Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ The event 2018. A ISS live steam of purple haze and omg, my dream about the raincloud.


Editor’s note:  Synchonicities on this one ~ for a few weeks now, two songs have been predominant in my mind as I awaken:  Purple Haze (for the lyrics “purple haze all in my brain”) and 1999 (for the lyrics “the skies were all purple there were people running everywhere”).  To hear her quote these two lines gave me huge chills.  Before I watched this video, this morning as I was still in bed, doing some quiet inner stuff, I thought of Prince (been thinking of/feeling him a lot lately).  I had this feeling he subconsciously knew of the event wave and put it into the song 1999 as a lyric.  He is observing all of this ~ indeed is a part of it. This is not just about us here in this realm.  This is truly a multi-dimensional experience.  And with these rainbow colors appearing at the ISS, I would say we are now home and are experiencing the beginning of these energies.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  V.


Published on Mar 31, 2018


WSO ~ Amazing Sky Photos End of March, 2018 with RICK NORRIS


Editor’s note:  Love the images and the tune.  Such passionate, raw, truthful words.  Earlier today I played the piano and paused to watch the sun.  I had this sudden desire ~ a first ~ to help break down the matrix grid, given all is frequency.  All I got was note “A” (a tune in “A” – like minor) ~ so I will keep at it.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Published on Mar 30, 2018


MrMBB333 ~ How do you explain this? – More dramatic pulses of aurora – like light fills sky!


editor’s note:  i remember late last year or early this year that right prior to the event wave, we would be seeing beautiful new rainbows in the skies and other pink and purple events.  we noticed on our car today – it was covered in brownish/light reddish dust.  wth?  i ran my finger on part of it and examined it.  it wasn’t pollen – wrong color and consistency.  and it wasn’t just dirt. that only happens after weeks of warmth and dry temps – of which we have had neither. related to this red “mist” perhaps that is being seen now?  hmm…  i am also including some pics i have picked up lately on current sky phenomena.  


Published on Mar 29, 2018


Image may contain: night

two suns in colorado

Image may contain: cloud, sky and outdoor

sourced from here

Image result for 2018 sky phenomena

Southern cali

Image result for 2018 sky phenomena




Yellow Rose for Texas ~ Her Reply to my question on what are the “chompers”


The “chompers” showed up in both her video “a series of shorts” at around the 11 minute mark (surrounding Uranus back in 11/2017) as well as a recent WSO video “don’t eat orange snow” on 3/23/18 which you can see at the 8:40 minute mark. I was so blown away by this – no coincidence – so I asked her what the “chompers” represent/do.  Below is my question and her reply:

Thank you for the update! What are those toothed “chompers”? What is their purpose in our exit? I ask because I saw the exact same object in a steve olson (WSO) video today – showed up on 3/23/18. Earth is now under its influence which says to me get ready. <3
We were entrapped, inside the El’s area. The families outside who are the Allied Forces, shoved a ‘shiv’ into the disk to gain access from which to launch an offensive, to retrieve Earth and the souls captured. These are our Allies, mankinds branch and other races that are allied to retrieve their families inside here as well. They called it the Mob. The El call this place (earth) their Zoo. They dropped anything they caught, inside here. Its rather “Borg” in the El’s area, Saturn Cubes are real, and they are Ra the Elohim’s (greys) who invaded Eden along with others. An is Uranus, Venus is Lilith, etc. I do think that the toothed edges grind the enemy vahs up. We saw a mexican stand off with Jupiter and the Mob. I’ve seen them rebuild vahs in 3 days and enter back into the offense against the allies. Its winding up now, almost finished. You see, no matter what they do, it is still something that cant be stopped or slowed. The division is proceeding. Hi2 cam shows us lined up, off the track. Except for Mars, Azazel, who is among those who are forfeit & stay. They’re not allowed to exit. They get the nova.

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WSO ~ Don’t Eat Orange Snow That Fell in Eastern Europe – Wait…Orange Snow?


UPDATE:  THIS IS HUGE NEWS!!  I had to make some changes.  I had the wrong YRFT video and the wrong year on when the toothed “chompers” surrounded Uranus.  Same image as showing up in Steve’s video surrounding Earth.  Viewing the image from YRFT you will see ~ earth was/is next.  She also made mention of the Easter Egg ~ and uh I haven’t mentioned this yet but a couple of weeks ago I began feeling the exit was due on Easter Sunday.  She says the easter egg is the birth.  My mate got chills when I told him this as he said he too had had the same feeling a few days ago but hadn’t wanted to share.  

Editor’s note:  If you go to the 08:41 mark in Steve’s video, you will see what looks like “chompers” grabbing hold of earth.  The Yellow Rose for Texas, in her “A Series of Shorts” video (you can see it here) captured the same image back in November of 2017 – and this same image was surrounding Uranus.  Go to the 11:47 minute mark to see it.  My feel is this is happening to all of the planets in our system – Earth being the last (watch the video and you will see Earth is indeed next).  It feeels to me Earth has been moved towards these “chompers” and perhaps this is the process (removing energy ties and the like??) for being released as we exit this realm.  Anyway, it was quite an OMG moment of connection for both my mate and I.  No coincidence.  

As far as the orange snow in Europe is iron oxide- measuring at 4x the normal amount – leading some to speculate it’s due to the Nibiru System.  All’s about ready to be fully revealed friends…  The rainbows in the skies and clouds are being seen daily now and they are not chemtrails.  These it is said will appear right before the event.  Or let us call it what it is – the Exit.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]


Published on Mar 25, 2018

Solar flares and the Consciousness Connection


a very insightful, fascinating read!

Are you experiencing sleep disturbances, feeling irritable for no reason, anxious, jittery, having visual distortions or feel immensely drained? If so you may be experiencing the effect of Solar Flares.

(editor’s note:  yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes…lol)

What are Solar Flares and Why are They So Important Towards Awakening?

di-9213-enzThe Earth is composed of a Magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field that encompasses the planet. The magnetic field extends from the Earth’s interior region to where it meets solar wind or a stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun.  “The magnetosphere is the region above the ionosphere and extends several tens of thousands of kilometers into space, protecting the Earth from the charged particles of the solar wind and cosmic rays that would otherwise strip away the upper atmosphere, including the ozone layer that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.” [ref]’s_magnetic_field[/ref] We can imagine the Magnetic field as if it is a spider web that surrounds the earth radiating webs of energy. This is also connected to ley lines on the energy grid of the collective consciousness.

Now the Sun hiccups from time to time or produces what are known as Coronal Mass Ejections(CME) produced from its own Magnetic field. CMEs are enormous bubbles of superheated gas called plasma that are ejected from the sun. Over the course of several hours, one billion tons of material are lifted off the sun’s surface and accelerated to speeds of one million miles per hour. “The plasma itself is a cloud of protons and electrons carried aloft by the solar wind.  Traveling at a million miles per hour, the ejecta can cross the 93 million mile distance to Earth in just a few days.  A jet moving that fast could get you from Los Angeles to New York in 18 seconds.” [ref][/ref]

These geomagnetic storms are often associated with Solar flares because they are powered by the sudden release of magnetic energy stored in the corona of the Sun. A Solar flare is a huge burst of magnetic energy that produces radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths, from radio waves to gamma rays. However most of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visual range and for this reason the majority of the flares are not visible to the naked eye and must be observed with special instruments. Although close to the magnetic poles many individuals are able to witness the Northern Lights or an Aurora which is where the Solar Storm interacts with the upper atmosphere creating beautiful light emissions.  …

…  Some of these effects include:

  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety or feeling anxious about something
  • Jittery
  • Dizzy
  • Irritable
  • Lethargic
  • Exhausted and drained
  • Have short-term memory problems
  • Lack of Focus
  • Heart palpitations
  • Time Dilation or the feeling as if the day slips away very fast
  • Power surges in the body followed by energy drops or abrupt crashes
  • Overly Emotional
  • Feeling nauseous or light-headed
  • Insomnia
  • Light Sensitivity
  • Bizarre Dreams or very vivid dreams
  • Buzzing/Ringing in ears
  • Throat and thyroid issues
  • Visual Disturbances
  • Have prolonged head pressure, sinus disturbances and headaches

Click here to read the article in its entirety.

Energy Update: Solar Wind is Rising Bringing in Geomagnetic Storms For 3 Days


Greetings Light Tribe,

We are experiencing  Geomagnetic Storms for the past 3 days, today being the third day. You may be experiencing sleep issues and vivid dreams with these storms. This is what I am experiencing, as I always experience any, even slight energy changes.  These storms as always, bring in Massive DNA changes so we can fully transform into the Light Body. There are many other factors at work as well as Solar Storms. Do not be in fear of any Solar Storms or anything else that comes our way. These storms may continue for a few days. These storms are bringing in massive insights along with the energy increases we have seen for the last few weeks. 

I did read about the Russian predication of a massive Geomagnetic  Storm on March 18th. Do not worry about this as many predictions of solar storms  can not be counted on. The Universe is in charge, not the HUMAN.

As with any predication be aware, energy changes all the time and timelines are always changing. As a psychic, I am not feeling any danger coming our way, with anything happening in the near future and I am always tuned into any good things happening along with any lower level things taking place. As always Geomagnetic storms help with our evolution and this should always be welcomed.

Remember, stay in the neutral zone, in the moment of NOW not to miss anything. Any future date predictions take away from this.

Be aware of these dates coming up which I will be talking more about in my next article;

  • New Moon March 17
  • Equinox March 20th
  • Full Moon March 31st

I will be writing a longer article this weekend outlining everything that is going on energy wise for us. I will include my last experience of the huge energy that engulfed me while I was writing my last article. I was so taken over by this I could not write about it at the time. I will also include how my experience ties into the increased energy we are feeling and what it all means..  Stay tuned 😉

Stay tuned for more information about Ascension and the Current Energies affecting all of us.

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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

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