Another awesome video by Jordan.
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
Editor’s note: Just as we have experienced here along the west coast.
Current read as of 12:24am, PST.
Editor’s note: Another outstanding video by this young man. Some good insight to consider regarding where we are and where we (definitely our sun) is going.
As out there as I go at times, by nature I am a very skeptical person. While I can let myself get carried away at times with fantastical ideas and visions, there is a solid voice within me that pulls me back and says “not until you can prove this, my dear.”
I have a variety of rocks and crystals throughout the house. I wear particular stones and pendants for protection and the like. However, I can say I have never physically “felt” anything in my body emanating from the stones/rocks I have. Not that they don’t have their own energy, properties and uses. I believe they do.
Then I ordered a Moldavite stone (which is actually a Tektite, which comes about when earthly/terrestrial rocks melt with high velocity meteorites and the like of extraterrestrial origin. A nice little marriage).
It arrived today.
One word: Wow!
Now two: Holy SHIT!
Converted from km/sec. Kapow! Current read via
Solar wind
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