Media Bias And The Illusion Of Democracy

Ryan Cristian, Conributor
Waking Times

The mainstream media in the US has become a universal joke. Even those who regularly watch a given mainstream channel will openly admit that every channel has obvious bias, and then justify their viewing it by saying,

“but that is why I watch both channels; to hear both sides.”

This has become the common answer to how an American stays informed in this age of blatant pandering and misinformation. What should be shocking to anyone who can stand back and remember the honor bound public service that was originally envisioned, is that the obvious bias has become so pronounced and common place that it is now an accepted part of the process. Many would propose that the news had never lived up to those grandiose idealistic pillars or impartiality and morality that were visualized, and that may indeed be the case, yet that does not change the fact that these men were given a mandate of which they have failed to live up to, and likely never even feigned an attempt at success once the true value was recognized in the ability to sell their interests to the highest bidding corporate sponsor.

The simple concept that a viewer has two politically charged options on television, of which both are openly and fiercely bias to their sponsor’s interests, and that a viewer can then watch both these compromised sides and walk away fully informed, is this country’s biggest misconception. Deep down, most already know this to be a false security, yet do not want to admit it to themselves for fear that the admission would then cast doubt on their entire lifetime of commitment and acceptance of this broken system.

Most continue to participate in this façade because they are falsely led to believe that there are no other options; that this system is the pinnacle of thousands of years of development building toward a better system of democracy. Well sadly that is not the case. This country has not been a democracy for a very long time, and that fact has become quite a bit more pronounced in recent years with the rise of thepolice state, the infiltration of the medical industry, the continual erosion of every American’s constitutional rights, and the defrauding of the election process.

A democracy is defined as:

Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

A oligarchy is defined as:

A form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.

Even to a child, it is quite clear which of these two are being practiced in the US. All one must do is take a look at the non-existent middle class to see that this country is being ruled by an élite run oligarchy; or at the very least, a plutocracy or corporatocracy, both of which more accurately represent what Americans are experiencing in this country.

For all those who only believe something once a scientist is paid to produce the corresponding result, this same conclusion, of the false sense of democracy, was actually reached scientifically by Princeton and Northwestern universities. United Press International reported the study found that:

The U.S. government now represents the rich and powerful, not the average citizen.

In the study, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens,” researchers compared 1,800 different US policies that were put in place by politicians between 1981 and 2002 to the type of policies preferred by the average and wealthy American, or special interest groups. Researchers then concluded that US policies are formed more by special interest groups than by politicians properly representing the will of the general people, including the lower-income class.

“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence,” the study found.

The study also found:

“When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose.”

Many forget that this nation was originally founded as a republic, which was supposed to give all the power to the people themselves. If one chooses to over look the rampant voter fraud taking place this year, the disproportionate allotment of super-delegates following the primaries, redistricting or gerrymandering, and the inherent undemocratic process of the electoral college, then a republic has a way of appearing like this country’s style of government. Yet once these are all taken into account, a state in which “supreme power” rests in the hands of a the citizens, does not seem anything like what is seen today.

A republic is defined as:

A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

One can clearly see that this form of government, the form which the nation’s founding fathers set forth to protect the future of American liberty, was originally chosen as the best way to ensure the rights of Americans. As one can clearly see, a republic is not only far from what Americans experience, but quite possibly was never practiced outside of the few idealistic moral bound men who led the charge to American freedom. History has shown that those men were the minority in that historical room, yet they were the dominate voice. Since that time, that voice has faded, and a more sinister and profiteering voice has risen to fill its place.

Media Bias:

*Note from the Editor: Thank you to BestPoliticalVideos for the above video. Despite it’s rousing endorsement of Republican candidate Donald Trump at the end, which neither The Last American Vagabond nor Waking Times, this video is a great example of the blatant lies that are perpetuated, and the wildly unprofessional political bias that goes unchecked, on mainstream television.*

Illusion of Democracy:

*Thank you to MassReport for this excellent video.*

About the Author

Ryan Cristian is the author of website, The Last American Vagabond.

Sourced from:

6 Major Media Conspiracies Happening Right In Front Of Your Eyes

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Woven into the ever-evolving narrative of the mainstream media are key plot lines, hidden in the sub-text of so-called current events, going for the most part unnoticed by the public. We could say this happens by chance but since we already know the structure and purpose of corporate media, this would be naive and dangerously forgiving of an organization that plays an authoritative role in manufacturing reality. And since political, economic, social and environmental reality is an affront to our greatest human potential, to say the least, it serves us well to acknowledge and expose the directives we are being provoked into accepting and acting on.

“This complete utter and total connection between perception and experience is understood by that hidden hand, and that’s why the human mind is bombarded 24/7 with downloads of perception.” ~David Icke

Conspiracy. An abused word, but one with tremendous relevance today, as no other word in the english language adequately synthesizes the concepts of plot, motive and wicked intention. Love or hate the word itself, when an examination of media in its relation to reality is given proper due with respect for historical and philosophical truth, it requires willful ignorance to dismiss the fact that there are conspiracies at play in our world, and therefore theories are required to understand and expose them.

There a handful of major conspiracies driving the mainline media’s direction of our attention onto whatever nonsense, propaganda or disinfo happens to be soup du jour for public consumption. Awareness of these disrupts the pattern of top-down, in-your-face control, offering the freedom to consume media without unconscious obligation to the subduing and pacifying world view being forced down our throats by our information overlords.

Here are five of the most important and prominent media conspiracies constantly at work on the public psyche. All are absolutely essential to support and maintain the status quo.

Indoctrination into the nurturing womb of the state is essential for our society to function as it does. As children, we are taught the state’s version of national and international history, we pledge allegiance to the state flag, and we learn a superficial version of how state government works while being told the only alternative is destructive chaos.

This theme of state indoctrination carries on into the mainstream media as state worship is embedded into news, infotainment and entertainment. The most important people are those in public office. The most important opinions come from state employees turned pundits. The most important decisions are those made by the government. Heroes are soldiers. There is no issue or concern which does not warrant action from the state.

2. The Conspiracy to Conceal the True Powers in the World

There is an invisible unelected power which controls government and industry around the world, yet no matter how many warnings we receive from even the most credentialed individuals, the media will never genuinely report on the shadow governmentthe deep state, secret societies, or the Zionist neocons, opting instead to direct our attention onto government, maintaining the impression that major decisions are made democratically.

Consider how many years it has taken for even basic, propagandistic coverage of Bilderberg to make it to the mainstream. The Bilderberg Group is a gathering of the world’s most powerful private, corporate, and state actors, yet the media still wants you to believe their influence in our world is but a theory.

Furthermore, the banking institutions which have monopolized world currencies into private hands charging every interest for the ability to trade, are fully misrepresented by the media as benevolent and ‘too big to fail,’ ie., too big to prosecute. For a recent example of this, look to CNN Money who put together a shoddy segment on the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, explaining to the audience how it was not at all political, but rather an independent group intentionally designed in 1913 for our benefit.

3. The Conspiracy to Cover Up the Corporate Rape of the Planet

The rape of the planet physically, economically and spiritually by corporate power and greed is escalating on a global scale, yet the mainstream refuses to give this issue its proper due. Corporations are presented as society’s saviors, bringing us the jobs and conveniences that make life bearable, yet, while we may profit in material terms in the short term, corporate exploitation of the world and its cultures is quickly pushing us into unknown territory where the world’s wealth will be given over to the 1%, and the world’s eco-systems are laid waste.

The Dakota Sioux protest over the Keystone XL pipeline offers a recent example of how corporate media treats important environmental issues resulting from corporate dominance. Silence. Although organic resistance to this is huge and widely covered by the alternative media, only natural disasters that stoke irrational fears make the nightly news.

When was the last time the mainstream news ran an expose of the Athabasca Oil Sands project, or of the widespread destruction of the Amazon rainforest? These issues are vastly critical to our survival, yet never explored by corporate media. Even something as crucial as Fukushima, which is still dumping radiation into the Pacific Ocean five years after the earthquake and tsunami of 2011, gets nary a mention. This disaster is put off as a local Japanese issue and all attempts to bring closure to this are left the hands of TEPCO, the Japanese energy corporation, even in the face of mounting evidence thatFukushima is already affecting life in North America.

4. The Conspiracy to Encourage Self-Destruction

In order to create and maintain the culture of top-down rule, it is mandatory that the populace suffers interminable disunity, widespread apathy, infighting and senseless division. This is fomented by the mainline media’s assistance in the destruction of the individual; for our own self-destruction is the most economical solution for the elite in their quest to destroy us.

The vibration of the news is always as dense as possible, a continual flood of violence, hate, gore and madness, ever refusing concepts and ideas that enlighten, focusing instead on the repetition of insanity. Corporate media, especially from Hollywood, is a non-stop psychic assault serving to color darkly our souls, driving us into inner despair, suggesting to us that we self-medicate, guiding us into the hands of modern psychology for relief from the onslaught.

When the individual is useless to himself, he is useless to his community and to society as a whole. When this is accomplished it is easy to corral us into narrow frames of mind and widespread division, working against ourselves rather than for ourselves.

5. The Conspiracy to Arrest Consciousness

The war on consciousness is real. It is a concerted effort to prevent the individual from understanding the true nature of the self, from gaining critical self-knowledge, and from maturing beyond childish naivety and intelligence. The prosecution of the war on drugs, heavily promoted in corporate media, is a key strategy, for it inhibits our willingness to explore our own sovereign consciousness, cutting us off from ancient and natural tools of self-exploration, limiting our understanding of what is possible in this human experience.

As researcher and author Graham Hancock states:

“There can be no more intimate and elemental part of the individual than his or her own consciousness. At the deepest level, our consciousness is what we are—to the extent that if we are not sovereign over our own consciousness then we cannot in any meaningful sense be sovereign over anything else either. ” ~Graham Hancock

6. The Conspiracy to Prevent Revolution

We are quickly entering a time when the only way for the elite to prevent revolution is to enact the strict social controls only possible in a world war type scenario, which is presently unfolding before our sleepwalking eyes. The mainstream media participates in the conspiracy to prevent revolution by constantly reinforcing false state narratives about security, privacy and the need for more control, and by continually manufacturing consent for the oligarchy.

The main objective is to prevent disbelief in official government stories and narratives, regularly engaging on the trigger term ‘conspiracy theory‘ to deflate curiosity of the unknown and misunderstood workings of our government. The media are molding us into self-monitoring, self-policing gatekeepers who are trained to reject revolutionary ideas before they are duly investigated.

Final Thoughts

When so much of the information we intake is controlled by so few organizations, and the messages we most receive combine to transform us into dis-empowered non-actors in a world being taken over by untouchable global powers, we can safely call it a conspiracy.

The solution, of course, requires us to tune out of corporate media and engage self-education, self-knowledge and in participation in community.

About the Author

Sigmund Fraud is a survivor of modern psychiatry and a dedicated mental activist. He is a staff writer for where he indulges in the possibility of a massive shift towards a more psychologically aware future for humankind. Follow Sigmund on Facebook here.

Sourced from:

The Real Truth Behind The ‘October Surprise’

Editor’s note: If these sources had actually done their homework before putting out all of this sensationalism, they would have known Wikileaks actually released the breakdown of what Assange would be sharing on 10/4.  They never even said there was going to be an “October Surprise”.  I fell for it, I admit.  Lesson learned to remember to stay in discernment and don’t always believe the headlines w/o further research.