Destroying The Illusion ~ Breaking Down Trumps “The Calm Before The Storm”


Overall I am in alignment with what Jordan is saying and appreciate his insight. Definitely agree some big arrests will be made public in the upcoming days which is going to shake those who have refused to see the people behind the curtain and their dark ways.  That is where the truth seekers will come in and help the newbies transition into the new journey of venturing down the rabbit hole. Remain focused inward, holding the light and know we are not alone in this chaotic beautiful mass change.  


10.8 – The Calm Before the Storm

Published on Oct 8, 2017

Trump: “The calm before the storm.”


Hmmm…  More than one way to interpret this.  I have mine.  The fact that he was smiling when he said these words doesn’t indicate this is about war/terrorism or the recent shootings in Vegas or nuclear armament.  We’ll see what transpires in the upcoming days…


Good evening from your substitute pooler. Around 7:10 PM, after a travel/photo lid was called, White House staff hastily assembled the pool to cover a photo spray with military leaders and their spouses before a dinner with POTUS and FLOTUS.


POTUS made no news, but he did offer some cryptic remarks to the press corps.


Pool was led into the State Dining Room at 7:18 PM. A five-piece Marine Corps band positioned in the entrance hall played classical music. It was a piece of music your uncultured pooler did not recognize.


POTUS and FLOTUS stood side-by-side in the middle of more than a dozen couples who were lined up for an official photo. CJCS Dunford and his wife stood to their left. An unidentified military leader and his wife stood to POTUS’ right.


“Tell us when youre ready,” POTUS told the photographer. “Be careful, dont push.


“Our faces are tired,” one of the spouses joked.


A couple of seconds later, POTUS pointed around the room and asked members of the pool, “you guys know what this represents?”


“Tell us,” one reporter responded.


Maybe its the calm before the storm,” POTUS replied.


Whats the storm? another reporter asked. “On Iran? On ISIS? On what?


“We have the worlds great military people,” POTUS replied. Thank you all for coming.


Kristen Welker of NBC News asked, what storm Mr. President?


“You’ll find out,” POTUS replied.


“Give us a hint on your Iran decision,” another reporter asked.


POTUS said “thank you, everybody” and pool was ushered out of the room.

The Upcoming Case Against Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: This Is OUR Case


Escape, Race, Freedom, Hope

As I have mentioned before, I become aware of the OPPT (One People’s Public Trust) earlier this year.  I have taken a crash course in our strawman accounts (which I was familiar with) and the TDA’s.  I was already fully aware the entire debt system is fraudulent and the banks have been getting away with enslaving the masses all this time.

On October 18, 2017, there is a Jurisdiction Hearing in Knoxville, TN for Heather.  There is also the case, separate from but also a part of the 10/18 hearing with Heather:  The alleged USA vs. the alleged HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF and the alleged RANDALL KEITH BEANE.

This case is not just about these two Beings.  It is about All Of Us.

This is about ending this financial slavery system.

This is about exposing the fraudulent banking system.

This is about returning Self Governance back to the People.

This is about exposing the accounts that have been created in our names without our permission.

Ultimately this is about taking back our Power and reclaiming Ourselves as Source Beings.  And as such, no other person or PERSON has the right or the authority to tell us what to do, how to live.  No other person or PERSON has the right to forcefully collect or take any thing from any of us.

Freedom.  For All.  Not just a little bit of freedom here and there but total complete freedom.  This is why I came to believe ideas such as the RV and Nesara and Gesara are just other control systems – and as I like to say – with pretty unicorns.  Do we want just a little bit more freedom or Total Freedom?

I opt (via the OPPT – lol) for Total Freedom.

Here are the words of BZ Riger who runs the site and is friends with Heather (about this upcoming jurisdiction hearing):  “Heather is clearly stating what has always been so, by their design. That is, the UCC is the Law of the land on planet and off. And is Noticing them that ALL, now know that. The UCC has been returned to Original with no thing/no entity/no standing between Original Source and each embodyment. As it is written and is standing law, unrebutted/unrebuttable since March of 2013”

There is more I could include I am sure but this is a good overall presentation.

I am asking each of you to get involved in your own way.  At the very least, intend the thoughts and feelings of Self Governance and Freedom For All.  Follow the proceedings.  Share with your friends and family on your social media pages. Contact local media and demand this story be covered.  Contact your government representatives on down to the city level and inform them of this case and remind them you are watching. Remind them you know who you are as a Living Being.  Remind them you will not tolerate their participation in this enslavement system and you are withdrawing yours.  Their time is up.  The time to concede is now.  As Anonymous says:  We forgive but we do not forget.

So while the STATE is claiming to go after these two PEOPLE, in truth this is about All Of Us.  So let us intend a quick end to this entire debacle and visualize and create the outcome we All want, desire and are worthy of as Source Beings:  Freedom.  For all of us.  Even the controllers.

Thank you awesome beings.  We can and will do this!

Much love~


Here is the link showing the documents Heather filed last Friday, September 29th, 2017.  They are really being filed on behalf of us all.


As always, your support of my work is greatly and gratefully appreciated, both emotionally/Spiritually and financially.  (Intending to remove the “f” word soon as we gracefully switch over to a new paradigm for all.)

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Video Released In August 2016 Makes Accurate Predictions Claiming Trump Has A Time Machine


I know I have been posting a fair bit of info on this subject ~ but it is something I have unintentionally stepped into.  From videos that just show up on my feed to dreams plural, I am putting together the pieces of the puzzle and this video below helped put together several.  I recall watching the election coverage and while I was relieved HRC didn’t win, I was not all that excited Trump did.  However when I woke up the next morning I was very surprised to feel such a visceral feeling within.  I literally felt as though I awoke in a new world.  Everything felt different.  I was so dang happy.  I knew something had ended and something new was going to be created.  I just KNEW this.  No proof.  But hey, that’s how the Truth of the Universe works.  Pure knowing.  Only the brain/ego needs proof.  This video predicts Trump winning the presidency (remember it came out in August of 2016 – 2 1/2 months before the election – which polls showed HRC overwhelmingly ahead).  It says September 11, 2017 will be proclaimed Peace and Prosperity Day (this was announced in March of this year – 7 months after this video was made).  There were the flashing red lights coming from Trump’s bedroom earlier this year with the media, including the alternative media, falling for the explanation by the Secret Service that this was due to flashing ambulance lights on the grounds that night ~ which is rubbish and violates basic physics.  Can anyone say Time Machine at work?  Trump’s Uncle John had some of Tesla’s papers, he was also an MIT Physicist, whose papers included how to build a time machine.  When Uncle J died, he left those papers to his nephew Donald. Then there are the books from 150 years ago I have referenced here.  This video below says Donald will not serve out his term ~ something I began to feel LAST SUMMER (2016) – that IF he were to win he would not serve out his term.  I soothed my HRC supporting friends that even if Donald won, he would not be in office a full term.  Didn’t know how I knew it – I just did.  I still feel this way.  He has also been able to predict things before they happen in his many interviews he has given, including using the term pizzagate in 2011 – 5 years before it began being used by alt media and others.  In a nutshell, he has been time traveling to win the presidency so he can stop nuclear holocaust from occurring – which is what the deep state has wanted.  He is also here to bring forth disclosure and the release of suppressed tech.  Both parties can’t stand him.  Why is that?  We know the voting system is rigged – the lawsuits against the DNC proved that (as well as during the Bush junior years).  How on earth then did HRC not win last fall?  Time travel?  Hmmm….  He is often unpredictable.  Why is that?  All of this….Food for thought… Love him or hate him or just tolerate him, he does seem to be here to stop destruction and I feel absolutely to all that I AM that if HRC had won, we would be into WWIII.

Anyway, enjoy…

More Time Traveling Intel/Info


Is this coincidence?  Hmmm….before I watched this one I had this insight come to me and I told my mate “is it possible one of the reasons we are having this mandela experience is because we have a time traveling individual in our midst?” My mate then pulls up this video…


Mandela Effect: Time Travel & Trump

Published on Oct 31, 2016

More Proof Of Trump Being a Time Traveler

On top of the books that were written over 150 years ago that detail the stories of the young boy Baron and his assistant Don, who lived in Castle Trump and time-traveled…  Now we have video evidence of Trump, in 2011, using the term “pizzagate” – a term that didn’t even come to fruition until October 2016.


Is This Proof Donald Trump Is a Time Traveler? Must See Too!

Published on Apr 2, 2017

Be Wary of Words! Their Spells and Appearances Can Control Your Thoughts


Editor’s note:  I LOVE this one.  Powerful.  End especially.  We are not our names. We are Creator.  Divine.  Original Pure Source.  Inbody.  Telepathic abilities are returning as are the Original Light Languages.  It continues to become a challenge for me to speak with words.  I have moments where I look at my family or anyone else for that matter and point to my heart or mind.  That is where my “Language” resides.  


Image result for telepathy image

August 25th, 2017
By Pao L. Chang
Guest writer for Wake Up World

Words, words, words, are what people see every day, but I do not see words like most people. What I see are worlds, worlds, worlds, and spells, spells, spells. Today, we live in a world dominated by words, which are magic spells that can be used to hypnotize the minds of people. All words have magic properties because they were created based on occult knowledge. To be more specific, they were designed based on sacred geometry and sacred sound. Furthermore, many of them were charged with magic intention.
What the education system does not tell you about letters is that they are actually sigils containing the fundamental semantic code for transmission of thought. This is why words, which are made up of letters, are so effective for stimulating the human mind and transmitting information. Certain advertising companies are well aware that words are very effective tools for stimulating the mind, which is why their ad campaigns often have a lot of words in them.
Besides having the power to stimulate the mind, words also have the power to “cut” and shape the material world. Words have this power because they are sharp like swords. When you move the letter “s” in the term words to the front, it becomes the term sword. In some ways, words are more powerful than swords. This is why the Bible verse Hebrews 4:12 says,
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Besides shaping the material world, words have the power to create the world of matter. To find evidence that words have the power to create the material world, we need to investigate one of the verses in the Gospel (“God-spell“) of John. In the New Testament of the Bible verse John 1:1 it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. When you read this verse literally, it sounds kind of confusing and does not make much sense. However, when you learn how to decipher it and access the knowledge hidden within its words, it makes a lot of sense.

What you need to know about the New Testament of most bibles is that it was translated from Greek. Because of this, if you want to “innerstand” what the Bible means when it says “In the beginning was the Word,” you need to investigate what the English term word means in Greek. In Greek, the English term word means logos. In English, the word logo means “the source that controls the universe, the written word or inspiration of God, or a logic and rational argument.” According to ancient Greek philosophy, the word logos means “the controlling principle in the universe”.
Based on the definitions in the previous paragraph, the Bible verse “In the beginning was the Word” actually means “In the beginning was the Source.” The Source for what? The Source for the codes that govern reality, also known as the Laws of Nature. The Bible verse John 1:1 is not really talking about the words in books, but is talking about the forceslaws and knowledge of the Universe, which can be expressed through words to create worlds.
When we speak words, we are literally creating worlds. However, because our conscious and subconscious minds are not working in harmony with each other, our thoughts expressed through words often do not physically affect the material world in a way that we can see. In other words, most of the changes occur at the subconscious level. Did you notice that the term worldhas the term word in it? Take out the letter “l” from the term world and you are left with the term word.


The world you live in is ruled by words. This is why all physical contracts are based on words and all disputes are done using words. Because the world is ruled by words, if you want to prevent words from ruling over you, you need to be aware of the occult (hidden) meaning of words. The words you need to know their hidden meaning are the words commonly used in the legal system. Three of the many words that you need to pay close attention to are the words nameperson and corporation.
In the world of legalese, the words name, person and corporation are not what most people think they are. Below are the legal definitions of the words name, person and corporation from Black’s Law Dictionary (6th edition).
  • Name: “The designation of an individual person, or of a firm or corporation. Word or combination of words used to distinguish person or thing or class from others.”
  • Person: “In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers.”
  • Corporation: “An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state. An association of persons created by statute as a legal entity.”
In the legal definition of person, there is a phrase that says “though by statute term“. The phrase “statute term” means “legal term”. Because of this, a person is legally a corporation. As a person/corporation, the legal system sees you as an artificial person or legal entity. An artificial person is not living; instead it is DEAD. As a result of that, it has no natural rights.
To connect the dots, when you agree to be a “person”, you actually agree to be an artificial person and thereby have no natural rights. Without natural rights, the government can force you to pay taxes and order you to obey its fictitious laws. Do you innerstand now why you need to be wary of words?

Also see: The ‘Legal Name’ Game – and How It’s Used Against You


Before you were born or shortly thereafter, your mother and father gave you a name. They gave you a name because you are going to be a good little ewe and follow orders. Did you notice that the word you is pronounced similar to the word ewe? The word ewe means “a female sheep, especially when fully mature.” When you do not question things and follow orders, you/ewe are considered a sheep by your owners, which are the Elite. This is why the word sheeple is used to define people who are “docile, foolish, or easily led.”
The name is the most popular magic spell for marking you/ewe as a slave. It is the most effective magic spell for tricking you to agree to be a “person”, which is legally defined as a “corporation” or “artificial person”. Do you remember what I said early that the word name means “The designation of an individual person, or of a firm or corporation“? Because the Name Spell is so effective for deceiving you, it is heavily used by religious institutions, governments, banks and corporations to hypnotize your mind with sigils (letters).
To condition your mind to accept your name as being the same as you (the living man or woman made of flesh and blood), they use the education system to indoctrinate you at a very early age to think that the name is who you really are. After years of being indoctrinated, you mostly unconsciously accept that you (the living man or woman) and your name are one and the same. Once you accept this, you are completely under the magic effect of the Name Spell, causing you to actually think that you and your name are one and the same.
Your name is not who you are. Your NAME is NOT who YOU are. YOUR NAME IS NOT WHO YOU ARE. Why? Because you are the spirit with NO NAME living in a body made of flesh and blood. Does that sound like a name to you? Now, sit back and think about that for a minute. Can you feel the Name Spell losing its magic effect on you? Once you become aware of the Name Spell, it can not affect you as much, causing you to wake up and remember who you truly are.
Because you are now aware that your name is not who you truly are, your awareness should start to expand. As your awareness expands, you will become more aware of other magic spells. To learn more about magic spells and the power of words, visit my website

Also by Pao L. Chang:

About the Author
Pao Chang is the author of and For more content related to the article you just read, visit his websites and read his book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words.

Sourced from here.

Ben Fulford Update: High level weirdness in US as Khazarian control matrix crumbles


Editor’s note:  Normally I don’t share these updates but this one I was inspired to. Quite interesting.  Also of note, in a meditation I got the date “September 27” for something big to switch/change/occur.  Actually feeling 23-27.  Anyway, enjoy this one…  


People who are aware are noticing very weird stuff going on with the world information grid -especially inside the Anglo Saxon world- as contradictions and bizarre events multiply. These are all signs of a collapsing power matrix; the sort of thing seen around the time of the fall of the USSR.

The first thing to note about last week in particular is that the US was hit for the first time since 2005 with a hurricane. US President Donald Trump tweeted the code phrase for weather warfare “once in 500 years” to describe Hurricane Harvey. The fact that it hit the Bush clan homeland of Texas, in particular the city of Houston, with devastating floods, makes it likely this is some sort of revenge for the Bush engineered Hurricane Katrina attack on New Orleans.

It may also be related to the fact that 16 US and Canadian diplomats in Cuba suffered brain injuries from some kind of “Sonic attack.” They may well have been hit because of their involvement in cutting of the Bush clan drug money that was being laundered through Cuba. It is also interesting that “Sonic attacks” are now being reported by world media instead of being dismissed as delusions by people “wearing tin foil hats.”

In any case, all of this indicates a high level, esoteric power struggle is continuing.

This power struggle is also being revealed in strange and contradictory news announcements concerning US Senator John “Daesh” McCain. Remember recently we had media reports that McCain had been diagnosed with malignant brain cancer? These were followed immediately with reports that McCain had recovered and rallied the Senate to stop Trump plans to repeal Obamacare. Then after that the USS “John McCain” was rammed by a cargo ship, killing many US sailors. Now we are being told that McCain has been wire-tapping the White House and leaking all of the Trump administrations’ plans to hostile media.

As the oft-used phrase aptly puts it “you can’t make this up,” but then again it looks as if two opposing forces are indeed making this stuff up.

There are many others signs other than contradictory reports about madman McCain to indicate a high level power struggle is raging in Washington DC.

Inside the Trump administration, the removal of Steve Bannon has now been followed by the ouster of adviser Sebastian Gorka. These are the folks who were pushing for a hard line against “radical Islam”(=Khazarian agents) and China.

Now the “make America great again” alt-right faction in the administration is fighting back. Pentagon sources say Trump chief of staff General John Kelly “may be forced to fire globalist democrats Gary Cohn, Jared Kushner and Dina Powell to even the score and appease the Trump base.”

“Jared is under fire for his failure as peacemaker, with no two-state solution based on 1967 lines, while getting no love from Egypt, Palestine, or even Isreal,” the sources note. Meanwhile “Goldmanite Gary Cohn is already under massive pressure to resign, he puts his tribe first, opposes tariffs, supports antifa and the Jewish fake news media in his interview with the Financial Times that made Trump explode,” they add.

There is also incredible pressure being put on the rogue state of Israel. Satan worshipping Israeli leader Benyamin Netanyahu went to visit Russia to warn of Israeli “red lines,” being crossed by Russia allowing Iranian influence to increase in Syria. This was followed up with a massive offensive by the Israeli/Saudi Arabian Daesh proxy army inside Syria. Russia’s answer was to place Iranian and Hizbollah troops right on the Israeli border.

Russian forces also, according to the official Tass news agency “destroyed more than 1,000 facilities belonging to international terrorist groups in Syria in the past week,” thus crushing the Israeli/Saudi proxy offensive.

The oil and gas rich nation of Qatar has rubbed salt into the wounds of the Israeli/Saudi alliance by restoring diplomatic relations with Iran and keeping its money out of Khazarian mafia pockets.

Unlike in the past, the Israelis can no longer run crying to the US for protection because the de facto Trump military government is sick and tired of that rogue states trouble-making. The Pentagon sources say the US military is working with the Russians on this and other issues noting that “Russia supports the US military junta by naming former vice minister of defense Anatoly Antonov as US ambassador, militarizing relations between the two superpowers.”

The Pentagon sources also tried to justify Trump’s recent speech announcing an open ended continuation of the war in Afghanistan as follows: “the Trump Afghan speech is a disguised multilateral exit strategy in concert with regional powers while supporting India in its Bhutan skirmish with China.” However, in this case, the old adage “follow the money,” is a more realistic explanation of what is going on. The fact is that the Afghan heroin trade is, if you multiply UN Afghan heroin production data by the UN calculated US street price, worth around $1.6 trillion a year or more than double the official US military budget.
New whistleblowers are now emerging with detailed, concrete descriptions of how the international drug trade became indispensable to the US military industrial complex in the post-war era. CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp and investigative journalist Paul Williams provide a very detailed account of this in the podcast at the link below.

What is interesting about what these real world whistleblowers say is that it dovetails almost exactly with what this writer has been hearing from his own CIA and Asian secret society contacts. Real world investigations show beyond a doubt that there is a multi-trillion dollar drug money nexus linking the CIA, the Vatican P2 fascist lodge, North Korea and Asian gangsters.

Multiple Asian and other sources involved in this nexus say they expect some sort of major shift this autumn. This is what a high level source in Thailand, for example, had to say about related developments in that country:

“[Former Prime Minister Yingluck] Shinawatra left Thailand on Wednesday, the 23rd with the assistance of Very High Officials, outside the Junta, in a private jet. She is with her brother in Dubai.”

As background this source noted:

“The King HAD to give permission long before the coup [against Yingluck’s brother Thaksin] took place back in 2006. That allowed certain people time to load the planes with ‘personal’ items like suitcases full of large denominations of cash, the Singapore and Brunei $1000 note, the favorite of the elite as well as a few kilos of diamonds, cut and uncut (Having been a partner in a diamond mining operation in Angola helped). A few tons of Au were added for ballast. Thaksin’s passage was cleared all the way from start to finish. Having a Diplomatic passport made it even faster.”

Also, the source continued:

“The current King has only been seen in public two times. It is said in the inner circles of the Palace that he has AIDS. He flies to Germany two times a month for a blood transfusion… There seems to be more to the extent of his medical treatments than what is released by his closest confidants. The AIDS story could be a smokescreen?”

To conclude, this source notes:

“The future of Thailand and more currently, that of the Junta, will be known within 60 days. What goes down in DC, will directly affect Thailand, in more ways than one.”

The White Dragon Society, for its part, has recently been contacted by representatives of several groups who had cut off all contact immediately following the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan. These include a senior member of the British branch of the Rothschild family, the top assassin of the Yamaguchi gumi syndicate and a senior MI6 official. They all agree that something big is coming down.

This is partly, but not exclusively, related to the upcoming US government September 30th fiscal year end payments deadline. If we take the right action this time, we can finally stop the criminal Khazarian faction in Washington DC from kicking the can down the road any further. The WDS knows who the secret players still standing are and asks them all for their full cooperation so that we can finally get on with the business of saving the planet.

Please enjoy the last week of summer and get ready for what is likely to be a very eventful autumn.

Sourced from here.   

Last Night’s Dreams of Trump


Yes, dreams plural.  I had three of them.  Back to back.

Recently there has been speculation as to whether Trump and his family are time traveler’s.  This is based on the release (now of all times which I find interesting) of books written over 100 years ago detailing the adventures of Baron Trump and his assistant Don who time travel to Russia among other places.  The other, The Last President, also has amazing synchronicities.  Here’s a video detailing it, as linked on my site awhile back.

For some reason, I have had dreams of every sitting president going back to Clinton.  I have been able to see who they really are behind their presidential persona.  You could even say I have the ability, in dream state, to read their energies.  I can do this to some degree in waking state but the ability is stronger in the astral state.  I was spot on with each president.  The only one I was not able to venture far into, for it was so dark it made me feel physically sick, was Clinton.  Surprised me at the time as I had been a long-time supporter.  Bush Junior was a little tyrant. Obama was pretty laid back and would rather be high and partying.  Some dark skeletons (that remained unknown to me at the time) in his closet that while considered “legal” left a dark spot on his character.

Then there has been Trump.  I have had numerous dreams of him already and while he can be hugely arrogant with an ego the size of Russia, he is brilliant.  A strategist.  Matter-of-fact type who gets down to business and doesn’t give a flying leap what anyone thinks of him.  He is either that ego-centric or truly free in that regard.  It can be liberating to watch at times.  I feel he is playing a game of chess where the winner takes down the deep state/shadow government.  That’s why he plays both sides and leaves many feeling perplexed and confused.

Just who the hell is this man?

I’ll tell you who he was in my dreams last night.  Again, there were 3 and each time I was surprised I was there to witness what I was seeing.  Why me?  Oh well, who knows.  It’s something I am able to do.  All I can do is share the experience.

The first dream it was he, Melania and myself.  I will tell you they aren’t what you call deeply in love.  Both know they are fulfilling a role though. That’s about all I got.  I was more focused on Trump.  All I was doing was observing.  Both knew I was there.  We were in a hotel room, Melania was sitting on a chair.  I was sitting on the bed on one end, Trump on the other.  Suddenly the bedspread turned into this sand-like liquid and began swirling clockwise.  The power on the outside was massive so I moved myself towards the center.  I knew something outside of the norm was happening so I let go of any questions.  Next thing I know I am transported into a totally different reality.  I look around ~ I’m back in the days of the Roman Empire.  I could see Caesar up in his marble chair and with him, Trump ~ gathering intel.  Observing.  Playing his part.  It was so wild ~ I could not believe what I was seeing.  There were others around. Lots of columns/pillars.  I remembered a quote I saw in a movie with Robert Redford, speaking about america’s economy and how we were seeing the next fall of the roman empire on american soil.  Very true words.

After watching this, I felt a quick movement motion and I am back in another hotel room with Trump.  This time I reached for his hand.  In past dreams I have done the same.  In each one his hand is unbelievably smooth – big and strong.  For whatever reason, this seems to be the thing I do.  As I touched his hand, there is a knock on the door.  He tells me it’s the CIA.  I asked him how he knows.  He says “I just do”.  I go to lock the door.  He starts to tell me it won’t do any good but instead says “take cover”, which I do.  Throw a metal cot in front of me.  He suddenly manifests a hand gun, opens the door and proceeds to take out all of the CIA agents ~ all armed and obviously there to take him out.

I remember thinking “How did he know who was there and that they were armed and were there to take him out?”  HOW DID HE KNOW?

Time travel.


And decades, possibly lifetimes of learning.  Learning to be the perfect strategist.  Playing both sides.  Playing all sides.  The master manipulator.

Isn’t that what is needed to totally take down this system of bullshit, run by psychopaths?

That’s who I would want.

But then again, that’s just me having these dream-state experiences that were far more than dreams.  Far more vivid and real and telling.  They were more like gifts.

I know this ~ the day I woke up after the elections I could feel the timeline change.  The one the controllers wanted, by putting in Hillary, had not panned out.  I could feel the new and it felt liberating.

Whether you like him or not, very little is remaining the same.

**Of note, as my mate pointed out, was this little tidbit from the news dated August 14, 3 days ago.  A UFO is clearly seen flying in front of the Capital. Obviously FOX news reporters didn’t see it for nothing was said.  Check it out here.**