A Beautiful, In-Depth, Truthful Piece to Share With Your Friends and Family Who Are/Will be Awakening…


I just love her words ~ what a beautiful Soul!  Roxanna Adams ~ humanity thanks you!


I wrote this in preparation for Meme Wednesday. I put my Heart and Soul in to it. It is full of light codes and color codes to facilitate energetic openings of the body and mind. Feel free to share.💗

Awakening and the Bigger Picture

🌈🌈🌈Many of you are just beginning to Awaken from the 3D (3rd Dimensional Consciousness) Control Matrix Programming. This Control Matrix has been in place for Millenniums if not Eons of time on our planet. The Cognitive Dissonance is clearing and you are frightened and confused about what is really happening on our planet. The Controllers of our planet are being exposed that is why you see so much chaos. You have become more sensitive and empathic. The Veil of Darkness is lifting and has everything to do with the 💫Galactic Alignment of December 21st, 2012 of the Mayan calendar. This time of Awakening has been prophesied in many religious texts and spiritual beliefs through the ages. You are coming to realize that your spiritual potential has been held back nefariously. The Truth of how reality really works has been hidden from you on purpose. You are in fact Divine Conduits of 🍊Creation. You have the capability of creating a 🌈Heaven on Earth🌎, (5th Dimensional Consciousness) 🍊Co-Creatively.

However, first you must understand and process Who, Why and How the controllers run this planet. The Elite 👹Luciferian Bloodlines go by many names. The Illuminati, Cabal,
Deep State, and Shadow Government, etc. These Elite Bloodlines have co-opted sacred hidden Occult knowledge and use it for their own personal gain. This knowledge belongs to everyone. Occult means “hidden knowledge”. These Dark Luciferian practices have infected every group on our planet. Politics, Media, Large Corporations and Hollywood, etc. You have awoken to their symbology, numbers sequences, and see them flash hand signals. At the top of “Pyramid” are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Royals and the Vatican. The rabbit hole goes much 💫deeper, but we will just stick to the basics until you are ready for more disclosures.

These Elite Luciferians truly believe that by following the Dark path and “Do as thou Wilt” is their credo, they can attain Immortality. They have been deceived and become very perverse, cruel and have lost their humanity. They are ☹️lost Souls who are not connected to Prime Creator God Source. Instead of Love and Life they only know Fear and Death. These Luciferians crave the fear, pain and misery of other humans. They are Vampiric and addicted to the high.

How you ask can a small group control such a large number of people? Well to start “History is written by the Victors”. Without getting to Dark. The Luciferian Elite Cabal are aware that Blood has Powerful Electromagnetic Plasma Manifestation properties. When charged with intention it produces a desired outcome. They use their intentions to lower the Frequency Consciousness Grid of our planet, keep us in a state of confusion, separated from each other and in a herd mentality state of fear. They attempt to keep us in our lower ❤️Animal brain, your 💚Heart shut down and 💜Intuition turned off to control us. Do you see now Why there has been so many wars and bloodshed on our planet? The Cabal knows how the mind and nervous system works. They use mind control techniques by keeping you in your left brain, unbalanced from your right hemisphere and 💜Pineal gland (3rd Eye) calcified. Your GPS, to use analogy, 💎Connection to Prime Creator God Source energy has been cut off. The Cabal uses their intentions with the aide of technology, chemicals, and mind control techniques. They have knowledge of 💫Astrological dates that are portals and use these at their disposal to change probable outcomes and to pull you into a lower timeline. Are you beginning to see how mailable your reality is? Now do you see how you can 🍊Create a 🌈Heaven on Earth🌎 Collectively? The
🍊Creative Universe is wonderfully Multidimensional. It is Frequency/Vibrationally based. There are no limits to exploration, 💜Spiritual growth and evolvement for your Soul. 💫Cosmic laws have been twisted and bypassed to co-opt your free will. However, This message is to 💛Self Empower you.

So as disclosures unfold do not be afraid. Some of these disclosures are very Dark. A small number of us have been waiting for this time holding this higher awareness. It has been a silent war but we never gave up hope that you would Awaken. Many have been hunted down and ☹️sacrificed their lives. Our Love for our human family is so great we risk ridicule, judgement and labels so we can courageously 💙Speak this message. It is finally Safe! Allow yourself the 😳Shock, 😡Anger and 😩Sorrow. Gather together…Love, Support and Comfort each other. This grieving process must happen. Know you are 💗Loved Unmeasurably by Creation and people and situations will show up seemingly out of nowhere to guide you. So, as you take this message in and your 💚Heart opens have faith that you are Shining your Light on to the Darkness. You are Strong enough or you would not be Awakening to the bigger picture. “It is always 🌚Darkest before the 🌞Dawn.” “The Truth is Stranger the Fiction” so take in what you resonate with. We 💗Love💗 You and We are standing by. 👼🏼Rejoice for we are truly 💛Liberated! Welcome to 5D Earth. 💗🌎💗

Roxanna Adams
Ascension Activator and Guide

Sourced from here.


Cranberries Singer Dolores O’Riordan Dead at 46


This one is really impacting me.  Unexplained death in a hotel room?? Really??!!  I was all but obsessed w/her music in the 90’s.  My god…



She was 46 and is survived by three children.

O’Riordan passed away at a hotel in Westminster this morning. Police were called to the Park Lane address around 9am, where O’Riordan was pronounced dead.

They are treating the death as unexplained.

A statement from her PR agency said:

“Irish and international singer Dolores O’Riordan has died suddenly in London today. The lead singer with the Irish band The Cranberries, was in London for a short recording session. No further details are available at this time.

“Family members are devastated to hear the breaking news and have requested privacy at this very difficult time.”

Continue reading here.

In memoriam ~ one of the best songs ever…


James Gilliland ~ ECETI News New Year’s Eve Edition


I hesitated sharing this but decided to as the overall message is useful.  I take issue with what he has to say about angry women ~ how he does not wish to be around women who are angry at men. Instead of owning how he as a male has been a part of this anger women feel towards men, he passes the baton off to the women to fix ~ the women who don’t hold the anger or level of anger.  Talk about bypassing responsibility.  I am not suggesting women stay in this energy of anger ~ I am stating men AND women must step up and offer help.  Men MUST step up and admit they fell for the illusion of the patriarch and their own suppression of their masculine energies, which became corrupted and lead to eons of power over and control of the female.  There is absolutely no sense in denying this and James just did a disservice by dismissing and discounting this very real experience.  He has no clue what it is like to have been a woman in this experience ~ not in this incarnation cycle that is.  So come on James ~ own your part of the equation and your participation in the game/experience. Own when you have been out of alignment with Who You Really Are with women.  Make amends. YOU as well can ask a woman in pain and anger “what created your experience”.  That is indeed a part of your own healing.  To suggest all healing must be as a result from the Self is naive.  Yes, healing comes from within but it also must include some love and service from without as well.


New Year’s Edition

Using Rational Thinking Concerning Psychopathsl

is not Logical

**by James Gilliland**

December 26, 2017

**We are seeing false icons fall in all walks of life.**

**We are truly living in a world of opposites**

We are seeing false icons fall in all walks of life. We are truly living in a world of opposites. People being exposed on the highest levels in politics, the movie, music and business industries of ungodly actions to say the least.

We are watching a total implosion of the democratic party in its death throws, lashing out with accusations without merit mainly due to the fact that the majority of it has deep ties with the deep state. Some of these extracurricular activities include satanic worship, child sacrifice, pedophilia, money laundering and extreme bribes, pay to play. The corruption became so abhorrent it is taking the military to clean it up. That is the basis behind the last presidential decree declaring a State of Emergency and the right to secure the assets of the extremely corrupt.

**As even a blind man/woman can see those entrusted to protect and serve within the system on the highest levels only protect and serve themselves. .**

As even a blind man/woman can see those entrusted to protect and serve within the system on the highest levels only protect and serve themselves. The agencies have not been carrying out their mandates, they’ve been serving the few not the many. This is going to change and I hope the socially CNN programmed and the ignorant will see the contradiction, the hypocrisy, the sense of entitlement wake up and smell the coffee. Things are not going to go their way. There is a much bigger plan unfolding and it is coming on high.

**I find it incredulous, almost unbelievable, people still demand we continue on the same path – some for the sole reason of having a woman in the White House.**

This is where the psychopaths come in. If they had their way and the democrats won the election – by using the woman, race card, give-away programs, going along business as usual – America would end up in social and economic collapse. They were fast-tracking to WW3. They are the beast or servants of the beast. Even if it means their own demise. I find it incredulous, almost unbelievable, people still demand we continue on the same path some for the sole reason of having a woman in the White House.

Do the research into the woman you hold on your pedestal. Some of the other women especially those screaming the loudest, have the most to lose by being exposed as to some of their despicable behavior and I must say it was not motherly.

**We need to stop judging people by their gender or their color but by their consciousness, their actions and track record of service to humanity and the Earth.**

I would also do some research into the last African American in the white house. He actually still thinks he is president. He was African not American self-admitted and what he will be charged with will be unbelievable. They have both sold out the people they represent and are responsible for the pain, suffering and death of thousands if only by withholding the funds earmarked to help disaster victims not to mention creating and arming our enemies.

This race card division game needs to end. We need to stop judging people by their gender or their color but by their consciousness, their actions and track record of service to humanity and the Earth. There cannot be double standards. Either you are creating heaven on Earth and adhering to Universal Law or you are not despite the slick rhetoric.

Have you noticed the ones making the most and loudest accusations end up falling upon their own swords?

Have you ever noticed most of these dark hearts never answer a straight question? They evade the question, project it on someone else then attack the credibility or character of the one asking the question. Have you noticed the vast majority of their accusations and information turn out to have no merit, no evidence yet people continue to believe them if it fits their agenda? Have you noticed the ones making the most and loudest accusations end up falling upon their own swords? They have to the extreme done what they accuse others of doing.

When the curtain is pulled back belief systems will be turned upside down.

In the days to come we are going to get answers and ring side seats of what is behind the curtain. When the curtain is pulled back belief systems will be turned upside down. What many thought was happening may very well be the opposite. That is when the healing will come and we are going to have to have compassion for those misinformed and misled. This does not mean a reality check is not in order.

I also want to commend the women who are stepping forward, standing in their power while maintaining that beautiful divine feminine energy. It is like a long, awaited wave of healing much appreciated and needed.

Although I tossed my TV out eons ago what I am seeing on the internet fills my heart with great admiration. They are far and few between in the lame stream media. They are mostly found at alternative media and though some find it hard to believe Fox News. They deal with facts and research while the others seem to deal with a controlled narrative furnished by the deep state. Watch _The View_ – a sad example and embarrassment to womanhood.

The women filled with hate towards men have missed the real issue and when they project that hate how can they expect love in return? That is really what they are crying out for. You can’t force or demand love. If you fit into this category you also can’t continue to deny the fact that it was lack of love that formed your present belief system.

**We can’t hide the wounds or fix them externally. We can only heal ourselves from within.**

We can’t hide the wounds or fix them externally. We can only heal ourselves from within. One cannot march for peace if you are not at peace, war on hate expecting to win anything other than more hate. Be a victim without expecting to be victimized. Hateful, vengeful wounded women with a following create what? Not my idea of heaven. It all boils down to personal responsibility, personal healing, working internally verses externally. When your internal healing is done then you can work on the external. It is the only way out.

So, you powerful ladies out there why not help your fellow women out. Ask them what happened? What happened to make them so angry and bitter? Ask them what they need to heal. Ask them why they gave up something so beautiful, the loving, joyous wise nurturing energy of which they are masters. It is the source of their power. Bitterness and “againstness” are not the sought-after gifts of a woman.

If I pushed some buttons, provoked some thought I did it out of love and service. One thing I do know however is they are not my buttons and just who is defending them, and why? I also know the buttons are not real. Enjoy the illusion. I am hoping I never have to write another article like this in the coming new year. Let’s make Atlantis and Lemuria great again.

**Let’s make Atlantis and Lemuria great again.**

Be well and enjoy the new year, it’s going to be quite a show. Fourth of July will come early.

Pass this on far and wide.

James Gilliland

www.eceti.org ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12434.1.d3baada44d6f0624ac78373b0ff1467d )

www.bbsradio.com ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12435.1.cd7f8a8f637075cbac9241b57570f47b )

www.privateinvitationeceti.com ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12436.1.eb334096283a54036bec6fdf0438e98f )

ECETI Official YouTube Channel ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12437.1.bc38c011b2efe1eb8baca252bf5c1e40 )

Instagram ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12438.1.2fb33c4a255dd34a54da7ab27aa6ba4f )

You have my permission to send this far and wide.


12/27/17 Energy Update


So very ready!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  “Soul families will begin connecting to create Spaces of Love, Tribes of Starseeds will emerge from these fertile grounds carrying the codes and knowledge needed to continue the Great Work.”


Unleashing Natural Humanity

8 hrs

Energy update 12/27/17

Hold onto your hats 

We are moving into the potential for massive physical shifts and changes. On the surface, the physical world is following the collective consciousness.

We do not agree to eat poisons in our food. We do not agree to breath poisons in our air. We do not agree to drink poisons in our water. We have spoken with the collective energy, and we are speaking with our energy and the system is being forced to bend to the will of the people.

We do not agree to be slaves. We do not agree to be in debt. We do not agree to scarcity. We have spoken with the collective energy, and the physical ramifications are moving faster and faster.

What has happened up until this point is a widening of the flow from the Christ-consciousness Source field to the potential of flash point induction. What once were waves of energy are now becoming streams of higher and higher levels of multidimensional resonance. There is becoming no more ebb and flow to adjust humanity into the new paradigm, but a steady stream of brilliance and slightly dimmer brilliance.

Focus on you. Forget about the latest intel, forget about “what is happening right now?!” and begin to bring yourself back into the body with the breath. Begin to focus on the deeper sensations that the micromovement throughout the body that the breath creates. Bypass the thinking mind and sink into the movement of the body….take the awareness into the bones, the muscles, the blood, the skin….

Allow each exhalation to become a deeper sense of relaxation as you focus on each point of tension and discomfort, feeling it relax, open and drain stagnancy on all levels. Emotional, mental, psychological, energetic and physical. Full spectrum release.

Be responsible with your thoughts. Be responsible with your emotions. Recognize that we are collectively stepping into a place of ultimate co-creation. Your thoughts, feelings and images will become real with almost immediate manifestation. What do you want to see in the world and in your life in 5 years? What are you going to do today to make sure that happens? What are you going to hold in your heart to make sure that happens? Life and abundance does not grow out of death and decay. Make sure your mindset fits your image of your future. Hold onto this like your best friend, a lover, a co-conspirator in all the shennanigans 

Take it easy on yourself. Take some time out for yourself. Look yourself directly in the eyes and tell yourself, “I am sorry, please forgive me for all the damage I have put you through due to ignorance. Thank you for being you. I love you.”

As humanity continues to break free on an economic, financial, industrial, environmental and energetic scale, expect the false world painted by the mainstream media to become much more terrifying.

The first month of 2018 is going to sweep the world with a new level of consciousness to most, an old friend to us. Contributionism societies have been flourishing theoretically for decades now, but the major difference is the call to action.

Families around the world have been feeling the pull to their own piece of Paradise, that they can co-create with like minded people around them in a space of love, safety and growth. The energy is calling for a mass dispersal from the cities into smaller village-like communities and this is going to light like a sun inside of those already feeling the call.

Soul families will begin connecting to create Spaces of Love, Tribes of Starseeds will emerge from these fertile grounds carrying the codes and knowledge needed to continue the Great Work.

This planet a thousand years from now is going to be the jewel of the universe. This is a Living Library, cataloging every plant, animal, species, frequency, resonance and energy in the entire universe, and WE are the custodians of this Paradise.

This is OUR planet. We stand here, unmoving and unafraid. We stand here, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand radiating what we want to see in the world. Love. Joy. Hope. Community. Peace.

We do not fight for peace, we see the world as it will be. And so it is.

From my heart to yours 



Amish Anarchy & Uncle Sam


Let us live as the Amish do.


Authored by Eric Peters via EricPetersAutos.com,

There’s a kerfuffle in Wisconsin over threatened application of The Law to the Amish.

Up to now, they’ve successfully dodged Uncle Sam – been exempted on religious grounds from a great many busybody-isms, including laws requiring the presence and use of seat belts and child safety seats in all motor vehicles.

Their horse-drawn buggies lack motors, of course – as well as seatbelts and child seats.

They don’t have air bags or back-up cameras or tire pressure monitors, either. The Amish don’t believe such things are necessary and therefore do without.

They also believe it’s their decision, their business – and just want to go about their business, leave others alone and be left alone in turn. After all, they’re not harming anyone else. And if they harm themselves, the Amish take care of themselves.

It seems reasonable enough.

That doesn’t wash for the rest of us, though.

Why should it work for the Amish?

Portrait of an armed busybody . . .

Such is the entirely logical argument of a busybody with a gun – i.e., a government worker – by the name of Bill Winch. He is a member of the Wisconsin Rapids Board of Supervisors and doesn’t think the Amish ought to be exempted from anything – including other laws requiring driver’s licenses and mandatory insurance.

He has proposed a new law precisely to that effect.

Sourced from here.



A List of Headlines Showing Collapse But Also The Grand Revealing


…showing the obvious:  corruption has played its last hand.  Time for the New…the New for EVERYTHING.










White Hats Report #61 ~ 12/22/17 ~ A Holiday Message


Oh, I just love this one!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


White Hats Report#61



Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land,
The swamp creatures were worried, cause a line has been drawn in the sand.
The indictments were sealed and sent to the courts,
Plans being made to cut off escape and cancel passports.

The people were all nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of freedom danced in their heads.
Trump in the White House and Kelly guarding the gate,
History in the making with WAR declared on the deep state.

When out on the lawn at Langley there arose such a clatter,
The media tried to ignore it but Patriots know what’s the matter.
The shadow government being invaded by the Marines,
Bound and determined to restore the Republic by any means.

Documents and computers and hard drives, too,
Evidence and proof of treason collected and the JFK coup.
Time is counting down on these long time traitors,
Draining the swamp of these dangerous gators.

While the media and their lapdogs try to cover it up,
We’re finding out the “Russian collusion” was just a setup.
Not surprising given the Clinton crime family’s treason,
The depth and breadth of the deception is beyond reason.

As Santa checks his naughty and nice list for the holiday season,
The overriding theme of the naughty list is high treason.
At the top of the list, it’s replete with ex-Presidents,
Soon, they will be calling prison their new residence.

Followed closely by the cabal infested DOJ and FBI,
No longer will the country and Trump turn a blind eye.
Their dastardly deeds are being exposed,
The will of the people will soon be imposed.

The witch hunt continues, looking for Russian collusion,
The people know by now, it’s all an illusion.
The only collusion that’s being exposed is by the deep state,
Ironically, the people have woken up and will no longer take the bait.

The cabal controlled media bears much of the blame,
They’ve become so desperate, they’re all without shame.
Continuing to push their insane fake news narrative,
Charging them as conspirators has become imperative.

Further west can be found more names on the list,
Realizing predators and pedophiles are in our midst.
Yes, Hollywood is the target of much attention,
Their undoing is by their own invention.

As Santa closed the book, a tear rolled down his cheek,
He knew this is a time not for the timid or weak.
The US should be the strongest on the block,
But under Bush, Clinton and Soetoro has become a laughingstock.

He wiped the tear and looked up to speak,
He knew his words must be strong and not weak.
Now was the time to invoke his reach,
He gathered himself and began his speech.

“We must protect our children throughout the land,
If we fail them that, then we’ve had a hand.
In the despicable destruction of our own nation,
For its time we find our higher vibration.

And gather together in person and online,
To rid this scourge and begin to shine.
The light on the traitors and pedophiles, too,
The responsibility to take back our Republic is all on you.”

He paused for a moment and gave it some thought,
And recalled with a growl what the predators have wrought.
A nation deceived and a world denied,
It’s time to stand tall for those who have died.

“Gather your children and friends all around,
In your states, cities and all over town.
Unite together and always stand strong,
The abuse and destruction has gone on for too long.

Save your children and your souls before it’s too late,
There’s still a chance this world can be great.”
With that he rose and climbed into his sleigh,
He hoped the citizens would soon find a way.

To rid themselves of the pestilence, fraud and pain,
And in so doing they would have much to gain.
He had packages to deliver and good will to spread,
As he prompted the reindeer and up went the sled.

He smiled and gave all a big wave as he rose out of sight,
“A Merry Christmas to ALL and to all a good night.”


We at the White Hats Report and affiliates would like to wish everyone
a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Posted on December 22, 2017

Sourced from here.



Power Restored On All Concourses At Atlanta Int’l



I am sure ya’ll have heard of the massive power outage at the Atlanta airport.  The biggest question I have (aside from what REALLY is behind this) is aren’t airports required to have back-up generator’s in such a situation?  Especially for the biggest airport in the world?

This smells funny to me.  Here is a message someone shared on social media from an (alleged) employee of the airport:

No automatic alt text available.

I found this article that speaks of this airport being the busiest in the world and as such, a target for human trafficking.  “Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is the busiest airport in the world, and is an important destination for political refugees. Amnesty International says that makes the airport a target for human traffickers. Amnesty Interanational’s regional headquarters is actually located in Atlanta.”  Here is another article detailing the same issue.  Was today a positive move to stop this?  I saw a video where part of the airport was filled with smoke as well as saw a piece that said the power outage was a result of a fire underground.

I am sure with all of the disclosure coming out, the war/storm/purging going on, this is not the last we will be hearing of this story.  Until then, as of 45 minutes ago (9:50pm PST), all power has been restored.


Mipperu Courses Being Offered in Peru for Health, Energy and Plasmaculture


This is SO awesome ~ make it so for ALL – NOW!


Mipperu Tarapoto are offering 1,2 or 3 week courses for Auto sustainable living.

1 week courses for  Plasma Healing items  for your Personal Health issues.

2 week courses for Health and Energy aspects  of sustainable living

3 week courses for Health, Energy and Plasma Gardening culture in Self sustainable living IE OFF grid living with Auto-sustainable systems.


New ways to utilise water and waste for your garden soils adding nutrients for stable faster growth.

We are offering the chance to come to Peru to learn the upper levels of Auto-sustainable life styles in the forms of 1,2 or 3 week intensive courses and workshops.

Continue reading here (and fmi).


Young Woman Raises Over $300k On Homeless Veteran Who Gave Her His Last $20 To Buy Her Gas

Happy happy joy joy feel good story.  I love this one!


A young woman has raised over $318,000 for a homeless man who, she said, spent his last $20 to buy her gas after she became stranded on a major interstate.

On a fundraising page she has since set up for the man, Kate McClure, 27, wrote that she pulled off an exit ramp on I-95 near Philadelphia late one night when she realized her car was running out of gas.

A homeless man, Johnny Bobbitt, 34, spotted her vehicle and approached to offer her assistance, she said.

“Johnny sits on the side of the road every day, holding a sign. He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong,” McClure wrote. “He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors. A few minutes later, he comes back with a red gas can.”

Follow the story here, which includes a news clip.
