Category: Space
Young Man Exposes NASA At City Council Meeting
Huge Wave Anomaly Sending Frequency Out Of Antartica
Editor’s note: Any guesses? Galactic’s sending out frequency patterns to clean up the radiation in the Pacific? We know there has been a lot of activity in the Antarctic ~ buried tech and ancient artifacts coming to surface as the ice shelf melts.
Huge Wave Anomaly Coming from Near Mystery Base and Pyramids in Antarctica
Subliminal Messages About The Firmament/Dome in Movies and Television Programs
Editor’s note: I have seen a lot of vehement attacks from those who follow the heliocentric models, which has perplexed me. We’re all searching for the Truth and as such, NONE of us know for sure where we are. And as truth-seekers, we can also all agree that the system has lied to us about everything else – why NOT the shape of our planet much less its location.
Subliminal Messages about the Firmament/Dome in Movies and TV Programs [Flat Earth]
More Insight Into Where We Are ~ The Firmament Dome
Helloooo, Nibiru
Editor’s note: Or Planet X. Or whatever this Celestial Object is. Check out the 2:36 mark especially. I first heard from Simon Atkins, PhD in the fall of 2015 that Nibiru was an inner-dimensional object. This video seems to back up that theory along w/the fact that her sightings have been and continue to be random. The SIZE of this object – compared to Gaia. Wow! Just Wow!
STEREO History Lessons – Learning a lot is Going on
Eric Raines ~ Energy Update March 27, 2017: The False Light Matrix Has Been Destroyed
Editor’s note: Such a beautiful, spot-on piece on the false light matrix. Completely resonate w/this one.
A very interesting development took place today around 12PM Pacific time. A massive false light matrix was extricated from the planetary surface, with connections to the moon, as well as Saturn being dissolved.
This false light matrix has been masquerading as benevolent ET/spiritual contact for millennia and is as old as the Soul Trap technology recycling the surface population back into incarnation after incarnation. The Earth’s moon is a natural satellite brought here from elsewhere, Technology was placed inside of the moon both physically and etherically, and the orbit was locked into a non rotating Lagrange point, locking the energy of the manipulated satellite into the Earth’s etheric and gravemetric/magnetic fields.
Once locked in place, an artificial vortex was induced, siphoning everything in the astral with the resonance of Source into this vast reincarnation machine. The result was if anyone on the surface of the planet died, their soul would not be able to escape this energetic vortex’s “gravity” and they would be pulled into controlled lower layers of the astral, where preconditioned religious beliefs would dictate into which simulation they were placed in.
After a period of rest, the persons “guides” would inform them that they have more lessons to learn, deeds undone and more things to accomplish planet-side, and the soul will blindly step into another incarnation. The only problem being that they are zapped with an extremely strong etheric, nuclear, and electric blast before they incarnate, thus forgetting everything they learned before stepping into the human experience again.
Once in amnesia, the Matrix programming creates more than enough trauma to slip the etheric implantation systems into the body, and the cycle of feeding begins anew until the person dies, reincarnates, is fed upon, dies, reincarnates, etc….
Here is the major difference today. With the removal of this false light matrix, the vortex is no longer operating. Let me repeat this. THE VORTEX IS NO LONGER OPERATING. People are dying every second around the planet, and instead of being pulled into this tunnel, they are finding the highest, cleanest levels of the astral and are receiving true healing. They are coming back in already.
The children that will be born from here on out are going to change the face of this planet energetically. This is a line in the sand. The dark is slipping faster than they ever have before, and now….now they cannot replenish the ranks of their “food”. We can come back in remembering much more, if not everything.
This does not even encompass what is happening with Saturn right now. Saturn is how the dark has locked us inside of time. Saturn is the loop in the endless flow of now. Saturn is how we even experience time like we do, instead of multi-dimensionally.
The machinery is still working, but the major timeline incursion abilities are no longer functional. The dark can no longer reach back into time and remove threats as they pop up in the now.
No longer will the next person to wake up and shatter the Matrix around them be eliminated by going and killing their parents 20 years before they were born. No longer will someone manifest their perfect reality, only to wake up completely disoriented from an incredibly vivid dream that they felt they were in for years. No longer will someone download how to develop a free energy device, only to have all of their work stolen seemingly from nowhere, with no clues or hints given to the world outside on what they were developing.
Channelers around the world are going to connect into their “guide” and find nothing, or actually find the entity they connected to begin with before being hijacked.
Men, women, and children across the planet are stepping into their divine right of freedom and personal sovereignty, but we still do not have enough. These developments are amazing, and they are nice to hear what is going on, but we do not have enough of the surface population turning on the light.
We came here to do this job. We came here completely blind, ignorant, and weak to remember the light, find it in ourselves, and spread it to the world around us.
YOU are part of this shift! When was the last time you sat in stillness and connected into you? When was the last time you stretched your body, letting it know through words and feelings, that you truly love and appreciate it for carrying you through this reality? When was the last time you turned off the phone, closed the computer, and sat in stillness with just your thoughts? When was the last time you had a question, and immediately thought about, “What does this person think about this?” without going into the stillness within and asking the most important question? “How do I feel about this?” When was the last time you trusted yourself?
The shift is coming. We ARE the shift. Go inside. Find the light. Turn it on and spread it out to the world. Shine through yourself, filling your body with pure golden waves of love. See humanity for what it is, not what it appears to be. It is coming, there is no getting away from this shift. Lets bring it on as fast and as powerfully as possible.
The lines are stretching. The inner circles of this esoteric information are growing. People “asleep” at the wheel are finding this information and the sleepers are beginning to awaken.
Your job is to be a beacon so they can find you.
In love,
Sourced from here.
3/26/2017: James Gilliland Newsletter ~ The Liberation of Planet Earth
Oh so beautiful, poignant, truthful words. ♥♥♥
The Liberation of Planet Earthby James GillilandMarch 26, 2017 As many are feeling the impact of what is happening in their daily lives, very few know the source. It is like the world has gone mad yet the world has always been mad. People are now becoming more aware of it. The rabbit hole is a place few dare to venture, and the deeper one goes they have two choices: total denial and stay with the status quo or brutal honesty; which also means they have been willing participants in a very sick and twisted world, some knowingly, some unknowingly. |
Almost everything the societal engineers and programmers have told you is wrong. Your history you have been taught is wrong. Your religions have failed miserably to bring inner and world peace as well as a closer connection to God. This includes many new age philosophies – which have also been usurped and compromised. Your politicians have become self serving and failed to protect your basic human rights, help the planet evolve and live in harmony with each other and the Earth. The schools have failed to educate the children concerning their divine heritage, moral values, higher ideals, cooperation verses competition, and critical innovative thinking. The science in most schools is for the better part barbaric; some teaching Darwinism – random mutation totally unsupported in the fossil record. Others are teaching a singular God with a beard created the heavens and the Earth in 6 days. “Of course the Earth is 6000 years old”, rather than the 7.5 billion with extremely advanced civilizations going back more the 600 million years. We have not evolved much beyond the be lie f it is flat. By the way, I have flown around the Earth, never saw an edge? “The chain of succession” mainstream archaeologists and scientists would like us to swallow is there has been a progressive evolution from Apes to modern man. This is despite the fact that ancient builder races built stone monuments that cannot be duplicated to this day by modern methods. They are built upon leylines; which in many cases have even older ruins beneath them. Let’s not mention the star gates and wormholes left behind – that’s “conspiracy stuff” certain agencies don’t want us talking about. Most doctors have become businessmen and drug pushers: ignoring many of the cures for most diseases, altogether ignoring preventative measures and dietary options. Food should be your medicine and what has happened to the food industry? This is all by design. It is all interconnected and governed by an ancient force that has suppressed, “genocided”, and enslaved humanity even longer than your recorded history. When you climb the ladder of power, position and wealth in “every” institution it gets darker and more corrupt – leading into unseen negative entities, energies and forces most would find unimaginable. There is a Great War, transdimensional in nature, occurring as we speak. Most are just seeing the physical, social and economic aspects of it. When you understand the vibrational continuum, you will understand the participants in this Great War. Everything begins in consciousness then lowered into light, followed by energy and eventually becoming mass. There are different dimensions and each dimension holds a frequency. The highest frequencies are Pure Unconditional Love, Joy and Bliss.Characteristics like service to others, practicing kindness and love, operating in alignment with Universal Law; which basically are adhering to principles necessary for a healthy civilization and environment. Principles like Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, individual Freedom and Prosperity for All are all within Universal Law. These higher planes of existence that adhere to Universal Law are pressing hard upon the Earth. Everything of a lower frequency must rise and heal, be released or implode, transform or collapse. This is the simplistic view of what is unfolding yet it is much more complicated. |
Until this point, the Earth has been governed by the controllers, some call enslavers. They have created a grid partially with technology and also with societal programming what many call social consciousness. If you are not part of social consciousness you will be punished, ostracized or even killed in extreme cases. Societal programming is done by the media and religious, political and business institutions. They are governed at the highest level by unseen negative influences often referred to as “the controllers”. The controllers can be demonic, degenerate aliens and fallen ones obsessed with power over others. In the lower levels it is those who lust for power, wealth, fame some of whom have sold their souls to get it. This falls into the Satan worshiping, blood sacrifice rituals, pedophiles etc.; which are now being exposed and finally dealt with. This consciousness is not frequency specific to the awakening and healing process now underway. Thus their days are numbered which is creating much of the chaos the planet is now experiencing. The swamp will be drained – yet do not be so naïve to think there is just one level other than the physical to deal with. We are all living in the swamp to one degree or another and with brutal honesty we have to look at how deeply we are submerged. Most resist change and fear the unknown. This is something we are all going to have to let go of. We need to make the unknown known and learn to flow with the changes. Now considering the fact that almost all institutions have failed miserably why continue with them? ▪ The religions have failed miserably to bring Universal Peace and a closer connection to God. In fact they have in most cases been used to demonize others and promote war. There is a corporate elite who’s lust for power and wealth is insatiable – making windfall profits at the expense of humanity and the Earth. They are the puppets of unseen negative entities that care nothing for humanity and the Earth – in fact many feed off the pain and misery. Inhuman acts are done by non humans or humans in most cases programmed by or under the influence of non humans. These nonhumans and their puppets are the source for all the pain, suffering, and destruction of Earth. They are at war with the Creator and all Creation. The Creator is omnipresent within all Creation. So the 60 million dollar question is – are you human? Are you walking your talk with impeccable integrity? How deeply entrenched in the swamp are you? How much of the societal programming have you accepted to be your reality? Do you even know there is a swamp? Does a fish know its in water if that is all it has known? Does it ever get thirsty? If the fish was in kool-aide how much of the kool-aide can it drink before it becomes deadly? How do you feel about those living above the swamp? How do you feel about the boat rockers, the swamp drainers? How about the pioneers, free thinkers, whistle blowers those that rock your boat and your comfort zones? Those that know a higher path – one that is sustainable unlike the course we are presently on? Did you know there are those on high that view the Earth as a failed experiment and want to wipe the slate clean and start over as has happened in the past? There are also those who are trying arduously to defend this civilization; which is almost indefensible. Especially when it comes to adhering to Universal Law.The puppet masters and the elite have been given an ultimatum: Either shift the power back to the people, stop the enslavement through dependency, the gross uneven dispersal of wealth, the wars and destruction of the environment or a reset will occur. You will loose everything and there will be no place to hide. The ultimatum included their underground bases, going into space and colonies on other planets. Now that ultimatum is being enforced. The psychopaths even at their own demise refused. Most of their underground bases have been destroyed. Their ships were also sent back limping to the planet. Their allies, the negative ETs have also been for the most part eliminated. Their grid – draconian in nature and supported by technology and social programming – is being dismantled. Not all at once: most people could not handle the shock. This is the chaos now and the chaos to come. The individual and collective impact will be directly related to the choices and actions taken individually and collectively. The 5th dimension is here, all that which does not resonate with it and is not frequency specific will not continue on the Earth because the Earth has chosen to ascend. You cannot pass the barrier into the 5th dimension unless you have an open mind, loving heart and pure intent. This is also the prerequisite for contact with the Spiritually and Technologically advanced Off Worlders, Ascended Masters and those advanced beings within the Inner Earth. |
The intellect is a drop in the sea of consciousness. The emotional body and spiritual bodies are far superior. Those trapped in the intellect will not far well in this transition. Nature does not care about your be lie fs. Will they feed you, clothe you, keep you warm? Love is not in the intellect. Neither will one find God through the intellect or happiness. Material objects do not possess emotions. If you attach your emotions to material objects what happens when they fade or leave as they always eventually do. What happens when that shinny new car you attached your self worth to gets smashed or stolen? What happens when the people you attached your love joy and happiness to leave you? What if through the heart you could make your own personal connection with God, Great Spirit, Creator? What if you become love, joy, find total acceptance and appreciation within? What would happen to seeking, leaking your energy like a battery, how self empowering would that be – to go within and find yourself? The true self – not the social programmed self. You would be free, you will look around you and ask do I really need all this stuff? Do I want to surround myself with what now feel to be zombies? Do I really want to be part of this herd and is this herd sustainable? Am I frequency specific to my surroundings or do I need to make a change? Am I being supported and fed spiritually? Then, sadly, most will wake up in the morning, go to their cubicles and fall right back into the herd of zombie consumers. Yet some will not. Those are the ones we are looking for. |
Be Well, You have my permission to send this far and wide. |