Q/8chan Posts ~ Evening ~ 12/13/17


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Ryan Anthony Morgan

8 hrs

“Jeff Sessions was specifically chosen to be the US Attorney General, to create a Special Election in a corrupt state. He knows it is corrupt because, they used corruption to cheat him out of a judgeship. Everything has been set up and documented as a voter fraud sting operation! And they fell for it, hook, line and sinker. Jeff Sessions is The Godfather in all of the Q posts.” – Adrinne Payton


Monday Morning Q Message


currency…hmmm  fireworks could be referencing China.  the following comes from heather ann tucci jaraff’s social media feed yesterday:

“easy, peasy, Chin-easy” …the fraudulent commandeering and subversion done under guise and operation of “debt” is known, and every detail meticulously recorded…inclusive of who the “Chinese” acted as a Universal agent for…

no “buy back” necessary…and it was an “inside job” 😍

all records being opened now…every piece of data in existence…all can handle it and deal with it…


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