Category: Politics
Tom Fitton on Soros and Taxpayer Funding ~ Today’s Testimony
this guy rocks it.
Soros!!!! 🍿🍿🍿🍿 Lovin life right now!!
— Karli Bonne’⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@karli_bonne) December 13, 2018
Sourced from here.
Victory is Near: SpyGate is Timed to Blow POTUS Donald J Trump, a strategic genius, now holds all the cards. But as Rex explains, he is also the master of timing. Trump knows that the wise General does not join battle with the enemy, until he knows the war is already won.
editor victoria’s comment~ an AWESOME article! very reassuring and insightful. this is the new journalism. i originally found this on twitter. the wife of the SWAT man who was demoted because he wore the Q “question the narrative” patch linked it.
by Rex
It is normal to be anxious about President Trump’s decision to hold back the evidence revealing Obama & Clinton’s illegal attempt, to steal the 2016 Presidential election.
It is, after all, the greatest scandal and crime in American history.
In fact, it’s more fundamental than that. What happened in 2015/16 (and then after President Trump’s inauguration) is such a disgraceful assault on the US Constitution, Republic and citizenry, that a failure to reveal the truth, expose the criminals involved and then punish them, risks the crime being repeated.
Many of us have known the details for some time and want justice. We also know that if the crime is repeated, it’s unlikely America can continue as a functioning Constitutional Republic.
President Donald J Trump knows this, as well. But what else does he know?
That the enemies of the Republic, while weak, still have a say.
Which is why he is waiting. And why you don’t need to worry.
Please read on, to find out the reasons.
Trump & Sun Tzu – The Art of War
Trump’s strategic mindset is most influenced by Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese master of strategy, who wrote one of Trump’s favorite books, The Art of War.
One of Tzu’s key rules is that wise Generals do not engage the enemy in battle, until they know that they have won the war.
Remember, Trump knows everything and can prove it. This includes SpyGate,ObamaGate, The Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Benghazi, Iran Deal. EVERYTHING.
He has all the evidence to nail Obama, Clinton and their cronies to the wall and has armed his cannons for firing, when the timing is right.
BUT he isn’t ready to fire, just yet.
Trump has had to prepare the terrain first.
Remember, since his inauguration, Trump has appointed loyalists to the key agencies that protect the Republic. The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, SCOTUS, Senate (judiciary appointments) and other agencies are all led by Trump appointees.
The military establishment is also 100% behind Trump.
Trump knows that he is close to victory, but has not yet won the war. Why?
Robert Mueller’s SC and FakeNews, the last serious enemy holdouts, have yet to be defeated.
Trump’s Assault on The Republic’s Enemies
Have no fear. The enemies are reeling. Since November 8, 2016 their mission has always been simple – to protect the Clintons, Obama and all their cronies. They have been subjected to withering fire for two years, sustaining massive damage. Consider what we know:
• Comey’s entire FBI team has been wiped out. Ditto, Lynch’s DOJ rats.
• Obama’s natsec crew (Brennan, Clapper, Comey etc) has been stripped of security clearances and know they are legally exposed.
• The Clintons have been under intense DOJ/OIG investigation (Clinton Foundation, Uranium One).
• Obama has been under intense DOJ/OIG investigation (SpyGate – the election crime, ObamaGate (spying)).
• The leak network of FakeNews reporters, working with Obama & Clinton, has likely been uncovered.
• The UK & Australian governments are muzzled.
• Democrats in Congress. Yes, they have won the House. But once the role of so many of their most powerful members is revealed, it’s likely that their victory will be a pyrrhic one.
And more. You get the picture. They may whine on twitter and play games, but Trump has most of the Republic’s enemies muzzled, or defeated.
However, Mueller and FakeNews remain. They are very weak now, but have one last weapon left.
Defeating Mueller & FakeNews: Trump’s Strategy
SerialBrain2 ~ × 136 D5 dynamics: They buried GHWB, we resurrected Flynn. Trump at 50, Macron at 23. Enjoy.
Let me tell you my friends, this Q experience is an amazing adventure for the mind.
In my previous post about the beauty of D5, anons commented on the component interpreting D5 as a key and how I extracted 5 by counting the steps to get from A to E. They made the argument that the convention I implicitly used counting the first letter A, even though acceptable, was not universal and that, commonly, A to E was counted as 4 steps as confirmed by [E]-[A]=4. I thought this point was valid and a more “universal” response had to be identified. I therefore accepted the challenge of finding a stronger and non-equivocal link to extract this 5 from the sentence “Viva le Resistance”.
Since we know the correct spelling is “Vive la Resistance”, the idea is to find a key that, applied to the original message with the error, outputs the right message. First, let’s erase the spaces and put the wrong and corrected letters in brackets:
Viv[a]l[e]resistance=> Viv[e]l[a]resistance
We are basically looking for a key that will change the [a] from viv[a] to an [e], the [e] from l[e] to an [a] and not change any other letter since all the other ones are spelled correctly. As I said earlier, not using any extra convention as in the previous post, changing a to e requires [E]-[A]=5-1=4 steps and changing e to a requires 22 steps (full rotation and A becomes 27). Since the correct letters are not changed, we assign to each of them a 0 step change and the key correcting the sentence is 000(4)0(22)0000000000. Since 4=D and 22=V, the key is 000D0V0000000000. If you read this V as a roman number, what do you get? Yes, D5!
Friends, Anons, let’s take a minute and appreciate the beauty of all this. Do you see how Q took their text message, built a whole strategy based on a winning D5 chess move correcting a French sentence at the exact same time a correction is occurring in France? A major French newspaper, Le Figaro, is using the verb CORRECT on Dec 5 to describe how Macron “corrected’ his prime minister in his handling of the yellow vest situation: link Do you see how this V=22 is connected to Wojtkiewicz’s 22nd D5 move and how it relates to 11.11? This is pure beauty. Thank You Q for the mind delicacy. Thank You to the Anons who forced me to push the limits and find this more powerful and elegant solution.
Q2290 Nothing gets past Anons! Q
Now let’s talk about Flynn. You all heard the good news. Welcome home General. HOOAH!
We are not surprised, we knew how it was going to end. Q told us exactly 1 year ago:
Q260 Who knows where the bodies are buried? FLYNN is safe. We protect our Patriots. Q
Then, he says:
Q2548 Markers are important. [Dec 4, 2017] > [Dec 4, 2018] Think No Name.
Let’s calculate the time difference between Q260 (04/12/2017 22:24:14), when he promised Flynn would be safe and Q2548 (04/12/2018 22:42:55), when it is actually confirmed. We find it is exactly 365 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes and 41 seconds. Value for DIE? Yes, 18. Who is 41? GHW Bush. Mueller is forced to let Flynn go the day of 41’s funeral, as hinted in the time difference. Coincidence? Planning to the second? Spooky right? Q knew we would immediately start scratching our heads after seeing this, hence this somewhat merciful line in the same drop:
Q2548 You are witnessing something [firsthand] that many cannot possibly comprehend or accept as reality [Sci-Fi or precision M_planning?]
What do you think? May be a little bit of both… 🙂
Now watch how the Maestro reacted about Flynn on Dec 4 2017 video. He immediately made the connection with HRC and showed how she got a pass for her known crimes while Flynn’s life was being destroyed for something he did not do. This is where he subtly revealed the correction that would occur in the future. Exactly one year later, as Flynn is freed, Q informs us the Clinton Foundation investigation is now over and that the communication campaign to set the stage for the DOJ to PROCEED has been launched:
Q2562 Why ‘all of a sudden’ are people talking about the CLINTON FOUNDATION (including whistleblowers and hidden company established to investigate covertly (ex_ABCs))? Would you ‘go public’ if the investigation was still ongoing? What happens when you have enough evidence to PROCEED? What is the benefit of educating the public PRIOR TO proceeding? COME[Y] Q
As you can see, you are witnessing the amazing corrective power of D5: the D5 dynamics invert falsehood and establish the truth. Inexorably. Buckle up, things are accelerating.
Q2548 reveals how Whitaker’s takeover of the DOJ relegated Mueller’s probe to the component it should have never mutated from, allowing deals to take place over his head and forcing him to comply with the DOJ’s superseding strategies. Q2548 also confirms Flynn was providing assistance to a separate criminal investigation outside of Mueller’s scope, which was the whole point of his advanced D5 position on the political chess board:
Q1282 Why did Flynn take the bullet? Rubber bullet?
Q1282 What is the purpose of a laser pointer?
Q1181 How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
And once this injection is successfully made, Flynn is freed. It’s time to enjoy the White Hat interpretation of this post:
Q1131 “Drop after testimony.” R U learning yet? Q
This is pure delectation…
I am sure you caught the Maestro’s Dec 5 tweet where he praised Bush was about Flynn right? You didn’t? Then you have probably missed Q was also not talking about Bush in Q2553 but about Flynn! Look how the Maestro’s tweet and Q2553 are connected: Img1 Tweet capital letters add up to LBTH=42, which is Bill Clinton, connection 1 to Q2553, through the funeral picture. Connection 2: 42 is also the value for AMMO and mentioned by Q: “Bait expends ammunition”. This bait is Flynn who took the advanced D5 position pleading guilty to a crime he did not commit to enter the Justice system in order to inject FISA evidence and expend the enemy’s ammo. Connection 3: Q2553 capital letters add up to OWPEOPLEBEVIL=157, which is the Jewish value for GOT which also has an English numeral value of 42. The 4th connection is the most challenging one. Look at the tweet timestamp: 8:56. What am I saying when I give you 8,5 and 6? Yes, ellipitic language: 7. What is the 7th letter of the alphabet? Yes: G. Now analyze the number of the post Q2553: what is the 2553th letter of the alphabet? Yes, it’s E because you turned the wheel Int(2553/26)=98 times and the remainder is 5=E. So? Trump gave you G, Q gave you E. What are they both saying? Yes, ellipitic language again: they are saying F. And this F is Flynn!
Now that we have gathered the pieces of the puzzle, we can translate the joint message from the Maestro and Q. Read very carefully: Img2
Did you notice the exquisite choice of words from Q? He says: “Bait expends ammunition”, he’s talking about the enemy’s ammunition. Do you remember? Viv[a] vs Viv[e]? If you talk about our ammunition, you would write it “Bait expands ammunition” and this is exactly what Flynn brought back from his solitary and dangerous excursion deep inside enemy lines. HOOAH!
Now let’s look at another manifestation of the D5 dynamics.
Trump has just hit 50% approval rating! tweet. Of course the Fake News MSM will not report it adequately but we all enjoy visualizing them biting what remains of their finger and toe nails when the Maestro gets this type of success. Did you catch it? Who is he trolling? Capital letters: W=23. What is this 23? It’s Macron’s approval rating! With his disastrous management of the Yellow Vest crisis, it’s dropping every day and was reported at 23% at the time of the tweet on Dec 5: Img3
Now look at the timestamp: 22:32. Img4 Do you see it? What is the 32nd letter of the alphabet? Yes, F=6. What is this 22? It’s Wojtkiewicz’s 22nd D5 move which, translated in time, is 11.11. We deduce the Maestro coded this message in the tweet timestamp: 11.11 F. Translation: remember when I was in France on November 11. What happened? Macron insulted Trump, you, me and anyone with at least 2 connected neurons. First, he created the European army feud. Then, anyone with a minimum of common sense does not need to be a formal diplomacy expert to understand the following: if A and B are fighting and I come to save A from being annihilated by B, if A throws a party later, even if he’s now friends with B, shouldn’t I be the star of the party and not B? Well, then explain why Trump would be seated one step away from the hosting French presidential couple while Merkel and Putin are not: Img5 This was the second affront and this is what happens when you are confused about Borders. Third, and this is a doozy, as POTUS is sitting right there, by the Arc de Triomphe, Macron said: “patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism, nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism”. I am not kidding, he actually said this: video
We all know what happened next. In this article, we learn the exact date the Yellow Vest protest started: “Saturday, Nov 17 is the first day of road blockades across France with nearly 290,000 demonstrators wearing the fluorescent yellow vests motorists are required to carry in their cars”.
Q2275 D5. Q
AD for Army/Navy Football Game ~ at the 3:33 mark hear the woman say “GO Q”
no joke. we have mainstream disclosure now.
It takes a different kind of kid to commit to protecting our country.
For the 119th time, The Army-Navy Game celebrates that choice.
— CBS Sports (@CBSSports) December 8, 2018
John Barbour to release the lost Garrison files.
editor victoria’s comment ~ this was sent to me (and others) in a message via social media. i wanted to know more about John Barbour and found this on his youtube “about” page:
“He also directed and wrote the 1992 documentary The JFK Assassination: The Jim Garrison Tapes. This film covers the investigation of District Attorney Jim Garrison, who, after the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy, decided to further investigate the official report given by the Warren Commission. The documentary hypothesizes connections between the assassination and the FBI, the CIA, the Mafia, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, and other organizations and foreign affairs issues.”
and info (fyi) on Jim Garrison:
“The CIA retains two secret files on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, the crusading prosecutor who inspired Oliver Stone’s hit movie “JFK.”
The files–whose existence was first reported by JFK Facts–are among the 3,600 secret U.S. government records related to JFK’s assassination that are scheduled to be released in October 2017.
The two Garrison files contain 16 pages of undated and unclassified material, according to the National Archives’ online database of JFK assassination records.
One file– labelled “CIA File on Garrison, James”–contains ten pages of material. The other–described as “Illegible Document, Garrison Investigation”–has six pages.
The CIA says that both files are “Not Believed Relevant” to the JFK’s assassination.
How a CIA file on Jim Garrison could not be relevant to the JFK story is one of those questions that only the metaphysicians of Langley can answer.” (source)
Published on Dec 6, 2018
Wild theories and empty seats at CPAC-style conference for the MAGA set Talk of QAnon, George Soros and ‘retarded’ reporters at the American Priority Conference.
editor v’s comment: there was a mention of Scaramucci in a Q drop from Dec. 6th (#2560)……i also learned the Barr confirm was “leaked early” – also in the same Q drop. i have been asking around about this Barr nomination and the consensus at this point is POTUS is trolling with another chess move. Barr has a lot of intel on the D/S. Is he being played or is he part of the team? I let the puzzle solvers figure that one out.
At the first-ever Conservative Political Action Conference in 1974, California Gov. Ronald Reagan addressed a ragtag group of conservative insurgents by quoting John Stuart Mill and nobly declaring, “We are indeed, and we are today, the last best hope of man on earth.”
At the first-ever American Priority Conference on Friday morning, Anthony Scaramucci — who served a brief stint as the Trump White House’s communications director — addressed a married couple from Virginia, telling them that the author of the fantastical Internet conspiracy theory QAnon has “been dead accurate about so many things,” adding: “When you find out who he is, you’re not going to believe it.”
It may also be the future of Republican politics.
Continue reading here.
More Qanon for 12/3/18
editor victoria’s comment ~ wanted to mention something about fulford’s latest – how bush was not really “bush” – no relation to prescott/bush “dynasty” – but was a nazi spy brought over by the cia (OSS). fulford’s info aligns w/sainted anon’s latest video last night (12/2)…
New: Title TBD
Okay. Is the plot moving forward? I think we all understand the characters and conflict at this point. Time for the plot twist? Declas, FINALLY?
The President of the United States initiated and confirmed the order when he stated “The Calm Before the Storm.”
When was the statement made?
When did “Q” go active?
Watch the News.
Watch the FBI.
Watch the DOJ.
If you decide to change careers…
Your name has been entered to be fast-tracked.
Step 1:📁
Step 2:📁
Who is Scott Free?
Step 3:📁
>>White Squall
>>WWG1WGA (from the movie)
Thank you for playing.
Qanon ~ 12/3/18
editor victoria’s note: ok so the testimony of huber is delayed because of the funeral. my question is (obvious) – didn’t the white hats see that coming? IF this death was a planned execution, why not wait until after December 5th? would like to see some intel on that instead of elusive puzzle pieces. oh well ~ trust the plan – and what do i know? military/war game planning isn’t my thing (at least in this cycle – i have a feeeeeel i have done similar long ago). meanwhile i continue to have less interest in all of this and more interest in what’s going on within ME and Home.
i am highly intrigued by the “transparency is the only way forward” words…makes me think we will see MUCH more full-size puzzles coming out now as well as media accountability.
here’s some info on the “rule” as listed below ~ a game of statistics. ugh – i remember that class in college. i actually did much better in stats as i did calculus.
Well-played DS.
Please allow us to counter.
DECLAS > Purpose > illuminate the ‘TRUTH’ > People
Transparency is the only way forward [CONTROLLED MEDIA – ‘Enemy of the People’].
DOJ [policy] does not discuss ongoing investigations.
Majority of leaks [by them] serve to their benefit.
Some do not.
Some are designed to provide the public w/ a ‘glimpse’ into the shadows.
Glimpse > Leverage.
Leverage > Panic.
Panic > RATS.
Dark to Light.
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
68–95–99.7 rule
Truth, Justice and Freedom ~ (((+))) – New Q drops 12-08-18
editor victoria’s comment ~ as always, i love her insight and respect her authenticity.
Published on Dec 2, 2018