James Gilliland November Update: It Is Time!


Rock it, James.  For me it is long past time, so in each now moment, yes it is time.

November Update

Message to Humanity and the Earth:

It is Time

by James Gilliland

November 1, 2017

We are going to reveal some information that will be similar too and as controversial as a message delivered over 2000 years ago. Yet this message will not be in fables and allegory it deals with facts


We are going to reveal some information that will be similar too and as controversial as a message delivered over 2000 years ago. Yet this message will not be in fables and allegory it deals with facts. This story goes back over 460,000 years. It is time for America and the World to wake up, grow up and end the ignorance in beliefs that have nothing to do with God or the origins of Humanity. You no longer have the luxury of remaining in ignorance and acting outside of Universal Law. What is being done in the name of God and Country is an abomination. Now at the expense of being labeled as spiritually and politically incorrect, which is another mind control program we are going to drop some heavies on you. Only when you know the truth, only then can you break the chains that bind you. The chains consist of a long history of lies and deceptions upon which people depend upon to base their reality.

You no longer have the luxury of remaining in ignorance and acting outside of Universal Law. What is being done in the name of God and Country is an abomination.


The Earth has been visited and colonized many times going back over 600 million years.


Anunnaki means those who came from Heaven to Earth. Some operated under Universal Law and were in service to Creation others were self-serving taking advantage of primitive people There were many attempts to colonize Earth and many Star Nations were involved.

The Earth has been visited and colonized many times going back over 600 million years. Yes, artifacts have been found proving advanced humans lived on the Earth over 600 million years. Human foot prints alongside of dinosaurs not to mention Trilobites crushed by boots worn by early off world explorers are part of the archeological record. This also includes advanced vehicle parts and jewelry a minimum of 500 thousand years old. Anunnaki means those who came from Heaven to Earth. Some operated under Universal Law and were in service to Creation others were self-serving taking advantage of primitive people. There were many attempts to colonize Earth and many Star Nations were involved. They have come and gone due to great wars, cataclysms such as pole shifts, meteor impacts and massive volcanic eruptions not to mention tsunamis. Some were multiple events happening at once.

Vedic Scriptures

In the Vedic Scriptures they talk about great ships, some physical, some pure energy, even magnetized light ships along with Merkabas, spiritual masters appearing as light ships. They gave explicit descriptions of their weapons heat and sound seeking missiles, along with what can only be described as atomic weapons. There are great sheets of glass where this technology was unleashed in the Gobi Desert and in India. When some of these weapons were unleashed according to ancient accounts forests were set ablaze, armies were destroyed, the flesh melted off of elephants and the ground is till radioactive to this day. Your pyramids and other stone monuments some beneath the sea are a testimony to these people. This includes the latest uncoverings in Greenland and Antarctica. Archeologists and Geologists are aware of these major cataclysms and ancient civilizations. Governments and religions also know about this so why has it been kept hidden? To keep you ignorant, divided, and maintain the status quo.

divide and conquer

The real question one should be asking is who is behind the separation game?

Who stands to profit??

The real question one should be asking is who is behind the separation game? Who stands to profit? This is going on to this day with Antifa, Black Lives Matters, Open Borders, major religions and political organizations all funded by the very same people. We have said many times the right wing and the left wing is the same bird yet what we are missing is who is the head of the bird and it is global.Everything else is a very destructive distraction. People are having their own victim patterns used against them manipulated into emotional storms of hatred and violence serving the very people they profess to be against totally ignorant of their handlers. Do you know what is feeding on these energies? Take a guess. Who are the dividers? Who sits at the top of the war and disease profiteers? They own your religions, your politicians, your lame stream media, even most of your monetary systems. What many do not understand is they own your mind and the last thing they want is for you to take the red pill. This information is the red pill. Even when you think you know the truth there are usually layers of twists and turns, psyops operations designed to manipulate your beliefs. They have done such a good job of creating division and separation over the years including financing both sides of every war since Napoleon many are so busy judging, fighting and fearing each other they never stop for a moment and ask where did their grudges and racism come from? Their history was all one big manipulation. Including religions that demonize and sponsor actions that bring harm to others. Actions outside of Universal Law which supersedes your religions.

People are having their own victim patterns used against them manipulated into emotional storms of hatred and violence serving the very people they profess to be against totally ignorant of their handlers.


This all began 460,000 years ago when the Anunnaki who were ancient Lyrans – a very large race came to Earth. Upon arriving they found a knuckle dragger known as the Denisovan man and added their DNA to his/hers. This was one of the ancient humans that were evolving naturally. They needed them to mine the gold to save their planet which was degenerating every time it looped around our sun every 36,000 years. What began as a win/win situation, higher genetics and an evolutionary quantum leap on the Earth human side and getting the gold, they needed to save their outpost, Nibiru devolved when some of the Anunnaki fell. Many began breeding with the hybrids, Enki the scientist and creator god also began upgrading the hybrids to create a more perfect human and Enlil, the general wanted the experiment to end once they got their gold.

DNA upgrade

The story of Adam and Eve has merit when you know the science and the players. Did you know the one in charge of taking care of the new hybrids was named Mama? Is it starting to come together? This is one of the origins of your image of the all loving all forgiving creator and the jealous wrathful genocidal god. I am using little g for a reason. The jealous, wrathful genocidal god was the image Jesus came to erase when he brought the new covenant the image of an all loving all forgiving God. He came to erase the images of the past and heal the collective trauma and ignorance as to the true nature of God. It is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverses, the Creator within all Creation and the access point is within. It is not external as so many of your religions would like you to believe. It is the spark that sits in the seat of the soul next to the heart which can ignite into the full flame when accessed and activated. These bearded Gods were the origin of many of your religions and myths of old. The demigods were the offspring of the gods mating with the upgraded versions of the more primitive man/woman. Many of the Egyptian leaders were demigods, half Anunnaki half Human. The second generation coming from the failed colonies of Atlantis and Lemuria. Now before you scream blasphemy hear this out.


It is the solution to world peace. An end to war if you awaken to how things truly unfolded on Earth.

You have to know your real history of Earth to end the separation game between you, God and the Creator within all Creation. How can you or anyone else be separate from Omnipresence, the unified field of consciousness and energy? How did this separation game begin and who were and are now behind it? Who is perpetuating fear, guilt, unworthiness, class separation, hierarchies of power and wealth? It all goes back to your true ancient history.

Marduk, one of the sons of Enki, wanted total supremacy over the Earth even if it meant warring on his own people. He made a pact with the Draconians or Reptilians along with other fallen ETs then waged war only to be eventually betrayed when no longer needed. To this day we have been under Draconian Law or what some call the Archon or Draconian Grid. This next question has but one answer. Why is there so much inhumanity, satanic child sacrifice, pedophiles, war, disease, racism, pain suffering and senseless death? Could the inhuman acts possibly be planned, sponsored and set into motion by non-human entities? Do you really think we got here with all the wars, disease, pollution, inhumanity and what looks like an all-out war on creation by ourselves? It’s time to wake up, grow up, dispel the ignorance and put an end to this separation game. It is the solution to personal freedom. The gross uneven dispersal of wealth, the manufactured lack and enslavement through dependency, the planned obsolescence, the withholding of clean fuel-less energy, the cures for most disease, the all-out war on creation all points back to a network at the top of which are unseen entities some call Archons, demons, reptilians, malevolent greys and fallen Anunnaki. Forget about your need to be right, your religions, your politics, transcend your cultural and religious programs unify and address the real problem. That is the solution.

puppet master

The real problem is you have been manipulated for eons by some very dark unseen negative influences, the puppet masters behind the mega elite, the banksters, most political and religious leaders and others who in ignorance do their bidding. You have been brainwashed into playing the separation game.

The good news is this is about to come to an end..

The real problem is you have been manipulated for eons by some very dark unseen negative influences, the puppet masters behind the mega elite, the banksters, most political and religious leaders and others who in ignorance do their bidding. You have been brainwashed into playing the separation game. The good news is this is about to come to an end. The Earth is in the boondocks, in the outer most corner of the Milky Way virtually ignored by the rest of the multiverse which had its problems.

Many of you, most reading or listening to this newsletter have had lives where great wars were fought and won in the Orion System. Spiritually and technologically advanced artistic people were devastated by these invaders often caught off guard due to their peaceful nature. Most of these wars were in the 4th dimension. These Draconian wars spilled out into other systems as well bringing into the conflict the Pleiadeans, Arcturians and Andromedans. The inner worlds closer to galactic core have been cleaned up and now it is time for Earth. It is the last hold out for these destructive, self-serving entities seen and unseen. The unseen negative forces have been cleaned up within the fourth dimension, most of the puppet masters on Earth have been dealt with down to less than one percent. The Archon or Draconian grid is down, a new 5d grid is in place. In the next two months, you are going to see a great unraveling of all that was aligned with the Archon or Draconian grid. This is a trans dimensional war in consciousness and it has already been won.

The armies of God are not just Ascended Masters, Angels, Saints and Sages. They are multidimensional and they have their ships

You need not worry about the ETs and ships that are coming it’s the ETs and Ships that have always been here.

The armies of God are not just Ascended Masters, Angels, Saints and Sages. They are multidimensional and they have their ships. As described in your ancient text, some are physical, some energy, some magnetized light ships. Some have beings which are physical, some pure energy and some also have magnetized light bodies such as the Andromedans many mythologically call Arch Angels. You need not worry about the ETs and ships that are coming it’s the ETs and Ships that have always been here.

Annunaki Return

The benevolent Anunnaki that continued to evolve are returning. They are within the 6th to the 9th dimension. There is a recall so to speak of all the fallen Anunnaki that stepped out of Universal Law. They are having to stand before the Higher Council and explain themselves. Some will be rehabilitated, some will be recycled back to Source. The reptilian energies they were working with will experience the same fate. Most have already left back to their home world where they are isolated so as to never return. The Andromedans in the 7th dimension the council of which most others go to for advice are also helping with this matter. The Arcturians are also assisting. The Orion Council of Light who have the most experience in dealing with these entities are playing a paramount role in the planetary liberation of Earth. Great battles were fought and won in the Orion system. The Pleiadians who have the greatest stock in human, plant and animal genetics which were major tera-formers in the past creating the colonies of Atlantis and Lemuria will also play a major role in the restoration process. The Earth was never meant to go in this direction, it was created to be an Eden where all life could evolve to its highest potential. It was hijacked. This is about to be reconciled.

council of light

They are having to stand before the Higher Council and explain themselves.

Some will be rehabilitated, some will be recycled back to Source.

Many are already observing the ships coming in on many different levels depending on their sensitivity. NASA is fully aware of massive ships miles long in various shapes and sizes. Do not forget they are a part of the network as well and if you base your beliefs and trust on what little they have shared with you again you are placing severe limitations on yourself. They, the debunkers and planned opposition controlling the narrative within the UFO and science community are about to have major egg on face. Those within the Government, the press all will soon have some major explaining to do considering the fact that ships have been here and have been coming and going before Egyptian times. What is going to happen when they suddenly appear in mass. They have already been appearing despite the censorship over major cities to acclimate the people yet something very big is about to happen. Most likely you are a part of it knowingly or unknowingly.

People in all walks of live are being initiated, activated and coming into remembrance of why they came to Earth. They are remembering other lives, other civilizations some of which they incarnated in the past. They are waking up to the fact that something just isn’t right, never has been right and the real reason why they never fit in. They were never supposed to fit in. They are the ground crew and are here to liberate humanity and the Earth from a very sick controlling elite. An elite that has been influenced, taken over and in some cases in total submission to these unseen negative influences. This is the core issue make no mistake. The only question now to ponder is who do your serve? You don’t have the luxury of continuing on the wrong side of the fence

peter-maxwell-slattery-ufo-pic 1 orig

The Earth is ascending to the next level. What most of you call Inner Earth Beings are assisting along with Ascended Masters, Saints, Sages and what some call Ultradimensionals or Off Worlders, spiritually and technologically advanced beings. The puppet masters most of which have been removed is leaving their puppets to flounder. The draconian grid is gone giving virtually no support to the puppets, the bankster elite war and disease profiteers, disempowering and deceiving religious leaders, crooked self-serving politicians, the child sacrifice and pedophile network is being exposed and let’s not leave out the shenanigans of Holy Wood. Everything that does not align with Universal Law which is pressing in along with the 5th dimensional energies enforced by what some call the armies of God/Great Spirit/Creator will come to an end. The days of tyranny, predators and parasites are coming to a close. Everything that is not frequency specific to the new 5th dimensional energies, Universal Law, what some call Unity consciousness must transform or come to an end. Put that on CNN. A very short-lived network.

You will see very shortly a complete overhaul of global economics. You will see the fuel-less energy devices, frequency healing devices and the suppressed cures to most disease coming forward. What many call the swamp will be drained globally. Universal Law what can easily defined as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All will be the law of the land. The Star Nations will be instrumental in cleaning up the environment and with their advanced technology it will happen very quickly. This is your destiny. It is Earth’s destiny. It is supported by the Beautiful Many Masters, Saints, Sages, including the Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off World beings, your ancestors some of which are referred to as Ultradimensionals. It is by edict of the real God/Goddess, Creator/Great Spirit whatever name you wish to call it. The sacred circle of life will be honored, the hoop mended. This is an individual and collective experience. How you participate is up to you however I would advise not to go against Universal Law nor hinder the awakening and healing process within yourself or others. Karma is being exponentially accelerated. All will be revealed. The ground crew is being activated. People from all walks of life are coming forward. The real invasion happened a long time ago when advanced beings heard the call and chose to incarnate and assist in the awakening and healing process. It is still happening with the young masters coming in despite all efforts to suppress them. The soul activation is on, the switch flipped, everything is in place and the end of the tyrants seen and unseen is unfolding as we speak. That is the Big Event. Despite any false flags, attempts to create WW3, suppress individual freedom, unleash death and destruction and create chaos the tyrants will fail. It is their destiny.

Let’s all do our part by adhering to Universal Law, refusing to participate in anything which would cause harm to humanity and the Earth and hold the leadership, political, business, and religious to the same standard. You are not alone. The greater force is with you.

What is all boils down to is:

Are YOU creating Heaven on Earth?

Are YOU living according to Universal Law?

James Gilliland field

Pass this on far and wide, it is a solution.

Be Well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

Intel From Boards4Chan


editor’s note:  i have so many tabs open, i cannot recall the trail that lead me to this one.  oh well, this validates the main point i have been saying about trump all year – he is not a politician.  he is a strategist.  he shows you one hand while he had 50 more behind him, working to help expose the shadows.  whether one likes him or not, he isn’t in this to be popular but to expose the mess and clean it up (with help).  


1) This started either before Trump announced his run for President, or soon thereafter. Someone who knew what happened told him.

2) SOMEONE in the IC, likely military intel, sat Trump down & laid out the entire #UraniumOne bribery scheme.

3) How all across the breadth of the Obama Administration people in high offices took massive bribes to facilitate sell of uranium to Russia

4) It involved so many people, it compromised so many agencies, the people who did it counted on it never being exposed or prosecuted.

5) The lengths to which they corrupted our government offices to enrich themselves by selling out our country virtually ENSURED they’d walk.

6) People knew but nobody could talk, the people involved in the scheme were at the HIGHEST levels of the American government.

7) So patriots in our gov’t had their hands tied. There was nothing they could do to stop the sale.

8) Even after SOME of the dirty facts behind #UraniumOne became known in 2015, it was easily buried, ignored, passed by.

9) Somebody took a chance on Trump. They sat him down, walked him through what happened.

Ponder the impossible task being revealed.

10) Even if he WINS the election, he’d be taking over a gov’t that had been corrupted & compromised by the previous administration to a

11) degree that was almost unfathomable.


21) Obama condescendingly chided Trump for his friendly talk about Putin. Holder was aghast, Lynch was stunned! etc.

22) They fell right into his trap. He TALKED about doing deals with a guy ALL THESE TRAITORS TOOK BRIBES FROM TO SELL URANIUM TO.

23) He’s talking about hypothetical deals with Russia & people who took massive Russian bribes on the U1 deal rushed to ATTACK HIM for it.

24) What possible EXCUSE are they going to have when the truth comes out?

They’re not going to have one. He made SURE of that.

25) Everything Trump does is calculated for effect.

So now you know why he showed all that ‘Putin-Love’ during the campaign.

26) The traitors had no idea what he was really doing & rushed to attack him for merely TALKING about doing deals with Russia.

27) Then Trump won the election. He and Sessions went to work.

Now here’s something people overlook or don’t understand.

Pay attention

28) All this stuff about #UraniumOne we’re now just finding out?
Trump & Sessions knew about ALL OF THIS before they were sworn in.

29) Part of the intelligence operation Trump & Co. are running is you never show what you know, you keep your enemy in the dark.

30) Trump & Sessions knew about ALL the details of #UraniumOne BEFORE the election.

Who got how much, from who, all of it.


31) How much uranium was being shipped to Moscow, who facilitated that shipping, they already KNOW all of this.

32) They just haven’t TALKED about until now. They PRETEND they are just now becoming aware of some of this stuff.

33) There was NO WAY they were going to come into office in January & tip all these people off “Yeah hey we’re going after #UraniumOne!”

34) Trump & Sessions know what happened with #UraniumOne. All the dark, dirty details. START with that premise, replay the last 9 months.

35) You need to start an investigation where somebody deep dives into #UraniumOne BUT you can’t let anybody outside KNOW that.

36) So here’s where the second part of the intelligence operation begins.

You convince people it’s TRUMP & HIS TEAM being investigated.

37) All the traitors who facilitated the #UraniumOne deal were on high alert after the transfer of power. Will they be sniffed out?

38) Well not to worry. Almost IMMEDIATELY the new President & his team end up being embroiled in a very public scandal.

39) Trump asks Comey to back off of Flynn, then fires Comey, who leaks memos to the NYT’s & DEMANDS appointment of a Special Counsel.

40) With a President who bragged about doing deals with Russia, an advisor caught on the phone with the Russian ambassador…..




41) …everybody AGREES: yeah, great idea! Let’s appoint a special counsel to investigate RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in our election! So be it.

42) Jeff Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. [But remember: HE ALREADY KNOWS EVERYTHING ANYWAY]

43) Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein then appoints Bob Mueller & tasks him with investigation Russian interference in the 2016 election.

44) MUELLER AND ROSENSTEIN *both* already know that Trump & Sessions BOTH know all the details of #UraniumOne.

Got that?

45) Everybody involved in this ALREADY KNOWS. Everybody was in on this from the start. Trump, Sessions, Mueller & Rosenstein.

47) A lot of scenarios go wrong because they start by assuming Trump was clueless, didn’t know any of this, Sessions didn’t either or

48) was part of the #UraniumOne coverup. Same with Mueller & Rosenstein, whom many assume to be dirty, trying to HIDE the evidence.

49) An intelligence operation based on deception calls for putting the enemy at EASE because they don’t understand what you’re REALLY doing.

50) So: what do the #UraniumOne traitors & DNC Media & Democrats THINK has been going on for the last 8 moths?


51) Trump has been STAGGERING on the ropes in desperate trouble trying to avoid a KNOCKOUT BLOW as Mueller relentlessly stalks him!

52) The reality? Mueller has been digging even deeper into #UraniumOne & into #FusionGPS & the Trump dossier.

53) He *has* found Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Do you know what it was?

Shall I tell you?

54) He found a MASSIVE Russian bribery scheme involving 1 of the Presidential candidates in which she compromised US nat’l security.

55) He *also* found this selfsame candidate illegally funding solicitation of info from Russian gov’t sources to smear the OTHER candidate.

56) And to compound THAT offense, this candidate also tried to HIDE her funding of this dossier by using a law firm, which is illegal.

57) The investigation is mostly over. Most of the indictments from the grand jury/juries have been made, sealed.

58) You’re all about to witness something that was deemed to be an impossibility.

59) A previous administration that was so corrupt across so many agencies with so many people involved, it made it invincible….

60) is about to be rolled up.

Dozens of people are going to prison. And you know most of the names.


61) Not until the hammer actually falls & all the indictments are unsealed will most people figure out what Trump & his team did.

62) DNC Media never had a chance to compromise/thwart the investigation of #UraniumOne & #FusionGPS because they fell for the COVER STORY.

63) It’s literally too late at this point to stop what’s coming. That window closed weeks ago.

64) Examples will be made out of these people. When Trump & Sessions are done, NO ONE will ever try this kind of treason again.


Sourced from here.

Destroying The Illusion ~ Storm Update!


Storm keeps on brewin’…  Oh to have this stuff exposed after I have been researching, blogging and sharing for almost 15 years on this stuff is quite exhilarating, if not a bit painful.  Such a waste of choices by too many in power. We could have had Paradise long ago…  If you haven’t listened to Jordan’s work, please consider doing so.  


11.4 – Storm Update – 4chan/Saudi Arabia/Podesta/Brazile/False Flags

Public Mass Arrests of Cabal Operatives Starting Soon Says 4Chan Insider – November 1, 2017


Editor’s note:  Second piece tonight I have seen mentioned the EBS announcement.  



Confirmation of mass arrests possibly beginning in 36 hours. ~ Dinar Chronicles

More from the insiders posting anonymously at 4chan: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/147558748/q-clearance-patriot-36hr-warning

We’ll see soon enough how things turn out. I hope everyone is ready to sit out the riots and enjoy some quiet time at home.

Whatever you do, stay safe!


Q Clearance Patriot 36hr Warning Anonymous (ID: EJUd80/U) 11/01/17(Wed)21:40:13 No.147558748

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish
to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

Anonymous (ID: EJUd80/U) 11/01/17(Wed)21:40:37 No.147558793

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make American great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.

Sourced from here.

HATJ ~ A Concise Description of What’s Going On Now


We are helping to keep this exposure/disclosure stuff snowballing.  Keep it up.  Keep on intending the end result:  Freedom, Abundance and Truth for ALL.  Regardless of one’s political/social affiliation, belief, this is what we ALL want for ourselves, isn’t it.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


#HATJ A Concise Description on What is Going on Now 10.31.17

Published on Nov 1, 2017

Trump Confirms: “All JFK Files Are Released”


Good move.  Now release all of the suppressed and hidden tech and allow us access to the accounts created without our knowledge worth trillions.  Prosperity for ALL…NOW.  


Update: Following Friday’s disappointing release of some, but not all, remaining files related to the death of President John F. Kennedy, President Trump just confirmed, via tweet, that the rest of the files are released, well ahead of schedule…

JFK Files are released, long ahead of schedule!

Of course, given that this is the government – and the government does not work weekends – the files are unlikely to be released on to the official National Archives site until Monday.

This appears to be a victory for Trump in his never-ending battle with the intelligence agencies.

*  *  *

As we detailed earlier, The Deep States’ ‘war’ with President Trump may sink from the headlines every so often, but there is little doubt that it continues to bubble away, battle after battle. This week’s delayed, reduced… and now soon-to-be-complete release of the rest of the previously classified JKF files is yet another clash with the spy agencies… and this time President Trump may have won…


Continue reading here.

David Wilcock Update: Something Very Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?


Are we on the verge of stunning, public announcements that will change everything we thought we knew?

In 2009, we began providing direct insider leaks from “The Alliance”. Everything they told us is now coming true.

The 4Chan insider from our last article is “singing like a songbird” and we will summarize the newest intel in this article.

If what we are hearing is true, Wikileaks is on the verge of dropping a much more damning set of information than October 2016 — literally at any moment.

This would then set the stage for a much larger announcement that will directly expose the ugly secrets of the FBI, CIA and Fed for the last 60 years.

The Vegas mass shooting may well have been a desperate attempt to distract the public from these impending, epic geopolitical developments.

We have every reason to believe that this collection of data provides signposts that a very big announcement may lead to a defeat of the Cabal.


Just to briefly review what we discussed, the Vegas mass shooting was almost certainly not the work of a “lone gunman” with no clear motive.

Instead, there were multiple signatures of this being orchestrated by a powerful international organization we have been calling “the Cabal”.

Las Vegas is just 13 miles from Nellis AFB, which is enormous — and less than three hours from Groom Lake, site of the infamous Area 51.

Multiple insiders have revealed that there are secret elevators in these casinos, leading to underground shuttles that take you to these very bases.

Continue Reading at ….. https://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1221-4chan-wikileaks

Sourced from here.

Trump To Allow Release Of 3,000 Never Before Seen Documents On JFK Assassination


Get out the popcorn…


Following years of delays, President Trump announced on Twitter on Saturday morning that he will allow the release of more than 3,000 of classified documents from the FBI, CIA, and Justice Department on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The unexpected announcement means that a trove of previously unseen documents will be released by the National Archives by October 26.

“Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened,” Trump tweeted.

Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened.

In 1992, Congress mandated that all assassination documents be released within 25 years, unless the president asserts that doing so would harm intelligence, law enforcement, military operations or foreign relations. The still-secret documents include more than 3,000 that have never been seen by the public and more than 30,000 that have been released previously, but with redactions, according to CBS. Trump’s decision means that thousands of formerly classified documents related to Kennedy’s assassination will be unveiled next week in compliance with the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which states that the federal government must release them by Oct. 26, 2017.

    • Continue reading here: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-21/trump-allow-release-3000-never-seen-documents-jfk-assassination