Reader Shares Dream Experience of The Event ~ Event energy/powerful dream experience on March 17, 18 2018


Thank you MJ for sharing.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Been following all of the “event’ utubes/ articles on predictions for the event, many stating that the event will likely happen late in March, very possibly. I was excited, yet hesitant to believe that it would be the way it had stated, and that prominent. I am a believer, yet have failed to do the necessary prep work I had read about to be conscious enough and heart based enough to experience the joy others had written about.

I occasionally have lucid dreams, not many. March 17, 18 sleep was a lucid dream. In the dream I’m  at the YMCA exercising, talking to friends, etc., when I suddenly fall to the floor and assume the fetal position. I begin to shake violently and know at that instant that it is the wave going thru me. It was intense, not painful at all, but shook me to the core. I’m thinking, feeling (in the dream) that this is a massive love vibe, negative-clearing vibe, and have nothing to compare this feeling to. Once this jolt was over, still in the dream, I got up and carried on my conversation , an extremely lucid, detailed conversation with a cousin I barely know and haven’t seen in a decade.

I then awoke from the dream fully aware of what happened in the dream, and it was extremely powerful to me what happened in the dream. I do not understand if and whether that really happened to me, if it was just part of the dream,  or ?  That shaking feeling and clearing feeling is still very present and real to me. It feels like I’ve been given the option to take heed and explore further, or go back to snoozing and lose the gift. Thanks, MJ
