“Change….nothing stays the same”. Oh really?





I was in the kitchen, making dinner, trying to do something different – something new – just so I wouldn’t have to repeat anything I have already done.  The word “change” has been around me recently in a new way.  Even seeing my healer each week has worn its welcome for every week I am greeted with the exact. same. words. several. sentences. long.  I realized today if I have to hear that same phrase/opening one more time………………..you know?

Time to pick a new greeting.

Like “what’s new?” or “Would you like a muffin?”

I think of what I do here.  What I do every day.  And the OMG I CANNOT REPEAT ONE MORE THING.  Just like I can’t handle looking out the window and seeing the same homes, the same skies, the same trees.  Today was one of those days where I had to close my eyes as I washed the dishes.

Then as I’m putting together dinner – chopping potatoes in a brand new way (a ha!) – Van Halen comes on the Radio – “Change”.  Nothing stays the same.


Get out of bed, affirm, visualize, yoga, eat, make money (or find some way to), exercise, eat again, go get supplies, research to see if something positive has shifted that will impact your life in an equally positive way, return to bed, do affirmations and visuals to bring in the experience (CHANGE) you want, and repeat.

R e p e a t.

Even when I visit a new location or take a different route – it’s still the same. life. day. after. day.

Who decided to have 8 billion people in one general area of the Universe, then require they all conform to pay to survive?  Then tell them they have to follow “their” rules to live wherever they want or travel wherever they want.  For all of this ridiculous talk about inclusivity, this realm is about as exclusive as I can imagine.  Can’t fit in (because you lack the money) – or aren’t allowed in (due to money or which box you selected on your voter’s ballot)?   Compete for food (ya’ll seen some of the egg stories recently?  lol).  Compete for housing.  Compete for jobs.  Seriously – who in the hell really enjoys it here?

Sigh.  Before I go off more into my abysmal state of depression in which I find myself today, I will share today’s goodies.



Remember the days – you’d drive anywhere – and when you filled up you had to clean your windshield.  Wonder what happened……..



Couldn’t possible be this could it?


Could be frequency too – cell towers, etc.  That’s my best guess……..

So we HAVE had changes – but not the kind we want.

Moving on……….

So for those who know about my USPS dream from several years ago – this is a pretty big marker:


IRS will lay off thousands of probationary workers in the middle of tax season – ABC News


Just. do. it. already………….

Sen. Cassidy will vote to confirm Patel as FBI head

On Tuesday, the Senate advanced Patel’s nomination with a 48-45 party-line vote, bringing him one step closer to being confirmed and leading an agency that Republican lawmakers have accused of being weaponized “against the American people” and marred with politics. A couple of senators did not vote.












TUNE IN: Exclusive Hannity Interview with President Trump and Elon Musk Tonight at 9 PM ET




“CLEAN HOUSE”  (Clean House is very important)……..woke up thinking about “this is not another four year election”………clean house is in that particular drop (see link below fmi)………



Drop Search Results: Clean House


CASHAPP:  $Victoria1144

A dream………..time travel……….finds inside the simulation………




I had a brief dream this morning where I was amongst a group of people, laughter – celebrating – and I said “warnuse is really carolyn bessette kennedy”.  Her birthday is the 7th – we are 6 days apart.  I see these things online:


Overall, these days – yes.  Don’t much care for certain behaviors and have no problem anymore in stating what I need and asking for it – and anything contrary that comes back my way while dismissing what I have shared?  Yep – this.  It’s been some old program I needed to see and clear to arrive to this point.


Moving on to other things…



Boeing Plane Catches Fire on Runway After Two Wheels Explode | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Bomb Squad Investigates Suspicious Package Five Miles from White House Ahead of Presidential Election Certification | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


Biggest D.C. Snowstorm in Years Threatens to Derail 2024 Election Certification as Congress Flees Capital Despite Advisory to Stay | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft










Here we go………….Welcome Canada!  I may just go live up North….

Canada’s Trudeau is likely to resign this week, Globe reports – Times of India




My friend D doin’ his sleuthing…….


Didn’t T say something like it would end in 24 hours?


Van Gogh – a nice image:




There’s also the book – 33 pages……….




That’s why sometimes it takes a round or two to get it right:

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Grounding ~ and a few finds



At the suggestion of seeing someone online say “ditch the phone, go outside and ground – even if it’s cold and wet” (which it is here).  I then saw another post immediately after talking about grounding.  So I got up, took off my shoes and socks, walked outside in the 40-degree temps where it’s lightly raining, stepped into the muddy, cold grass and did my breathing routine for a few minutes.  Talk about refreshing.  So, before you scroll through this post, stop what you’re doing and give it a try.  Or go do it, then do a foot bath and give electronics a break for the rest of the day/eve – depending on where you are.  Of course, for those in the southern hemisphere, it’s much more pleasant in terms of the weather – but that can also be perspective.  I gotta admit – there was something exhilarating about doing this in the cold wet muddy grass.  One for the “good things to do” list.  Just make sure if you have a teenager in the house, give them a heads up or else they may walk outside and ask loudly just what the frig you’re doing and have you completely lost your mind.

Yes, I lost my mind years and years ago and never looked back.

Here’s what I’m seeing tonight.  BTW – gas is $2.89/gallon here now.  On a downward trend too.  Last time we saw this was under a Trump Administration.





Image    Image

now                                                         then











And a personal share – my b-day and the full moon………..

A little personal share on my date of birth/entry: I have always felt it means something. The date in the Q posts are significant – and include HELLO GEORGE and CHECKMATE.  And this one in the image below (which may be alluding to Jan 20th – Inauguration Day): And of note: For the first time in my current lifetime, my b-day falls on a full moon.




Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖













Thank you to Murry for sharing this one with me.  I haven’t posted Diane Canfield’s material in quite awhile.  This one though – this one feels right. Two opposing polarities absolutely cannot co-exist for long.  We are absolutely at the end.  That is my ongoing intention:  THIS YEAR IS IT for their timeline.  OUR NEW ARRIVES NOW.

Absorb.  Intend.  Enjoy.  Love, Victoria




The latest insights from The Cats (these are good & very aligning!)


So….last night I was guided to check out the latest Cats intel.  I hadn’t been there in awhile but still…. I dismissed the inner hunch. Then Sister Pat writes me tonight suggesting I check out their latest material – in particular their feel that they won’t “be here” for the election – something MANY of us have already been feeling (and wow did that energy take a turn today in a more intense level – and considering last night our attempts to watch the debate were completely blocked and today I have ZERO desire to tune in and rewatch or check out what I missed, I would say the election just won’t be in our experience.  There – I said it.)  Anyway….linking their two latest which I am finding resonating with my heart quite nicely.  “Christmas in October”.  I love the idea that everyone gets the chance to play “wake up/catch up” – something I have long felt (other than the evil – that goes to its own space – which I continue to hope for full recycling/healing of that consciousness). I am quite open to the idea of an adjustment to the New period. Last week I was telling my mate that I had the feeling we – certainly me – would likely need an adjustment period.  Even if we have another body waiting for us on the outside that we rejoin – an adjustment period – real healing regrouping – will be necessary.  I am just going to share the links for you to check out – take in.  I feel they are quite spot-on with their latest insights.  Love to you all ~ Victoria 


The One You’ve Been Waiting For ~ [UPDATE4]

Heads-Up. Buckle Up. ~ [UPDATE6]

Laura Whitworth ~ THE SHIFT


Thank you to Sister Pat for letting me know about this one.  I hadn’t listened to Laura for a few months.  This one is absolutely perfect – was very much needed by me – and fully aligns with what I feel in my heart:  The energies are increasing and what we are in now cannot sustain itself for much longer – oh gosh that feeling is just so powerful now isn’t it.  I love and appreciate her advice – as Lisa says over and over -stay in the heart.  I also appreciate how she says that even if all do not transition in the same way (those who are still not ready/awake) they get that chance at some point in their journey – we all “go” – transition – to whatever Home/experience that aligns with Who We Are.  That is my hope for every one.  And….the election here in the states is the catalyst for the event.  I can definitely see into that.  I also appreciate her insight on being in control of our responses – knowing our triggers – because some of us (me lol) are quite intense and can get quite triggered.  I know when it happens – and I know when I let myself get into that space and I know how to get out.  We all do.  It is tough as she said.  Be in Love. Stay out of the crazy.  And HAVE FUN!  Love, V.


Laura Whitworth
2.69K subscribers

Year End Wisdom


editor victoria’s comment ~ sister linea is at it again – sharing another beautiful message on Compassion.  Love.  Generosity.  Acceptance.  i am reminded of an experience i had over 10 years ago.  i had already seen through a lot of the “you and you alone create your own reality here” nonsense and was in the middle of an RET session.  the practitioner was saying how the children of iraq (at the time) had chosen the experience to witness death and war.  i asked her if she would hold the same view if this were happening to her child here.  she tried to dismiss that w/some new age bullshit.  i told her she was nuts and never returned.  

let this be a good message to walk out of 2019 and into 2020 – the year of Plenty.  the year of Perfect Vision.  the year of Liberation and Freedom.  

Lift up others (self included).  Assist.  and if unable simply hold space.  

and when the urge to offer up unasked for advice/telling them what you think they should do arises, give the gift of Silence.  lovingly STFU.  17 Best images about My Happy Faces~Emoji's! on Pinterest ...



yep…. I sooooo love this!😆

Posted by Dani Arnold-McKenny on Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A couple of Devin Elon Madgy videos: 12/21 Gematria Truths – Winter Solstice Ascension// The Numbers Don’t Lie – 144 Strong & “Donald J. Trump is impeached”=1440 / What the Trump Impeachment REALLY Means – Lux=1221 X


these are AMAZING!  the only way this is possible is if we are in a matrix – which we obviously are.  wow…………
