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As we reach and pass the two year mark for Trump’s presidency, it’s time for a performance review
Economy: A-
The unrelenting attack on the over-reaching, ridiculous and business killing regulations has been swift and decisive. The tax cuts for both individuals and businesses are also a contributing factor to this grade. More people have jobs as record numbers of employment across all sectors are being experienced. Wages need to continue to increase but at a faster pace. This should occur once the impact of the tax cuts on businesses becomes more apparent as upgrades to existing facilities and the development of new ones continues.
Another round of tax cuts is due as this will continue to put more discretionary income into the economy, driving competition, innovation, investments and technological advances. This country was built by entrepreneurs and putting more capital into the hands of Americans will restart that trend that has been stifled by the cabal sponsored presidents going back 50+ years.
Finance/Banking: B-
After staying virtually silent during the campaign and much of his first year in office regarding the Federal Reserve, Trump has FINALLY started shining the light on this criminal organization. The raising of rates since he took office is not surprising as its time people realize the Federal Reserve is responsible for EVERY downturn, recession, depression and WAR since they came into existence in 1913. The raising of rates is to (1) stifle the economic growth of the US (2) to recover some of the money aka “quantitative easing” (shell game) of the pathetic Soetoro years when they printed funny money like drunken sailors as the debt doubled from $10T to $20T under Barry’s watch and (3) to provide ammunition to their paid, deep state contractors in the House, Senate and Media to use against Trump in the run up to the 2020 election.
We’ve provided Trump with ample evidence of the fraud the Federal Reserve has been perpetrating since their creation under cover of darkness before Christmas in 1913. The two contracts we released in White Hats Report #63, one a trading program agreement between Yohannes Riyadi of Indonesia and the Greenspan headed Federal Reserve in 2003 and the one executed in 2013 to pay Riyadi the money and profits they stole from him in the preceding 10 years as per the 2003 contract. This, however, is just more Federal Reserve fraud as they have no intention of paying Riyadi, only extending their con game a few more years and running out the clock before another fraudulent gambit is employed.
The bankers are the cancer that infects the entire planet; their usurious practices know no bounds and their theft of our hard labor, efficiencies, discoveries and futures must be stopped now! If Trump wants to go down in history as the best of the best, he’ll need to scatter them to the winds. This is his toughest assignment by far and will be his biggest accomplishment if he can pull it off. The fate of human kind on this planet hangs in the balance.
Draining the SWAMP: C
This sector has been one of the most ongoing issues that remain unresolved. The Mueller investigation highlights the need to do this and the snakes and alligators in the form of Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Baker, Yates, et al is a good start. However, there is much more to be accomplished before the reputation, effectiveness and confidence in the DOJ (and FBI) can be restored. It’s become quite clear that once you reach a certain level on the food chain, you are ABOVE the law and you are not accountable for your actions, whether they be treason, fraud, murder, extortion, theft or blackmail.
This has to change and change fast if Trump wishes to get a second term and save the US from cabal destruction. Draining the swamp is one thing, holding people accountable for their crimes is completely another.
Lock her/them UP: F
This grade is self explanatory as two years in; no significant arrests have been made. Yes, low level pedophile networks have been infiltrated and destroyed (NXIVM being the main one so far) but much work remains to be done. It’s time the vast network of military installations all over the world be dismantled, the troops brought home and the rat lines of human trafficking, drug trafficking and illegal arms sales disguised as official military business be destroyed.
All Intel agencies need to be scattered to the winds and reconstituted under mandates that comport with American values and objectives. This includes the NSA, CIA, ONI and various other agencies created not for US security but for cabal influence and enforcement.
At home, the Bush and Clinton crime families and their minions and enablers need to be arrested, tried, convicted and sentences served for their long history of treason against the US and worldwide crimes against humanity. This also includes the banking family cartels who act as Rothschild surrogates in the US and their network of banking fraudsters and con men.
Sessions was a disaster and Comey a spineless snake and sorry excuse for the head law enforcement officer of the country. We can only hope Wray and Barr take their oath of office seriously and restore the rule of law as it applies to EVERYONE in the US.
If this is not done, Trump’s term as president, whether it is 4 or 8 years will be for naught as it will only serve to delay the inevitable rather than save the planet. Yes, a tall order but we feel Trump is and always has been up to the task. Whether he can successfully complete it remains to be seen.
We bring out the following questions/issues that Trump’s DOJ MUST address:
1. Complete whitewash to all pedophile arrests and disgusting parties such as Epstein and Weiner only get a smack on the wrist. Where is the list of perps and why has no action been taken?
2. The sheer scale of Bush /Clinton crime families is off the Richter scale. Why has a crime commission not been appointed and when will it be?
3. Where has the $15T of funds created by cross firing bogus SWIFTs using DHS clearance codes ended up? (White Hats Report #36, #41, #43, #45, #46, #49 – #51, #54, #56 and #62)
4. As Rossier (aka Ferrera) rapidly sunk Pureheart Investments, LTD from trace in Switzerland, why was it not investigated? (White Hats Report #36, #41, #45 and #49)
5. Herzog has threatened to expose the full Bush /Clinton .CIA crime files if he’s extradited to the US. Interpol arrested Herzog and recovered the Bush contracts and proof of frauds. Why was he not brought back to America? His crimes are massive. (White Hats Report #2-#6, #10, #12, #15, #18, #22, #27, #31, #34, #35, #38-#40, #42, #47, #52 and #62-#65)
6. Why hasn’t the list of Epstein’s attendees at Lolita Island not been made public?
7. Why are the Hillary/Abedin files not exposed?
8. Why has Benghazi never been prosecuted?
9. Where have the vast Grey screen funds gone to? Who has them?
10. Where is Soetoro’s birth certificate?
11. How many crimes has Mueller covered up for the Bush crime family?
12. When will the vast array of US Defense Contractors and boots on the ground killing be exposed? How many vast Billions or Trillions has the Pentagon Fed Program pumped out funding them. Who has gotten mega rich and for how much?
Foreign Policy: A
This is the most “under the radar” superb performance category of Trump’s presidency. Yes, it does overlap with trade and treaties but this goes deeper and the ramifications are more profound that only a few understand. Before getting to the heart of this category, let us first review the appetizers.
North Korea: Ongoing but progress has been made for the long held stranglehold of the cabal has been broken in North Korea and continued attention can achieve success and peace for both the Korean peninsula and the rest of the region. The overweight kid with the bad hair cut needs support and guidance to bring his country into the 21st century and cease being the proxy for his NWO controllers.
Europe/EU: Trump has been quick to put this region on notice that the US will not continue to foot the bill for NATO when other countries are not contributing their fair share. The UK’s vote to leave the European Union has served to show the world that these groups of unelected, unaccountable cabal puppets will not be allowed to usurp sovereignty from the people. The US stands behind the UK in their efforts to execute the wishes of the people because it will serve as an example to the rest of the countries mired in the bureaucratic nightmare of the Brussels grifter gang they can forge their own path forward, too.
China: China is the future, an emerging world power, trying to get caught up with the rest of the planet both economically and socially. Laying a solid foundation for an ongoing relationship after the cabal’s attempt to take down both countries by using deception and fraud has failed…for now. If Trump can solidify a trade agreement that rebalances the scales and brings stability to both countries, he deserves a Nobel Prize.
The cabal backed former US Administrations set up one sided trade agreements with China (favoring the Chinese), then convinced them to finance a big part of the US debt….with the intention of taking down the US via the Federal Reserve. Crashing the US economy would cause the US government to default on money owed to China on their investments in treasury notes. Further, their businesses would be severely crippled by a reduction in goods supplied by China to the US consumer because of the tariff imbalance Trump is trying to correct.
By not paying back debt owed to China in a crash and a severe slowdown in trade, the cabal would weaken both countries and make them ripe for a one world government solution which would also include a one world currency. Ever heard of the New World Order? Agenda 21?
Trump and Xi are moving forward in an attempt to forge a new, solid foundation for the future of both countries. It will not be easy as there are a lot of moving parts for each leader to integrate into an agreement that works for both parties.
Is there ANYONE in the world you would rather have negotiating your side of this important agreement than Trump?
No, there isn’t.
Saudi Arabia: If China represents the future, Saudi Arabia represents the past. The past that includes two Saudi Kings helping fund the shadow government (one in the 1960s, the other in the 1980s), a famous American gangster, 911, the petro dollar, Global Oil Traders, SA, Al-CIAda (aka ISIS), the Group of Five, 5 Star Trust (among others), Khashoggi, illegal arms deals, family business ties and Pureheart…and the list goes on. This 60 year history, filled with secret arrangements, secret deals, secret alliances and secret businesses has never seen the light of day. The cabal criminal underground that plans and stages world “events” to herd the cattle to slaughter, all while masquerading in public as politicians, business leaders, Kings, Princes and financial experts.
15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Why did Soetoro veto (overridden) a bill passed by Congress to allow lawsuits to go forward against perpetrators of 911, including….Saudi Arabia? Why was there no response against Saudi Arabia for 911 during the Bush Administration? What family was allowed to leave the US via plane when ALL other flights were grounded? Where was the accused “master mind” from? In the 911 Commission report, which country benefited from the 28 page redactions?
Trump’s first foreign trip as President was to where? Saudi Arabia. He knows the history of this sordid relationship between the US shadow government and Saudi Kings. This important trip changed the relationship between the two countries. An arms deal was struck to sever the cord between Saudi Arabia and the US military industrial complex. Trump has opened up US energy natural resources to wean us off of foreign oil dependence. You see the US shadow government cut a deal with the Saudis to supply us, through OPEC, with our energy requirements in exchange for the creation of the petro dollar. The profits would be poured back to the shadow government in the form of invested capital so the cycle could continue, away from public eyes, off the radar and bypassing oversight of the elected officials and therefore, public scrutiny.
What was the Saudi oil money paid to the US shadow government used for? Trading programs; black budgets; the secret space program; establishing and maintaining delivery systems for the illegal trafficking of humans, arms and drugs; extortion, blackmail, bribes, payoffs, assassinations, coups, false flag events and other nefarious deeds that Trump is trying to stop. Addressing this relationship early on is indicative of the importance of it.
In January, 2015, King Salman took the throne in Saudi Arabia when his half brother died. He has moved Saudi Arabia away from the old alliances with the cabal and outdated oppressive ideas, naming his son, Muhammad bin Salman initially as Deputy Crown Prince and now Crown Prince. This move bypassed a whole slew of Saudi royalty to name his young son as successor to the throne. MBS has endeavored to initiate progressive change in his country, starting with loosening restrictions on the female gender while trying to avoid assassination attempts and ferreting out the US shadow government agents in the Saudi royalty by relieving them of their official positions in government and arresting others to be tried for corruption and other charges.
Trump’s election has been the single most event to bring the deep state/shadow government/cabal puppets out of the shadows. They can easily be identified because they’re the ones whining the loudest about anything Trump does. Be it politicians or news media or business “leaders” or entertainers. Their noise level is commiserate with how much they have to lose if their crimes are exposed to the public and prosecuted in court. The recent “outrage” regarding the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey is a prime example. This would be a good time to inform/remind the readers that Jamal’s late rich uncle, Adnan, reported at one time to be the world’s biggest arms dealer and heavily involved in the Iran-Contra affair. Of course the Iran-Contra debacle was run out of the Vice President’s office, the only one NOT to be implicated in the whole sordid story. How does that happen?
Getting back to Jamal Khashoggi, what’s all the ruckus about? No one gave a damn or raised hell when journalist/reporter Gary Webb was murdered while exposing the Iran Contra affair, the drug trafficking in minority neighborhoods in California (via “Freeway” Ricky Ross) and the direct involvement of the CIA. So what’s so important about Khashoggi? It’s clear, he was one of them. Did he have knowledge about 911? Attempts to assassinate MBS? Knowledge of what happened in Las Vegas in October, 2017?
You decide.
The cabal controlled media and their co-conspirators in Congress are pushing back on MBS for Khashoggi yet these same shills stayed silent on 911, instead getting on the Iraq WMD bandwagon that proved to be false. Now they use Khashoggi as a reason to do battle with both Trump AND MBS. While they sat idle all these years and kept silent about the human rights issues in Saudi Arabia, particularly the oppression of females, they squawk and whine as if they’ve all of a sudden become moral.
Trump and MBS are their respective countries leaders who are attempting to change direction and right the ship. They should both be commended for their efforts.
Media Relations: A
Two words: Keep Tweeting
and again the waiting and game playing goes on………..
Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ If he really had that “gut feeling” gift, he would have covered all of the horrors that have taken place just during his tenure. This one gets a PU-LEASE konk on the head. As POTUS tweeted earlier today:
Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of our Country! NO COLLUSION! Border Coyotes, Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers are treated better. Who alerted CNN to be there?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2019
All of America was wondering exactly how CNN happened to know the FBI was going to raid the South Florida home of Trump associate Roger Stone under the cover of darkness early Friday, as the network captured exclusive footage of agents in riot gear storming the home.
Well, the CNN producer who got the scoop of a lifetime offered his explanation for knowing about the raid and it’s quite a doozy.
According to David Shortell, it was a gut feeling, or, as he called it, “reporter’s instinct,” that prompted him to camp out in front of Stone’s Fort Lauderdale home Friday morning.
So there he was, in the pre-dawn hours, camera at the ready, when heavily armed FBI agents arrived in force.
editor’s comment ~ another insightful, brilliant piece by SB2. disturbing, maddening to realize the D/S uses the same code as does POTUS although a maestro uses his enemies tools against them…
Did you see Trump’s ‘Countrty’ tweet? Did you notice they have not mocked him like they usually do? Yet they had a huge opportunity to publish inflammatory titles about his supposed inability to spell ‘country’. Considering his position, isn’t the spelling of the word country more important than the word hamburger? Look at the difference in treatment. It’s fascinating: Img1
As you can see, it seems the Mockingbird Fake News swept this misspelling under the rug. But there is more. The tweet reads: ‘they no longer care about our Countrty’. Suppose you vaguely recall there was ‘our Country’ in the tweet and Google search with ‘Trump+our country’ within the last 3 days. This is what you get: Img2 Hahaha! Thank you Google! We have a situation at the border, the Government is shut down, thousands of people are not getting paid but if the world wants to know what is going on with Trump and our Country, they will have to rely on Cardi B’s expertise!
This is what they do. When they are afraid of certain search combinations and want to bury a particular result, they activate one of their assets or anyone they control indirectly and make him/her say the ‘flooding’ keywords in a staged interview. Once it’s in the bank, it’s distributed to the media network for headlines and the final move is to put it on top of all search results.
Why did they bury this misspelling? Why did they avoid mocking Trump the way they usually do? Why are they so afraid of this extra T? It’s because the secret it reveals is explosive. Yes, explosive.
The day prior to this tweet, on Wednesday January 16 2019, a Georgia man under the name of Hasher Taheb, 21, was arrested for plotting to blow up the White House: video – video – Reuters article. As you can see, his last name starts with a T and our tweet has an extra T. Coincidence? I will show you it’s not and this attempted attack on the White House is exactly what the Maestro is hinting at.
As usual, let’s extract the key the Maestro used for the perturbation of Country to get Countrty. Img3 The Y=25 is transformed to a T=20 by moving 21 steps forward in the alphabet or 5 steps backwards. The space after the Y, which is zero, becomes a Y=25 by moving 25 steps forward or 1 step backwards. You get the 2 keys [UY] and [EA]. What is [EA]? Peruvian Coffee for those who answered Q1559 and saw the Viv[a] L[e] Resistance network! Every time you see the Maestro make a play with the letters A and E, you should know he is referring to this JC-LP-PS network hidden in JC’s old FBI that I told you about and that the subject is about Presidential Assassination attempts. Check this post in AW9’s archive to know more about this network. Comey is now pulled in.
In the Reuters article, FBI Special Agent Tyler Krueger informs us that Taheb, 21, planned to use an AT4, blow a hole in the White House and, with his group, take down as many people as they possibly could. Now look at the perturbation zone in the picture, if you notice in the second row that 25-21=4, you will enjoy how Taheb’s age and the AT4 are beautifully coded in the grid.
Let’s extract more by bringing in the 2 following tweets. Img4 We have 3 timestamps: 9:04, 10:04 and 9:40 for the retweet. Do you see a pattern? Do you see this moving 4? The Maestro is insisting on the number 4. The second tweet timestamp is 10:04. Let’s go to Q1004. It’s a security test and it says ACTIVATE D-PRIV. Since D=4, the private relevancy of this number 4 is confirmed. What can it represent? We’ll get back to it. Following the 9:40 retweet, let’s go to Q940. ANTIFA is pulled in. Coincidence? No. They are related to the sleeper cell network.
Q1741 Antifa (arm of Democratic Party).
Since Comey and Antifa are pulled in, let’s go to Q645. Img5 In this drop, Q teaches us how to read Comey’s tweets and gives us the very important information that Comey controls sleeper cells throughout the country and can activate them using coded language in his tweets. This in itself is pretty explosive right?
Next? Let’s take a close look at his January 12 2019 tweet. Img6. At first, I saw several layers of understanding including RBG’s health and Trump’s Covfefe war against Mockingbird media. But then, if you notice the picture is not centered, it looks like it was done on purpose so that the Milford Plaza in the back could appear. Let’s see what this hotel has to say. This link shows it was previously called The Lincoln Hotel. Lincoln? I see we are in the territory of a US President Assassination. Important detail: Lincoln was assassinated by a well-known actor. His name was John Wilkes Booth link. The article also informs us the Lincoln Hotel was opened on 1928. Look at the tweet timestamp: 18:29. Coincidence? Why did he rearrange the numbers? Peruvian Coffee for those who saw he’s talking about the 9/11 false flag! Look: the Lincoln opening date 1928 gives you 28-19=9 and the tweet timestamp 18:29 gives you 29-18=11. Coincidence? No. The goal was to activate the sleeper cell network that was involved in the 9/11 false flag which was essentially about blowing up high profile buildings on US soil. This, added to the Lincoln assassination component, you get the following Frankenstein mixture:
A man (Taheb) who planned to attack the White House with explosives and an anti-tank rocket today is under arrest, federal prosecutors said. Taheb allegedly told an undercover FBI agent in December he wanted to attack “the Washington Monument, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and a specific synagogue.” CBS News.
Let’s now analyze the capital letters of the Countrty tweet: TLTRC=73. Same value as UNION=73. Country? Union? Do you see it? What number is relevantly associated with each State in the Country? Yes, the number that corresponds to the order in which a State joined the Union. Where was Taheb located? In Georgia. And Georgia was the 4th State to join the Union. This is the explanation for our mysterious moving 4! This was the last clue the Maestro gave us to confirm this countrty tweet was indeed about Taheb, his arrest in Georgia, Comey’s involvement in the activation of the 9/11 sleeper cell and its connection with ANTIFA.
Q1402 Puzzle coming together? We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago. As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position. Q
All the pieces of the puzzle are now gathered. Future proves past. We can now apply Q’s template to decipher Comey’s tweet. You caught ‘All rise’ means ‘let’s activate’, ‘vital message’ means ‘assassinate’ and since Lincoln was killed by an actor, ‘Amazing cast’ means ‘Sleeper Cell’. The message, when translated becomes:
The Day has come to activate the sleeper cells that did the job on 9/11 and to perform attacks targeting high profile buildings on American soil and the White House in particular. Perhaps our Amazing cast will be as successful at getting Trump as the actor John W. Booth was at delivering Lincoln’s vital message.
Next? You go back to the 10:04 tweet and you read it very carefully. Why do you think Schumer is pulled in next to Comey? Remember this drop:
Q1741 Antifa (arm of Democratic Party).
In this 10:04 tweet, the Maestro is using the exact same language Comey uses. Just to make sure he will be heard 5:5. Try to decipher what the Maestro is really saying using the Q645 template.
For Comey, need I add anything to the capitalized UNTIL I FIRED HIM? Do you think he is talking about the past? Think again. The meaning of the verb TO FIRE may evolve when you are no longer in The Apprentice and have become the Commander in Chief…
For Schumer, if I were him, I would be devastated…
Nancy? She’s the smart one of the group. The wrap up smear expert. She has a bag with many little tricks but has no clue a chess board is made of 64 squares. The way she managed the Maestro’s offer to support her Speakership was the proof she does not see the big picture… In the morning of Jan 16 2019, she wrote to POTUS and positioned on the political timeline that she was worried about the impact of the shutdown on Government security link. Pretty cool right? If a false flag targeting POTUS or Government buildings were to happen later, this letter would become political gold. She wrote it on the 26th day of the shutdown. Why wait all this time?
It was time to stop whatever was being prepared. Taheb got arrested the same day, a few hours later. He confessed he was going to make his move the next day.
At this point, who do you think is a better singer? Cardi B or Taheb?
Q1222 These people are stupid. We have it all. Q
The White House on Tuesday announced the re-nomination of 51 federal judicial nominees left over from the previous Congress, kickstarting the administration’s effort to install more conservative judges after GOP activists worried that such appointments had stalled.
Nine of the 51 appointments are for spots on prestigious and influential federal appellate benches, including two on the mostly liberal San Francisco-based 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which President Trump has often derided as “disgraceful” and politically biased.
“I truly appreciate the prompt attention President Trump and his White House team have shown to judicial nominations,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a statement Wednesday. “I also appreciate the list of 51 impressive judicial nominations to fulfill the Senate’s constitutional role in advice and consent.”
Graham vowed that the committee “will immediately begin working on these important nominations and trying to confirm as many as possible, as soon as possible.”
and the ball was lobbed back to Trump…lol
After Donald Trump sent a letter to Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday, one telling her that — despite her objections — he would deliver his State of the Union address from the House Chamber on January 29 no matter what, as CNN reported, Pelosi quickly responded. She has refused to allow Trump to enter the House of Representatives to give his annual address.
Under congressional rules, before any president can deliver a State of the Union address to a joint session of congress — according to an analysis by McClatchy News — both the House and the Senate must vote to approve a “concurrent resolution” calling the two bodies together for the combined session.
But the Speaker of the House must call for a vote on the resolution, and in her letter to Trump on Wednesday, Pelosi told Trump that as long as the partial government shutdown remains in effect, she will not allow a vote on the resolution — giving Trump no audience for his speech, as TPM reported.
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Madam Speaker:
Thank you for your letter of January 3, 2019, sent to me long after the Shutdown began, inviting me to address the Nation on January 29th as to the State of the Union. As you know, I had already accepted your kind invitation, however, I then received another letter from you dated January 16, 2019, wherein you expressed concerns regarding security during the State of the Union Address due to the Shutdown. Even prior to asking, I was contacted by the Department of Homeland Security and the United States Secret Service to explain that there would be absolutely no problem regarding security with respect to the event. They have since confirmed this publicly.
Accordingly, there are no security concerns regarding the State of the Union Address. Therefore, I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union.
I look forward to seeing you on the evening on January 29th in the Chamber of the House of Representatives. It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location!
Donald J. Trump
Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ Didn’t hear about this one did we? And looksie who voted Nay ~ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Some are speculating McConnell would not take up such a bill and POTUS would have vetoed it as he has said no budget of any kind until the wall is funded…and such a bill below would (allegedly) open up the government. If that is the case though the DEMS would be all over this one with YEA votes. And it appears to me the bill was introduced by a Democrat (NYC). No solid answer on this one at the moment…
Big deal that never got reported:
Last week, House GOP voted to pay federal employees their 1st paycheck of 2019, despite shutdown. Only 6 Dems voted with us. It failed.
Dem priority is not paying workers or opening gov't. It is opposing Trump.
— Rep. Dan Crenshaw (@RepDanCrenshaw) January 23, 2019
There is one summary for H.J.Res.28. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019
This joint resolution provides continuing FY2019 appropriations to several federal agencies through the earlier of February 28, 2019, or the enactment of the applicable appropriations legislation.
It is known as a continuing resolution (CR) and ends the partial government shutdown that began after the existing CR expired on December 21, 2018, because seven of the remaining FY2019 appropriations bills have not been enacted.
(Five of the FY2019 appropriations bills were enacted last year, including
Additionally, the CR has the effect of extending through February 28, 2019, several authorities and programs that were extended in prior CRs, including
DEMOCRATIC | 6 | 222 | 6 | |
REPUBLICAN | 189 | 10 | ||
TOTALS | 195 | 222 | 16 |
Abraham Aderholt Allen Amash Amodei Armstrong Arrington Babin Bacon Baird Balderson Banks Barr Bergman Biggs Bilirakis Bishop (UT) Bost Brady Brooks (AL) Brooks (IN) Buchanan Buck Bucshon Budd Burchett Burgess Byrne Calvert Carter (GA) Carter (TX) Chabot Cheney Cline Cloud Cole Collins (GA) Collins (NY) Comer Conaway Cook Crawford Crenshaw Cunningham Curtis Davidson (OH) Davis, Rodney DesJarlais Diaz-Balart Duffy Duncan Dunn Emmer Estes Ferguson Fitzpatrick Fleischmann Flores Fortenberry Foxx (NC) Fulcher Gallagher Gianforte Gibbs Gohmert |
Gonzalez (OH) Gooden Gosar Gottheimer Granger Graves (GA) Graves (LA) Graves (MO) Green (TN) Griffith Grothman Guest Guthrie Hagedorn Harris Hartzler Hern, Kevin Herrera Beutler Hice (GA) Higgins (LA) Hill (AR) Holding Hollingsworth Hudson Huizenga Hunter Hurd (TX) Johnson (OH) Johnson (SD) Jordan Joyce (OH) Joyce (PA) Katko Kelly (MS) Kelly (PA) King (IA) King (NY) Kinzinger Kustoff (TN) LaHood LaMalfa Lamb Lamborn Latta Lesko Long Lucas Luetkemeyer Marchant Marshall McCarthy McCaul McClintock McHenry McKinley Meadows Meuser Miller Mitchell Moolenaar Mooney (WV) Moulton Mullin Newhouse Norman |
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Adams Aguilar Allred Axne Barragán Bass Beatty Bera Beyer Bishop (GA) Blumenauer Blunt Rochester Bonamici Boyle, Brendan F. Brindisi Brown (MD) Brownley (CA) Bustos Butterfield Carbajal Cárdenas Carson (IN) Cartwright Case Casten (IL) Castor (FL) Castro (TX) Chu, Judy Cicilline Cisneros Clark (MA) Clarke (NY) Clay Cleaver Clyburn Cohen Connolly Cooper Correa Costa Courtney Cox (CA) Craig Crist Crow Cuellar Cummings Davids (KS) Davis (CA) Davis, Danny K. Dean DeFazio DeGette DeLauro DelBene Delgado Demings DeSaulnier Deutch Dingell Doggett Engel Escobar Eshoo Espaillat Evans Finkenauer Fletcher Foster Frankel Fudge Gabbard Gallego Garamendi |
García (IL) Garcia (TX) Golden Gomez Gonzalez (TX) Green (TX) Grijalva Haaland Harder (CA) Hastings Hayes Heck Higgins (NY) Hill (CA) Himes Horn, Kendra S. Horsford Houlahan Hoyer Huffman Jackson Lee Jayapal Jeffries Johnson (GA) Johnson (TX) Kaptur Keating Kelly (IL) Kennedy Khanna Kildee Kilmer Kim Kind Kirkpatrick Krishnamoorthi Kuster (NH) Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lawrence Lawson (FL) Lee (CA) Lee (NV) Levin (CA) Levin (MI) Lewis Lieu, Ted Lipinski Loebsack Lofgren Lowenthal Lowey Luján Luria Lynch Malinowski Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Matsui McAdams McBath McCollum McGovern McNerney Meeks Moore Morelle Mucarsel-Powell Murphy Nadler Napolitano Neal Neguse |
Norcross O’Halleran Ocasio-Cortez Omar Pallone Panetta Pappas Pascrell Perlmutter Peters Peterson Phillips Pingree Pocan Porter Pressley Price (NC) Quigley Raskin Rice (NY) Richmond Rouda Roybal-Allard Ruiz Ruppersberger Ryan Sánchez Sarbanes Scanlon Schakowsky Schiff Schneider Schrader Schrier Scott (VA) Scott, David Serrano Sewell (AL) Shalala Sherman Sherrill Sires Slotkin Smith (WA) Soto Spanberger Speier Stanton Stevens Suozzi Swalwell (CA) Takano Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Titus Tlaib Tonko Torres (CA) Torres Small (NM) Trahan Trone Underwood Vargas Veasey Vela Velázquez Visclosky Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Coleman Welch Wexton Wild Yarmuth |
Doyle, Michael F. Gaetz Johnson (LA) Jones Loudermilk Marino |
Massie Mast McEachin Meng Payne Rooney (FL) |
Rush Sensenbrenner Walker Wilson (FL) |
Here’s a Roll Call Summary (detailing the bill further):
Roll Call Summary
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