Recent captures on the LASKO


today’s read, at the end, we have 2 hours of missing data.  see that round object on the bottom left corner?  it’s been there for a few days – heading to the right.  no clue.  and you will see a sideways V-shape  (a Chevron craft) object on the left as well as some sort of a craft on the right.  the first image was later removed but i caught it.  looks like a massive laser scanning the realm doesn’t it?  a lot of activity…

Another capture on LASCO C3 – two objects continue to be seen


i continue to monitor this…..

Published on May 15, 2019

I have contacted Yellow Rose for Texas to see her take on what we are seeing. My feel is this may be earth on the right – getting ready to portal out via the sun (as she has spoken of and others as well). I find the flashing “lines” going through this object fascinating – almost as though something is pulling the object along. Whatever “it” is – it’s on a direct course for the sun.


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Blue Koolaid Oh Ya ~ Trump signs EMP order, Lens in front of Sun, Huge object in night sky?


editor victoria’s comment ~ in this video Blue shows us the sudden appearance of a grid pattern in the skies as captured on satellites….seems to have just appeared this year…… brings me back to a dream i had early this year (interestingly enough) where i was “allowed” to see a murky/watery-like “field” in the sky…the feel was i was looking at the dome….that field disappeared revealing what looked like a fishing net – grid pattern – which identically matches what is shown in this video below…..i know what i know and i feel what i feel and both align……and that continues to be we got trapped here and are getting out. PERIOD.  all other theories are distractions – meant to keep us focused on feeling things such as we aren’t doing enough, aren’t good enough yet, blah blah blah…nonsense….multi-dimensional cleaning up equates to Freedom returned to ALL….


Published on Mar 29, 2019

Staggering discovery reveals moon lies INSIDE Earth’s atmosphere


editor victoria’s comment ~ not a real moon.  you would think if we really did “go” to the moon, they would have known this back in the 60’s, right? discovered between 1996 and 1998 yet no release – instead it was just sitting in archives?  lol really now…..perhaps this is disclosure.  considering the source (NASA/SOHO) who knows…we’ve been moved around….maps are now different…..just interesting given the timing of this release…


Published time: 21 Feb, 2019 15:29

The Earth’s atmosphere is much bigger than previously thought, extending far beyond the Moon, a team of scientists have revealed. The amazing discovery was made thanks to data that has been sitting unexamined for over 20 years.

We now know that the atmosphere surrounding our planet stretches 630,000km (391,464 miles) away and is 50 times the diameter of Earth, thanks to the discovery and analysis of decades-old data by scientists at Russia’s Space Research Institute.

It means that the Moon is part of our atmosphere and not outside of it. In fact, it’s actually located right in the middle of our atmosphere, at an average distance of 384,400 kilometres (238,855 miles) from Earth.

“The Moon flies through Earth’s atmosphere,”explained study author physicist Igor Baliukin of Russia’s Space Research Institute.

The jaw-dropping data was collected by the NASA/European Space Agency Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) between 1996 and 1998 and had been gathering dust in an archive since then.


Wind Speeds at Extreme Highs


editor victoria’s comment:  below this piece is the current read of the magneto, plasma and electrons and protons….


February 1, 2019. Wind speeds surrounding Earth’s magnetic field broke 1000 km/s again at 1206 km/s for approximately 16 minutes on 2/1/2019 at 00:39:05 UTC after more extreme turbulence in Earth’s magnetotail that began 3 1/2 hours earlier.

Yesterday they reached into the 900’s and 700’s the day prior with some relative calm the day before.

But, we can add today to the string of 25 days of breaking 1000 km/s since January 5th

Solar winds only reached 550 km/s. Earth’s magnetospause continues to buckle from the extreme pressure.

A researcher recently published a video, “Earth Turns Into A Comet,” where he puts forth the theory that these high speed wind events within Earth’s magnetosphere is the Earth expelling a build up energy into its tail-stream, the magnetotail.

I’ve been watching these daily events for almost a month now and what I am seeing would suggest that.

He connected the Sun’s recent flashing that began four months ago with the Earth’s recent daily expulsion of energy that began almost a month ago. These I believe are both connected by the increase of strength in their electromagnetic connection to and an overload of a range of highly charged radioactive particles from Nemesis, the Sun’s binary twin, a highly magnetic brown dwarf star that exists in the infrared light spectrum.

The Earth’s sudden and violent expulsion of a build of energy would explain the recent transformer explosions in New York, Louisiana, Tennessee, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela along with the power grid going down to millions of people in Central America 13 days ago.

And the report two weeks ago that the magnetic north pole shift is occurring faster than expected prompting an update to the world navigation systems a year earlier than expected points to an ever nearing proximity of this dark star. The planet is suffering a multitude of signs of this fact.

The atmospheric compression that is taking place is distorting the Earth’s jet streams. This is why we are seeing the unprecedented extreme and bizarre weather all over the world. This is coming from space. Space weather is what dictates Earth weather.

One question that remains is why is this happening on a daily 24 hour cycle? One theory that could be a possibility is that the planet has undergone an inner transformation within its core where the Earth is most easily able to release the bulk of this energy into its magnetotail during its daily axial realignment with this newly formed area.

But, what’s happening is global. It’s coming off the whole entire planet hundreds of thousands of miles into space. From top to bottom. What’s happening is huge.

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