Breaking News – Trump Announces Creation Of Space Force As The 6th Branch Of Arm Forces


editor’s note:  just as i began listening to this a social media friend sends me some links on time travel and POTUS/barron then speaks of DJT’s announcement today of a space force.  cool synchronicity.  i had a HUGE deja vu as we spoke too. time is feeling so malleable lately.  anyway – take a listen to this one if you haven’t already.  there are some good tidbits/hints/drops.  “forbidden skies” being one.  i have a feel he KNOWS we have been trapped in this realm and who has created the trap(s).  up next: healing tech and free energy tech.


Published on Jun 18, 2018

President Trump directs Defense Department to ‘immediately begin the process’ of establishing ‘space force’ as sixth military branch


cue close encounter’s of the 3rd kind theme…i also ponder – what space? just inner space, right because if it is truly “outer” space we will need that good inner dimensional wormhole traveling kind to get outta this realm. maybe make enough for several billion good souls so we can get outta here and the sheeple along w/their slave master’s they continue to support can stay here……of course the obvious answer is they already have such a fleet and craft.  


  • President Trump is directing the Pentagon to create “a space force” as the sixth military branch.
  • The president first floated the idea in March as a part of his national security strategy.
  • The White House, the Air Force and Secretary of Defense James Mattis disapproved of creating a sixth branch of the military last year.

President Donald Trump displays his signature after signing a national space policy directive during a meeting of the National Space Council in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., June 18, 2018.

Trump to DOD: ‘Immediately begin’ process of establishing ‘space force’ as sixth military branch  

President Donald Trump declared Monday he will move to make a new branch of the military focused solely on space.

“I am hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces,” Trump said during a meeting of the National Space Council.

“Our destiny beyond the Earth is not only a matter of national identity but a matter of national security,” Trump said.

“Our Policy Board will begin working on this issue, which has implications for intelligence operations for the Air Force, Army, Marines and Navy,” Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said in a statement. “Working with Congress, this will be a deliberate process with a great deal of input from multiple stakeholders.”

Continue reading here.


Some Thoughts of What is Going on With Our Magnetosphere


editor’s note:  i just read this on a social media page and knew to share.  for several days i have been wanting to know what is going on with the magnetosphere.  the images being captured are amazing.  time to start taking my tachyon water again….  i hope these words resonate with you…


Pamela Johnson Amanda, this is our AMazing Miracle. Neither the Schumann or solar activity are anywhere close to the energy WE ARE feeling today. I have to say, my guidance was pretty insistent that I focus on researching Tachyons BEcause that is what I BElieve WE ARE seeing infiltrate our Magnetosphere since the BEginning of June. And it has reached our Poles. I only saw this once BEfore in 2013 and that might have been an aborted ascension attempt. I will use the graphs from last night so you can clearly see what I AM talking about. It is the Violet spectrum of low density atoms that I BElieve are Tachyons. I am really no expert by any stretch of the imagination. I just have studied spaceweather for two decades and this is the most scientific/spiritual explanation for what WE ARE experiencing. They say Tachyons cause quantum healing to the body and increase psychic abilities. All of the same affects WE’ve been told the ‘Event’ are supposed to have on us. And it is happening. WE feel it! Remember, Earth is the white dot inside the black circle to the far right. I posted several research papers on my page, under a similar graph a couple of days ago.

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Pamela Johnson Amanda, this is the graph of just the Earth. Note all the Violet surrounding our planet @ 2am this morning. Tachyons are ‘theorized’ to be subatomic particles faster than the speed of Light and they go straight through everything. You could be in a bomb shelter and still get Tachyonized!

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Magnetopause Wackiness


editor’s note:  thank you david for tagging me in these images/videos.  some fascinating captures!  (the magnetopause is the boundary between our realm’s magnetic field and the solar wind.)


Posted by Laura Wells on Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Posted by Laura Wells on Wednesday, June 6, 2018

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Sourced from here.