December 2016 has been super-challenging for many on the spiritual path. After a long period of cleansing many expected some relief towards the end of the year. But the Universe seems to be merciless and is bringing up struggle after struggle and pain after pain. It seems so cruel: It feels like we keep seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but we cannot reach it. And the pain has been very intense for many – including restlessness, deep despair, frustration and anger. I have worked so hard, and what do I get? This? There is often a strong yearning to leave and give up. Triggers seem to be around everywhere and the next emotional explosion can hide behind every corner. Believe it or not: This is a very good thing. December offers you the ultimate chance for your personal resurrection as a complete and whole being. And with it, your ascension into the fifth dimensional frequencies for good.
Although it is hard to trust this: What the energies in December do for you is outstanding! They are helping you to get rid of your deepest core beliefs you have been carrying around. You are reaching the core of the onion. You have pealed off layer by layer to get here. This is the final bit! There is one core thing that is crucial to be understood: Reaching the fifth dimension is only possible without any beliefs.
Limiting Core Beliefs are the last Block to be removed
Beliefs are closed and do not allow other perceptions or possibilities. Beliefs are conditions we impose on things, situations and people. They are attachments to certain expectations. The fifth dimension is the dimension of infinite possibilities. It is unconditional. It is a dimension of complete detachment. We can only access this dimension when we have transformed our limited ego-mind with its limited beliefs and its need to interpret into a free spirit – a follower and supporter of our heart. A creator of pure thoughts without any interpretation. We can only access 5D through the heart. Your Higher Self is ready now to move in with you permanently, so that you indeed become an intuitive, soul and heart driven being – meaning that Source is working through you all the time. And that is why you experience what you experience. The final cleansing to make space for your soul to take over for good. That is why you have moments of deep peace, trust and knowing – just to be followed by another shockwave of pain, doubt and fear. Your higher self is popping in and out right now for you to get used to this new version of YOU. The true, authentic, completely free YOU.
“Your higher self is popping in and out right now for you to get used to this new version of YOU. The true, authentic, completely free YOU.”
Many of us have mistaken the upper fourth dimensional frequencies as 5D, when we had our first experiences of feeling free, authentic and blissful. The fourth dimension prepares us for 5D, but still allows room for the ego and its limited beliefs and fears. Only when we become a blank slate and have dropped our past, our convictions, our hard won truth and start trusting and having faith – then the door to the fifth dimension opens for us. We are to become childlike again, being in the now and explore this new world. Being curious and learn for ourselves: Without anything to hold on to. Nobody has been in this dimension before with a physical body. There are no textbooks, guidelines or rules we can follow to succeed. In fact, there is no success as there is no goal – there is only experiencing – only fun in discovering and exploring. We need to trust our intuition and learn to follow the universal energies. We are to live our life with our highest excitement, without any expectation of a specific outcome. THAT is what is meant with “Going with the flow”. It is a jumping into the unknown, without a safety-net to rely on. It is the ultimate surrender. And this is why December feels so challenging. Because our core beliefs are so deeply ingrained in us, that we do not even recognize them as limiting beliefs. And when they are triggered, it hurts like hell. Because we don’t want to give up our only handles left we can still hold on to. But exactly those are the ones blocking us from moving upward in frequency.
How a Perception becomes a Judgment
Our mind takes facts and adds an interpretation to them. That is how a perceived energy turns into a judgment. To make it a bit clearer, here are a couple of examples of facts and how the mind produces limiting beliefs by interpreting the facts and thus – judging the situation or person:
My partner did not call me for my birthday
Interpretation/limiting belief program:
He does not care about me and does not love me
I have a lot of body hair
Interpretation / limiting belief program
Body hair is dirty and ugly so I have to remove it
I feel uncomfortable, out of sorts and sometimes not like myself anymore
Interpretation/ limiting belief program
I must have implants in my aura or other beings sucking my energy that have to be removed
I have met someone I cannot let go of and this connection is causing me a lot of pain
Interpretation / limiting belief program
It must be my twin flame so I only have to work through my stuff to be able to reunite with him/her
Jump into the Unknown
If we are truly honest to ourselves – there are many of these belief systems we have developed in the course of our life and on our spiritual path. Because our ego mind always needs an explanation for what is going on. Now is the time to realize: All of the teachings and tools we so far used only had one purpose. To get us where we are now, so that we can drop them, too to take this important step out of 3D for good. They have been our crutches, but now we have to learn to walk for ourselves. We cannot take our mind with us into the fifth dimension. Our limiting beliefs are a product of an underlying fear and mistrust – frequencies that do not synchronize with the fifth dimensional vibes. There are no man-made rules in the fifth dimension and there is no right or wrong as there is no duality. In the fifth dimension we only perceive energies, without any need to interpret them. Nobody does something to you. It all happens for you. And we are now graduating completely into this new awareness and consciousness.
“Nobody does something to you. It all happens for you. And we are now graduating completely into this new awareness and consciousness.”
So please honor the December triggers and energies. They are highly supportive to help you to become truly free and authentic. The energies and dynamics available now are highly transformative. We still have our free will and can choose how we want to handle this offer of the Universe. We can allow it and let go of all limits by choosing love. Or we can stick to our limiting beliefs by choosing fear and continue to try hard. So, every time you catch yourself thinking an “I have to” combined with the idea to reach a goal – go deeper: That is a very good indicator to show you the way to a limiting belief you still carry. Embrace that limiting belief as part of your experience and give it your gratitude when you release it with the emotions coming with it. Check for yourself whether you are open or closed: Are you trying (closed with a specific goal) or are you allowing (open to endless possibilities and outcomes). And yes, that is mind-blowing. That is exactly what is intended: Lose your mind to enter the fifth dimension. December offers you all the energetic triggers you need for this release and transformation of your ego-mind in order to enter into the light at the end of the tunnel. It is like going through a dark birth canal into a completely new world that expands and opens up widely right after the birth of the new YOU: The fearless world of infinite possibilities, freedom, joy and unconditional love.
The texts I share are always based on channelings I receive and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg
About the author: If you enjoy what you are reading and would like to support me in continuing to live my mission and share what comes through me, I am very grateful for your donation. Thank you <3 As spiritual awakening can become quite challenging, I am offering different services and tools to learn how to navigate energies. For more information, please go here.