James Gilliland Update: Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World


Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World

From an enlightened perspective Trump is the right man for the job and has the backing of the Higher Dimensionals, Angelic and Ascended Masters. If people had mastered their own personal God connection there would be no marches especially those inciting violence. Now that I have gotten your attention – probably pissed off quite a few – take a deep breath, suspend your egos with all their programming and misinformation, wounds and traumas being acted out vicariously and listen.

Did you take that deep breath? Now take about three more.

This is not about “what abouts”. Most of the “what about this and that” are part of a grand psyops program carried out by the DNC, CIA funded by George Soros and others in the elite. It is the classic divide and conquer, order through chaos and the chaos we are now experiencing is by design. We don’t need a Gandhi right now we need a warrior. The Gandhi will come later after the clean up.

There is a transdimensional war going on far beyond most people’s ability to perceive. There are unseen negative influences; which are the masterminds behind the political puppets. It is a multilevel swamp; which definitely needs to be drained. The ones screaming the loudest in the political arena are the ones that are guilty of heinous crimes against humanity. One of their tactics is to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. They use the agencies, the press, and sponsor various political groups to do their bidding. This includes the talking heads in the lame stream fake news media owned and controlled by the very same dark forces seen and unseen.

Trump is taking something on so dark, so deceitful, moving into the levels of demonic that most people would cower in disbelief if it were to reveal itself.

Continue reading “James Gilliland Update: Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World”

My Message To The People Who Do Not Support Trump


For the first time in my voting life, I am afraid.  Afraid to speak my truth around those who do not support Trump.  Afraid to say that overall, I like what he says.  I like many of his plans.  I like the fact that he really is focused on jobs in America and came in with a plan.  With many of them. I am open and mature enough to look past convenient media sound-bytes. I am open and mature enough to accept we all have issues, biases and the like.

I am afraid to express my thoughts on Hillary. I am afraid to say I believe she is a criminal.

I am afraid to say I do not support the mainstream media.  I am afraid to say I believe they grossly and blatantly showed their pandering support for Hillary and gave Trump a very unfair and inaccurate representation.

I am one of the most open-minded human beings you will meet.  I support equal and fair rights for ALL humanity.  I believe things such as housing and food and water and education are Rights and need not be based upon one’s ability to pay.  In fact I support a society that does not operate on the use of money.  I support the right of people to live freely and openly and safely as they deem fit.  I support the use of alternative technology (free energy and healing frequency machines for example) and abhor the oil, gas, and nuclear crap as well as pharmaceutical medications and western-based medicine we have been enslaved with.  I abhor how we have pillaged and damaged our environment in spite of the numerous and ever-growing regulations.  And I absolutely do not believe the government knows what is best for me, my family or ANY of you.

I continually run into people in my town and the talk inevitably turns to politics.  Immediately this sense of violent hatred and fear enter the people’s voices just at the mention of Trump’s name.  These people are so locked into their obsession with their distaste of him, having fallen victim to the mainstream media’s use of trickery and propaganda, they are not open in the SLIGHTEST to hearing anything outside of their pov.

However, I listen to what they have to say and just refuse to comment.


Because, as I said, I am afraid.

Not afraid of what I think and feel and believe.

I am afraid of their attacks.  I am afraid of their violence.  Their assumptions.

In a nutshell, for the first time I can recall, I am afraid to discuss politics. I have had two occasions where I showed a very benign response to Trump’s politics, showing support on a couple of his ideas, and you would have thought I had just finished physically assaulting them.  The response was that volatile.

This behavior is absolutely inexcusable.  

It is my wish humanity take a big breath and chill.  And take some time to actually explore other sources of information other than the mainstream media.

This country belongs to all of us.  Those who voted for Hillary.  Those who voted for Trump.  Those who voted for someone else.  Those who didn’t vote at all.  If we wish to have peace, we must have peace within our own hearts and share that peace with others.

For respectful, thoughtful disagreement is one thing.  Violence and threats and disrespect is altogether another.

We are one heart.  One life.

Just something to think about next time you meet up with a Trump supporter.  Be kind.  Be respectful.  Let yourself listen to their words. There might be something in there worth listening to.


Benjamin Fulford Update for January 23, 2017

Now that Trump is president the real horse trading begins

Now that the Trump regime has formally been installed, the real battle over the future of the planet earth can begin in earnest. On the one side we find the Western military industrial complex and on the other we find the ancient bloodline families. Another way of putting it is the battle is now between those who have the guns and those who control the butter (money) supply. Yet a different lens for analyzing the upcoming struggle is to see it as China (Asia) vs. the US (the West), however that is too simplistic. The “West” as things now stand includes Japan plus North and South Korea and maybe even Vietnam while “Asia” includes Germany and other Rothschild controlled nation states.

The ideological battle lines were set in two speeches, one by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Davos bloodline love fest on January 17, while the other was President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech.

Continue reading “Benjamin Fulford Update for January 23, 2017”

Trump’s Inaugural Attendance Numbers: More To The Story Than What Mainstream Media Reports

Editor’s note:  I have included a few links to some pieces that offer a different pov than that of the mainstream media outlets are.  Failing to leave out the fact about the protester’s who blocked people from attending is a pretty big part of the story, don’t you think?  I absolutely support the right to protest – as long as it does not interfere with another’s personal freedom and rights.  It is unfortunate these freedom’s were denied by wishful attendees by the protester’s.  All of that being said, is it really that important that Obama drew more supporters than Trump did at the inauguration (if he really did)?  Are we that petty?  Is this who we want to be?  I will say this – Obama mesmerized people with his smooth talking and the fact that he is a black man (even though my southern friend said “he’s more white than I am”!).   He was just another long line of President’s, Republican and Democrat, who have been controlled by Corporate Interests, Bankers and other dark forces/groups for a very long time.  The time for a businessman/woman – rogue – independent – one with the balls and financial backing to stand up to the Establishment – is long past due.  

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The liberal media was giddy Friday afternoon noting how many fewer people had packed into the National Mall in Washington, DC for President Trump’s inauguration compared to the 2009 inauguration of former President Obama.

The photos they shared on social media certainly showed far fewer attendees for Trump.

View image on TwitterView image on Twitter

Compare the crowds: 2009 inauguration at left, 2017 inauguration at right.#Inauguration

What they purposefully left our of their “reporting” was that violent anti-Trump protesters were preventing a huge number of Trump supporters from attending the inauguration.

The Washington Post, one of the few media outlets to report on the phenomenon, wrote:

At John Marshall Park’s checkpoint, Black Lives Matter protesters – chanting ‘Shut it down’ – did just that. Five men chained themselves together, preventing anyone from passing and forcing police officers to redirect attendees to other entrances.

“It feels great that we closed the checkpoint,” said 28-year-old Aaron Goggans, one of the organisers. “But we know this is just the beginning.”

At the 10th and E streets in downtown Washington, protesters blocked the entrance to another checkpoint.

A group of women tied themselves together with purple yarn and sat on the ground to prevent people from passing through.

And those were just a sampling of the disruptions.

Continue reading here.


Editor’s note:  David Seaman – Independent Journalist – who was there – gives his insight as to the real numbers in the beginning of this video.

Donald Trump’s Amazing CIA Speech CENSORED!!! – 1/21/17


Through the clear, cool morning, crowds of people began descending on the nation’s capital Friday to celebrate, protest or simply witness the inauguration of the most unconventional president-elect in modern American history, Donald John Trump.

At noon, the Republican real estate mogul will take the oath of office and become the 45th commander in chief of the United States, capping a campaign that galvanised millions of Americans who were eager to embrace a Washington outsider willing to say, or tweet, whatever is on his mind. Trump – who has never before held elected office – was jubilant Friday morning before attending a service at St. John’s Episcopal Church and sharing tea with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama at the White House.

But his inflammatory rhetoric has angered and offended millions of others, making the 70-year-old New Yorker the most unpopular incoming president in at least four decades. Friday, the stark national divide was already on full display as Trump supporters and detractors began coming face to face on the National Mall, around the White House and throughout downtown D.C.

After almost two hours of delays, the security gates at 7th and Independence Avenue opened to cheers from the restless crowd.

“Trump! Trump! Trump!” a number of them began to shout. Admiring the Capitol building on their way to inauguration, two teachers from Gainesville, Fla., were decked out in bright red coats, fuzzy red earmuffs and buttons with Trump’s face.

One of them, 71-year-old Donna Lutz, said she’d lost friends over her support for Trump.

“For the first time in my life, I have not been able to have an opinion,” she said. “I was very passionate, so now I get to see that my passions were shared.”

But her feelings certainly weren’t shared by everyone.

At John Marshall Park’s checkpoint, Black Lives Matter protesters – chanting “Shut it down” – did just that. Five men chained themselves together, preventing anyone from passing and forcing police officers to redirect attendees to other entrances.

Continue reading here.  


Trump To Take On Big Pharma and Health Care Industry

Image: Trump to take on Big Pharma and get the healthcare industry back to treatment rather than profiteering

(NaturalNews) Without question President Donald J. Trump is shaking up “the establishment” in Washington, D.C.—including the media, academia, politics and the legalized bribery that takes place under the guise of “lobbying” and “campaign contributions.”

For example, Trump is the only president in modern history to show any interest at all in taking on Big Pharma in his bid to truly reform health care. He’s a billionaire, mind you, so he’s not worried about how he’s going to afford his next prescription or pay his monthly health premium (though we’ll be paying for it soon as taxpayers). But he seems to know instinctively that ordinary Americans are having difficulty paying for coverage and prescription medications.

But it’s not just ordinary folks pleased with Trump’s intention to take on the pharmaceutical industry; some health care providers are, too. And they say such reforms are long overdue. [RELATED: Stay current with the travails and pitfalls of modern health care at Medicine.news]

Writing at FoxNews.com, Dr. Kevin Campbell, assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of North Carolina and  President, K-Roc Consulting LLC, said such changes are needed to curb “drug makers’ greed.”

“Health care reform has been a big part of the election of 2016.  While the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) has taken center stage, many have wondered what may happen to the pharmaceutical and medical device industries under a Trump presidency.  [During Trump’s first press conference], President-elect Trump made the answer quite clear — no more price gouging,” Campbell wrote.

Continuing, he said Americans have been treated to massive price increases over the past year of very common, long-accessible drugs like the Epipen manufactured by Mylan. This company and its CEO, Heather Bresch, are only one example of price gouging, fixing and collusion among the various Big Pharma companies.

Several other medications are also skyrocketing, Campbell said, without any real reason or explanation given. At the same time drugs are going up hundreds of percent, CEO salaries are also increasing exponentially. Coincidence?

While there have been countless cases of inflated drug prices in recent months, a precedent was established by drug giant Pfizer in late 2016, when the company was fined by Britain’s National Health Service 85 million pounds (about $102.4 million) for unfairly raising the price of an old, well-established medication for the treatment of epilepsy by 2,400 percent.

“It is clear that price gouging is not limited to newly developed or expensive biologic/designer drugs—even the price of insulin (which has been around for decades) has gone up nearly 200 percent,” Campbell wrote. Patients need it and many other drugs daily just to stay alive.

But during his press conference, Trump took direct aim at Big Pharma, making it very clear that he intends to take new steps to rein in the pharmaceutical industry because “they are getting away with murder.”

Continue reading here.

President Donald Trump’s Inaugural Speech – An Analysis

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I can admit I did not vote for Trump.  (And I sure as heaven did not vote for the female beast).  However, I started to warm up to that crass talking businessman from New York the past several months.  I studied what he said and how he said it and in a nutshell, receiving confirmation from a woman who is trained in the art of reading body language, I came to the conclusion that what he says, he means.  And even though he comes across as abrasive and egotistical, at least I knew that what I was being presented with was authentic.

And how refreshing that quality is after decades of deceit and flowery words backed up with absolutely zero substance much less Truth.

Watching today’s speech (which I have linked below so you can refer to my notes), I had chills.  This man means business.  He was to the point and blunt.  This man has every intention of removing the corruption that has muddied the waters of DC politics, hence his term “drain the swamp”. He wants to return the focus back here on America.  He wants to bring back the jobs.  He wants to rebuild our infrastructure.  He will not be meddling in on other nation’s affairs (which has long been a big old boil on the backs of D.C. politicians).  He respects Individual Sovereignty.  His focus is on Unity.  Watching him speak, with his hand gestures and facial expressions, he speaks Truth.

The most pivotal moment though occurred at around the 14:00 mark where he says the following:  “We stand at the birth of a New Millennium. Ready to unlock the mysteries of Space.  To free the earth from the miseries of disease.  And to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.”

Sounds to me he is speaking of releasing the nearly 6000 suppressed patents that can truly Liberate us.  In those words I also heard him speak of disclosure.  Technologies to heal ourselves, our planet and provide us with things such as free energy and food replicators.  (Perhaps GoddessV will finally be getting her flying car, no?)

Love him or hate him or somewhere in between, he is our President.  And I believe he was chosen for this Role – not by some corporate/annunaki/draconian handler of the dark – but by something Higher.  We will have to watch and see how he plays this new Role.  One thing is for sure – it best be authentic lest he wish to receive the wrath of the 60 some million folks who voted for him.  They – we – demanded a change.  A removal of the filth and dark and corruption.  And by damn, we aim to see that change carried out to its fullest so that we may finally live as the Sovereign Beings we are.


Are You Ready For The Coming Armageddon? (Hint: It isn’t what you think)

Editor’s note: As always, use discernment.  Having said that, I have “seen” these things for years – some going back 25 years.  I have studied these issues inside out.  I have intended so much of this. Waited, at times very impatiently, for many of these events.  It has been a very arduous, long journey.  And it is Now Time – Go Time – to reveal this information for there are millions of us who intend the very reality as described below.  Call it a Universal Love Letter.  

“Are You Ready For The Coming Armageddon?” – One Who Knows – 1.18.17

Received via email from One Who Knows……..


Are You Ready For The Coming Armageddon?

Make no mistake Armageddon is upon us. There will be utter destruction (De-Construction) everywhere in every way. Truth bombs will devastate entire populations at once, by the magnitude of their profound revelations. The foundations of everything we hold near and dear, will be wiped out with just a few words of devastating truth. There will be NO sacred beliefs left unscathed. Life as we know it will lie in ruins at our feet and nothing will ever be the same again. Very few beliefs will survive the onslaught, and what we hold as absolute truth, will disintegrate before our eyes. Are You Ready For This Coming Armageddon?

What Is Armageddon?

It is so interesting that Armageddon is defined in different ways from different perspectives. This is what James Gilliland says:

“This wave [of energy] is bringing everything up [Into View], the masks are coming off and everything [True] will be revealed. Armageddon is defined as the great uncovering, no rock shall be left unturned. It is an internal movement of consciousness and energy; which will find its expression in the external – James Gilliland”

The Ascension Wave, Transdimensional War and the Days to Come

Yet, if we look up Merriam-Webster’s definition is says:

1) The site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2) A usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Notice that Webster’s definition says it’s a final and conclusive battle of good and evil, and Gilliland’s definition says it is a revealing, uncovering, un-hiding. Clearly it means that the Truth will be uncovered (the Good) and the lies (The Evil) will be exposed. Interestingly, that is called a battle between good and evil which is usually a DECISIVE confrontation.

This is the same meaning from two different perspectives. Those who have lied to us, kept us ignorant, and perpetrated untold atrocities against us, are quite literally fighting to keep it a secret (Hidden). However, once the truth has been “Uncovered,” the battle is over in a decisive way. Clearly, once the truth is known (Proved to Satisfaction), the once mighty and powerful, will be reduced to whimpering, shameful, cowards, they actually are. Their hideousness will be on full display for all to see. They will never again command respect or hold power over others. Thus the decisive confrontation, called Armageddon.

It Is A War of Truth

So the battle of Armageddon, is the fight between keeping the truth covered up and revealing the truth to all. The good guys are actively pulling back the curtain to reveal the truth, while the bad guys are doing their best to keep it hidden. But truth is like a tear in the fabric of deceit, once it begins to rip open, it can hardly be stopped.

For so long, the CABAL had all the power in this battle to keep the truth hidden. They controlled the Media, the news, the movies, music, radio, politics, and the rich and powerful were under complete and utter control. Sure there were small battles here and there, but those who would try to disclose the truth, were ridiculed, debunked, or just killed off. Whistle Blowers were not applauded, they were jailed and executed. The battle of truth, Armageddon, has had to wait until the time was right.

However, with the advent of the Internet, the battle has taken a DECISIVE turn for the better. It reminds me of the game “Whack-A-Mole,” where as soon as you knock down a mole in one place, it just pops up again in another. In this real life game of “Whack-The-Truth,” the truth is showing up in so many places so often and in such overwhelming numbers, that it has gotten out of control for the CABAL. Between the cutting off of their money supplies, and the blowing up of their underground command centers, and the destruction of their HARP facilities, they have been unable to silence those who are bringing the truth forward for all to see. You have wiki leaks revealing their evil agendas, and Trump calling out the rigged elections and the corrupt media, and the unrelenting internet posters documenting and commenting on it all. It is clear that Armageddon, the final decisive battle of Truth, is upon us, and we shall be victorious.

There Will Be Causalities

Obviously, the Cabal will go down in utter failure and disgrace to say the least, and hang by their own deeds. However, that will not be the only Causalities in this Final Battle of truth. In the same way that war destroys buildings, infrastructure, and takes lives, this battle of Truth, will destroy the foundations of Trust, Knowledge, beliefs, and understanding, and take lives as well. In the blink of an eye, All truths will turn to lies, and the lies will become truths. This type of destruction (De-Construction) will be far greater than the loss of a building or a bridge. It will be the loss of trust and belief. All will have to be learned all over again. Many will not be able to take this upheaval and will perish as a result. But don’t worry, no one dies (Ascends) unless it is their higher will to do so.

Are You Ready For The Coming Losses?

It is so easy to get over the loss of a building or a bridge, that needs to be built again. Those kinds of losses are “outside” of us, Outside of who we are and what we believe. But, the losses to come, are with-in. That safe place where we know what is true and what is not, is going to be gutted like a fish, and no truth will be safe, no matter how sacred. This will be the greatest destruction of all, and the very heart of Armageddon, the battle for truth. How can one prepare for something like that? Only those having an open mind, with complete Faith in a Benevolent outcome will survive the coming Battle of Truth. What should you expect? Here are a few truths that may take a serious hit and even a reversal as a result of the coming revelations:

UFOs / Aliens

Expect to find out that the Cabal has been working with Aliens for thousands of years in secret, while denying that UFOs exist and claiming that there is no other life in the Universe.

NASA / Mars / Moon

Expect to learn that NASA was created as a diversion and a hoax to make you think that we are very limited in space travel, while in truth, we have had bases and colonies on Mars since the 50’s and have had bases on the dark side of the Moon for years.

Solid Earth / Hollow Earth / Inner Earth

Expect to find out that your school books and scientist claimed we had a solid Earth, to debunk any claims to the contrary. You will find out that the movie Journey to the Center of the Earth, was more truth than fiction. In the end, the truth becomes the lies and the fiction becomes the truth.

China / Russia / Iran / Israel / Saudi Arabia

Expect to find out that the countries that we have heard and been told are our enemies, were in fact our friends, and our friends were in fact our enemies. You will find that our Government has the enemies, not us the people. Frankly, it will turn out that our Government was our enemy as well.

Medicines / Doctors

Expect to find out that the medicines that we were forced to take were not meant to help us, but instead meant to harm and kill us. Most prescription drugs were designed to give us the problem or create new ones, so we could continually support the corrupt medical industry until our death. Expect to find out that the Medicine supported the medical industry, and the medical industry supported the medicine industry, milking us of our health, energy, vitality, and our money.


Expect to find out that our most beloved religious leaders were evil, and had a CABAL agenda. It is so horrible and unbelievable, that I even struggle to talk about it here. Just be prepared to find out, that the seemingly Purest, were actually the most evil in disguise.

School / Science / History

Expect to find out that nearly EVERYTHING we learned in school was either wrong, a flat out lie, had an agenda, or flawed. Remember that mandatory school, was mandatory conditioning. You will find out that our true history is far different that we have been taught, and the foundational elements of science, and science truths are in fact lies and misinformation. Expect to relearn at least 80-90% when the truth comes out.

Progress / Health

Expect to be blown away by the coming technology that has been held back from us. Free energy, anti-gravity, perfect health, longevity, travel to other planets and star systems, and personal abilities. Expect to find out that we have been held back in every way possible, from withholding technologies, to chemicals in our foods, water, and air to dumb us down, to movies and entertainment that promotes lower thought processes. Be prepared to discover that every possible method has been employed to reduce our mental abilities and retard our progress. The smartest among us were co-opted or killed.

Politics / Finances / NESARA

Expect to find out we have a new Republic as do most other countries in the World. Expect to discover that everything you have been seeing on TV is meaningless and that we already have an interim President and we will have elections all over again. This time they count. Expect to find out that the World has transitioned to a new financial system that mandates Gold backed currency for every nation, with fairness and transparency as well. Expect a new and completely different system of government in which you are not taxed, and instead you are not only given a guaranteed monthly income, but your Credit card, student loan, and mortgage debts will be forgiven as well.


Expect an announcement Worldwide on every TV, Radio, Tablet, Computer, and Phone, that we are not alone. That we are part of the Galactic Federation Of Planets, and that they are here to help us. Expect to look up in the skies and see Space ships as far as the eye can see. Expect ships to de-cloak on the ground ready to heal all who are sick. Expect this to be the beginning of a friendship with our space Brothers and Sisters, Inner Earth civilizations and those of Hollow Earth as well. This will herald the beginning of the new age of space travel for all, and a quick evolution to highly advanced technologies as well.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that this is a Battle of Truth, the Cabal Truth vs. the Real Truth. We have all been unwittingly taught and conditioned all of our lives by the Cabal’s truth which only served their agenda to keep us under control and in a slave mentality. At the final Battle of Truth, Armageddon, there will be a winner, the REAL Truth, and a looser, the Cabal Lies. No one is going to escape this battle without deep wounds by Truth. In the end, nothing will be unscathed, Religion, Medicine, Science, Politics, Fallen Men and Women, and everything else you believed was the truth.

How will you cope with the coming brutal truths? Will you fold and wither away in obscurity, or will you embrace the new Truths, rebuilding your beliefs on the foundations of the Real Truths? It is going to be work, to say the least. It will be the most important thing you do on your way to the new age of peace and prosperity. Your life MUST be built on a foundation of truth, and understanding. This will be your work in the short run, and in the long run, it will be to help others embrace the new Truth/Realty as well.

The future is not yet written. Like in the famous movie the “Christmas Carol,” these are but future images of what may be. I can only imagine what is to come, there may be less, but I expect way more. I am not going to argue the likely hood of any of these possible events, as they are my best guesses from what I know. Whether or not they happen exactly like I think they will, or it is different, matters not. All that matters is that Armageddon is upon us and VERY SOON ALL WILL BE REVEALED like it or not. Be prepared for everything you know to change from true to false, and from false to true. It will be a bumpy ride, but if you are alert to what may be coming, you will be better prepared to deal with the Truth when it gets here.

May The Coming Truth Be A Blessing To Your Life, and May You Rebound Quickly

Signed: One Who Knows

Sheldan Nidle Update ~ January 10, 2017

12 Chicchan, 8 Chen, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The forward motion of the Elders’ plan to safely introduce the global RV continues. Meanwhile, the dark’s counterpunches are in place as well, confirming that special security is more than justified. Because of what is transpiring, we have set up safety points to counteract and defeat the heinous goals of the dark. The first much-needed monies are in the process of being delivered to their destinations. These initial successes show just how well formulated are our plans for defeating the dark’s evil designs. This whole complex set of special strategies is proving just how effective our joint defenses truly are. Using these successes we intend to create ongoing tactics that can defeat the well-equipped forces of the dark. Hence, we are very close to a justly earned triumph over them. We are allocating the time remaining in this Gregorian month to complete the rest of our complicated plans. These are to allow us in due course to complete a massive arrest of the dark leadership, and finally to put an end to their nefarious goals for our defeat. Certainly, the end is approaching for the dark old order that ran this surface reality for nearly 13 millennia!

A general purge of the current American republic is under way. In truth, it was founded in 1871 and is the play child of the American autocracy. It is to be toppled by the true, de facto NESARA Republic. The completion of this project remains unclear. We are told that the current incoming administration is to declare this republic, but we remain unconvinced of this and are laying out a blueprint to see that this does indeed occur. We have therefore concentrated on assuring that this goal stays on track and becomes a manifested reality. To that end, we are carefully observing this new administration to ensure that it still plans to announce the new republic. Once this does manifest, plans exist to spread a global alteration that is to modify how this worldwide geopolitical system operates. Until then, we are watching attentively to sense what is really developing in America. We intend to do whatever is necessary to transform the way your present reality works. We are determined to achieve total victory!

Continue reading “Sheldan Nidle Update ~ January 10, 2017”