He nails it! More beautiful truth kisses coming out…
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The only time I campaigned for a candidate (2004)… Met him and felt, overall, he was the real deal. More untarnished than most. Notice how he uses the term “conjure” when referring to the CIA and conflicts. Conjure: To call upon something to appear, as if by magical means.
Authored by Adam Dick via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,
In a recent interview with host Wilmer Leon at the Inside the Issues show, former presidential candidate and United States House of Representatives Member Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) discussed how what Kucinich terms the “permanent government” has worked to ensure the United States continues pursuing destructive foreign interventions and to keep America “at the precipice of a much wider war” irrespective of who is president.
“There’s an unbroken line going back over the last 30 years where American presidents have continued to proceed with an interventionism that has been counterproductive,” states Kucinich.
This “continued commitment to a failed foreign policy of interventionism, of unilateralism, of first strike,” Kucinich continues, “imperils America,” “does not make us safer,” “separates us from the world community,” “has people looking to extract vengeance on Americans,” and “has made the world a more dangerous place.”
Saying we need to look beyond the personalities of the succession of US presidents from George W. Bush to Barack Obama to Donald Trump, Kucinich recommends we “look at the foreign policy establishment of the United States of America” that, he explains, includes people in the State Department who have a neoconservative ideology, in the Pentagon who are dedicated to the military-industrial complex, and in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who can “conjure conflicts” and “try to justify the further involvement of the military and the State Department.”
Continue reading here.
Part of his grooming for his current role. And anyone who thinks he is an idiot has been watching too much mainstream and even some alt. news crap. He is arrogant and egotistical at times, but stupid? Absolutely not.
Published on Feb 21, 2017
There can be no doubt whatsoever that the worldwide purge of the Khazarian mafia now has reached a tipping point of no return, with arrests and purges in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.
In the Middle East, Iran-linked Hezbollah now effectively rules Lebanon after Saudi puppet Prime Minister Saad Hariri was forced to resign. His resignation was followed by the purge of hundreds of princes, generals, religious leaders, and others by de facto Saudi King Muhammad bin Salman.
This purge was especially important because it cut off one of the last major remaining sources of Bush/Clinton mafia money and power. Many of the princes purged were homosexually bonded with members of the Bush family and their top lieutenants when they studied in the United States, according to confessions of Kay Griggs, wife of a Skull and Bones Society member, and others.
This is how Pentagon sources described the unfolding crackdown: “The Saudi purge of the Bush-Clinton pedo terror faction—including [Osama Bin Laden’s brother] Bakr bin Laden and anti-Trumper [Prince] Al-Waleed bin Talal—is timed to the Paradise Papers leak,
…the arrest of Tony Podesta, and the surrender of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.” Tony Podesta is a powerful Washington lobbyist whose brother John was campaign manager for Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) and chief of staff for Bill Clinton (Rockefeller). Al-Waleed bought large shareholdings of Rockefeller’s Citibank.
The ramifications of these leaks, arrests, and purges reach out in many directions. Aftershocks, further arrests, and further purges are sure to be felt and seen in the Middle East, Japan, Europe, and the U.S. over the coming days.
Already, Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross (child) has been implicated. So has Canadian magnate Stephen Bronfman, whose family made its fortune selling booze to Al Capone. These names are just the tip of the iceberg.
The start of the purge was timed to coincide with Trump’s visit to Asia so as to be able to more easily protect Trump and his family from retaliatory action, say Pentagon and CIA sources.
However, in a sign that the battle is far from over, two separate warnings were conveyed to this writer last week concerning Trump. One was a “source close to North Korea,” and the other a veteran CIA officer stationed in Asia. The North Korean-linked source said that if Trump provoked a war against North Korea, “he would not leave Asia alive.” The CIA source, for his part, said, “I heard whispers in the shadows that there is a special surprise waiting for him in Vietnam, and it is not his meeting with Putin on the sidelines.”
From an Asian perspective, the purge of Prince Al-Waleed is interesting because he is a main actor behind the $100 billion Saudi fund for Korean-Japanese tycoon Masayoshi Son. Son is the guy who bought the Rockefeller-linked Fortress Investment Group. Fortress owns Musashi Engineering, the company that makes the voting machines that steal elections for slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his party.
This is what CIA in Asia had to say about him: “Regarding Masayoshi Son, expect a heart attack or ritual suicide—from the stress, of course. This could be a Christmas or New Year’s gift to the people of Japan.”
For now, though, the Japanese slave political establishment, sensing that their survival is at stake, is working as hard as it can to suck up to Trump as he visits this country. Sources close to the imperial family say the Emperor rewarded Trump with a bond worth One Quadrillion Yen (about $9 trillion), courtesy of Henry Kissinger.
This may buy time for the Washington, D.C. Corporation of which Trump is President, but its real fate is more likely to be decided in Vietnam when Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Pentagon sources think Xi is now the true strongman of China, and offered the following analysis of his post-Congress position:
“It appears that Chairman Xi is now paramount leader with no anointed successor and control of five votes on the Politburo Standing Committee (PBSC), since Han Zheng is the only guy from the Shanghai or Jiang faction, and Prime Minister Li Keqiang is from the Hu faction. The other four guys are colorless and loyal to Xi, even though they rose under Hu and Jiang. Wang Huning appears to provide continuity, since he also worked for both Jiang and Hu.”
However, Chinese intelligence sources tell this writer that Xi Jinping was chosen as leader because he is tall and looks good in G20 photo shoots, but that he is really just a figurehead for collective decisionmaking. The overall balance in the Politburo Standing Committee is two votes for Southern China (Guandong), two for Coastal China (Shanghai), and three for the North and the interior (Beijing).
In any case, the new Chinese regime is ready to take action, and if the world is lucky, they will ignore Khazarian bluffs about starting World War 3 and will force bankruptcy of the world, disrupting and terrorizing the D.C. Corporation. Let’s see what happens in Vietnam on November 10 and 11 and keep our fingers crossed.
The owner of the D.C. Corporation—the Federal Reserve Board—has no more Khazarians on its board of directors now that Janet Yellen, Stan Fischer, and now Goldmanite New York Fed Chief William Dudley have been forced out. The new non-Khazarian management of the Fed will be left holding the bag, because the system they are taking over is collapsing, whether they wish it or not.
In October, the first month after the U.S. Corporate government failed to meet its September 30th payment deadline, U.S. government debt rose by $200 billion in a single month, while 960,000 people left the workforce. This same government is pretending its wholly-owned Puerto Rico subsidiary has no electricity because of a hurricane, and not because it is unable to pay its electricity bills. Meanwhile, despite a collapsing real economy, the stock market keeps reaching new highs, thanks in large part to buying by the Rothschild-owned Swiss central bank.
It also appears the Khazarians are running out of places from which to steal gold. Remember how the Canadian government announced its gold reserves ran out in March of 2016?
Well, it appears they have resorted to selling fake gold since then, given that the Royal Canadian Mint has been caught selling a fake gold bar.
Don’t forget about U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin tweeting from Fort Knox on the day of the August 21st solar eclipse that he is “Glad gold is safe,” without offering an ounce (let alone a gram) of proof that this was true.
The sooner the U.S. military and agencies reboot the entire U.S. government structure, hopefully with Canadian help, the less the ultimate pain will be.
In any case, the U.S. military and agency white hats are definitely continuing their purge of Khazarian mob influence. Pentagon sources say the charges leveled against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort for failing to register as a foreign agent “may be a new normal to shut down lobbyists and Jewish [Khazarian] organizations like AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) for acting as unregistered foreign agents of Israel.”
Also, the purge of Hollywood is starting to snowball. Here is how a Pentagon source summed up the situation: “Harveywood morphed into Pedowood, as Kevin Spacey was exposed as pedo who also flew on Jeff Epstein’s plane, ‘the Lolita Express,’ with Bill Clinton. Spacey was forced to come out of closet as gay to conflate LGBT with pedos to stop the Khazarian normalization of homos, pedos, and pederasts.”
Now that Washington, D.C. politicians, academia, and Hollywood are being purged of satanic Khazarian gangster control, we assume the medical and pharmacidical establishments will be next on the list. A heavy-duty raid on the American Medical Association headquarters, with a special focus on cancer-related information, would be a very good place to start. On this front, we understand that Bill Gates has already been singing like a canary under special custody.
It’s certain that the war against the genocidal satan-worshipping Khazarian mob is not over yet, but it is no longer possible to deny that they are losing and doomed. They have been warned to “surrender or die.” We expect both to happen in increasing quantities before the nightmare ends and humanity is freed.
UPDATE: The caller was arrested by the FBI 2 hours after calling in. According to an updated video I watched, he has a lawyer and is in a military detention center.
Caller from Florida (former Special Forces Command) who has intel he has shared that has proven accurate. He is predicting the next move by the desperate dark ones. They know they’ve been seen by the masses. Please share to give other’s the heads up. Enough see this, the possible next move will be stopped. You know they are desperate when you see the Bushes and the Clinton’s uniting with words/support… Also quite interesting to me the description of Trump ~ so many think he’s a buffoon when, myself and others have said, including Jordan Sather (Destroying the Illusion), he is a strategist, always several steps ahead. As I continue to say, like him or dislike him, he has unplugged the clog to allow for the sewage to get flushed away for good.
Published on Nov 8, 2017
Awesome coverage and analysis. I was not aware that the Saudi’s were involved in funding child trafficking. Big stuff going on peeps…
Received via e-mail..
Editor’s note: This is the transcript of the conference call between Bob Wright, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Judy Jandora. Reading through this below, you will understand why I have continued to resonate with Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and the OPPT and their workings to free us. To give us total unfettered (her words ~ you could use the phrase “total freedom to access”) access to those accounts created in our name by the banks/courts to enable us to be in complete control of how we create our lives. One of the traits I have noticed about Heather is how she has not once said “I am doing this for YOU”. There is absolutely no ego to her. She is pure heart. She says we are ALL doing this together. I say this because I have followed Anna Von Reitz now and then and this woman is so ego-based, so “Look at what I am doing for YOU”, it turns me off. Does not resonate. What will liberate us? From what energy space must this come? The heart. Please participate by focusing on the desired outcome: FREEDOM. REAL freedom. Feel it. Claim it as yours in this now moment. We are doing this together. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]
Conference Call with Bob Wright, Judy Jandora and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf on October 31st
Transcription by Denice, grammar and spell and typo checked by Terran.
Bob Wright: You have been asking a lot of questions and want to you know want some help just so you know it’s impossible for me to sit and answer everyone’s questions. But I do offer private consulting if you’d like to book a session just send me an email.
If you’re not familiar with free conference call and you want to have a comment or something… you can click star six to unmute your mic otherwise please leave your mic muted. Judy can you hear me?
Judy Jandora: I can hear you just fine. Can you hear me all right?
Bob Wright: Yes I want to get right into this because there’s a lot of information to share and I apologize for being away for so long but I had some health issues actually spent some time in the hospital.
But I’m back and I’m feeling a lot better and I thought it would be important for everyone to get an update and some information that we can use to move forward now.
I know a lot of you have been disheartened, have been patiently waiting, but I want you to,… I
really want to help you understand from a different perspective what’s really going on.
Have you looked at your news lately? Have you looked at the main stream media lately? All of this Hollywood pedophile stuff people being exposed? Indictments happening? Do you think for one moment that any of that crap wants… did they want to get out?
You are such powerful beings! And it’s your attention it’s the lack of fear because people have moved from fear to just being fed up and I know a lot of you feel that sentiment because I also feel that sentiment.
When you move out of fear what you actually do is you begin to starve them. I don’t know if everybody understands what the archons are or everything but they [feed] off of that energy that energy of fear and anger and all of that.
Because of you because of what you are doing because your focus is no longer on fear they’re starving, beginning to cannibalize themselves and it’s really important for all of us to
continue in that vein because what we’re doing really what you’re seeing is the crumbling of the entire system and I’m going to explain to you how that’s happening so that you can understand the position we’re in and it’s a good one.
It’s a very good one we’re in a very powerful position. Now a lot of you have been watching the case between Heather and Randy and that case is so important because the implications go so far.
You want to explain some of the things some of the highlights of that case and what happened in court the first day of the jurisdiction hearing and why it’s the jurisdiction is so important.
Number one a lot of people don’t know what a Praecipe is. A Praecipe is a writ, which is a command for action or non action. Different from a motion. Different from a request. It is one of the most powerful forms you could use in the court of law.
The Praecipe that Heather filed really put Judge Shirley in a position that he must answer for why his actions, and why he will not take the action that she specified. One of the things you need to understand, and Heather mentioned about the Criminal [Court] Registry Investment Program that is when the Clerk of Courts collects all the fees, fines, and charges he takes that and invest it through the Criminal [Court] Registry.Investment System now the CRIS [Court Registry Investment System] takes all those charges goes to the very accounts that they’re denying. They get paid now once they get paid.
They are funneled to JP Morgan, which creates Treasury Bonds for profit. The implications of that are profound! Number one it means the court is engaged in commerce and commerce is governed by the Bible of Commerce, which is the UCC code.
Number two, it means the entire US court system works this way. It means the court is not a neutral party. They represent the bank and the bank cannot make judgment upon herself, so the the court has no jurisdiction to make any judgment in this case.
Now those UCC filings from the One People’s Public Trust become extremely important because this goes through the entire judiciary system.
Okay it’s that they are running a private money system and a debt slavery system through the prisons and these are these are the things that a lot of people don’t understand. But this is what’s before the court right now.
Judge Shirley is quote/unquote “taking them to advisement.” That puts us in a very, very powerful position and you could see the brilliance of it because we all worked on this. All of us whether you’re consciously aware of it or not it’s part of the plan and the plan is being executed perfectly.
So far [it] has worked how exactly the way we planned it. There’s been some challenges and there’s been some bumps in the road but we are definitely moving forward to secure those accounts, because that is one thing that was done in the public trust.
So what does that mean for each and every one of us? Each and every one of us are one of the Original Issue and what that means is that you are the only authority because the judiciary system has no authority over you. They’re just a bank. The prison system for the whole United States, court system, the IRS, are only collection arms for the Federal Reserve Bank.
The only authority that exists — and I know that in the court a lot of the people were chuckling
because of what the information that was presented — that the entire system had been foreclosed on. Now it becomes something very, very real. There are so many things being disclosed right now the pedogate and all, and they are in a tizzy.
Everything is coming out and this is something that we all know was going to happen but a lot of people they get caught up in their own own lives and their own trauma and they don’t notice what’s really going on around them or take time to think about what the implications are of everything that’s going on around them.
It’s really, really important for all of us to come together in this moment in time. It’s really
important for us to stop picking at each other and come together as a unified force because energetically we are unsustained how powerful when we focus our energy toward the end result is freedom, true freedom. So that people can pursue their happiness their choice without any hindrance unfettered this is what we’re working for, for everyone.
Heather are you there? If you want to share what what from your perspective what is actually happening right now behind the scenes in order to understand?
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: What is behind the scenes, I think it’s really important to clarify what just has always been you know you said “we did all of this we all did this”. “We” is defined as all being in existence — you know just put any category of being — you know like lightworkers or good or no it’s everyone in existence. That’s the definition of “We” that I have experienced and that it’s made visible now.
Every being has always been powerful. It hasn’t been just because of a filing paper cannot does not even effect the fact and that everyone only powerful and free.
Such as many just have not acted like it and the environment wasn’t conducive experiencing nothing now the environment is not only completed but it does not support not being free.
But everyone hasn’t need to choice this room you know tap and I don’t mean with opposition it’s all about like you said it’s okay end result. All that this is magnetized everyone’s being to that
end result. so it goes really, really fast that’s nothing right now so behind everything basically has a lot all over the place happening where everything is just it’s coming out full force.
There’s a lot of stuff that is all of this right now let me give you one example and I’ll give you the example did you have indictment [jumbled] some purported crime and then not in all the others meaning there. .
[jumbled, muted some callers]
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: okay let me let me refocus this so it’s very concise. Nothing is what it appears. that is across the board. so what ends up happening is is right now you have the indictments I was talking about that are going on in DC which happened to be in front of Deborah Robinson. Who I had to deal with when I was in DC and that’s sort of the go-to right in DC and then of course it’ll be handed off to somebody else once she goes in and does you know the linchpins. Well it’s this is not what everyone thinks it is. You have Mueller who used to be head of the FBI when all the dirty stuff was going down and I’m talking about all the stuff with the uranium and so much more.
And he’s the one that’s in charge of basically, as it was put earlier today, “cherry-picking where to keep everyone’s attention”. All I’m telling you is that look beyond the appearance. If you needed to really build something up so that the whole thing could just be exposed, you have Mueller who’s pretty much in the same ilk as the ones that are being indicted. so watch how this all plays out.
You have the BIS blanket immunity for all banks on the planet was cancelled back in 2012. And this week you ended up having Congress pass a bill so that all the banks in America would have immunity. Plus you have Equifax that they just issued a immunity so that they couldn’t be sued by consumers. You have a whole bunch of stuff going on and that’s because a lot since September15th with the same day ACH payments you have almost all being all the accounts basically emptied out towards Europe and Switzerland and none of that worked. so now they’re having to fortify as of this week or last week I should say they’re moving everything to China, Asia, Singapore, Hong Kong all of that.
So nothing is what it appears guys. Everything is when you see something come out whether you agree with it or not just from a political or a belief standpoint just look beyond the appearance. because you can’t deal with anything you don’t know if it exists right so you have to make it visible first and then everyone as this resounding” no” coming out of their heart you know. So it’s all this is all energetic and this is this is how everything is how energy work.
So when you focus on the end result the details go at a blink of an eye quite literally. You know that’s 100 percent attention paid on the end result that’s what you get and that’s why everything’s going super fast because you have a whole lot of beings right now from all over existence focusing on the end result because everyone’s really tired.
Everyone’s exhausted no matter what parts they are playing. As far as behind the scenes, there’s just too much to go over. I’m not going to go over it. but it’s all interconnected because everyone is interconnected and because everything is inner.
You have everything in existence inside of you. so it’s a matter of consciousness of how you’re going to apply your focus and attention because it is intention and attention and your commitment to focusing attention.
Bpb Wright: I feel a lot of people don’t really appreciate sometimes the power that they actually have when they focus and a lot of because it’s one of those things that is intangible but it’s the most
powerful force that you can actually muster. More than anything that you say like you’d like you just said any paperwork anything that you do can move up to the pace of energetic focus
we need everyone to participate in this.
We need everyone to come together all you starseeds all you Indigo’s Crystal’s everybody who is awake and aware and knows about what’s going on to focus. Focus your energy on the end result because by doing this we are going to bring this down and into completion much much faster.
[It’s] happening planet for those of you wish to see. Go ahead.
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: Energy always flows where your focus goes.
Bob Wright: So a lot of a lot of the times when you get disheartened and you start feeling oh this is never going to happen and you know check yourself because those energies are no longer supported the energy right now is moving toward freedom for all mankind. It’s one of the
first times we have more light on this planet than we have darkness so we need to continue to move forward in a positive direction.
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: You know Bob, can I say something real quick?
Bob Wright: go ahead
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: I’ve had a lot of comments and messages and contacts from people. You even brought up the fact that we want to make them aware we are aware. I can tell you after the past five years and all the years before of dealing with them. They know everyone is aware. They absolutely know.
So really it is this. End focus. And putting 100 percent attention on the end focus. And what I mean by that is, for instance, you said you just really wanted Randy out. Then go in and really feel. What does it feel like? If he is standing right in front of you. He’s out. It’s all over.
This case for instance, what does that feel like? And let it just permeate throughout your body and transmit outwards… That transmission makes it so.. in that moment.. It takes your body goes right to it. The details themselves just sort of push your body in that moment and everything else away.
It actually starts moving the details around so that that experience is the only one you experience.
So we had an instance where I had gotten a lot of calls before regarding people of how they wanted to write it and a lot of it had to do with…. Oh, well they usually just bowl you over. They are just corrupt. And this and that, and I can tell you the energetic are not going to support that because of all of the work done. Not just on this planet, but by everyone in all of existence.
So when the moment came up on… the only one who has a say over my experience is me. So all I did was focus on the end result. Ok? So for that moment, the end results. That was the only thing that happened. I am the only one that can write my experience. I don’t care if others try to write mine. The point is, the only one that happens is the one I write and focus 0 percent attention. Every moment is actually created that way!
It’s easy to point a finger and say, well they created this and I am so unlucky. No, you take responsibility that you are creating it, and put zero percent attention into what you want to experience.
Typically we create the details to feel good. And to feel certain frequencies we create the details. .to be able to do that.
Instead, go in and feel the frequencies you want to feel, and the details literally move themselves so that is the only thing you feel. It is a different vantage point of creating.
So that is really the message… it is about frequencies!
So the Home or the party… the end result… the end to the corruption, games, all the monetizing, all the slavery, imagine how it feels like to have that ALL DONE and GONE and everyone is celebrating. Feel it permeate throughout your body because that literally transmits frequencies which are measurable.
They are measurable and can be seen with different devices. And the people around you are the greatest measuring devices in existence. They get it. They can feel it. It creates. Consciously doing it means it powers up beyond measure. It happens more instantly. Whatever you want to experience. In whatever situation or topic.
For instance vaccines was important in 2013-2014, everyone who was focused on that material, the way showers, the first wave. Whatever you want to call it they really held that space and held that end result where everyone would be able to see the data and have an informed choice and that stuff came out because there was 100 percent attention put in by one that expanded to 100 that expanded to 1,000 from one geolocation to all of us thanks to the beautiful internet.
That is what I mean by putting 100 percent attention to the experience that you want to have!
You can either focus on the details or hope the feelings are what you want to experience or you can and hope the details go on, because if you have any doubts whatsoever you just opened the door to allow other possibilities to come in and they may not be the frequencies you want to experience.
So be very confident. Be very sure. And you can do creation in so many different ways.
I personally prefer to focus on the feelings I want to have and I usually say this and better. And the details themselves work out super fast.
And I always experience what I made a base for and better. Almost 0 percent of the time it is better than what I planned. And when I don’t plan the details but plan the frequencies, that is when 100 percent it is always successful.
That’s all I’m going to say.
Bob Wright: This is one of the biggest things that the the Cabal is is afraid of. That we would come into our own power because they can’t deal with energetics they can’t deal with any of those things that we’re putting out.
This is what our focus has to be when you come together in twos or threes or groups and do meditations that’s an extremely powerful thing measurable science is measured the effect over again and it’s time for us to take this seriously I know all of you are tired exhausted but it’s time to pull your bootstraps up and let’s get this done
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: With all due respect, you go ahead you guys, you’ve had some similar experiences and with the family when we use the words or a bad guy or whatever category you want to put it in that gets covered to that role to this I don’t need any practice. I don’t need one to play a cabal. I don’t need there to even be a cabal. These I’ve worked with… these you have too Bob
Bob Wright: Yes
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: And my point is that is that they are Originals too, yes so scared right now because they took on roles and really truly if you had a sit down with them, and I’m talking to everyone that’s on this call, or listening to this call, they would tell you they said it before they do all this to actually awaken humanity.
I do not agree with the method, that’s why we went in to do other methods for awakening and these have been more successful than any other methods that have been done over millennium. You know and all of us did it, and when I say we all did it, we in all of existence.
Be very conscious of your words because they create. The very conscious of your thoughts. They create. If you’re going to create a boogeyman, that’s what you’re going to experience. If you’re experiencing a boogeyman, saying I don’t want to experience this any more then stop creating it.
All of us need to stop creating it and empowering it. Everyone is Original. You put anyone in front of me and give them whatever props you want and I can guarantee you the only thing you’re going to see left standing is an Original.
That’s what happened on that Wednesday October 18th. You know it was hard for some, it was. Yes, let’s put it this way whatever joke was thought being played out in the beginning it wasn’t funny for those ones at the end, ok?
But the tones were very specific they were chosen very consciously and they were applied compassionately. So just please, please I ask everyone think about the words you’re using. Feel the words you’re using.
It goes a long way to say, you know “treat others as you want to be treated.” So I just wanted to point that out. Because I know you Bob, as far as you and I have had very similar experiences with the families. You’ve worked with them. I love you, buddy but I’m not gonna…
You know I told everyone when I was doing with the thing with Sasha, that video with Sasha, you know, sometimes we have to stand in the middle just to make sure everyone’s consciously creating this moment. It’s so important and I trust everyone. I trust everyone’s hearts and though we’re all tired and I can guarantee you everyone in existence is tired and ready for the party and ready just to move forward.
If you’re going to keep empowering, if any of us are going to keep empowering these storylines or these roles they will continue to exist. If you truly want it over, create something different. If you want a different result, you’ve got to change the formula.
Love changes it all. Compassion changes at all. But staying firm in that compassion and in that love and in that knowing of that you are all that is and that everyone is all that is.
That is the most powerful formula and that’s the one that many of us have been using over these last five years. I have completely hyperaccelerated so that there’s more solution and arrival into
the end result than there has been in a millennium combined.
So just some words of thought and you know, I hope… I don’t even hope… I know and I trust in everyone’s hearts as we move forward. Just be conscious and know the words that you’re speaking… if you truly… I mean look at the words.
A lot of people are using “sovereign citizens” these days, which is an oxymoron. Just go and really feel what you’re speaking and don’t worry about making any mistakes. There’s no such thing. So you know just know move forward in heart that you’re protected… that there’s nothing really to protect from… not really… not unless you’re creating something to protect yourself from in order to have that experience.
But please be conscious and be conscious, and heart that is what ends all and also allows for the beginning to be the only thing in existence. Thank you
Bob Wright: Thank you! I was contemplating doing a guided meditation. I want everyone to get comfortable in your chair, in your bed, on your lounge and close your eyes. Begin to breathe, and with each breath feel the energy move through your body relaxing all the tense muscles. All the anxieties of the day melt away with each breath and in each breath you are not only taking in air, but energy and it fills you and you begin to glow with a bright essence of white light and through that light you see the earth floating there in space.
Around the earth you see something that looks like a spider web with little nodes connected
to all these different places encircling and encompassing. You’re witnessing changing different colors this is the same web of control that you once feared as you saw strange and scary creatures… around it. But now as you look at it you could almost see the beauty in it and each and every time you think… this control, the web changes color.
It becomes more unstable, vibrating and you could see it all it takes is one person and you make the whole entire web hum I want you to imagine that hum higher and higher frequencies begins to shake. As you watch the web begin to shake you see that underneath there is a golden light issuing from earth moving outwards and penetrating through all of the cracks. As you move your focus even more you see arts of the web begin to tear away and you hear this beautiful sound.
The hum is now coming from the earth. It is a new song. One that has never been played before and you are almost overwhelmed and then you see suddenly a rift., a tear through the whole system of webbing and it falls away and as you look at the glorious earth, it reminds you of a jewel glistening in space glowing with the freedom and the celebration of mankind’s freedom.
This is what we work for this is how we do this is our time and so it is now what we just did was an extremely powerful thing this and I want you to ask yourself right now how do you feel?
If anybody wants to comment you can hit star six and unmute yourself. No one no? I think they’re all blissed out. How do you feel Judy?
Judy Jandora: Wonderful! That was beautiful. Thank you!
Bob Wright: You’re welcome. This is going to be our focus and we want people to come together not just guided and group meditations but even individually when you’re sitting at home and you’re starting to feel all the drudgery of life. It’s really, it’s really really important and actually healthy
for you to move into that space for you to understand or and change the energetics and you’ll feel so much better and you will contribute to the end of all of this.
Now if anybody has questions again you can unmute yourself by hitting star six and I will spend a little time trying to answer some of your questions does anybody have any questions or is
nobody’s feels out if not then I will take this time to thank everyone for joining the call and we will have another call please focus. . .
Judy Jandora: Oh Bob I’m sorry can you hear me? I just got a message from Kim and it says host
has muted the conference cannot unmute so maybe if you unmute.
Bobby: can anyone hear me?
Bob Wright: yes I can
Bobby: Bobby Bob here,yeah she’s Bobby
Bob Wright: yes I can hear you okay.
Caller: I’d like to say a little something okay my recommendation is to have everyone take a specific time in their day to dedicate themselves to the freedom of the collective to all of us and knowing that is already done that would be helped I know a lot of people come together at specific times for meditations and yes that’s something that we can do
Bob Wright: any other any other comments or questions?
Bobby: yes
Bob Wright: Bobby if you can mute your self again
Bobbt: Hey Mr. B.
Bobby: okay, hey Bobby can you hear me okay?
Bob Wright: Yes I can.
Caller: well first of all thank you, for that meditation and Heather thank you for that very clear message. I think the same exact commerce before someone this morning and it’s extremely
important that we stay in… and compassion for what we have in the past classified as I hate use the term and cabal for those that that won’t maybe understand the word contrast in my opinion we all signed up within no one is a victim here we’re exactly where we all want to be if we could just realize that and move forward… Judy knows and you know Bob, I’ve always been a big component of ho’oponopono which is a… prayer anyone can use and step your own mantra in your own prayer so thank you for pointing this out however… hosting.
Bob why didn’t someone tell me you were in the hospital and so glad you’re anyway love you all I just wanted to process and thanks for this call tonight.
Bob Wright: Thank You
Whitney: Kim yes you can hear me hey
Bob Wright: Hi hello Whitney… I didn’t… I’ve been wanting to hear from you for so long
Whitney: we’re all atomic particles only together are we strong
Caller: hello
Caller: your fade now and together we are stronger than being alone we consume and
make up an atomic particle that they cannot defeat very true thank you very much
Bob Wright: You’re welcome.
Caller: Susan can hear me? Yes? Okay. My experience in the past has been exactly
what you can see on them you did all this.
Bob Wright: wait okay… you can hit star six to mute yourself while she’s talking. Go ahead.
Caller: or did I know what someone it’s okay continue okay so we want this kind of this your frustration with you know the people who’ve imposed the system on, the Cabal, or whatever and what I’m finding is that I’m transmuting my un-forgiveness with people in my personal life and while I’m transmuting bad and forgive this into life I’m finding that other areas where I’ve been unforgiving or been seeking retribution the need for retribution is not so urgent.
That it’s like that’s like when you have to go pee and all of a sudden it’s not such an urgent need anymore it’s like that. But in my heart as I forgive people in my personal life or in my personal very close business life or whatever you know what I’m going through forgiveness within the sphere of influence that I’ve experienced then forgiveness it extended outward to people that I don’t have contact with and that I don’t you know like I get angry because I’ve heard that they’ve done these things but they’re not a real person to me and so I’m angry and I want them to hang high or some like that I don’t have that experience anymore and it’s because I’m transmuting unforgiveness in other areas so I’m focusing and I don’t really write the same thing about focusing on forgiveness in every area and in that area of the… so important for now and I wanted to say that and also with the whole gratitude and feeling better in the moment that’s been a theme.
Sunday night, something shifted on our Saturday night, something huge shifted and I was up at 3
o’clock in the morning I was praying to start with and what came out of me was this native American War Chant calling for waking the elders and waking the wolves and paint your face and take up your arrows and your bows and mount up it’s time and that’s what came out it my
prayer time really early… so something big is it’s happening and it’s shifting right now and I love you all involved I love you so much I’m so glad you’re okay. T
Thank You Heather I love you too and everyone on the call you’re my family and I love you all and I’m sorry for whoever I interrupted I’m terribly sorry I’m muting myself now.
Bob Wright: Thank you for sharing you can unmute.
Janet: hello can anyone hear me? hi
Bob Wright: yes we can hear you
Janet: I’m Janet how are you? Thank you for your time and Heather lucky to I think that I like to
outlaw chat rooms and you know every day of our life I think we all need to start with worrying about how it’s going to happen just to know that it is going to happen and and if it’s we’re not getting good news every day or the news that you want to hear it it causes everybody to get upset which causes you know resistance and if everyone could just kind of try to think every day and just be happy and and meditate every day and this time being happy and then it’s already done. I think everything is going to happen a lot quicker it’s already moving much quicker mm-hmm and you’re right right everyone take the time to…
Bobby: okay okay this is Bobby and I just wanted to thank Heather for the alignment of our frequency and our thoughts and our hearts in terms of relinquishing all else in front of love. Thank you Heather.
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: Thank you honey.
Caller: can you hear me okay?
Bob Wright: I can
Jennifer: all beautiful! Jennifer, wonderful this is Jennifer. I want you to say that hi I want to say I’m very grateful for this joining of all these energies and that’s positive flow that’s happening. I have been feeling urgency. I was aware of it well I just woke up in July by the way.
Hi! I knew I’ve been feeling this urgency to do and it’s kind of I was getting caught up in me. Well what do I do and what you and what Heather have shared that’s what we do we are one we find that center of that of the heart. Where the heart is and you can feel this heat that’s expansion however you physically or spiritually it experience it but it’s there and it radiates out and you if you come from that love and that compassion. You can see that we’re all one.
There may be times where we get tripped up because in our periphery we see things going on around us but again likes been stressed it’s not what we think it is and it all comes down to that power of love we all are doing this we can all do this we have already done this and I just want to say I love all of you all of you and I’m grateful for all of you I’m gonna mute myself. Thank you!
Tom Tallison: Hi Bob can you hear me?
Bob Wright: I can
Tom Tallison: Bob this is Tom.
Bob Wright: Wow hello Tom
TomTallison: Hi there I’m so glad you’re okay. I didn’t know you were in the hospital. It’s a tough place to go for whatever reason. I want to send my love to Heather and Judy and you. It’s been a long long road and I just wanted to reiterate that I remember it like it was yesterday.
And I know it’s been a long, long journey for you Heather but I remember when when Brian Kelly brought you for us and told you told the story of the UCC filings and my whole life changed from that point and it’s continuing to change. And right now I just want to just applaud everyone that’s speaking of forgiveness more empathy and more compassion for all of us, because we all are Originals and regardless of what will we’ve been playing and it’s been showing up in my life more and more especially since July and situations that are I’ve walked into that we’re very tense and very volatile.
I’ve been able to just by holding the compassion and empathy vibration to diffuse it and it just melts away so it is very powerful and I just wanted to say yes we have this visioning the outcome, visioning the outcome it’s the way to be it sits right on it’s a great recipe so thank you and luck to all of you bye
Bob Wright: Thank you for sharing that Talllison.
Caller: What is the end result? Well what does it mean for you?
Caller: Hello Bob this is Whitney
Bob Wright: oh wait hold on Whitney I had somebody else first
Caller: Hello yes the end result is freedom ultimate freedom to do as as you wish unhindered go ahead I need to know what the focus on because you keep saying focus on the end result I just want to know what the end result is so I can actually focus on what I need to focus on tonight so I can imagine.
Bob Wright: go ahead
Caller: okay so another part of that and I would say master in it… the end result of being in absolute awareness of all that is yourself the joy of knowing the love of everything and everyone in all of creation as you is the end result that is best and yet absolutely personal and the joy of that knowing everything everyone and all that you are which is everything and your love as yourself.
I think that’s the end result that I like to look at what if there are components to that have been forgotten how do you remember it then well it’s the awareness itself that is the end result so it’s the determining that that is your goal and speaking that to yourself and it does it all comes in you are the one that determines what happened with you.
It’s a matter of determining ft saying it to yourself, being that as much as you can, and allowing it to actually flow and to kind of forget what you think you know because nothing is is it seeing and see past what is shown into the actual emotions that you feel not with what you know but how you actually feel yeah feeling is really important move into the film yes of what you want and even if you think it’s not working it’s not something you could turn off it’s always working you are always transmitting.
Jelaila Star: yes this is Jelaila
Bob Wright: Hey Jelaila
Jelaila Star: How are you I’m doing well I’m so glad you guys are having this call and Heather awesome lady that you are thank you for all the sacrifices you made to make this happen and there’s a lot of people behind you. I wanted to address for a second if I could that guys question about what should I focus on?
I think everything that people are saying is right but we can also go another step and kind of see what that really looks like and to me what I focus on and this whole idea of focusing on the feeling because it’s a feeling that really magnetizes it goes out through that second neuron, our new neural net in your heart into the morphogenetic field. Your thought and your feeling goes out there and that’s how you draw in the likeness of the thing that you want to manifest so what do we want to manifest?
We want to manifest you know the truth about vaccines coming out. Free energy. We want to manifest the truth about financial system. We want to manifest the specifics, you know the…, to stopping of the chemtrails and the all the pedophilia coming out.
But we also want to manifest that it comes out in a manageable way so people don’t go crazy and crash all the systems because they will and that’s part of why we’re doing this. The other thing is we’re you know in this next 90 days are really critical time. There’s a lot of people waking up and we’ve got to be prepared and I think these calls help get us prepared.
But to the guys yeah what do you want to see happen? Look at it that way, I mean imagine when they stop making kids have something vaccines before the age of six years old. I don’t… wouldn’t become and that’s what we can focus…
Judy Jandora: Jelaila? Oh thank you thank you how about how about manifesting and magnetizing all of that over and done with… complete? Not even focusing on those, because when you focus on them, being them… coming out… they’ll continue to come out, and come out, and come out, and come out. How about them being done and over and cleared? And here we are with absolute clear field to create what we really want! Right?
Caller: Well how about and that is absolutely fantastic but what also how about this, we men we focus on them, as what was their value, what they on the dark, ultimately serves allied if we can focus on and go yeah you did this… but this is a value that we have gotten out of all these things because there’s value in each one of them we can’t forgive them until we understand the purpose well you could but you get more bang out of it when you really understand what the purpose was and you know you really pump that… and you really get to that place of compassion so I think all that innings fantastic I agree.
I agree but I do feel that we’ve done that over and over and over. I think we weave in in that way. I think that’s why we’re all so tired. And that’s why people are, yeah getting irritable, so moving past that and moving into the space of clarity and complete consciousness of where do we go now now?
We have a clear playing field. It’s over. It’s done. It’s completed. No more even concentrating on any of that anymore being in the space of clarity and having the whole of reality there for us to be creative with. If we can go there, then we don’t have to continue and pull it out further and further and further and further by concentrating on the little, they’re not little things, but they’ve e’ve been there, we’ve been there over and over and over, and and I think we’re done with that right. I think we’re kind of at the time now where if we’re past that. we thought our places we’ve got ourselves in a state of pure creativity
Caller: Bob are you there? I have a question on here. Let’s have to hear it again.
Okay I wonder why if there’s so much, I mean… light is supposed to be more powerful than the dark over and there’s so much light on the earth right now why is it ta
king so long to get rid of the dark?
I mean if we’re the specifics, we’re more powerful than they are and there’s more of us… why they’re taking so long? Well that’s a matter of perspective.
Do you know how long can I come in the channel for that, me…. yeah we’ll get me for sure… and also you know the light in the dark is is the fallacy. There is there’s only one. And we played this game out of contrasts and all of that, but there is no dark, there’s only one.
And dark, if you want to call it dark, if you want to play in that, tthat would come from inside of each one of us. And our fears they will magnetize something to fear. So if you want to [avoid] do[ing] that, the thing to do is to focus fully on love and compassion, and you won’t have those things anymore. We won’t… as one, that’s what we are reconciling now, at least from my from my viewpoint
Robin: Judy can I add to that? This is Robin. Yeah.
Bob Wright: Hi Robin, can we get Whitney on first, because she’s been waiting forever and then we’ll…
Robin: yeah thank you
Bob Wright: Are you there ?
Whitney: yes I’m… Whitney… hello thank you for getting to me. I appreciate it.
I just I really want to say let’s get this done. Yeah we love you and you now we’re this, is so exciting! Jelaila thank you so much for your interpretations.
I actually missed the conference call you had done earlier and it really helped to bring clarity to some things and right now you know this is what I’m feeling like it’s time to start telling everybody you know how exciting it is that abundance is you know. I don’t… I don’t know…
I want to tell everybody abundance is here… but I really felt it that I’m going to start something, and the one thing that was coming to my head was kind of triggered by Kryon channeling, which was about a world consciousness agreement. That at some point that we would want to have an agreement on how we treat each other.
And Heather in the One People’s Public Trust, you know what the documents say is that everything is admissible, anything you want to do, just don’t harm someone else, don’t damage the measurable energy of someone else.
Well then how do we resolve all the conflicts that come when someone does?
But I’m excited because now I feel like there’s so many people and when we travel there’s so many people across the world that are just waiting for peace. You know most people I think across the entire globe just want to get along. We want to have good conversations. We want to have our family around us. We want our bodies to feel good. We don’t want to see, you know, our earth being taken advantage of and anybody else.
So I think that may be one place that I’d like to start, is just by announcing to treat everyone with care and respect and dignity and that would be probably a good place to start you know. And sharing good news because everybody’s… you know… seeing all he negative stuff that’s going on. And there’s a lot of negative stuff… but man it’s been a roller coaster ride.
I think everybody should just be gentle with themselves.
Rob: very good. Hello, yes I’m here. Rob. Yep yes Judy I’m here and Whitney, thank you this is what I would think you got to get into and it’s it’s neutralizing… we are all there is. No black and white or good and bad. We are all, and when we really embrace that, we are all and nothing at the same time. Which is the concept that has not been embodied on this planet because it’s been self-importantace that has brought the duality forward when self-importance is dissolved, and we are one as we know, we are in neutrality. This is what brings everything forward there is no separation there is no separation we are the Cabal.
We are the planetary systems and we are not, in a field of representing ourselves as anything but everything, so at the same time when the words are spoken, if there’s energy on the word and you’re not in the Unified Field of course, there’s some individuality, and yet we are all in this together. We are all loved and that’s it there is nothing else guys. And this is this is the end result we are all loved and that’s just what I wanted to say. I mean now you’re here, they’ve done before… yes… we’re here ….we are here we are… but yeah… Well it’s not some [later] date. it’s right now right thank you.
Bob Wright: Thank you everyone for hearing that thank you for sharing – I’d like to say thank you for all the participants, for Heather, and Judy for co-hosting.
And the storm (cleaning) continues…
By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society, November 6, 2017
There can be no doubt whatsoever that the worldwide purge of the Khazarian mafia now has reached a tipping point of no return, with arrests and purges in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.
In the Middle East, Iran-linked Hezbollah now effectively rules Lebanon after Saudi puppet Prime Minister Saad Hariri was forced to resign. His resignation was followed by the purge of hundreds of princes, generals, religious leaders, and others by de facto Saudi King Muhammad bin Salman.
This purge was especially important because it cut off one of the last major remaining sources of Bush/Clinton mafia money and power. Many of the princes purged were homosexually bonded with members of the Bush family and their top lieutenants when they studied in the United States, according to confessions of Kay Griggs, wife of a Skull and Bones Society member, and others.
This is how Pentagon sources described the unfolding crackdown: “The Saudi purge of the Bush-Clinton pedo terror faction—including [Osama Bin Laden’s brother] Bakr bin Laden and anti-Trumper [Prince] Al-Waleed bin Talal—is timed to the Paradise Papers leak,
…the arrest of Tony Podesta, and the surrender of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.” Tony Podesta is a powerful Washington lobbyist whose brother John was campaign manager for Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) and chief of staff for Bill Clinton (Rockefeller). Al-Waleed bought large shareholdings of Rockefeller’s Citibank.
The ramifications of these leaks, arrests, and purges reach out in many directions. Aftershocks, further arrests, and further purges are sure to be felt and seen in the Middle East, Japan, Europe, and the U.S. over the coming days.
Already, Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross (child) has been implicated. So has Canadian magnate Stephen Bronfman, whose family made its fortune selling booze to Al Capone. These names are just the tip of the iceberg.
The start of the purge was timed to coincide with Trump’s visit to Asia so as to be able to more easily protect Trump and his family from retaliatory action, say Pentagon and CIA sources.
However, in a sign that the battle is far from over, two separate warnings were conveyed to this writer last week concerning Trump. One was a “source close to North Korea,” and the other a veteran CIA officer stationed in Asia. The North Korean-linked source said that if Trump…
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