I absolutely had to share this one. Thank you to my beautiful reader/friend Catherine for sending this to me. In her own words: “we need each other”. You bet we do.
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
I absolutely had to share this one. Thank you to my beautiful reader/friend Catherine for sending this to me. In her own words: “we need each other”. You bet we do.
Editor’s note: These bastards who have created this financial system of disaster with their crooked deals and horrendous policies that have destroyed lives while making them trillions are creating these storms as a diversion. It is THEY who are causing the implosion of the economy and they are manufacturing these storms to create the diversion for the masses, making it “easier” for the to say “the storms caused the economic disaster”. Do not look the other way, people. Look at the very ones telling us to look the other way. Enough is enough. Time’s up for these desperate but disgusting entities. I would also say they are setting the fires up and down the west coast. Again – more diversions. At the very least the unusual weather “patterns” they are manufacturing are allowing for these fires to fluorish. FAKE FAKE FAKE
Evidence is mounting that both a new financial system and a civil war in the US are imminent. There is also a high probability the US east coast will be hit with a geo-engineered hurricane so severe that people are being asked to evacuate 60 miles inland, CIA sources say. What seems to be happening is that the Khazarian mafia is unleashing weather weapons and making other mischief to try to prevent the announcement of a new, gold-backed financial system.
First, let us look at all the gold related news, some of it bizarre, that has suddenly poured out in recent days and all seems to be preparing us for the announcement of a gold-backed system. This started on August 21st when Steven Mnuchin became the first US Treasury Secretary to visit the Fort Knox gold depository since 1948 and proceeded to tweet “glad gold is safe.”
Then, since his visit apparently failed to generate enough publicity, a fake scandal involving the visit to the fort, the solar eclipse and pictures of his bikini-clad trophy wife appears to have been concocted. In all of this Mnuchin failed to mention the fact the gold has not been counted since 1953 or how much gold “is safe,” but never mind, his wife makes for good distracting eye candy.
Then self-described US intelligence community financial adviser Jim Rickards appeared on TV predicting the price of gold would rise to $5000 or even $10,000 an ounce.
Also, the Rothschilds contacted the White Dragon Society last week to inform them that a large amount of off-ledger gold was being monetized and moved into the financial system. This was backed up with a series of gold-related events from around the world. The most important one was the announcement that China is starting oil futures trading denominated in gold-backed yuan, a clear shot at the Khazarian mafia’s petrodollar system.
Then Germany’s Bundesbank announced it had completed its plan to repatriate half of its gold three years in advance.
Furthermore, Germany announced the forced evacuation of 60,000 people from around the area of the Bundesbank last weekend just as 743 tons of gold was due to arrive there, because of “unexploded World War II bombs.”
This is interesting because when Germany first asked for its gold back from France and the US, neither country had any gold to give back. Around the same time the Americans were caught shipping gold-plated tungsten to the Chinese. Now suddenly the gold is being returned ahead of schedule as Mnuchin tweets about gold being safe.
So, where is all this gold suddenly coming from? Two reliable sources say that gold bunkers in Asia are being opened and the gold is being removed. WDS sources in Indonesia were told by Indonesian authorities that gold bunkers in Indonesia had indeed been opened and the gold was removed. Furthermore, Freeport-McMoRan announced that a deal has been reached with the Indonesian government to continue operation of the giant Grasberg mine there, with Indonesia getting 51% control.
Sources in the Rothschild family say the mine is just a front being used to launder the historical gold into the financial system. The important point to note though is that the Asians now have majority control.
Neil Keenan for his part, has reported that gold and cash bunkers in South Korea have also been broken into. He backed this up by posting videos of gold as well as freshly minted US dollars and Korean Won being divvied up.
All these gold related announcements were combined with serious attacks on the current petrodollar system and strong indications the current US financial system is about to implode. Jacob Rothschild, for example, announced that his company, RIT Capital Partners, reduced its US dollar investment exposure to 37% from 61% in the first six months of this year. Rothschild’s reasons for getting out of US assets were “unprecedented” share prices and a belief that the artificial propping up of markets by the World Bank and Central Banks was unsustainable.
Another high level insider who is getting out of the US stock market is investment guru Warren Buffet who is now sitting on $100 billion in cash because he is finding it hard to find attractive deals.
Investors are also paying 20% more for US Treasuries that mature before the end of September US fiscal deadline than they are for ones that mature after that date, yet another sign that people sense something is coming.
There was a chart on the internet that appeared shortly after the private central bankers had their Jackson Hole summer meeting that showed about 40% of so-called world GDP was just fake central bank accounting magic. This chart has now been deleted from the internet.
The Federal Reserve Board has announced it will be selling off the assets it has been buying to prop up markets but, with $4.5 trillion worth of stuff on its books, it is mathematically impossible for them to do this without imploding the economy.
While this writer does not pretend to be a financial adviser, I can say that in my long career as a financial/business/geopolitical journalist, I have never before seen so many clear warning signs of a disruptive financial event on the horizon.
Clearly the controllers of the old system are not going out without a fight. The “once in a thousand years” (upgraded from once in 500 years) Hurricane Harvey was definitely a weather warfare attack on the US. The Magazine Charlie Hebdo, owned by the French branch of the Rothschild family, seems to point the finger at its owners with a cover page implying that God flooded Houston, Texas as an attack on Nazis.
Now an even bigger weather warfare attack is apparently about to take place in the form of Hurricane Irma. The warning below was forwarded to this writer from a source in the CIA via e-mail:
Hurricane IRMA – expected landfall Eastern coastline USA, tracking TBA (uncertain) CAT 5 and higher expectation.
Expect major damage – life threatening – major flooding – power outage – transport chaos – looting – high casualty rate/deaths.
Landfall expected from 9th September onwards through 10th and 11th September 2017, could be sooner, TBA.
Updates see:- BPEarthwatch on the web.
ADVISE ALL STATIONS – make preparations now, secure property – LEAVE THE AREA by a distance of at least 60 miles from coast.
Seek altitude, avoid river valleys, flood plains, heavy population areas. Secure food, portable water, fuel and secure shelter.
THIS IS NOT A DRILL. This is “HARVEY” on steroids.
Speed this warning far and wide NOW. Do not wait for the crisis to develop. Even if it does not come ashore (unlikely) the wave propagation is showing wave height expectations of over 50 ft and duration of wavelength of 16 seconds. ALL SHIPPING leave tracking area immediately and run for safe haven at maximum speed while time allows please. All models agree the above data set.
North Atlantic Intelligence Group (NAIG) Public Domain. Ends 23.10 02/09/2017 TREAT AS URGENT.”
This writer could not locate any NAIG on the internet but clearly, at the very least, some people in the CIA are trying to generate fear.
The US military is, in any case, taking action. Here is what a Pentagon source had to say:
“Hurricane Harvey, while tragic, allows the military to bring troops and equipment to stop states like California from seceding, defend the republic’s gold depository, defend borders from drug cartels, terrorists, human, arms traffickers, stop the UN agenda 21 which preys on weak states, deny Soros illegal aliens for his antifa troops, strengthen the state’s leadership against the Khazarian liberal LGBT, abortion, pro-immigration, anti-Christian, anti-gun agenda.”
There is also a crackdown continuing in Washington DC against “Mossad assets like former Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Zionist senator, minority leader Chuck Schumer,” the sources say.
Thugs like the Antifa and fake KKK rioters hired by the Khazarians are also being rounded up now that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security have formally labelled them as domestic terrorists, they note. Google’s Eric Schmidt, Facebooks’ Mark Zuckerberg and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos are also now under attack for their brazen efforts to manipulate public discourse and will have their companies nationalized and broken up, CIA sources say.
The other person who is under serious attack now is top ranking Satanist Benjamin Netanyahu who faces jail in Israel for corruption but really should be treated as a war criminal of the highest order. Netanyahu recently visited Russia uninvited and made a series of threats to Russian President Vladimir Putin, multiple sources agree. Pentagon sources say “Putin was not amused by bibi [Netanyahu]’s threats and lies and sent two attack submarines into the Mediterranean to hunt Israeli subs, to improve training and test new weapons, and potentially to impose a naval blockade.”
The Khazarian controlled or influenced rogue states of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Ukraine are being steadily quarantined while their criminal leadership is being removed.
North Korea, for its part, is getting lots of money and weapons technology from the Khazarians but is only interested in its own survival and is not about to start some suicidal nuclear attack on behalf of Khazarians with apocalyptical delusions.
Editor’s note: Or no money. Either way, ready to be with such like-minded Beings NOW to create this. Tired of talking about it. Ready to DO.
A Vision for Good Money
We see a world where we, the people, have evolved to the point where no one is deliberately taking advantage of another; where there is honor, accountability, clarity, and integrity demonstrated by those who maintain our systems of exchange; and where usury, interest, inflation, double-talk, and mismanagement have gone by the wayside because our society, and everyone in it, has seen through the schemes and scams of those who would make money off of money itself.
We see fair and equitable standards in place whereby anyone, be they individuals, institutions or communities, are free to set up their own systems of monetary exchange without repercussion from tyrants; and, within those systems of exchange, people are happy and thriving because no one is subtly stealing their energy, energy they may have worked very hard to accumulate.
We envision a world where the storage of money in banks is completely unnecessary, since all peoples are honest and doing unto others as they would have done unto themselves.
And ultimately. we see us as a world full of happy people who are so empowered that we are manifesting whatever we need in the moment directly from the Source of All That Is. In a world such as this there is no need for money, since love and trust have taken its place.
Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.
Editor’s note: I LOVE this one. Powerful. End especially. We are not our names. We are Creator. Divine. Original Pure Source. Inbody. Telepathic abilities are returning as are the Original Light Languages. It continues to become a challenge for me to speak with words. I have moments where I look at my family or anyone else for that matter and point to my heart or mind. That is where my “Language” resides.
August 25th, 2017
By Pao L. Chang
Guest writer for Wake Up World
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Also see: The ‘Legal Name’ Game – and How It’s Used Against You
About the Author
Pao Chang is the author of EsotericKnowledge.me and OmniThought.org. For more content related to the article you just read, visit his websites and read his book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words.
Sourced from here.
Editor’s note: Normally I don’t share these updates but this one I was inspired to. Quite interesting. Also of note, in a meditation I got the date “September 27” for something big to switch/change/occur. Actually feeling 23-27. Anyway, enjoy this one…
People who are aware are noticing very weird stuff going on with the world information grid -especially inside the Anglo Saxon world- as contradictions and bizarre events multiply. These are all signs of a collapsing power matrix; the sort of thing seen around the time of the fall of the USSR.
The first thing to note about last week in particular is that the US was hit for the first time since 2005 with a hurricane. US President Donald Trump tweeted the code phrase for weather warfare “once in 500 years” to describe Hurricane Harvey. The fact that it hit the Bush clan homeland of Texas, in particular the city of Houston, with devastating floods, makes it likely this is some sort of revenge for the Bush engineered Hurricane Katrina attack on New Orleans.
It may also be related to the fact that 16 US and Canadian diplomats in Cuba suffered brain injuries from some kind of “Sonic attack.” They may well have been hit because of their involvement in cutting of the Bush clan drug money that was being laundered through Cuba. It is also interesting that “Sonic attacks” are now being reported by world media instead of being dismissed as delusions by people “wearing tin foil hats.”
In any case, all of this indicates a high level, esoteric power struggle is continuing.
This power struggle is also being revealed in strange and contradictory news announcements concerning US Senator John “Daesh” McCain. Remember recently we had media reports that McCain had been diagnosed with malignant brain cancer? These were followed immediately with reports that McCain had recovered and rallied the Senate to stop Trump plans to repeal Obamacare. Then after that the USS “John McCain” was rammed by a cargo ship, killing many US sailors. Now we are being told that McCain has been wire-tapping the White House and leaking all of the Trump administrations’ plans to hostile media.
As the oft-used phrase aptly puts it “you can’t make this up,” but then again it looks as if two opposing forces are indeed making this stuff up.
There are many others signs other than contradictory reports about madman McCain to indicate a high level power struggle is raging in Washington DC.
Inside the Trump administration, the removal of Steve Bannon has now been followed by the ouster of adviser Sebastian Gorka. These are the folks who were pushing for a hard line against “radical Islam”(=Khazarian agents) and China.
Now the “make America great again” alt-right faction in the administration is fighting back. Pentagon sources say Trump chief of staff General John Kelly “may be forced to fire globalist democrats Gary Cohn, Jared Kushner and Dina Powell to even the score and appease the Trump base.”
“Jared is under fire for his failure as peacemaker, with no two-state solution based on 1967 lines, while getting no love from Egypt, Palestine, or even Isreal,” the sources note. Meanwhile “Goldmanite Gary Cohn is already under massive pressure to resign, he puts his tribe first, opposes tariffs, supports antifa and the Jewish fake news media in his interview with the Financial Times that made Trump explode,” they add.
There is also incredible pressure being put on the rogue state of Israel. Satan worshipping Israeli leader Benyamin Netanyahu went to visit Russia to warn of Israeli “red lines,” being crossed by Russia allowing Iranian influence to increase in Syria. This was followed up with a massive offensive by the Israeli/Saudi Arabian Daesh proxy army inside Syria. Russia’s answer was to place Iranian and Hizbollah troops right on the Israeli border.
Russian forces also, according to the official Tass news agency “destroyed more than 1,000 facilities belonging to international terrorist groups in Syria in the past week,” thus crushing the Israeli/Saudi proxy offensive.
The oil and gas rich nation of Qatar has rubbed salt into the wounds of the Israeli/Saudi alliance by restoring diplomatic relations with Iran and keeping its money out of Khazarian mafia pockets.
Unlike in the past, the Israelis can no longer run crying to the US for protection because the de facto Trump military government is sick and tired of that rogue states trouble-making. The Pentagon sources say the US military is working with the Russians on this and other issues noting that “Russia supports the US military junta by naming former vice minister of defense Anatoly Antonov as US ambassador, militarizing relations between the two superpowers.”
The Pentagon sources also tried to justify Trump’s recent speech announcing an open ended continuation of the war in Afghanistan as follows: “the Trump Afghan speech is a disguised multilateral exit strategy in concert with regional powers while supporting India in its Bhutan skirmish with China.” However, in this case, the old adage “follow the money,” is a more realistic explanation of what is going on. The fact is that the Afghan heroin trade is, if you multiply UN Afghan heroin production data by the UN calculated US street price, worth around $1.6 trillion a year or more than double the official US military budget.
New whistleblowers are now emerging with detailed, concrete descriptions of how the international drug trade became indispensable to the US military industrial complex in the post-war era. CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp and investigative journalist Paul Williams provide a very detailed account of this in the podcast at the link below.
What is interesting about what these real world whistleblowers say is that it dovetails almost exactly with what this writer has been hearing from his own CIA and Asian secret society contacts. Real world investigations show beyond a doubt that there is a multi-trillion dollar drug money nexus linking the CIA, the Vatican P2 fascist lodge, North Korea and Asian gangsters.
Multiple Asian and other sources involved in this nexus say they expect some sort of major shift this autumn. This is what a high level source in Thailand, for example, had to say about related developments in that country:
“[Former Prime Minister Yingluck] Shinawatra left Thailand on Wednesday, the 23rd with the assistance of Very High Officials, outside the Junta, in a private jet. She is with her brother in Dubai.”
As background this source noted:
“The King HAD to give permission long before the coup [against Yingluck’s brother Thaksin] took place back in 2006. That allowed certain people time to load the planes with ‘personal’ items like suitcases full of large denominations of cash, the Singapore and Brunei $1000 note, the favorite of the elite as well as a few kilos of diamonds, cut and uncut (Having been a partner in a diamond mining operation in Angola helped). A few tons of Au were added for ballast. Thaksin’s passage was cleared all the way from start to finish. Having a Diplomatic passport made it even faster.”
Also, the source continued:
“The current King has only been seen in public two times. It is said in the inner circles of the Palace that he has AIDS. He flies to Germany two times a month for a blood transfusion… There seems to be more to the extent of his medical treatments than what is released by his closest confidants. The AIDS story could be a smokescreen?”
To conclude, this source notes:
“The future of Thailand and more currently, that of the Junta, will be known within 60 days. What goes down in DC, will directly affect Thailand, in more ways than one.”
The White Dragon Society, for its part, has recently been contacted by representatives of several groups who had cut off all contact immediately following the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan. These include a senior member of the British branch of the Rothschild family, the top assassin of the Yamaguchi gumi syndicate and a senior MI6 official. They all agree that something big is coming down.
This is partly, but not exclusively, related to the upcoming US government September 30th fiscal year end payments deadline. If we take the right action this time, we can finally stop the criminal Khazarian faction in Washington DC from kicking the can down the road any further. The WDS knows who the secret players still standing are and asks them all for their full cooperation so that we can finally get on with the business of saving the planet.
Please enjoy the last week of summer and get ready for what is likely to be a very eventful autumn.
First of all, let us all find time on this upcoming Tuesday the 29th to send thoughts and visions of freedom and love and truth and ease as Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Beane are both having hearings on this date. If you need more information on who they are, please check out this site fmi.
In a nutshell they are essentially being kidnapped by the STATE, which is no more in its corruption and fraud as UCC paperwork was filed almost 5 years ago ~ paperwork that went unchallenged. This is really about you and I accessing prosperity and freedom in the form of accounts which are in OUR names and OUR government issued ID numbers. Obviously this is about more than just money but it is the first step to regaining our full Power and Freedom.
The chance for total transparency is surrounding these cases and so just like the eclipse meditations, that were powerful and effective, I call upon each of you to participate in another meditation practice. Even if you aren’t following this story or don’t believe it or aren’t interested in it, it is important to spend time on that day intending freedom and truth and love and abundance.
I am going to take this one step further, something I was also guided to do today.
It is now time to begin the daily practice on focusing on what we want.
Individually AND collectively. NOW is the time to employ this practice and make it priority and goal number one. I received this feeling so strongly today and yet so quietly too. I know that Highest Self energy – it is very powerful in its quiet.
Right after I received that guidance, I thought how much of our time is still spent on the matrix fear programs. Most of us spend much of our time focused on money and health and time. This needs fixing or tending to. How will I accomplish or afford that. How can I take care of that. Oh I gotta go do this how will I work that in.
Never-ending streaming thoughts of worry about the future. I clearly see this now. I actually had a quick visual of what this sends to the overall matrix grid system. Quite simply, it gives it power and keeps it going ~ even as it is weakening greatly. Such a system can still limp along even with just a couple of bum legs.
I recently read where we can bring down the whole control system in a nano-second. The words have stayed with me. Originally I thought “impossible” to the term “nano second” ~ the part of me that is lazy, hooked into the lazy programming of “too hard, too difficult, impossible”. But I also felt the quiet, more powerful part of me know how true this is.
So let’s do it!
We can END this ~ detached from the matrix ~ and bring the grid down that much faster by not participating in it with the very fear-based thoughts IT created.
Let us work our way out of it and bring it down by spending time throughout the day every day – every single day – to form new thoughts. We all know what we want.
Please let us make that our focus beginning now.
One of the biggest reasons I feel the energies of the eclipse were so powerful was because GLOBALLY mass numbers of us were focused on the magic of the experience. It wasn’t just the galactic cosmos sending these frequencies. It was also US – focused AWAY from the fear-based programs of our daily lives – that super-charged this experience. I feel one of the reasons I am still in my area is because I was able to have this experience of being around tens of thousands of others celebrating the 100% path of totality moment ~ feeling that experience ~ learning from it, getting a new awakened thought and sharing it.
We can have these experiences every day.
Just like I shared what I was intending the week of the eclipse, here is what I will be intending for self and humanity. Obviously feel free to add your own/do your own. What is important, again what I so strongly feel is so very important, is to begin doing this daily. Upon waking. Middle of the day. Upon going to sleep. Or whatever works for you obviously. And here’s a little practice I have begun doing ~ if I don’t feel tuned in or am struggling to “feel” the energies I am seeking, I ask for and intend a signal boost. Give it a try and see what happens.
Much love gods and goddesses! ♥
If you like my work, please consider making a donation for this free resource I provide. Your support is greatly and gratefully appreciated. Thank you for visiting!
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The story of Dr. Rife has always inspired and angered me. Such corruption is no longer allowed in this reality. This beautiful man had a cure for all disease given the science behind frequency and diseased cells. I am going to be owning one of these very soon. Scientists in Russia were able to put one together with the original frequencies.
As technologically advanced as we are constantly told we are these days, there are some technologies just now being presented to the public as “new” when they are not new at all but have simply been widely suppressed for decades. Things like the “new” digital neuro headbands that pulse specific electromagnetic frequencies into a person’s head to “transition” his or her moods, for example.
It has also come out in recent years that frequencies can cure diseases, including cancer. Professor and researcher Anthony Holland even gave a Tedx talk on “Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies” a few years back, discussing the ability to destroy cancer cells and deadly super bugs like MRSA with oscillating pulsed electrical fields… not that you probably heard about it on the nightly news or anything.
As someone pointed out in the comments, phrases like, “They hadn’t seen anything quite like it. Seems to be a new phenomenon,” (emphasis mine), made viewers who know about the organized suppression of such technologies since at least the 1930s want to slam their own heads into a wall.
Meet Dr. Royal Raymond Rife
Dr. Rife has been referred to by those who personally knew and worked with him as a genius. A scientist and inventor, starting in the 1920s, Rife began building a large and complex microscope capable of magnifying objects 31,000 times (compared with maybe 1700 times available on standard microscopes in the 1930s and 40s). By 1940 Rife had a two-foot high device weighing in at 200 pounds which included some 5,682 parts that enabled Rife to see viruses and bacteria in a way no other scientists had.
Because these organisms were so tiny, Rife designed a method of staining them with light.Through this work, Rife came to understand that all living things, including bacteria and viruses, have their own frequency or oscillation pattern. Just like a specific musical note can shatter a wine glass if sung at the resonant frequency of the glass, it was found frequencies could also be used to destroy pathogens.
As he continued to isolate viruses and bacteria and locate their frequencies for destruction, Rife claimed he discovered the virus responsible for cancer.
Using resonance, or what he termed the “Mortal Oscillatory Rate” of the virus, he killed it. Over and over and over.
Rife completed hundreds of experiments on tumors in rats purposefully infected with this isolated cancer virus before ever using his cancer-killing frequencies on people. In 1934, he tested out his device out on 16 terminally ill cancer patients. Out of 16, all but two of them were considered officially cured in just three months. Of his treatment Rife would later write, “With the frequency instrument treatment, no tissue is destroyed, no pain is felt, no noise is audible, and no sensation is noticed. A tube lights up and 3 minutes later the treatment is completed. The virus or bacteria is destroyed and the body then recovers itself naturally from the toxic effect of the virus or bacteria. Several diseases may be treated simultaneously.”
An LA Times article described the method for the public in June 1940.
One such stooge was Dr. Morris Fishbein, head for a time of the American Medical Association (AMA) and described by Bob Wallace on LewRockwell.com as a “shakedown artist” hellbent on destroying naturopathic medical inventors he couldn’t buy out:
That lawsuit was the beginning of the end of Rife and his machines. Unable to withstand the attacks on his character and life’s work in court, Rife crumbled and turned to alcoholism (despite the fact that he ultimately won his case). The legal costs bankrupted him, and his Beam Ray company went out of business.
Fishbein continued to wield the power of the AMA to halt any further proper scientific investigations into Rife’s claims or his machine. The doctors that had previously supported Rife and his work suddenly fell silent. Arthur Kendall, one of Rife’s partners, suddenly retired to Mexico with a “gift” of a quarter of a million dollars. Other doctors were given large grants and AMA honors to shut their mouths and go back to prescribing pharmaceuticals. Major medical journals, predominantly funded by Big Pharma advertising revenues, refused to publish anyone’s work involving Rife’s theories or his machines.
Rife’s lab was also broken into, and documentation of his work including photographs and even pieces of his microscopes were stolen and vandalized. Then, in what would be too much coincidence for even a Hollywood movie, the multi-million dollar Burnett Lab was torched and destroyed just as its scientists were about to corroborate Rife’s findings.
Rhoads not only prevented Dr. Irene Diller from announcing the discovery of the cancer micro-organism to the New York Academy of Sciences in 1950, but he got Dr. Caspe slapped with a nasty IRS investigation and her laboratory funds canceled after she announced a similar discovery in Rome three years later.
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