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i read she is working on another video for VIMEO – with some better images than her video she released last night.
Just something you don't see every….'day'?
The Sun 10-25-19
Tick Tock pic.twitter.com/TkrpKyBPxF— Oldsoul (@YellowRoseTx51) October 25, 2019
Totally worth pulling another all nighter, working. @adamlforeman pic.twitter.com/iyzzn8LlXB
— Oldsoul (@YellowRoseTx51) October 25, 2019
editor victoria’s comment ~ something told me to check out the comments section in her latest video (one month ago) – a nudge said i would find something helpful. i did. these words could have saved me a lot of money and wasted hours spent on counselor’s couches over the years. lol i remember once thinking “something else is putting these thoughts into my mind” – then heard self-judgment at holding such a thought. any time ANY ONE says something along the lines that only WE are responsible for our suffering’s and trauma’s is also speaking a program. YES we are powerful. we are Divine. Amazing. but we’ve also been f’d with quite intensely. we are seeing this horror movie come to an end.
spot-on truth in her words – for me that is.
editor victoria’s comment ~ below is the original tweet from last night. i knew immediately there was a deep meaning to the capital “A” in Age (perhaps it stands for Assange and what he is going to reveal) – AND the term “Age of Enlightenment”. it was late and i did not want to spend the time digging further. i didn’t have to. others have linked the phrase from a Q drop ~ #144 (love that number!) from November 12, 2017 which i have linked below Trump’s tweet. i then saw Adam Foreman (who works with Yellow Rose) share his insight into this. also below. i had a very intense but brief dream experience last night where i SAW the show/plan. it was like all of it wrapped up into one flash – and it left me only with a feeling of what i saw/experienced. i don’t like to use the term download – but it’s the best word to use. down load – upload – visions plural. anyway it was like ALL was revealed and i could tap into any of it by going within TO the All. it WILL be our choice – as Q has said – as to what we choose to see (then later they went on to say only 80% is revealed – i feel that is interpreted as revealing via media, etc. in the All – ALL is seen). so we all can see. and….i feel i was also shown how the astral really is getting cleaned up so we can access TRUTH. pure truth. not the manipulated version we have had.
enjoy the show!
The real trade war began 30 years ago, and we lost. This is a bright new Age, the Age of Enlightenment. We don’t lose anymore! https://t.co/5ECmBpsI6D
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 25, 2019
Drop #144, 12 Nov 2017:
"(New) Age of Enlightenment." 😏(h/t @CdnWoke)https://t.co/quVdCekGpr pic.twitter.com/UdnsopHuR1
— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) May 25, 2019
Nobody here understands the secret codes being said and posted by Trump. What is about to occur is so huge that EVERYONE will be shocked, some will be elated, some scared and the rest petrified and panicking. The 4th Book is about to end. #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA
— Adam Foreman (@adamlforeman) May 25, 2019
editor victoria’s comment ~ oh am i resonating with this one (no surprise of course). MOTION sickness! yes! good way to describe the occasional nausea i experience. a few days ago i shared here that i felt i was on a big boat out at sea trying to find my sea legs – get my balance. i am also relating to the concept of being pulled out of the body – i experience that as well and have shared that here. my feeling began to expand on it and i just felt i was being pulled home but then nope – not quite yet. i am very teary now too. weepy – that began about a week ago.
now this is interesting – how she speaks of going to ancient places in our dreams. just last night i was at some sacred temple in vietnam – or perhaps cambodia. i could feel the humidity and heat on my body. i was in a bus and a man (who was local) was guiding a few of us. i questioned why i was there but i went w/the feeling/knowing i had to be there to revisit this site. what’s even more interesting is the other night – unbeknownst to me – my mate was watching a program on a newly discovered ancient site in cambodia. maybe this is part of the processing of the history of this realm as she says.
i continue to align w/her that our consciousness is merging with the rest of us at Home. the need now is deep for me to release all programming. i did some work with that last night with my bodies (mental emotional spiritual/energetic).
the empathic/intuitive/telepathic experiences she shares align too. yes the more we tune in to our Home Us – the more those experiences increase.
very interesting insight into the Vagus nerve. i studied that about 3 years ago when i first began having the term pop out at me via random articles that would come up or shares on social media. given the ongoing symptoms i experience i will be working with it again. that damn virus we’ve all been injected with – it is NOW for it to be removed. i am quite impatient when it comes to clearing/doing before we go….i just shared a visual w/my mate that i feel i have had one foot in this life here – as me victoria in this body with these experiences – just one foot – and the other foot and rest of my body are reaching forward at times desperately trying to find and manifest those visions of home i have had for over 25 years and the life long longing FOR Home.
staying the course…..
Published on May 18, 2019
editor victoria’s comment ~ scroll down to the comments to read what Hatter has to say. that is my feeeeeel on this realm. it isn’t a fear-based or negative perspective. calling a spade a spade is seeing Truth. i will also add Free Will is NOT the same as Freedom. i have stated this before many times over the past 2 years. Free Will allows for ALL experiences including power – over. Freedom is doing what one wishes/chooses – in so long as that choice does not impede on another’s choice. in other words – NO POWER OVER. so yes this has been a free will experience here – which was part of the hijack. my perception and ongoing feeeeeeeeeeel. it is the only explanation that has made that inner feel radar go “ding ding ding”. i also feel the multiple versions of US was part of the hijack – keep us separated. easier to control. how this all plays out though and “looks” like? my mind is still seeking to understand that. but i do feeeeeeeeel it’s all wrapping up and we get US back. returned. remembered. Unity again. Truth. NO GAMES. NO DECEPTION. no lessons. no nonsense. just pure Creating.
anyway….some good intel….as they said – meditate. trust. (trust being the most important. trust thyself. trust Source You. and FEEEL into the flow and go w/that. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
So, we looked at that latest timeline jump (see previous post)…
…and it looks very strongly like we took a turn toward the “truth” timeline (at least that’s what we hear), and we’re chugging at it full steam, now. It may be ugly and feel bad for some, but “truth” is coming. It feels like a necessary gateway to 4d: we have to know “truth” first. Might as well get used to it.
Ready for a little more truth? This one’s a doozy. Best sit down and open your mind.
Someone asked us if they’re on the same timeline as the CATs, and how we would know. Here’s the answer:
You are reading this on one timeline, but chances are you’re reading it on another, as well. All of you and all the CATs and everyone in existence are part of a GYNORMOUS multidimensional being that lives… well, let’s say at many many different points and levels. No, let’s say we live on ALL the levels, and at all the points. So… there.
All of this is a giant experiment — by Us. All of past present and future were created simultaneously, with addendums and subtractions being carried out live as we work through issues in this multidimensional kinesthetic-feedback illusion. In nearly every case, we requested the opportunity to be here, at this time.
You don’t need to worry about you being on the right earth doing the right thing and meditating like the wind. That would be really nice. But there are a near-infinite number of YOUs doing all kinds of things in all kinds of ways at all kinds of levels. It’s rather mind-boggling. And being positive and making positive choices and creating positive effects gets you what you want at the next level.
What you need to do here is:
editor victoria’s comment ~ Here is what Adam has to say about this video and what we are seeing: “Earth is currently sitting in EVE’s pupil. As the sequence progresses, Jupiter is seen moving to the right, As it disappears off screen, it appears to get destroyed with an exploson. The other thing to note is that EVE’s left eye appears to be shut as if Jupiter is denied exit to the WEST.”
Adam aligns with (and communicates with as I have seen on Twitter) Yellow Rose for Texas. there is indeed an explosion. Rose said we were “in the eye” of Eve one week ago (in a comment I saw her leave on her youtube channel)….IF this is how this transition goes, we are at the Exit…with the other channels i watch showing signs of the cracks in the sky (matrix) growing in size, well let’s just say I feel big change as well as ending is in the air……transition remains a good word.
Adam Lawrence Foreman
Published on Apr 13, 2019
editor victoria’s comment ~ this one came with a rush of synchronicities in a matter of moments. i’ll just paste what i left in the comment section of the video that brought me to copy this portion of the Cat’s latest….the woman who posted this portion is someone w/whom i align…i find her on the same channels i follow on youtube and resonate w/her insights – and apparently she w/mine as she recently told me….after an evening of trying to find something i could align with in that deep inner Me – i came up empty-handed and was deeply longing for a deeper connection to Cosmic Happenings. i was even looking at some of the sun images/satellites and the like and was just not able to satisfy that inner pull to see/hear/read SOMETHING that i KNEW was there….anyway before i ramble away into late night oblivion..here’s how that went: “dayem i love a good synchronicity! lol i’m sitting here reading through all of the happenings here in 3d – but thirsting for what’s going on “beyond” and “out there” (HOME!!) so something told me “check out higher realm v” then i felt “the cat’s page” but came here instead – same nudge guided me to this particular video then again same nudge guided me to look below in the comment section. wala! thank you! hope to see you soon at the gathering and at home. : )”
There was another solar-howdy off the sun just yesterday (and another probably happening right now):
It may do something here tomorrow or the next day… or just get lumped in with the rest, it’s hard to tell. There’s so much reprogramming coming off the sun now, and the speeds so variable, that we have no idea what hits when. We were just told, “The Big One is waiting in the wings.” (Sorry intelligence folks reading this, bunkers won’t help. Reprogramming reaches all. Try to stay sober.)
And wow, we don’t have an image for it, but the omniversal lookeeloos are swarming into our system in their various ships (of smaller size) to watch the proceedings — and they were ALREADY swarming in. It’s like Grand Central Station out there. It’s clearly making some normie pentagonals’ brains hurt:
Remember: Try to be positive no matter what’s happening WHEREVER you are… because technically you’re already home in SOURCE, right now; this tiny piece of you is seemingly experiencing other things elsewhere.
Don’t forget: You’re a non-local being having a local experience, so make the best of it.
these are the colors and scenes i see within and long to experience….and i have a knowing w/in that what IS real is far more expansive than the scenes/colors in this beautiful video….
Published on Apr 1, 2011