Editor’s note: Now I understand why Trump called Schiff “liddle” instead of little or even “widdle”. I felt that meant something ~ didn’t put it together until I watched Jordan’s video. Just more proof for my discerning eye that POTUS is onto the whole game. And very good, new intel on one of the alleged kids in the alleged shooting in Florida. (and because I use the term “alleged” please don’t troll my comment section claiming I am saying nothing happened, or that no one was hurt by gunfire. it means we are not being told the whole truth of what happened.)
2.20 – Q Site Down/”Liddle” Kids/ FL Shooting Actor/Opioid Crisis
>>422568 oh fuck! this page says its sponsored by bill gates fucking GOOGLE EPIC (?) looks like the russian Gannett thing walnut sauce sign that the autists dug up
“Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!”
Re_read crumbs.
What is the reason this is being brought back up?
There is a purpose for every tweet and crumb dropped.
editor’s note: i noticed the “Q, DELTA” ~ never seen that signature before. wondering if perhaps part of team Q includes a Delta Force member…particularly in relation to what was shared in the post the signature was attributed to…
>>388822 Q, Anons, I’ve been following these drops since day one, but this is the first I’m hearing of this “Behold a Pale Horse” book from 1991, by Bill Cooper. It actually describes clowns planning to use school shootings as a way to disarm the citizenry. This looks legit to me, astonishing as the quotes are. What say you all? Behold a Pale Horse — Milton William (Bill) Cooper, 1991 http:// a.co/0IZY9ra “Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to “talk” due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill’s predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.”
“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”
Future proves past:
In an effort to preserve the integrity of all U.S. elections, as ordered by the President of the United States, after an extensive investigation in select counties (the ‘sampling’), the DHS has concluded that while Russian entities (as outlined within SC Mueller’s investigation were complicit in attempting to undermine the presidential election of 2016) had no direct impact or bearing on the outcome of the presidential election, nor were any U.S. person(s) knowingly part of such an attempt to sabotage as it relates to the Russian investigation, U.S. and other foreign entities (as further described within DHS[XXXX]), acting outside of Russian agents, did attempt on numerous occasions, and were successful, in interfering w/ the presidential election of 2016, senate elections of [x, y, z], [x] elections, whereby several million of illegal, non-resident ballots (the “irregularities”) were counted, while legal ballots were improperly tabulated and/or intentionally mishandled. We believe these actions were a coordinated attack against the democracy of our country.
The DHS will be submitting a final report to the WH/DOJ/other state and local agencies outlining our findings as early as March [ ], 2018. While this report only encompasses a sampling of twenty-two (22) counties across the U.S., it is strongly suggested, based on the evidence provided, that a mandated countrywide investigation begin under the recommended US50-EIC guidelines as set forth in Section VII of the final report. Furthermore, based on our immediate findings, we recommend the adoption of 8(E)(F)(G)(H) be made immediately to combat sources & methods currently being deployed to …………………………..
The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.
>>388168 Just throwing out a little more info, don’t even know if it has relevance. Cell phones were originally analog. The switch over to digital was very gradual. Digital signals allow for much greater distance to be covered on much less power (thus miniaturization of phones) because of the nature of square (digital) waves. Much more effective at filtering noise and interference. This inherently means that the phones of today are going to be square wave signals and very low power. If that alone were enough, Q would not exist. They would simply shut him (them) and/or us down. So they may act as a trigger but are not enough by themselves to completely program a human. And Parkland would suggest that you really need somebody who is largely predisposed toward moving in the desired direction to begin with. You can’t just flip a switch and a born pacifist suddenly becomes Rambo. Talk to me, Johnny!
>>387999 Lincoln Park – Calgary Military Base https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Canada Project MKULTRA The CIA convinced the Allan Memorial Institute to allow a series of mind control tests on nine patients in the Montreal school, as part of their ongoing Project MKULTRA.[7] The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the “psychic driving” concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKULTRA experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His “driving” experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[8] His treatments resulted in victims’ incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[9][10] When lawsuits commenced in 1986, the Canadian government denied having any knowledge that Cameron was being sponsored by the CIA.[11] http:// www.cbc.ca/fifth/episodes/40-years-of-the-fifth-estate/mk-ultra http:// www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-government-gag-order-mk-ultra-1.4448933 http:// www.nytimes.com/1992/11/19/world/canada-will-pay-50-s-test-victims.html http:// coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/issue43/articles/1957_1961_canada.htm https:// www.mcgilldaily.com/2012/09/mk-ultraviolence/
Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]: Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over ‘x’ period [designate] mobile phone to ‘control’ target subject.
James Dolan. Dead suicide Aaron swartz. Dead suicide Kevin Paulson. Turned over securedrop to Freedom of the Press Securedrop freedom of the press Freedom of the press. John Barlow/Snowden/assange/John Cusack/Daniel Ellsberg/Glenn Greenwald/Laura Poitras Snowden/Cusack. Things that can and cannot be said Daniel Ellsberg Pentagon papers Glenn Greenwald/Snowden The Guardian Laura Poitras/ Snowden. The Program. William Binney John Barlow VP Algae Systems treating waste water Barlow/Clark burning man Gen Clark anti Trump. WestPAC supports Clintons I think the KEY is the media changing the narrative using securedrop. Which is dictated heavily by Snowden The big question who controls Snowden
>>382161 I almost killed myself doin Heroin and Painkillers. then you came around… I started realizing I had a PURPOSE! I literally got sober for this shit. THANK YOU Q. My Mother hasnt seen me sober in over 10 years. WE ARE WITH YOU. WE WILL NOT GIVE UP. -ff I LOVE IT. WE ARE RESTORING THE REPUBLIC. EVERYDAY WE STRIKE. EVERYDAY WE WIN. WE ARE WINNING. BIGLY. CANNOT SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH.
check out this channel ~ just discovered them a few days ago. 24/7 live stream on all sorts of alt. stuff including “q” analysis. (i apologize the vid is not showing up – i made over half a dozen attempts and all i am allowed to share is the link.)