10 Signs The Global Elite’s Ship Is Sinking

Lance Schuttler, The Mind Unleashed
Waking Times Media

humanityrisingTimes are continuing to shift in a big way and humanity’s rise over the darkness that has plagued our planet for a very long time is gathering momentum by the day. Remember, the elite’s modus operandi is to crush any form of hope or belief that things can or will get better. Truth prevails though and we are seeing the old world order crumble. 2017 is sure to be an exciting year. Continue to dream big.

  1. June 23rd, 2016: Britain votes to leave the European Union. While some are choosing to see this as an extremist act whose focus was on securing the border from immigrants, there is a much bigger picture to that event. While it must be said that the immigration issue is in the minds of some who were pro-Brexit (and thus needs to be humanely and compassionately addressed), the bigger issue was that Britain reclaimed it’s sovereignty back from the imperialistic banking and political cabal. As it has been reported in The Telegraph, a mainstream media outlet in the UK, the CIA and the U.S. State Department have been heavily involved in the creation of the European Union from the very beginning. As Professor Alan Sked said in the article: Voters in Britain’s referendum need to understand that the European Union was about building a federal superstate from day one.
  2. July 22nd, 2016: Wikileaks releases over 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Convention and shows the deep collusion between the Clinton Campaign and the DNC itself. These revelations ultimately helped force the resignations of the top 4 positions within the DNC.
  3. October 8th, 2016: Shortly after Wikileaks began dumping the PodestaFiles, emails were revealed that John Podesta, the Clinton campaign chairman, was receiving emails about UFO/E.T. disclosure as well as free energy technology, whose emails came from former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell. These are highly significant in the fact that it is admitted by Mitchell that such technologies do exist and that even the Vatican knows of them. Once these technologies are known about on an even wider scale, the lies and corruption of the oil industry will fall apart and humanity can then reclaim it’s freedom.

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George W. Bush ‘War Crimes’ Trial Begins In California Court

Editor’s note:  Let’s hope this is just the start of the necessary domino collapse.  War crimes have been committed by many for far too long.  

George W. Bush ‘War Crimes’ Trial Begins In California Court

George W. Bush war crimes trial given go-ahead in California court
http://yournewswire.com Former President George. W Bush may face trial at a California court for committing war crimes in Iraq, in an unprecedented announcement made by the U.S. Court of Appeal.

The United States Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit today confirmed that Judges Susan Graber and Andrew Hurwitz will hear arguments on December 12, 2016, in the case of Saleh v. Bush.

Witnessiraq.com reports:

Saleh v. Bush involves claims by an Iraqi woman, Sundus Shaker Saleh,  that former President George W. Bush and other high ranking Bush-era officials broke the law when they planned and waged the Iraq War.

Saleh alleges that former Bush Administration leaders committed the crime of aggression when they planned and executed the Iraq War, a war crime that was called the “supreme international crime” at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.

Saleh is appealing the immunity provided to the Defendants by the district court in December 2014.

“We are pleased that the Ninth Circuit will hear argument. To my knowledge, this is the first time a court will entertain arguments that the Iraq War was illegal under domestic and international law,” Saleh’s attorney D. Inder Comar, legal director at Comar LLP, said. “This is also the first time since World War II that a court is being asked to scrutinize whether the war itself was an illegal act of aggression — a special war crime that was defined at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.” Comar is handling Saleh’s case pro bono.

Assuming the oral argument takes place, the argument will be live streamed and recorded on the Ninth Circuit’s YouTube channel, permitting members of the public to watch the argument. The Court’s calendar commences at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time on December 12th; the case will likely be heard later in the morning, as it is last on the Court’s calendar.

In addition to former President Bush, Saleh has named former Administration officials Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz as defendants in the case.

In December 2014, the district court dismissed Saleh’s lawsuit, holding that the defendants were immune from further proceedings because of the federal Westfall Act of 1988 (28 U.S.C. § 2679). The Westfall Act immunizes  former federal officials in civil lawsuits if a court determines that the official was acting pursuant to the legitimate scope of his or her employment.

Saleh disputes the immunity, arguing that the planning and waging of a war of aggression against Iraq fell outside the legitimate scope of employment of former President Bush and the other defendants.


Sourced from here.

James Gilliland Message – A Multidimensional Unfoldment

Editor’s note:  Beautiful words and so true.  Like James, I didn’t vote for Trump and don’t agree with much of what he stands for.  However, I breathed a collective sigh of relief seeing the final nail in the coffin for the Cabal by seeing Hillary lose.  I also felt and am experiencing myself the collective and individual need to heal from lifetimes of domination, control and abuse at the hands of men who share a similar behavior to that of Trump, who I believe is just playing a role.  We have to look at this from a higher perspective.  Lessons to be learned.  Pains, wounds and trauma’s to be healed.  I do not see Trump being installed.  I just don’t. The old ways are dying.  So for now let’s use this opportunity to HEAL those wounds of a lifetime/lifetimes.  Our Gaia is undergoing this process right along with us.  Focus on the Higher Good.  Focus on what you want.  Speak your truth.  Love yourself.  Bless yourself.  And honor the Good in all.


Multidimensional Awareness and the Future

I wanted to play a little game of what if with people who are struggling with how the world is unfolding. I love the scene in Crocodile Dundee when the woman asked him how the Aboriginal People felt about the atrocities and stealing of their land. He pointed at a large boulder. He said they are like that boulder people and circumstances come and go but they will always be here. All you can do is hold the light in the present moment and ask to see a higher perspective, the big picture. I have watched women turn rabid completely loose it concerning Trump. I have seen men become extremely agitated, their warrior coming out in some cases out of control. Some people are attacking their best friends and life long mates; which saddens me yet again it is all part of the process. The emotional response is directly proportionate to the wounds and traumas. I have also seen cultural divisions, anger and sadness with different ethnic groups. I have asked some women what if Trump is playing a role to bring up all the wounds and traumas of the past concerning men? There are life times of cellular memory being activated. What if he is showing us our own cultural bias? For that matter Hilary also is bringing up not just men’s women issues yet she is also bringing up the darkest depths of politics. We are talking about Satanic blood rituals, pedophile rings, covering up for Bill’s rape victims further victimizing them followed by the typical political double talk concerning protecting women. What about the millions of women and children killed in the Middle East of which she was in full support. What about funding ISIS now there is a group that supports women. The part I find odd is how so many women will just not look at the overwhelming evidence held by the NYPD and the FBI much of which was exposed by Wikileaks.

Again I want to reiterate I did not vote for Trump nor do I agree with his stance on many things yet when I looked at the steps necessary to turn things around he is the one in this moment that can best do the job. “For now.” So people are saying what about the fence between Mexico. Do you really believe there are fences in the future? They will all be coming down along with borders. A temporary fence around Washington DC might be a good idea however. We will eventually have a one world government yet not run by the illuminati. If we are to join the greater family of man through out the multiverse we have to unite as one world under a council of awakened ones with a track record of service to humanity and the Earth. One people, one planet in all its diversity.

If we were to go with Hilary it would be business as usual, more pathological lying, the continuation of the war and disease profiteers, more Satanic rituals, pedophile rings would get the green light get out of jail pass, the extreme corruption would continue and world war three would be inevitable. Do we really want this time line? This is why although so many do not agree with Trump had a major sigh of relief when she was ousted, regardless of the futile attempts then and now to install her. Realize we are undergoing a process, it is a healing process and everyone is playing his or hers roles. We are taking a series of steps; which will lead to something grand more than you have ever imagined. The republic will be restored; the Global Reset and Humanitarian funds will be released in the quatrillions probably in days now because everything from the top down has finally been signed. When the new Treasury note is released that is the last nail in the coffin for the global elite. The separation game, the unbridled greed and lust for power ends. The consequences begin. The reign of the tyrants comes to an end. In the future we will rapidly move to a cashless society as most advanced civilizations because the advance civilizations will be working with us. There will be a new law upon the land closely resembling Universal Law. War will be no more, disease will give way to suppressed cures and environmental clean up, “With help from the Star Nations as prophesized.

“ We need to focus on the world we want to experience release and heal the past, know all of this is a process and be brutally honest with ourselves if we are maintaining our center through this process. Do we really know and understand the multidimensional reality unfolding?”

Are we stuck in blame, projection, fear etc. I personally can only share some of my insights. The future is truly up to you. Shift into Creationary mind rather than reactionary mind. Find a way to release the past, the emotional charge so one can address these issues in the moment where the real power lies. Try to see the big picture, the purposeful good behind this process. The raising of the frequencies underway can best be summarized as higher consciousness and energy in, garbage out. Hold the space of the boulder, observing what is unfolding knowing that this too shall pass. You are eternal, always have been. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Make your own personal connection with Creator and it all becomes small stuff.
Be well;
James Gilliland

You have our permission to pass this far and wide.

Discerning Vibes 11/25/16… Coming out of the Spiritual/Closet and Words on how the Presidential Election has Divided People

Editor’s note:  Very powerful words.  Very truthful words.  It is time for us to come together.  It is time for us to Unite behind the corruption and crimes of the Political/Corporate Establishment and the Elite.  It is time to swallow the red pill and admit – the left is just as corrupt as the right. Same coin, different sides.  ‘Nuff said.  



I’d never heard of this “Discerning Vibes” blog, but she made a link to this prior Suzanne Spooner + Todd post so I checked out her article. Seems that several are reporting their own insights, and I felt this one was asking to be posted. Her pathway seems somewhat similar to mine, “politically”, that is (I personally align with no party, do not label myself with any terms like “liberal, conservative, progressive, anti-gressive (is that the opposite of “progressive?), or any other).

For those interested, the Doreen Virtue Oracle cards are available at Doreen Virtue’s website, Hay House, and Amazon. Apparently the cards are also available as an app.

“The 2016 US Presidential election has divided many people from their friends and family. Although I’ve tried earnestly to keep the peace, I have not been immune to the election drama… my husband and I… [have both]… “lost” someone in their grief and mourning over Trump’s win. Hopefully, they are not permanent losses.

“Fake Progressives are perfectly fine with soaring inequality and corrupt governance, as long as everyone’s public utterances are politically correct. Sometimes who lost is more important than who won.

“The biased media has greatly added to the divisiveness between left and right. The Clinton media stooges (CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Huffington Post) attacked Donald Trump on a daily basis while ignoring many of the revelations from Wikileaks about Hillary Clinton. It was literally a media circus of character assassinations…

“…what is the spiritual part of all of this? As I’ve said, Hillary Clinton represents to me the elitist establishment that cares not for the average citizen, and Donald Trump (though egotistical and “politically incorrect”) is part of the wave of anti-establishment sentiment that cannot be ignored.”


Continue reading “Discerning Vibes 11/25/16… Coming out of the Spiritual/Closet and Words on how the Presidential Election has Divided People”

Hundreds of Veterans Heading to Standing Rock to Defend DAPL Protesters from Police

November 22, 2016   |   Carey Wedler

(ANTIMEDIA) As protesters continue to stand against the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, facing off against heavily militarized police and their water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, and tasers, they have gained broad support. Celebrities and millions of social media users have raised awareness about the situation in North Dakota, and now, the “water protectors” have earned support from another group: veterans.

According to an article published by Business Insider that first appeared in Task and Purpose, a military-oriented news and culture site, two veterans are leading the charge in a show of dissent against the increasingly aggressive police. In the last several months, tensions have escalated as Natives and their allies have blocked the pipeline’s construction, citing fears surrounding water will be endangered and sacred burial sites will be destroyed (not to mention the fact their lands were forcibly stolen by the U.S. government over a century ago).

“This country is repressing our people,” says Michael A. Wood Jr., a Marine Corps veteran who recently retired from the Baltimore police force to work toward reforming law enforcement. “If we’re going to be heroes, if we’re really going to be those veterans that this country praises, well, then we need to do the things that we actually said we’re going to do when we took the oath to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic,” he asserted about his plans to go to Standing Rock.

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“Ed-Exit” – Ron Paul Urges Americans To Secede From The Centrally-Planned School System

Image result for homeschooling imageMaryland Governor Larry Hogan recently signed an executive order forbidding Maryland public schools from beginning classes before Labor Day. Governor Hogan’s executive order benefits businesses in Maryland’s coastal areas that lose school-aged summer employees and business from Maryland families when schools start in August. However, as Governor Hogan’s critics have pointed out, some Maryland school districts, as well as Maryland schoolchildren, benefit from an earlier start to the school year.

Governor Hogan’s executive order is the latest example of how centralized government control of education leaves many students behind. A centrally planned education system can no more meet the unique needs of every child than a centrally planned economic system can meet the unique needs of every worker and consumer.

Centralizing education at the state or, worse, federal level inevitably leads to political conflicts over issues ranging from whether students should be allowed to pray on school grounds, to what should be the curriculum, to what food should be served in the cafeteria, to who should be allowed to use which bathroom.

The centralization and politicization of education is rooted in the idea that education is a right that must be provided by the government, instead of a good that individuals should obtain in the market. Separating school from state would empower parents to find an education system that meets the needs of their children instead of using the political process to force their idea of a good education on all children.

While many politicians praise local and parental control of education, the fact is both major parties embrace federal control of education. The two sides only differ on the details. Liberals who oppose the testing mandates of No Child Left Behind enthusiastically backed President Clinton’s national testing proposals. They also back the Obama administration’s expansion of federal interference in the classroom via Common Core.

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What’s Going On In Antarctica?

Editor’s note:  Heads of State, including the Pope, have been reported to be visiting Antarctica in droves lately.  Why?  Many questions needing to be answered.  

By David Robinson

On November 12, 2016 we reported the John Kerry 11-11-2016 trip to Antarctica by discussing the “Antarctic Ban” for another 35 years followed up with our report about the strange blue lights in the sky during the 7.8M earthquake in New Zealand and the blue/greenish UFO-like object that appeared over Perth, Australia, several hours after the New Zealand’s earthquake happened.


Now it appears that John Kerry’s visit to Antarctica was not only intended to the new ‘Antarctic Ban’ agreement, but that the primary reason of John Kerry’s visit was to initiate contact with the Antarctica “Guardians”.

After reading the following report it becomes clear that the strange blue light in the sky over Wellington, in New Zealand, has apparently been caused by these “Antarctica Beings”.


Image left: UFO-like object which shows a face inside the object.

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Self-Proclaimed “Truth Czars” Create Lists Of “Fake” News Sites

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

lamestreammediaOne of the greatest takeaways of election 2016 is that mainstream, corporate news no longer cares about maintaining the appearance of objectivity, and that the internet has made it possible to counter the top-down state driven narrative with genuine, alternative journalism. This of course challenges the king-making abilities of the corporate media who were shocked when their preferred candidate lost.

“Hillary Clinton was the choice of nearly every American newspaper editorial board. It didn’t matter.” ~The Los Angeles Times

Just a week after the election, Google, Facebook, Twitter and other internet giants are now declaring a war on so-called fake news sites, trumpeting the idea that unregulated information is confusing and misleading the public and interfering with our ability to make sound decisions.

The sub-text here is that the public can not be trusted, and therefore information in the public domain must be controlled and regulated. But by whom, exactly?

Already several lists of websites are being widely circulated around the internet and heralded as go-to places to instantly determine the credibility of an internet publisher. There are a number of alarming problems with this, especially for a nation that supposedly values freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Several of these lists taxonomize websites under multiple categories, which are only tangentially related, yet grouped under the all encompassing banner of ‘fake’ news.

The most important concern, though, is who decides what fake news is?

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