Antarctica Meteor Strikes Continue ~ The Number Keeps Increasing ~ Davis Meteor Read


Meteor detection sky map.

Also of note.  I received this image (below) in an e-mail from BPEarthwatch at 5:30pm, Pacific time.  An unusual meteor read he captured ~ something I have captured before a few times this past year.  Definitely NOT a typical meteor read, especially during the non-summer months as outlined on the Live Meteors website.  They’re heeeeeeeeeeeere…

The Sun Today ~ 11/28/17 ~ And Past Events


Ok peeps subscribe to this guy’s channel!  He has his own telescope complete with software and he is capturing live footage of the Sun. AMAZING what he captures (no NASA fake shit).  I would LOVE to have equipment like this.  I would be constantly capturing things and sharing! He captures crafts going in and out of the Sun.  She (sun) is not what we think it is.  She’s a portal.


The Sun Today On November 28th 2017 And Past Events

Published on Nov 28, 2017



Late Night Captures ~ Another Sun Setting at 1:00am?! Whaaaaaat?!


UPDATE:  I believe what I saw last night was the moon setting.  Drat!  A bit disappointing.  However that object off to the left of Orion’s Belt is indeed something worth exploring!

Oooh drat it all ~ I wish i had a night vision camera!  My mate and I went outside about 10 minutes to 1am (PST) to check out Orion’s Belt.  On a recent “Q” post there was reference to go check out the bright object below it and prepare to possibly hear one of those “booms”.  Sure enough, there is indeed a very bright colored “object” off to the lower left.  So I took a picture.  Then I looked west and O M G – there was another sun-like object setting.  So I began taking pictures and well below is the result (the best of). The best my little Canon digi camera will do.  I hopped in the car and began driving west to see if I could get a better shot, but it faded quite quickly and I was unable to get any further shots.

NOW I am off to bed.  zzzzzzzzzz

Interesting bright “object” to the lower left of Orion’s Belt.

Looking due west – you can (barely) see light among a few strands of clouds. Directly below it, for just a few seconds, I saw the tip of what looked like another sun setting.  NEVER seen anything like that before!

August Piccard ~ Popular Science August 1931: “It appeared as a disc with upturned edges”

(scroll to page 23 to read his team’s observation at 9 miles up)

I will say this ~ I put more faith into a man who built his own flying craft, traveled upwards of 70,000 + feet AND was not paid nor controlled by any government affiliate/agency.


Massive UFO Lands ~ Mt. Adams, Washington


Yes – you read that correctly – LANDS (before winking out).  WOW!  Check out this footage!  The footage was taken 13 miles away so this craft is HUGE.  Thank you to Deborah for passing this one along to me.  


Massive UFO Landed Mount Adams

Published on Nov 25, 2017

Judith Kusel ~ Within 48 Hours The Sungate To Sirius Opens After Millions of Years


This one resonated so much with me…


Judith Kusel 

17 hrsSandown, South Africa

Within the next 48 hours, into the December the massive Sungate to Sirius opens up, which links us directly after millions of years, with the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

Sirius holds the galactic keys and codes of Enlightenment, and therefore also all the esoteric and mystical inner and hidden knowledge for the highest states of Illumination. Indeed, the highest knowledge is contained within vast superconscious quantum energy fields, in which vast banks of knowledge are stored.

Sirius itself is known as the “Light-bearer – the Sun of Sun” and therefore is that which has always held the higher hidden knowledge, as well as the Mysterium itself. It is no accident that Sirius holds the galactic Federation Head Quarters, as well as the Higher Temples of the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Being. 

The headquarters of the Brother-and Sisterhood of the White Flame is held in Sirius, as well as that of the Brother-and Sisterhood of the Sacred Grail. It holds the Central Hidden Esoteric Knowledge of the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Being, thus all that pertains cosmically to the highest states of Equilibrium and Illumination.

It is no accident that Osiris-Ra-A-Hu-A-Ra and Aysis-Ra-A-Hu-A-Ra ruled as consorts during the Lion Kingdom (which by the way is millions years older than Atlantis, Lemuria, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece and all other so-called civilizations on earth). (RA-A-HU-A-RA is the name of the 7th Central Sun and was remembered as Ra, in Ancient Egypt.) 

They came from Sirius, and they hold the keys and codes of the All-Knowledge for humankind. They brought the inner secret teachings directly from Sirius, and they still hold this within their souls. This knowledge was sealed off deliberately when the Lion Kingdom fell, when the twin sons of Osiris and Aysis, created a civil war and therefore more or less destroyed the kingdom.

Aysis, as she saw her two sons fighting, involved in a war onto death, then took the hidden All-Seeing Knowledge of the Feminine, and hid this carefully in sealed-off places in the planetary knowledge systems. This then sealed off the Goddess knowledge, which is the hidden Mysterium – which means the inner secret and hidden knowledge of the Mysteries of Mysteries.
With the Stargate opening up, it is returning the SUN BRIDGE, as it links through Sirius, the 7th Central Sun, directly to the planet as well as the Milky Way Galaxy. 

For the first time in millions of earth years, the Fires of Illumination will expand of the consciousness of humankind 777 times.

The old earth is no more.
The new has risen – the SUN of Enlightenment.
(Judith Kusel)

Meteor Hits in Antarctica ~ OFF THE CHARTS!


Something told me to check the Davis Meteor Radar and so I did.  Over 11,000 ~ absolutely unheard of.  Highest read I have seen. Not that I follow, but I saw Cobra has a piece out today titled “The Battle for Antarctica”. Coincidence?

Sourced from here.


Meteor detection sky map.

Solar Wind Stream ~ And Wow The Energy Feels DENSE


I don’t much understand these charts.  I know when the colorful lines spike, we have some strong energies floating around.  The orange line indicates density.  Interesting as I awoke this morning and leaned on the counter in the kitchen and announced to my mate “wow the energy feels dense today”. Very heavy thick syrupy.  Getting on a social media page one of the posts comes up and says “the energies on the east coast are very dense today!”  I’m on the west coast, but such energies are planetary, imho.  The orange line may indicate a different kind of “density” but since it’s showing continuous spikes and I and others are feeling “denseness” around, I’m sticking w/my theory. lol



Universal Law and Ascension ~ The Fall of the Elite


I really like this woman ~ her energy, her approach, her authenticity…


Universal Law and Ascension, Fall of the Elite – James Gilliland

Published on Nov 6, 2017