AnonymousID: 0a27cc346987NEW The fact Q brought up Ginsberg and then she landed on CNN the same day front page speaks volumes. We are missing something.
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
AnonymousID: 0b5e70343395 >>343356 Don’t care about your sentence structure. Just care to know how full GITMO is gonna be?
AnonymousID: c6d8b9343156 >>343019 >Release prior to cover up. >Public informed and collapse. Q there is one thing that concerns me. somewhat related to this, but more related to 60/40. the less the public knows, the more likely they are to falsely assign blame in the future, possibly even generations from now. it’s worth keeping in mind.
AnonymousID: 996020343080 >>342895 I hope some day Patriots, Vets, and Anons get the respect that we deserve. Marine anons have felt betrayed by the same people we were willing to die to protect. I’ve felt lost until you showed up in October. Thank you form the depths of my heart
AnonymousID: 74860e343004 In the Q Bible, this is the second shortest sentence. The first (to come): We won. Ha ha ha ha = Huma Abedin ? http:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/fbi-texts-clinton-email-aide-huma-abedin-sought-immunity-or-would-take-the-5th/article/2648390
AnonymousID: 91a1c7342919 >>342895 Q, how long will we have to wait for the cures of cancer and other sicknesses?
AnonymousID: 3de3d6342747 >>342714 sauce https:// www.wsj.com/articles/experimental-drug-promises-to-kill-the-flu-virus-in-a-day-1518264004
AnonymousID: 2ba49f340695 >>340398 325370You will cease to exist.Truth to power.How’s the bunker these days?[14] live[Hello][PEOC force failed]Q
AnonymousID: cbc366340441 Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at ….png
>>340398 Q team refers to this retweet by @Snowden.
AnonymousID: 41e7af339722 COULD THIS HAVE BEEN THE TARGET??? #32??? Vyacheslav Pershukov has been appointed ROSATOM’s special representative for international scientific and technical projects “Former Deputy Director General of ROSATOM Vyacheslav Pershukov has been appointed ROSATOM’s special representative for international scientific and technical projects. His responsibilities will include: Russia’s representation at the international thermonuclear experimental reactor ITER; the creation of a centre for the study of ions and antiprotons in Europe; and the organisation of an international research centre for Russia’s multipurpose sodium-cooled fast neutron research reactor, or MBIR by its Russian acronym. He will also head the Rosatom Technology Development Centre, which is being created at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI).” rosatom.ru/en/press-centre/news/vyacheslav-pershukov-has-been-appointed-rosatom-s-special-representative-for-international-scientifi/
OPERATION: MOCKINGBIRDAnonymousID: ba6ded339583 NK is a CIA Blacksite OP:MKBRD is a CIA Media control Who in the media right now is GLORIFYING NK to spite the Trump Admin? Time to take the offensive. Lets start taking names of all journalists that propagate NK. Lets not let them hide behind their banners anymore. Let’s play HUNT THE SPOOK
AnonymousID: 6c8e3a339453 >>339123 I would like to inquire of Q (with highest respect) whether RED_OCTOBER refers to 1) the fictional submarine whose torpedo homed in on itself and destroyed itself or 2) the [RED OCTOBER] [Красный Oктябрь] cyberespionage malware discovered in October 2012-January 2013. It operated worldwide for up to 5 years before its discovery. It sent info ranging from diplomatic secrets to personal information, including from mobile devices. Red October was termed an advanced cyberespionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations worldwide. or 3) Something else
AnonymousID: cf5955338623 89074 Underground massive data center? Q Henderson NV Why is Henderson PD and Nevada DOJ involved in Bangkok hacker case?
AnonymousID: c7e657337108 >>337096 On it, what about Russian detained in Bangkok?
I like how this focus is on cures ~ release the tech! Also had a strange EBS alert on our music channel (which was odd in and of itself).
AnonymousID: 5bcccb299606 >>299568 Q we love you. Trying to keep everyone positive. Someone in that building was arrested. The door was breached (hence the residue). Blew the window open.
AnonymousID: a5e9c1299464 This has to mean China did this for/with us somehow. Q wouldn’t livestream it without some kind of permission.
AnonymousID: e37228299351 >>299177
AnonymousID: c4cbd0299248 >>299164 https:// twitter.com/seanhannity/status/961415975626330112 @2046 FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today https:// saraacarter.com/fbi-informant-uranium-one-breaks-silence-today/
AnonymousID: cd873e299228 >>299164 Rotated image to match thumbnail orientation. Something protruding from white horizontal stripe 2 floor below the open window. Security camera? Light? Can’t tell.
AnonymousID: 0110e1298086 >>297666 Martha M on Fox just said that Nancy must have felt betrayed by Chuck because he gave in on the government shutdown regarding DACA!!!
AnonymousID: 6e2676297717 >>297686 >>297709 military target square?
AnonymousID: 02c7a0297521 This is pure speculation and probably just fitting things in places, but….From the latest trump tweet, just taking the first 3 Letters of the capital letters I come up with [[ TBA – MIS – MAG – RDB ]] TBA = To Be Announced MIS = Management Information System Management Information Systems are typically organized around the functional areas of an organization. Learn about some of the most common applications of Management Information Systems. MAG = Make America Great RDB = Relation Database Management RDB is a fast, portable, relational database management system without arbitrary limits, other than memory and processor speed) that runs under, and interacts with, the UNIX Operating system. ============================================= Is Q/Pres going to use a MIS to MAG with compents from a RDB aka coded leaks to or from the NSA/WIKI soon to blow EVERYTHING wide open and show us the LIGHT?
AnonymousID: da6423297464 Screenshot_20180207-172345.jpg Screenshot_20180207-172418.jpg Screenshot_20180207-172449.jpg Screenshot_20180207-172634.jpg Screenshot_20180207-172656.jpg
>>297354 Barlow was sometimes held up as a straw man for a kind of naive techno-utopianism that believed that the Internet could solve all of humanity’s problems without causing any more. As someone who spent the past 27 years working with him at EFF, I can say that nothing could be further from the truth. Barlow knew that new technology could create and empower evil as much as it could create and empower good. He made a conscious decision to focus on the latter: “I knew it’s also true that a good way to invent the future is to predict it. So I predicted Utopia, hoping to give Liberty a running start before the laws of Moore and Metcalfe delivered up what Ed Snowden now correctly calls ‘turn-key totalitarianism.’” Barlow’s lasting legacy is that he devoted his life to making the Internet into “a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth . . . a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity.” In the days and weeks to come, we will be talking and writing more about what a extraordinary role Barlow played for the Internet and the world. And as always, we will continue the work to fulfill his dream. Source: https:// www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/02/john-perry-barlow-internet-pioneer-1947-2018