Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | June 2, 2017
I was emailed an amazing sharing that was put out by our beloved Ken Carey [author of The Starseed Transmissions, Return of the Bird Tribes and more,] yesterday. It really breaks my heart that he is no longer on this planet with us. He went back Home in January this year and is no doubt, much more hands on in this transition than ever before. But, for a man I only knew thru his writings, I do miss his physical presence here on earth. I am truly grateful for the article that was shared by a wonderful soul, thru email. Altho I LOVE the entire article, his (Ken’s) experiences that he shares, it is the conclusion of the article I want to highlight before sharing the whole thing with everyone. What I share from this amazing output of light and wisdom from Ken, I will place in italics. Tho, I am sure it will be obvious what he wrote compared to what I share! lol
And distraction is what it’s all about, you know—the worrisome scenarios of the “Doomsday Preppers,” fears of a global financial collapse, periods of time without mass communication, inoperable military satellites that will (along with the absence of field communication) bring wars to a standstill. Not all of these things will occur of course, but those that do will do so merely to distract people while God’s real work is taking place. For God to restore the Sacred Reality, simple fairness needs to rule resource distribution among humans, and the other species who along with us inhabit this world. Those among the super rich who are standing in the way will be stripped of all earthly influence.
Distraction!! Why does my mind instantly go to Trump. I cannot even bring myself to pay attention to what he is doing and the world (powers that be) reactions to this man boy. He is truly irrelevant to me, to us. “…will do so merely to distract people while God’s real work is taking place.”
The time we are living in now is all about the how. But let’s not jump the gun. Soon, with God looking through our eyes, it will all become obvious. Even now, the Great Being Behind all Being is actively seeking our advice on many of the transition’s details. As cells in the awakening body of God, we have a responsibility here as well.
Keeping in mind, he published this article Sept 29th, 2012. I remember the readings vividly as we crossed major timelines/choice points as we left 2012 behind and embarked on 2013. Not everyone jumped with us. Which can be very confusing for the mind, since it appears all the players came with us.

Parallel earths, just by the name makes us think of separate realities somewhere other than here. Lets look at the soap-bubble cluster and rethink parallel realities. There are all here, co-mingling together. We can, at will and desire, enter and exis
We can, at will, desire and focus (intentional or unintentional) enter and exit these parallel realities at any time. If you remember my time line shifting experience from June of last year, when I was seeking a reality where my mother loved me and welcomed me back into her world, we simply moved from one soap bubble reality into another. With it, changed the entire course of my life. Jumping realities is like that!!
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