Unusual Appearance Of Military Behind Trump During Inaugural Address


I remember when this happened and found it very interesting.  I hadn’t recalled seeing this before.  I went back and listened again and the military personnel appeared just as Trump spoke of taking the power away from D.C. and returning it to we the people.  I looked back at the speeches of Obama and Bush and no military personnel appear behind them.  Check it out here.

One of the people making a comment suggested people look at what happened in 1871 in reference to D.C. (inferring the military presence was a sign the Republic was being restored.)    Found this little tidbit I was not aware of.

Pieces of the puzzle keep finding their rightful place…


Update On Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Case ~ A Recommendation Has Been Given


You read that correctly.  A recommendation.  Not a ruling.  Not a motion. Not a verdict.  Not even a decision.  The obvious question:  If he was so confident in his decision, if he truly believe the court has jurisdiction over Heather, why on earth did he leave it as a recommendation that Heather’s paperwork and her request for the case be denied?   I believe I can answer that.  He doesn’t know what to do. He is unable to “legally” deny Heather’s filings.  Instead of doing the right thing, stop dragging this nonsense out any further, he’s passed this off to another Judge. I had a dream about him recently and his energy was distressed.  He did NOT want to be put into this position. I felt for him.  We’ve all been there with that cognitive dissonance experience.  Stay tuned, focused and positive…the jig is up for ALL of it.  The time for Love and Truth is HERE.  For ALL of us.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]Below is the link for the report…




What’s The Deal With Trump Pausing to Drink Some Water? I Mean, It Was Just A Damn Sip of Water, Right?


Or was there a message in there…

With Trump you have to look behind what you are seeing on camera.  He’s a strategist.  It’s what he does best.

Ahhh, the mainstream media is having fun with this one, aren’t they?  But I and others (including Jordan Sather and Kauilapele) feel there is much more to this.  To begin with, Fuji is deeply involved in child and human trafficking. Below is a screenshot of a statement released by our Department of State from 2013.  I saw one from 2016 earlier today but haven’t been able to locate it again.  Here is the 2013 link.

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I have also seen allegations of FIJI water having ties to the Clinton Foundation.

Below is the video in case you haven’t seen it and wish to take a looksie.  17:08 mark is the 2nd swig.  Of note:  the water was very clearly placed on a table, off to the left of the podium.  See the photo here.  Very visible.  His decision to behave as though he didn’t see it only called more attention to this matter.  Given what’s going on with the massive number of indictments as well as the M13 arrests and all of the sexual assault and pedophilia darkness being exposed, this was a strategic move on his part.

Also of note, there are reports of military activity (Marine – the president’s “private military”) activity going onatn Langley, VA.  Check out links here and here and here fmi (the last link is a written article and has updates)…  I also just discovered that the organization Save The Children has as one of its projects the targeting of Fiji and the trafficking.  Of a (disgusting) note – on the board of Trustees sits (creepy) Joe Biden’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden.

Things are happening.  Quickly.  Connection’s are being made.  The masses will no longer remain ignorant of the webs of deception.  Keep on intending the dark to be exposed and cleansed beautiful peeps.

Sophia Love As We Shift ~ This Stops NOW



Love is at stake now.  Do not be fooled by costumes.

Who are you? Tell me. Show me your choice. With every headline and drama and moment you are asked.

Are you love? Are you fear? Are you One? Are you Separate?

The unraveling shows itself now.

We came for this. As incredible and awful and painful as it appears, we were first in line for this show. We wanted to experience every nuance.

It is one of the exquisite parts of being human at all – to feel. As we catapult into unity and are simultaneously blasted with these horrific disclosures, well, I’m not sure “exquisite” is a word I’d use.  Yet think about it, we’ve crafted for ourselves a fool-proof method to attain oneness.

Here’s the instructions.

Self-love is paramount. In order for that to emerge, we have to forgive ourselves, for everything. It’s that thing we are working on as we evolve, and it’s a process.

In the midst of our inner work, along comes every wretched, self-serving human attribute; served up for us on twitter, you tube and main stream platforms. In every glorified institution here on the planet, there runs a deep river of corruption – the church, the government, Hollywood and the media itself.

These are versions of us in the most reprehensible state, asking to be seen. Why? So that they can step out from the shadows and be dealt with. This time now asks you to love. It asks you to forgive.

Not in an “Oh, it’s okay that (fill in the blank with any scandal being exposed today) happened, he/she is a (fill in the blank with political party, religious group, etc.)  and we want him/her to keep running our (fill in the blank with church, country, organization, judicial branch, etc.)” way. But with clarity.

You do not have to forget. You do not have to allow it to continue.

Yet you have to acknowledge. Recognize every part of creation as part of you and respond accordingly. If it is destructive, it must be stopped.

These days I move between horror, fury, acceptance and love. It is the love that will emerge at the end of the day, triumphant and glorious. We know this, yet we are tired of waiting.

Know that you are shining the brightest of lights and they are spreading.  All of creation can see your brilliance. Your radiance encompasses all of it, is part of all of it and sees no divisions in any of it.

Keep on doing whatever you are to disclose and bring out every part of the human condition.  Do it so that we all get a glimpse, finally, of what actually occurred here.

Do it so that we can then say THIS STOPS NOW. We don’t say it with hatred. We say it as a matter of self-care.

Abuse is not an option. This includes self-abuse, as well as all others.

We are at that moment of gray. You know the one I refer to? It is not a fuzzy moment, not at all. It is a moment of clarity actually. It comes when you really “get” that life is neither black nor white but bits of both. In order to allow yourself to fully love, and be fully loved – you cannot be afraid of either shade.

This means looking at any mirror or headline with equal acceptance.

If you have children you’ll recognize this moment. Your love for them is beyond comprehension. Yet, right now their behavior demands a response. On the surface it may not look very loving, especially to that child, yet no harm is ever intended. The response is necessary and sometimes powerful, yet always constructive; always there is love. What is at stake is the health of the organism.  This could refer to the family or to the child. In today’s atmosphere, what is at stake is the health of the human organism.

The sooner we step back and remove ourselves energetically from the negative vibes in the air; the faster we’ll witness our transcendence.

Our arrival in the new world is assured.  Along the way are lots of mirrors, some of them pretty hideous. We have to love them all. It’s the only way.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
We are anchors for the light.
We’ve got this.

With so much love and gratitude,

Usage Policy:
Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do.  Much obliged. 


$17 Million of Sexual harassment settlements in Congress paid by taxpayers


Another story to put in the WTF box.  People sue congressional members for sexual harassment, congresses passes the bill along to you and me.  Can we say REFUND?!  Maybe along with this “sexual harassment sensitivity training” b.s. they can also receive training in the concept of “self-responsibility”.  And look at those numbers for 2002 and 2007.  Very high amounts that don’t really match the number of settlements, which may mean there was some huge hush monies paid out.  


Congressional Office of Compliance releases year-by-year breakdown of harassment settlements and awards:

Fox NewsNov 15, 2017
Congress is spending your money to cover up sexual harassment. … lead with was that the public tax dollars are paying for these settlements.
The HillNov 15, 2017
Prior to enactment of the law, a victim of sexual harassment by a member … favor of the complainant (read: victim), funds for the settlement don’t come out … We, the taxpayers who have been paying for more than two decades …
Newsweek6 hours ago
WRIGHT: Congress also behaving badly
OpinionToronto Sun18 hours ago
Congress has an ‘et tu?’ moment as it grapples with sexual …
In-DepthChristian Science Monitor37 minutes ago

Universal Law and Ascension ~ The Fall of the Elite


I really like this woman ~ her energy, her approach, her authenticity…


Universal Law and Ascension, Fall of the Elite – James Gilliland

Published on Nov 6, 2017

Report Confirms US Coalition Struck Deal with ISIS


The house of (deceptive) cards keeps falling…while revealing itself for what it really is.  #truthorbust


Bombshell Report Confirms US Coalition Struck A Deal With ISIS


At a moment of widespread acknowledgement that the short-lived Islamic State is no longer a reality, and as ISIS is about to be defeated by the Syrian Army in its last urban holdout of Abu Kamal City in eastern Syria, the US is signalling an open-ended military presence in Syria. On Monday Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon that the US is preparing for a long term military commitment in Syria to fight ISIS “as long as they want to fight.”

Mattis indicated that even should ISIS loose all of its territory there would still be a dangerous insurgency that could morph into an “ISIS 2.0” which he said the US would seek to prevent. “The enemy hasn’t declared that they’re done with the area yet, so we’ll keep fighting as long as they want to fight,” Mattis said. “We’re not just going to walk away right now before the Geneva process has traction.”

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis stands in front of a map of Syria and Iraq. 

Mattis was referring to the stalled peace talks in Geneva which some analysts have described as a complete failure (especially as the Geneva process unrealistically stipulates the departure of Assad), as the future of Syria has of late been increasingly decided militarily on the battlefield, with the Syrian government now controlling the vast majority of the country’s most populated centers.

Ironically just as some degree of stability and normalcy has returned to many parts of the county now under government control, Mattis coupled the idea of a permanent US military presence with the goal of allowing Syrians to return to their homes. He said, “You keep broadening them. Try to (demilitarize) one area then (demilitarize) another and just keep it going, try to do the things that will allow people to return to their homes.”

Meanwhile Turkey once again reiterated that the US has 13 bases in Syria, though the US-backed Syrian YPG has previously indicated seven US military bases in northern Syria. The Pentagon, however, would not confirm base locations or numbers – though only a year-and-a-half ago the American public was being assured that there would be “no boots on the ground” due to mission creep in Syria.

During the last year of the Obama administration, State Department spokesman John Kirby was called out multiple times by reporters for tell obvious and blatant lies concerning “boots on the ground” in Syria.

Remember this? “We are not going to be involved in a large scale combat mission on the ground in Syria. That is what the president [Obama] has long said.”

Last summer, in a move that angered the US administration, Turkish state media leaked the locations of no less than ten small scale American military bases in northern Syria alone (revelations of US bases in southern Syria began surfacing as well). As another recent Pentagon press conference further acknowledged, these bases – though likely special forces forward operating bases – require a broad network of US personnel operating in various logistical roles inside Syria and likely now includes thousands of US troops deployed on the ground, instead of the Pentagon’s official (and highly dubious) “approximately 500 troops in Syria” number.

Mattis’ declaration of an open ended military commitment in Syria came the same day that the BBC confirmed that the US and its Kurdish SDF proxy (Syrian Democratic Forces) cut a deal with ISIS which allowed for the evacuation of possibly thousands of ISIS members and their families from Raqqa.

According to yesterday’s bombshell BBC report:

The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of Islamic State fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city. A convoy included some of IS’s most notorious members and – despite reassurances – dozens of foreign fighters. Some of those have spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey.

Though it’s always good when the mainstream media belatedly gives confirmation to stories that actually broke months prior, the BBC was very late to the story. ISIS terrorists being given free passage by coalition forces to leave Raqqa was a story which we and other outlets began to report last June, and which Moon of Alabama and Al-Masdar News exposed in detail a full month prior to the BBC report.

And astoundingly, even foreign fighters who had long vowed to carry out attacks in Europe and elsewhere were part of the deal brokered under the sponsorship of the US coalition in Syria. According to the BBC report:

Disillusioned, weary of the constant fighting and fearing for his life, Abu Basir decided to leave for the safety of Idlib. He now lives in the city. He was part of an almost exclusively French group within IS, and before he left some of his fellow fighters were given a new mission.

“There are some French brothers from our group who left for France to carry out attacks in what would be called a ‘day of reckoning.’” 

Much is hidden beneath the rubble of Raqqa and the lies around this deal might easily have stayed buried there too. The numbers leaving were much higher than local tribal elders admitted. At first the coalition refused to admit the extent of the deal.

So it appears that the US allowed ISIS terrorists to freely leave areas under coalition control, according to no less than the BBC, while at the same time attempting to make the case before the public that a permanent Pentagon presence is needed in case of ISIS’ return. But it’s a familiar pattern by now: yesterday’s proxies become today’s terrorists, which return to being proxies again, all as part of justifying permanent US military presence on another nation’s sovereign territory.
America’s Syrian adventure went from public declarations of “we’re staying out” to “just some logistical aid to rebels” to “okay, some mere light arms to fight the evil dictator” to “well, a few anti-tank missiles wouldn’t hurt” to “we gotta bomb the new super-bad terror group that emerged!” to “ah but no boots on the ground!” to “alright kinetic strikes as a deterrent” to “but special forces aren’t really boots on the ground per se, right?” to yesterday’s Mattis declaration of an open-ended commitment. And on and on it goes.


Sourced from here.