Sophia Love ~ A Conversation w/One ~ 5/16/18


May 16, 2018

Is there someone who is available to connect?

It is I. It is One. Hello, Sophia.

Hello. Thank you for coming forward.

Yes, there are things to say. These things may help to inform some, to enlighten some. These things concern global gatherings on your planet. These gatherings do not directly include you, yet they concern you, or rather, impact you and the lives of your loved ones as well.

I don’t know what you mean.

I realize this, so I will be more forthcoming. These gatherings are focused on money, on criminal trespass, on deceit and on disclosure of all of that – to the remainder of humanity. The depth and breadth of the corruption is so much vaster than even your loudest pundits speak of.

These crimes against your sacred race have reached so far back into your beginning that their origin will only be discovered many generations beyond your current one.

The gatherings I refer to are of those ancient beings who are fully aware of the original seed and purpose of corruption. They meet now to help orchestrate its final days.

Many great and powerful masters are incarnate now on your earth as regular folk, military personnel, news reporters and government employees. They often work behind the scenes and even while seeming to be asleep – to manipulate events into a peaceful, abundant and compassionate conclusion.

To focus on the daily headlines and then react is a bit like reacting to shadows.

These headlines are not where all the action is taking place and there is no force there.

The players are gathering daily to see the outcome intended. It is happening. It is no longer a statement of “It will happen”. It is a declaration, an awareness of its immediate occurrence.

The birds are suddenly very vocal!

Yes, the energy is felt by them as well.

Truth is truth. The end has arrived.

Realize that as you play out your life in this dimension, you are fulfilling a long-held wish.

Each of you desired to show yourselves just precisely who you are. This is seen in your life. All of it can be changed.

The voice is particularly powerful in the process and here is included the written word. Pay close attention to what you say and what you write. For you are, with each utterance, creating your day.

Please be specific here.

Yes. It is such an emotionally seductive habit of the human. To give voice to what you imagine to be unfair or uncomfortable or even bad. What has not been ever completely clear is what power is held in that vocalization.

This is the power of creation itself.

First, there is the Word.

To state, more than once, and out of misplaced desire, words such as “I AM ______ sick, in pain, needy, sad, broke, etc. will not result in any permanent resolution to those things. Quite the opposite. These declarations are powerful creative statements and once repeated, particularly with emotion, (even in caricature form), serve only to perpetuate them.

This, dear Sophia, is the last hurdle of the human. Your (empirical) ego is strong and it has learned well how to identify and declare itself so that it gets noticed.

The mis-step here is when these statements move beyond mere noticing and into belief.

In actuality, the human has been taught to accept these shadow versions of himself and herself as truth. They are not.

What must be done now is deep introspection and self-nourishing love. Yes, this life you live now has been purposely manipulated to get you to this point, and to get others to a host of their own conclusions.

The conclusion for you is self-expressed and then realized. It comes in every breath and each expression you fill with your essence.

It was not meant to be easy. You knew this when you arrived. The longest lasting effects are gradually absorbed and assimilated. There is no other place to do this quite like earth in this moment now.

So, to summarize then. Be patient with each other. Many of you are living more than one life – all part of this evolution and ascension process. Realize that by the time its made visible to you, that it’s a shadow. The actual effect happened elsewhere. So, to argue with or complain about a shadow is nonsensical and ineffective. Look fearlessly within, for the real work is being done there.

Do not misunderstand and feel that you own life has nothing to do with what happens now in your headlines. The personal is global. It is the separation of these that has been the illusion.

Rapid alterations occur right now. Seek your answers in your individual lives.

This is the message for now.

Thank you.

Goodbye Sophia. I will reach out again quickly.


ENERGY UPDATE! Super high energy coming in NOW


editor’s note:  i agree w/her assessment that this was an intense energy day. aside from my experience w/the system earlier today, overall i did have a good energy today.  the usual activity plus went to the park then took a bike ride.  also noticing things are very vibrant right now – like a glow to things.  and the skies have looked quite beautiful too.  last night as i lay in bed, i felt a huge energy “whoosh” go through me and i vibrated quite intensely.  i allowed it to go through me and put myself in the new earth dimension visually.  doing that i felt that pulling sensation again off to my left – and i could feel the energy pulling on my entire vessel.  again, i allowed it to happen – no fear this time.  today’s experience w/the system was just another reminder that no matter what the situation, if it doesn’t resonate or align with who i am, i am to detach and let it go.  i still feel the pain for my girl.  i know what she needs and what we wish to give her.  just very ready for the manifestation part…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Published on May 15, 2018

Ascension, The Event, Contact, New Earth Update – May 13th, 2018


editor’s note:  a new find.  some interesting tidbits.  with all of the conflicting info on the galactics i am in full discernment mode when it comes to connecting w/beings outside of this dimension.  open of course but certainly not going to hand over my trust.  one step at a time.  i do like the “days away” call…  

Published on May 13, 2018

Amanda Lorence ~ Wayshower Message for 5/10/18


Amanda Lorence
16 mins


Commencing in earnest last Friday 11 May, there is now a significant number of human beings on the planet experiencing the FINAL process of MERGE. Whilst on the ascension path we are able to tap into our Higher Self, akin to flicking a switch, at will. But the current process of Higher Self MERGE is the merge of our own higher essence into the physical vessel. Upon completion of this process, the human identifies as Self. There is no Higher Self anymore because the separation of Higher Consciousness and lower consciousness is no longer perceived as two states. The MERGE is Two becomes One. What felt like separated, becomes a union. There is simply “Self”. The Self, is I (I as in the letter i not the number ‘One’).

This MERGE is a process. Because much data shifts in, further understandings, new awareness. It’s physical, mental, emotional, energetic, esoteric. It could not occur instantaneously for it would blow the lower mind. Hence, some are in this process NOW. Their process, unification, their energetic coding, then triggers others, it’s a dominoe effect, for more light workers to start said MERGE process at their own ready point (as per their frequency). It ricochets out, like the ripple effect, only energetic.

Those in process…you merge your higher to lower, Masculine to Feminine, etherical to physical. It’s a divine ‘Marriage’. The marriage spoken of in scripture. One human at a time, based on their frequency.

The Soul, your Soul…was always ONE. It has never been split in two. We, experiencing being and thinking human, at a lowered level of consciousness, agreed to ‘not know’, experience as a consciousness experiencing the programme of separation. Thus, as that consciousness, experiencing a physical body, we have been taught, heard, read, that the Soul is split into two. That is lower conscious perception within the field of separation behind the veil. It was never split. It was always ALWAYS ONE (even that goes further, another post perhaps). So we experienced a perceived separation. An idea and belief we were separate to the other half of us. That the soul had been divided. And thus each live, looking for the other half of themselves. It was always there. Awaiting the frequency shift higher and higher and higher, the physical human frequency shift…until the human frequency reached the point where the veil could lift, and the lower consciousness could SEE, EXPERIENCE, KNOW, FEEL akin to a REUNION of their own higher counterpart. The Soul was ONE, it was perceived divided into two, to be SEEN as unified back into the ONE it always was. In truth, all that changes, is our consciousness state, where we see, feel, touch, hear, KNOW higher layers upon layers of infinite data. Truth reveals at each layer/level/state of consciousness.

This CURRENT process for some, is the reunion, where their consciousness shifts to SEE/KNOW, what they formerly labelled Higher Self, is in fact the other half of their own soul. Their own higher essence, observing the show all along, merges into the physical vessel. One half is masculine, the other feminine, into ONE physical body.

When the MERGE is complete (no idea how long it takes), the human will live and exist entirely differently. Consciousness will be change entirely. They walk in human form, they can interact with sight, hearing, timelines, no time, events, signs, Gaia’s communication system, higher energies…ALL from a higher layer, higher level of consciousness. It’s hard to explain…but each level of consciousness carries its own perceptions, it’s own truths. We do not, can not see LIVE except from our particular state of consciousness. Yes, we can Astro travel, regress, experience outer body etc, but we STILL end up coming back to the physical body and dominant consciousness state….until this MERGE is complete. Third dimension has its level of truth and appearance etc. So does fourth, fifth, Sixth dimension have it’s own truths and knowings. Every level higher unveils it’s layers of appearance, laws and truths. So what was hidden in plain sight in third dimensional consciousness state is seen, by the living human of a higher consciousness. Gaia has her own language, communication system which the Higher State human can see and communicate with. Yet this layer is not seen at third dimensional state consciousness of a human.

The MERGE some are in paves the way, via DNA coding, that comes online, is activated and thus the dominoes effect occurs for other humans.

Whilst this MERGE is hugely significant, a milestone, a beauty…there is more…to come…So much more…yet this stage, this MERGE of Higher into physical, permanently, opens up gateways upon gateways upon gateways.

Take your own time with your process. It’s very intimate, loving, beautiful, and makes sense of everything you have undergone this lifetime. Many others will not understand for they are still feeling separate to you, in their ‘world’, their ‘dream’. You already allow them their own illusion, so this truly is your time, to spend time with NEW you. You’ve so much to get to know AGAIN!

So much love.

AL 10 May 2018

Sourced from here.

Lisa Harrison DTC Update: Ep 40 – 12 May 2018


editor’s notes:  listening….  soooooooooo close!  we are in the beginning of The Event energy……  i snapped another pic of the event tree – she is all filled in.  deep breath we got this…this is what we came here for.  very much resonating with lisa on this one….  confirmation this is not a planet….and no need to connect with “mother earth” because that is just (sadly) another construct….i stopped grounding here months ago and have instead been grounding in the new earth realm i have seen myself in as it is something i have co-created…..and no reaching out to the angels (archangels) and galactics….stopped doing that as well awhile back….  i also had this odd/new feeling that “they” could no longer manipulate the timelines (by turning them “back”)…  very interesting details on the “merging” of all of our selves on these different timelines.  i recently began “tuning” in to my other selves – wondering what would be happening to those other versions of myself – and i was not sure all would be merging back w/the me now (now that is)…  and very much appreciate the difference between free will and freedom… and “they” will be up to their sheot until the very end ~ just as i have felt for a long while…  and happy to hear those in the galactic realm who were the most deep into harvesting has been wiped!  i used to be one of those UFO sluts (best word i have found – applies both male and female btw) ~ would speak with/follow ANY thing i felt was “out there”.  i learned discernment and developed a very keen eye/inner…. and happily as many have known/said – this “free will” experience will never be allowed again.  just a really insightful, amazing video!  (a side note i want to include here ~ “Q” has been speaking of a Sky Event ~ i have wondered w/their tech they have – the ability to look into the future they must know about this energy wave coming that will take down the matrix energy barrier and reveal all – if that isn’t a sky event i don’t know what is.  however in a discussion about this “sky event”, i found the following:  (the person posting this feels the Sky Event is in reference to a reunion between us and the galactics….hmmm….in so long as they are those who are ASSISTING in this benevolent cleaning up of this realm process…..)

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Published on May 12, 2018

Rick Jewers Update



With each rapidly passing day here, MORE AND MORE, are beginning to see THEIR ships and their INTERDIMENSIONAL FAMILIES and COMRADES. You are strongly encouraged to KEEP bringing Your ships closer to You here, from other times and dimensions. Be persistent in requesting that You see them, up close.

For those that have accomplished this thus far, continue, and do not stop. During the process of bringing Your ships closer, You are also enhancing and enlarging Your Portal and its rippling effect upon Your present surroundings, then rippling out into the fabrics of Your Temporary Reality. Temporary is said because it does not stop there, You keep rapidly progressing and more intensely affecting the timelines. It is strongly encouraged and advised to begin more earnestly at garnering witnesses when Your ships appear. By this type of credibility being established into the 4D Timelines by less advanced Souls, You assist them and the Masses as a whole. This effect corrects all of the disbelief in the ET area and brings it forth for others to be fully followed into the 5D.

LANDINGS ARE IMMINENT and still is partially timed by vibration. You must remember that certain energetic conditions are what allow for YOUR MULTIDIMENSIONAL PROJECTIONS to be seen in these lower dimensions. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for bringing YOUR SHIPS into this NOW.

Through the basic and regular forms of upgrading the Human body, MANY NOW have their eyesight tuned to INTERDIMENSIONAL ABILITY. This means that even if someone is “not Awake” they can very easily see the ships and more at this time. The energy required to do this latest ability was administered to ALL a few days ago, this RIPENS YOUR FIELD for FURTHER WITNESS.

Love and Light

 Sourced from here.