? Yes, I told you about the 2 F15s and what they meant link. I told you that if the Maestro had sufficient assurance that the funds would not be misused like in the past, he would sign the Government Bill negotiated with the Dems and avoid a shutdown. If not, the next date to watch would be 02/20 or 02/21/2019.

Since then, we know he has signed the bill and declared a National Emergency. Do you see what’s going on?

I told you that the Maestro coded his negotiation strategy in the dates ACTS=01/03/2019, BETS=02/05/2019, BOTS=02/15/2019 and that since I=9, I conjectured a date to watch was BITS=02/09/2019. This was later confirmed by the Maestro and the news with the Schiff/Fusion GPS situation. Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed I did not mention that, since U=21, the date 02/21/2019 stands for BUTS! This date, which I told you to watch, actually has a broader function that supersedes the negotiation’s outcome: it announces the uncertainty zone in which the Maestro will plunge the Dems. Now that the negotiations are behind us, we can talk about this date more freely and reveal that the Maestro’s next moves are going to be the BUTS: I signed the bill, BUT I am declaring a National Emergency, I am acting like I am fine with it BUT wait until you find out what I am going to do on Feb 20th or Feb 21st.

You know what’s going to happen right? Did you notice the Maestro declared the National Emergency the next day William Barr was confirmed? Did you make the connection? He gave you the clue right here: video until 35:10. After talking about Chucky and Nancy, he “randomly” brings in the AG and says: “such an easy job he’s got”. Why? Because the new AG gets in when a National Emergency is declared! Do you see what this means for Barr? It’s like a kid entering a toy store with a candy and a pastry section with an EVERYTHING FREE sign at the door. Then, to make the kid’s experience complete, a dedicated White Hat DJ is playing McCabe’s newly released 60 Minute album through the store’s speakers:

Q2732 The orders came from the highest office in the land. Q

And of course, to help him carry whatever he chooses, our excellent kamikaze Whitaker, the Scaramucci of the DOJ, will be walking with him in the store:

Q2766 WHITAKER remain DOJ senior staff? Senior counselor in the associate attorney general’s office? Planned? Q

We’ve entered Phase III of the Plan. The phase that brings Justice. With Barr getting in and Whitaker knowing where all the bodies are buried, DC is in panic mode:

Q2724 A Traitor’s Justice. Phase III. Panic in DC. RATS EVERYWHERE.

This was the perfect time to troll the RATS and the Maestro did not miss this opportunity. On Feb 15, at 2:04 PM, he tweeted the first version of this tweet where we enjoy the Dems’ sorrow at the SOTU with the REM song in the background.

Img1 Peruvian coffee for those who noticed that the value for MAESTRO is 91 and that Trump “conducted” the Congress song exactly at the 1:31=91’ mark of the video. Coincidence? How about the length of the video being 2:20, which is the date for his next move?

Img2 Look at the timestamp: 2:04 PM. Let’s go to Q1404. It’s a string of letters and numbers. Let’s put it in the best search engine of the Internet, yes, the search box. It predictably shows Q1404 but also surprisingly Q743 which says among other things: “Investigate those in the front of the camera who scream the loudest”. Coincidence? Now you know the real reason why REM was instructed to file a copyright complaint…

When they make desperate moves like this, your “Q-reaction” should be: “what are they trying to hide? Who can be the targets of these investigations?” Well, let’s follow the instructions in Q1404 and see who’s in front of the camera. Img3 We have exactly 13 shots and the 2 rookies in shots 4 and 11 are balanced by the 2 additional seniors in shot 5. Coincidence? Of course it points to the Maestro’s multiple references to the 13+ Angry Democrats and gives us this important confirmation: Mitt Romney is the new No Name.

Img4 After the REM complaint, the Maestro made a new version and tweeted it the next day at 2:40 PM. We go to Q1440: 4 explosions and A WEEK TO REMEMBER. What are these explosions? Why should history books remember this week? I’ll show you. Walk with me.

Img5 I told you how the 2 F15s in Q2675 were connected to Feb 15 and to the integrity of the flow of government funds and that it was connected to Q2674 through the Y=25’ delta. Now let’s take a look at the Stock Market. Why? Because Government fund circulation has an impact on the health of the economy and therefore indirectly on the markets. Did you notice that on 02/15, the DOW jumped 444 points and closed at 25,883.25. Do you see it? These 2 25s are the letter Y and Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed the 883rd letter of the alphabet is also Y! The DOW that day was YYY and Q coded it in the timestamp delta 2 weeks before! Let that sink in.

How is this possible? What’s going on? The answer is in The Art of the Deal. Read very carefully: Img6

Now the next question would be: why Y? Img7 The answer is in Q142 and Q667 where we learn that the 3 Y families and their ancient satanic bloodlines controlled the FED and the Stock Market. They flexed their muscles on Feb 2 2018 when they made the Dow plunge 666 points.

Img8 In the AF1 reflection riddle, I told you how they also sent the NK B2 message to Trump through the July 3rd 2017 NASDAQ glitch. These were the 2 major messages to Trump from family Y issued from the Stock Market and reminding him they controlled it. Well, on Feb 15 2019, exactly 54 weeks after their second message, the Maestro responded with the DOW hitting YYY, which represents the 3 family Y in Q142. Peruvian Coffee for those who deciphered the meaning of 54! Since 54=2+(2X26) it means you picked the letter B and then circled the alphabet 2 times, which is coded by B2. By putting the DOW at YYY 54 weeks later, the Maestro is saying: “Hey you, the 3 Y families from Q142, I got your B2 and 666 messages about the Stock Market, here is my response. Goodbye.”

Img9 The Maestro took the Stock Market back from the Cabal’s hands and signed the government funding bill because he also shut down all the routes described in Q489 that allowed them to take our money with our uninformed consent and use it against us. How do I know?

Img10 It’s coded in the Maestro’s 12:21 Feb 14th “funding bill” tweet he later deleted. Going to Q1221, we see the line ‘Trust funds’ and information about deposit routes which is code for: I am funding the bill because I trust the funds and control their routes. He re-tweeted the correction 6 minutes later and 6=F. Keep this, we’ll get back to it. The capital letters of the new tweet add up to RWH=49 which is the value for DATES. Adding the 6 minute delta to the date of the tweet gets us to the 2/20/2019 date coded in the duration of the trolling video. The Maestro confirms this date has to be watched.

3 mn later, at 12:30 PM, he tweeted about the Parkland shooting. Img11 Why 3 mn? Because he wants us to see the 3 close to the 14 that brings in the number PI=3.14 which means that SANCTIONS ARE COMING as explained in the Cabinet poster decode and as announced in Q759 where Q informs us HRC, BC, CC, Hussein and others were all implicated in the Parkland shooting. I told you here that this shooting was a ritual using the powers of the number 17=3+14. Confirmed by the capital letters OPFOAN=67=DARK MAGIC and:

Q759 Do you believe in EVIL?

This PI=3.14 is also in Q2718 linking to a tweet from RunningTheRace where he noticed the National Emergency went public exactly at 3:14, as shown on the watch in Q2647. Now let’s follow the timestamp. We hit:

Q1230 We came here for a reason.

Do you see it? We are told we came to the National Emergency status for a reason. The reason is SANCTIONS ARE COMING and this is why Q makes us notice in Q2718 that it coincides with Barr’s confirmation. Now there is something really ironic about all this. The Maestro needed to declare a National Emergency to launch the Justice phase with Barr. How do you do that without too much noise? You maintain the wall feud even though you have resolved this issue with the Military Spending Bill and you thank Soros for bringing his caravans:

Q2502 What vested auth does the Constitution grant a sitting President re: matters of NAT SEC? Thank you, Mr. Soros. Q

Img12 The next tweet is connected to Q2158 and we are informed the Rothschilds and Family Y are imploding. The last tweet is connected to Q2216 and this Q&A refers to the conversation the Maestro had with Family Y at the Stock Market. Capital letters: TAEYTCAD=102= GOT RAGE ON. They are very angry. Understandable: they lost the Stock Market and Government fund access. It was time for a false flag.

Img13 It happened the next day. Do you remember the F=6 I told you to keep? Here is the second one: capital letters=GAIAH=26=FLAG. The timestamp connects to Q1811 where we are told they are in full attack mode but it’s still a wonderful day! Why? Because we took our money back and they’ll now have to fall through the cracks of a National Emergency.

Q147 You are witnessing history. Q

Interesting use of words from POTUS speech this morning (at the 15:40 mark)


editor victoria’s comment ~ thank you to some of the awesome anon’s at destroying the illusion – go to the 15:40 mark and notice his use of the word “trader/traitor”….could be referencing dianne feinstein (where has she been lately?  i heard there was reference she is in china hiding out – as Q’s post of last night they were tracking people in china)….also of interest is his use (again) of the letter “R” – this time using china “chiner”….indeed 15 seconds of interesting use of the english language….


X22Report ~ DS] Landmines, National Emergency, Start The Clock – Episode 1791b


editor victoria’s comment ~ i appreciate his insight into why Trump will sign this bill (which corresponds w/his call for a national emergency – which interestingly enough today a local radio station did the emergency broadcast signal – but no message)…..i had the same question:  why would he sign this bill?


Published on Feb 14, 2019

Q update for 2/9 and 2/10/19


credit JOEM for the above photo….

editor victoria’s comment ~ much of this is review.  reagan speaking on the concept that the bigger the government, the less liberty for the people.  chess pieces have been set up.  installation of barr (who once worked w/clinton) = prosecution of HRC and people.  how will the people fight the narrative of a former HRC supporter showing who she (and her team) really are about?  just my guess.  references to countdown although i don’t know why NASA was used as it is deep state – other than for just a reference to a countdown prior to a launch (BOOM)…



Stage set?
Public border-wall fight necessary to bring public awareness re: true intentions of D party.
Anons knew?
Narrative Fight.
Dark to Light.
Would you know if not posted by individuals on social media?
FAKE NEWS attempting to ‘CONTROL’ the narrative by not providing coverage?
Do the protests in EU go against the narrative that majority of people are for globalism, open borders, and mass immigration?
1. Dilution of citizen voice
2. Dilution of citizen vote
3. Dilution of national independence
>Police turned against its own citizens
>Citizens turned against its own police
>People v People
Controlled media > prevent mass awareness
If the news doesn’t report the facts (ie, truth) – how do people get informed in order to be heard?
Silence the people.
Localize disruption.
Target leaders of disruption (quietly take action).
Deploy scare tactics & political cross-talk
Control volume.
The media no longer represents the will of the people.
Think for yourself.
Research for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Sheep no more.
Define ‘Projection’.
How do you fix something that is known to be broken (corrupt)?
Do you first need to remove those responsible?
Think FBI/DOJ ‘exit’ list.
How do you ‘restore’ the image (public faith) of our most prestigious ‘law enforcement’ institutions?
Hold people accountable?
Equal justice under the law?
The battle begins (as seen today) w/ public opinion.
The FIGHT to control the NARRATIVE.
How do D’s control the NARRATIVE?
1) FAKE NEWS MEDIA push of ‘by design’ narrative [daily updates – 4am]
2) FAKEWOOD echo of ‘by design’ narrative
3) SOCIAL MEDIA stream/promote of ‘by design’ narrative + censor/block/ban of challenger(s) of that narrative
Do they provide evidence to support their conclusions?
POTUS/RUSSIA narrative – evidence?
POTUS racist narrative – evidence?
POTUS …………(you can play this game all day long)
What do they count on?
How many experiments have been conducted by the C_A re: mind control?
Psych 101: If you hear & see something over and over again by multiple (supposedly credible) news agencies, elected officials, actors/actresses, documentaries on TV, movies, internet, social media, foreign press etc. all pushing the same narrative/conclusions…….what happens?
Do FACT-LESS claims become FACTS in the minds of many?
Do they count on the fact that w/ work, family, stresses of life, etc. that the typical person does not have enough time in the day to research topics for themselves and therefore would believe narratives projected in the echo chamber w/o the need to provide facts or substance other than opinion?
Why do they try so hard to keep you DIVIDED by race, gender, class, ……?
Notice an increase in this push over the past 2-years?
Are you stronger together/UNITED or DIVIDED?
If you dare to challenge their narrative are you cast out [banned] by society as a threat/conspiracy theorist etc..?
Are you cast out by members of your own family?
They want to keep you poor and in need of government assistance.
Bigger the gov’t, the more CONTROL they have, the more POWER they possess.
When you are in need, you are weak.
When you are weak, you are not strong.
When you are not strong, you do not FIGHT BACK.
This is as real as it gets.
They never thought she would lose.
Why? See above re: Control.
Transparency is the only way forward.
FAKE NEWS’ [propaganda arm of the Democrat machine] sole responsibility is to prevent the TRUTH from ever being disseminated to the masses.
Mass Infiltration (everywhere).
Transparency is the only way forward re: public opinion.
Prosecution is the only way forward re: save & defend the rule of law.
Prosecution and Transparency is the only way to save our way of life.
-Blockade removal [‘Scaramucci’ model]
[RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller]
[Ohr] removal
[1-4] removal
-Barr install
-Barr (w/ Whitaker) review [RR] notes re: strong reservations to DECLAS due to sources & methods + Foreign CLAS (irreparable harm) > OIG review prior to executing order
-Barr (w/ Whitaker) pull DECLAS review assignment from OIG [cite: executive order from POTUS does not require special oversight – DOJ/FBI (Wray) fully capable in reviewing and commenting re: OP integrity (sources & methods) etc.]
-Barr executes order to DECLAS + provide members of H committee long requested supplemental documentation in C setting [scope memo + CLAS] as required by US Law.
-Whitaker remain DOJ senior staff
-Barr meeting Huber & OIG
OIG report
-House D’s threaten subpoena of Barr/Whitaker re: DECLAS, SC report, Huber, etc….
-House D’s use subpoena power to ……………………Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]
-Meeting w/ NK > DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A, B food for people (aid)
UK/AUS narrative shift re: in_country spy campaign v. POTUS (hops 1 to 2; 2 to 3; 3 to 4; 4 to target)
-D sky is falling push to public (scare to control)(projection)
-Public Awakening
-Narrative damage control
-Placeholders active
-Wall discussion end (public awareness of D’s)
-Red/Green Castle per orig plan
Dark to Light.📁
FAKE NEWS attacks continue?
Ask yourself, why?
What happens when the news no longer reports FACTS?
What happens when the news no longer reports TRUTH?
Enemy of the people.

AG Whitaker Answers Rep. Sheila Jackson’s Line of Questioning with Brilliance (humor alert)


editor victoria’s comment ~ i wouldn’t say he “pissed her off” – but she was clearly not pleased with how he chose to respond to her ridiculous line of questioning.  is he messing with her?  oh yes, i think just a wee little bit… this dude is cool as a cucumber.  a good interim AG.  


AG Pisses Off Sheila Jackson Lee

Is He Screwing With Her?

Posted by American Voices on Friday, February 8, 2019