The Beauty Of Synchronicity

There are no coincidences and accidents — there’s only synchronicity which happens for a reason.

Have you stumbled upon an old friend? Seeing someone doing the same thing or speaking the same words as you? Or maybe experienced an accident? Are you thinking ‘Oh! What a coincidence!’ or ‘I could skip accidents like this…’ Well, you shouldn’t, because every single coincidence brings a message to you. 

synchronicity happens for a reason there are no coincidences Revealing Synchronicity — The Science Behind Coincidence

The truth is, everything in our life is linked. From the past, to the present and future — every single coincidence or accident we stumble upon is linked. No matter how small or big of a movement is, it is all about synchronicity.

Every action you make creates a ripple in the universe. You unconsciously telegraph your thoughts to others. Synchronicity is the law of unity. We are all linked. There is no separation between you and anyone or anything. We are all connected.

There are no coincidences, no accidents. Every coincidence has a message for you.

Continue reading “The Beauty Of Synchronicity”

Rapid Energy Shifting Through Recent Portal Openings

by Katie IndiCrow,
Guest writer,

stargate portalSome have noticed that I’ve been unusually quiet this week. It may seem strange because SO MUCH is going on, and so many people are facing the darkness of both themselves and their societies. Storms are happening. Lies are being exposed. Things have been incredibly brittle and yet I have had nothing to say. The reason for that, dear friends, is I’ve been working to support energy shifting through transmutation. This isn’t something I normally share with others, but the energies have been so incredibly powerful that I feel it important to table. For me, transmutation often means physically and emotionally holding the energies that I am shifting inside of my being, whatever that may be. The last week, dear friends, I have been feeling an incredible amount of sadness and pain with you. I want to acknowledge that and remind you just how important what you are going through is.

Continue reading “Rapid Energy Shifting Through Recent Portal Openings”

I Am Infinite Dream

Editor’s note:  I LOVE this piece.  So simple and sweet yet so deeply profound.  This is how Truth is expressed, imho.  Let the words resonate with you.  Enjoy.  

I Am Infinite Dream


The universal source of life and rebirth is always there. It is the infinite pregnant Great Mystery in perfect void space waiting to give away to you the finite release of the soul chards you let to other universes go. We’re at a moment where all of us as universal beings, incarnate in flesh now, have allies that we must call upon. If we do not use the support from our brothers and sisters we can never retreat into the self. Never is a long, long time, but never is a no time word also. Never tell the infinite source that you aren’t ready. So we must recalibrate our wisdom, recalibrate our knowing and understanding to an even deeper layer that says “I am infinite dream. I am never limited by the wisdom that I have not learned,” because we are more than we’ve heard, read or studied. We are more than our mystical experiences combined in infinite fold. We are universal streams of consciousness, floating through space and time, not just in this fraud time, but thousands of others and millions of others, not even in existence yet.

– Andrew Bartzis

 Sourced from: 

A Prayer Of Protection, Liberation and Freedom

We Declare Human Enlightenment & Freedom. Annunaki/Reptilian Rule is OVER.

By Cathy Bilsky

(I and I alone take full responsibility for writing this power prayer.)

If it resonates please share.

3foldflameLet there be light! In the name of the presence of God, which I am, through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in me, I COMMAND: Annunaki/Reptilians you no longer have our permission to misuse humans past -present -future which includes the stealing –killing, making slaves of us our children nor any other human life form, unjustly imprisoning us for crimes that we did not commit, drinking human blood,eating human flesh and feeding off of human energy.

You no longer have permission to mass manipulate human kind through colonization nor through any means including simple deceptions, nano tech, chem trails, fluoride, scalar, HAARP, sound, vibration, drugs, religion, money/debt, chaos and war.  We cut all ties -binds, oaths, vows, curses including all magic that manipulating Annunaki/reptilians have between humans that are keeping us enslaved. As these ties are cut we call the energy of the violet flame to transmute all dark energy that is holding humanity back from evolving to light.  We now see all of human kind being reconnected to the Creator becoming awakened spiritual beings that is our true birth right.
We now close all inter- dimensional portals that the Annunaki /reptilians enter our world from including any portals being open from the CERN, nuclear explosions or any satanic Babylonian ritual. As we close and seal these portals we make them invisible so they no longer can be used as well as cutting ties and neutralizing all satanic symbols that open gates for demons to enter.
We ask the Creator that if it is for the highest good of the earth and all life forms that the Creator steps  in neutralizing  the single white Chromosome  that is added to the reptilians DNA that makes the reptilians more aggressive and war like..  We see it being replaced with a chromosome that makes them kinder and compassionate compelling them to speak only truth. This also lets the Annunaki now be released from all addiction they have to the dense physical world and the sensations it offers.  Let this release be done NOW! If it’s for the highest good of the planet we ask the Creator to raise the energies and frequency/vibration fields that are affecting all inter-space planes that are between dimensions that the Annunaki/reptilians exist in. We send the violet flame thru these are as to transmute all lower vibrations/frequencies back to light as well as clearing out all addiction energies being held in those spaces that are feeding the Annunaki/reptilians.  As this is done the earth begins to raise the vibration back to light freeing the planet of the  lower vibrational pull.
We also cut all ties to Vril energy between humans and the Annunaki/reptilians that allows shapes shifting and inter-dimensional travel. Cancel clear all psycho drugs that are suppressing our intelligence along with vaccines may it all turn to plane water.
We cut all ties and cancel clear all reptilian DNA energies activated by the vibrational frequencies created by the Illuminati satanic secret society rituals that activate demon possession by the Annunaki/reptilians especially in those that have the reptilian bloodline.
We cut ties to the moon along with the energies it emits that affect our emotions creating a vibrational field that keeps us from evolving into a higher consciousness. Let’s anchor the violet flame inside the moon to transmute all out of balance energy back to light. Then we re-connect every cell atom molecule in the moon back to the Creator commanding all out of balanced energies to become neutral or only emit love. We place high power magnets to all the equipment inside the moon and see space dust invading the equipment causing it to break down. We call to the galactic federation or whoever is in charge of our galaxy asking that you now take control of the moon and remove any manipulating aliens that are hurting humans and earth that is keeping us from quantum leaping into Divine enlightenment. Any contracts we may have with these aliens are now null and  void. (Past, present and future)
If it’s for the highest good of the planet we ask the Creator to raise the energies and frequency/vibration fields that are affecting all inter-space planes that are between dimensions that the Annunaki/reptilians exist in. We send the violet flame thru these areas to transmute all lower vibrations/frequency’s back to light as well as clearing out all addiction energies being held in those spaces that are feeding the Annunaki/reptilians. Let us now cancel clear all dark work done on any vortexes or portals.  As this is done the earth begins to raise the vibration back to light freeing the planet of the lower vibrational pull.
Let’s cut ties to the cycle of reincarnation between the astral illusion and the physical illusion and back again. If it is for humanities highest good let us all be filled with freedom of thought and expression that allows us to express different views. As we break free from reptilian/Annunaki bee mentality we release all fear, guilt and need for approval that manipulates humanity to suppressing itself. Cancel clear, Cancel clear, and Cancel clear.
We cut ties to all unconscious gate keepers to the matrix including our parents, family and scientists who try to limit our uniqueness and suppress who we really are.  We ask the Creator to neutralize all patches on scientist that are making them do things against their will setting them free.
We are now cutting ties and remove all blueprint overlays that suppress our souls as these overlays are removed we are now open to multidimensional existence. This also allows us to balance our male/female energies that also will allow us to create a third force of divine potential.
We reactivate the hormone in our brain that allows us to become more telepathic and spiritual beings.
We cancel clear all Illuminati secret society rituals that are activating the reptilian DNA in humans. Instead we see these rituals being reversed and now empowering humans helping everyone reconnect to source. Love can and is changing our genetic coding reconnecting us to the Creator to become awakened spiritual beings that have unlimited potential.
We ask the Creator to step in and if it is for humanities highest good that all ties to the Annunaki/Nordic races are now cut forever. As these ties are cut we see a change in Hybrids releasing the beehive mentality allowing them to become an individual who has memories now of individual choices, family bonding and  freedom.
We see all of humanity being reconnected to the Creator resulting in all reverse thoughts being removed from our DNA. As humanity reconnects to the Creator we become awakened spiritual beings that are unlimited with all kinds of new positive possibilities running thru our hearts and minds.
Let’s cut ties that the Annunaki have for gold. We call to the mother earth to now take back all energies of gold as well as all other metals that have been taken from her. We now tap into the entire energy vortex’s that were used to take all this material off of the planet, commanding these vortexes to gently reverse themselves pulling all this energy back into the earth.  This includes all gold that was taken to other galaxies and misused. We see the mother earth pulling back all this gold energy that was used in any cloaking devices anywhere in the galaxies. We ask the mother earth to pull back all the gold energy that is in jewelry form on earth or anywhere in the galaxies from those misusing it. As this energy is returned to mother earth she goes back into Divine balance. As soon as the energy of all metals is returned to the earth all the vortexes go back to their correct spin.
We command Michael and your band of angels to cut ties to all  Annunaki/satanic symbols including the obelisk, dome, eye ,triangle (pyramid), 5 pointed star, black and white checker board squares, nazi swastika, masquerade illuminati balls including people wearing the costume masks,  black hats, the all seeing eye as well as subliminal messages that show one eye being covered, a shape of a pyramid, the sun, owl, a rainbow,  baphomet and the sign of the triple 6, peace sign next to the eye, including the devils horn sign. Violet flame the energy to neutralize and transmute all subliminal symbols and signs.
We now cut ties to  all words on the Georgia guide stones.
We now cut ties to all music creating spells and all demons attached, tying and binding the demons then send them back to the Creator filling that space up with an angel of peace.
Cancel clear all thoughts that the Annunaki/illuminati/satan have that it is their destiny to rule. We REVOKE ALL RIGHTS OF MEROVINGIAN BLOODLINE TO RULE.
We call to Michael the Arch angel to take his sword of blue flame and cut ties to all satanic/Annunaki magic around all life forms organic /inorganic including movie stars, all singers & illusion makers, the music, TV, movie, cable and radio communication fields, industries politicians, leaders, religious leaders,military personal of all ranks and all decision makers’ plants and animals worldwide.  Anyone who will sacrifice their spiritual values for power,knowledge, or material gain: a Faustian pact …This includes all skins this magic is written on no matter where Satan keeps it hidden.  As ties to all satanic black magic and pacts that were made with Satan are cut we call the violet flame to clean up all that dark energy, and then we send the Angelite energy to heal it and then fill it up with the Creators Divine love.  We COMMAND the skins and parchments to now be neutral only emitting love. I call upon the fire elemental to blaze and burn in all the vaults of Satan and every where these skins & parchments of magic are kept. Let the flame do the final cleansing. I now see all satanic vaults ethereal or in physical in flame and burning till all skins and parchments that contracts are written on are in ashes.

All trusts are hereby dissolved though the sacred trust that God has with humans to set us free.
All declarations spoken of in 1966 that declared the beginning age of Satan is now cancelled cleared and we now declare the age of Divine Enlightenment to be set into action. We also cancel clear all references to Lucifer rising and tie and bind anyone who takes on that title on earth while in physical form.
We cut all black magic satanic ties and binds Satan has placed on all life forms, souls, the planet earth going back to the time when Satan was cast out of heaven through this present time and future of our planet. The ties and binds to this energy and all souls are now cut free from your bondage. Satan/Annunaki owns no one. The people of this planet all have their very own direct link to God the Creator thus in charge of all dominion on the planet. You do not own the world, humans, nor any souls on this planet or anywhere. We can manage our own sacred trusts with the Creator ourselves.  Satan You’re FIRED! We now reconnect all these souls to the Creator helping them become awakened conscious spiritual beings.
We cut the ties to all of Satins’ trusts he setup claiming all real-estate as his then binding that in magic. We call the violet flame to clean it up; the Angelite energy to heal then we reconnect it to God. Now we Command it to be neutral to only emit love. We call forth the fire elemental to burn this magic and all it is written on to ashes. This trust is hereby dissolved by the light of God the Creator and everything that is Holy.
We cut all ties to Annunaki/Satan and all trusts that makes people slaves. We again cut the ties to this magic and the bonding of it with Annunaki/Satan. We call the violet flame thought it to clean up the energy, Angelite to heal it, then we reconnect it to the Creator, COMMANDING it to be neutral. We again call to the fire elemental to blaze though this magic till it’s cleansed by fire to ashes and dust. I see the storage vaults physical or etheric in physical flame NOW. We now see all veils and overlays over all souls being removed, allowing everyone to reconnect to their higher selves becoming awakened spiritual beings fully aware of their Divine missions and purposes.
We cut all ties with the trust called Cestui Que Vie claiming all souls to Anunaki/Satanand the Catholic Church. As these ties are cut we call the violet flame to clean it up the Angelite energy to heal, fill it up with the Creators love, now we COMMAND it to be neutral..To only emit love. I call the fire elemental to burn the skin it’s written on till in ashes. See all souls being set free again becoming awakened spiritual beings.


We cut all ties and magical contracts Annunaki/Satan had with the RomanVatican church-Empire and with Hitler, all concordats are now dissolved by the violet flame, healed in Angelite and reconnected to the Creator now becoming neutral or only emitting love. The energy of the 1st thru the 4th Reich is now dissolved.

We call to the higher selves of all beings worshiping Annunaki/Satan past, present, future to step forward in the light of God and renounce Satan, all lies, deceptions, chaos and wars you create. If you choose not to, which is your free will, I call to your Higher Self and Guardian Angel to put you all in positions of harmlessness NOW. We remove all veils, overlays you have placed on each other, cut the oaths you have taken together binding you to each other and your projects…Now removed!
For those who chose to stay with Satan…again your free will, we place you all in a bubble of mirror, the mirror facing you so any dark energy you try and send out will stay contained, and we add the violet flame to cleanse this energy so it does not gain any strength. This bubble of mirror will stay up 24/7, 365 days a year from here through eternity.It will dissolve when you choose to work in the light of the Creator and not Satan. Until then this bubble keeps you powerless.
We see humanity and all life forms becoming awakened spiritual beings with unlimited potential breaking free of the energy of slave and money. We ask the Creator that if it’s for our highest good to help us disconnect from the reptilian part of our brain activating the God brain. As people awaken they thirst for esoteric knowledge. As humans awaken we see them stop generating the emotional energy the Annunaki/reptilians demand instead sending out high love vibrations.
We imagine a change in the earth frequencies that was manufactured to shut off part of our DNA’s
multidimensional potential to be reversed to activate our Divine DNA instead. As this is done the planet and all life forms shift into Divine enlightenment.
As the veils are removed all refuse micro-chipping.
We ask the Creator to give special grace and set free all souls that have signed their souls over to satan for fame, money and power as well as the ones who have had their souls consumed by a demon after death (willingly and unwilling). As they are released we send their souls through the violet flame to transmute their energy back to light then send them back to the heart of God.  We ask the demons and satanic reptilians to stop doing this practice and if you choose not to (free will) we ask your higher self to put you in positions of harmlessness NOW!
As this is done the planet and all life forms Quantum leap into the Golden Age of Divine enlightenment.
Never the less not our will but thy will be done.
So be it !!!
Sourced from:

Do This To Open Your Throat And Heart Chakra

by Landa Curtis,

heart chakra image colorToday’s flow I was inspired to focus on the heart and throat chakra with all the tightening and toxic releasing we are all doing.

Affirm with your hand on your heart.

“I open my heart space and release everything from the past, this lifetime and all previous lifetimes, giving myself over to allow the full range of feelings and the messages they carry, and then fully and freely release all these past emotions and feelings into the loving care of spirit.

I am not afraid to experience and express my feelings in a healthy loving way.

I understand that they are the foundation upon which my inner guidance can provide my direction.

I forgive myself for carrying feelings towards others and myself that do not serve my highest good, and I release them now.

I forgive and release people who have hurt me in the past, and I accept the purpose they played and teach me lessons that serve my soul’s growth.

I listen to my feelings and allow them to come in then move on, having received the message. I open my heart to stay and fully share it with others.”

Now take a deep cleansing breath and let go any negative feelings or beliefs that have risen in the past 24 hrs.

Let go, its that easy. allow the old feelings to dissolve and be replaced by peace, breath, and a happy outcome.

Allow your good in starting with a deep inhale. Exhale it all into the heart of Mother Earth.

Aum shanti aum

Sourced from:

The Power Of The Divine Feminine

Posted by angelstoyou, 10/08/2016

By C. Ara Campbell

The divine feminine is the creative force that is within all things and all people, including the masculine. It is the nourishing, powerful, life giving energy of love, compassion, of peace and of transformation.

It is a deep well of ancient knowing, with roots that stretch back through time itself.

It is a returning to the natural world the natural cycles and to the heartbeat of this planet. It is mirrored in the ebb and flow of the earth and is an honoring of these tides.

Connection to the feminine is tapping into a deep allowing, a big yes and a surrender into the wild magic and sacred mystery of the universe.
It’s a trusting into our own natural rhythms, and our cycles.

As we embrace the divine feminine, we find an awakening to all the parts of ourselves that have remained hidden, a deeper connection to our feelings, our emotions, our pleasures, and our bodies.

The feminine is very much a guide to the deeper parts of ourselves and in connecting to her we open ourselves to the mysteries within ourselves. We open to the parts of ourselves that we had been previously taught should remain closed.

The divine feminine to me is a sacred embodiment of personal authentic truth, a bare and raw look deep within at our own deep knowing, our magic and feminine wisdom. It’s an allowing to the primal, wild raw parts of our nature and the flowing, calm and soothing energies as well.

It’s an opening to all that we are without needing to define it. It’s an allowing that each of us embodies Her in different and uniquely amazing ways and there is no one way to be the divine feminine, but an infinite amount of expressions.

When we tap into the feminine, one of her aspects is rebirth, and in this way we have deep power to move through our own transformation processes and heal our wounds. The feminine is deeply nourishing and nurturing and has the ability to transform.

The feminine force is one of connection, to ourselves and others. Its not a segregated energy but an inclusive one. It’s not about hiding its about opening and revealing. Its a deep dive into the great mystery.

There are so many expressions of the divine feminine just like the faces that the goddess wears in mythology. She can be the life and grain giving Demeter or she can be world altering fiery Kali. The feminine is both fierce protector and care giving mother. She is a double edged sword of creation and destruction.

The divine feminine isn’t about fitting into the boxes that we have been taught that women need to be, its breaking the barriers on these and really flowing to the edges of our truthful authentic expression of all that we are.

We have limitless faces, goddesses and archetypes, and yet with the patriarchal chains we’re told we can only be these certain labels. The feminine is about freedom its about embracing the unfolding and being present with what occurs organically for us in this moment.

The reemergence of the divine feminine is also a benefit to the masculine. When we tap back into the mystery of the divine feminine and bring it back to a place of reverence, this opens a place of allowing within the masculine as well to explore their own inner wisdom and ancient knowing in a much deeper way.

We each of us has masculine and feminine within, each of us in different measure and expression. The re-connection to the feminine creates a portal for the masculine to be able to connect deeper with not only his feminine expression, but the masculine as well.

The patriarchal boxes that defined the feminine for thousands of years has also tainted the masculine. In this deeper allowing, they are able to dive deeper past the boxes that were created to fit them and to explore what it means for them to embody the masculine.

It is a homecoming for both men and for women. It’s moving with the flow of a more creative and organic life, a more embodied and connected way of being. The masculine was born from the womb of the feminine so you can’t have one without the other. We’re interwoven and eternally connected, both within ourselves and externally.

The divine feminine is an opening to truth and authenticity for everyone. When the feminine is denied, its like denying life itself.

To plug back into the feminine is plugging back into the primal creative force of the universe.

The feminine returning to a place of reverence nourishes the whole planet.

© C. Ara Campbell

Sourced from:

5 Ways Your Higher Self Speaks To You

When we’re feeling lost, alone, and confused, we will often ask for guidance from the Universe, but we sometimes forget to pay attention to the answers that come to us. Our Higher Selves, Spirit, and the Universe communicate with us in quiet, subtle ways, which often require our diligent attention to fully appreciate. Here are a few ways we’re offered guidance in our daily lives.

  1. That Gut Feeling – It’s called a “gut feeling” for a good reason; you feel it right in your gut! This can happen when you meet someone, walk into a room, or when you have an important decision to make. You might feel a sort of sick feeling in your stomach, or a strange, uncomfortable sensation in the solar plexus area. This is a sure sign that something is “off,” and that you should probably keep your distance from whatever it is that’s triggering that feeling. Conversely, you could feel excited “butterflies” in your stomach, or a sense of joyful anticipation, or maybe a happy, tingling sensation. Let these positive feelings urge you forward on your path as they indicate you’re right where you need to be. Always pay close attention to these physical sensations, as they are the soul’s barometer.
  2. Signs and Synchronicities – Your Higher Self and Spirit often try to get your attention with signs in the physical world, which can help you to connect with your soul’s wisdom. These signs can be visual, like ladybugs, birds, coins or feathers found in unusual or significant places. They can be sounds, like a special song playing at exactly the right moment, wind chimes or bells with no discernible cause, a snippet of overheard conversation that answers a question you’ve had, or even a voice that you hear speaking to you. They can be scents of food, flowers or cologne, which strongly invoke a memory. Whatever they are, if your intuition tells you it’s a sign, take it for granted that your intuition is right!
  3. Strong Urgings or Restlessness – When you’re feeling it’s time for a change, it’s a good idea to pay attention to that feeling, even if it doesn’t make logical sense. Your soul knows when it’s the right time to move forward and begin to manifest new experiences and challenges, and will signal you with feelings ranging from a sense of discontent with your current situation to a restless urging to explore new options. When these feelings arise, be sure to go within through meditation or quiet contemplation and allow yourself to explore these urgings to see where they’re leading you. It could be someplace wonderful.
  4. Dreams and Visions – Your Higher Self and Spirit will often communicate with you through your dreams. If you find you’re in a phase of vivid dreaming that evokes an emotional response, start keeping a dream journal. Place a notebook and pen at your bedside and record all the dreams you can remember upon waking, before you start your morning routine. Then review these dreams every few days to see if you can discern any patterns or recurring emotions. Also pay attention to any visions that pop up during meditative times in your day. You may be used to calling these visions “daydreams,” which are simply your “imagination,” thereby dismissing their importance. But what exactly IS your imagination? How much valuable guidance do you dismiss by assuming these visions and dreams are simply a product of the brain, and not a window to the soul?
  5. Strong Emotions – We can always choose our responses to the powerful emotional responses we have to our world. We can choose to sink into the emotions and use them as an excuse to avoid change or we can take a step back from the situation and see them as a signal that we’re being offered an opportunity to learn something valuable about ourselves and our lives. If someone in your life regularly triggers unpleasant emotions, can you use this experience as a mirror of something you might want to work on within yourself? If you’re feeling sadness and grief, can you honor the need to temporarily withdraw, go within, and find your inner strength? Your emotions are a powerful indicator of the progress you’re making on your soul’s journey; be sure to use them to your best advantage, rather than viewing them as a catalyst to victimhood.

Remember that there is always guidance available to us, and that answers will always come to the questions we pose. Cultivating trust in our intuition, finding that quiet space within, and paying attention to the subtle signs from our Higher Selves can greatly enhance the amazing journey of our earthly lives.

Are you listening?

Sourced from:

To Anyone Who Thinks They’re Falling Behind In Life

You don’t need more motivation. You don’t need to be inspired to action. You don’t need to read any more lists and posts about how you’re not doing enough.

We act as if we can read enough articles and enough little Pinterest quotes and suddenly the little switch in our brain will put us into action. But, honestly, here’s the thing that nobody really talks about when it comes to success and motivation and willpower and goals and productivity and all those little buzzwords that have come into popularity: you are as you are until you’re not. You change when you want to change. You put your ideas into action in the timing that is best. That’s just how it happens.

And what I think we all need more than anything is this: permission to be wherever the fuck we are when we’re there.

You’re not a robot. You can’t just conjure up motivation when you don’t have it. Sometimes you’re going through something. Sometimes life has happened. Life! Remember life? Yeah, it teaches you things and sometimes makes you go the long way around for your biggest lessons.

You don’t get to control everything. You can wake up at 5 a.m. every day until you’re tired and broken, but if the words or the painting or the ideas don’t want to come to fruition, they won’t. You can show up every day to your best intentions, but if it’s not the time, it’s just not the fucking time. You need to give yourself permission to be a human being.

“If it’s not the time, it’s just not the fucking time. You need to give yourself permission to be a human being.”

Sometimes the novel is not ready to be written because you haven’t met the inspiration for your main character yet. Sometimes you need two more years of life experience before you can make your masterpiece into something that will feel real and true and raw to other people. Sometimes you’re not falling in love because whatever you need to know about yourself is only knowable through solitude. Sometimes you haven’t met your next collaborator. Sometimes your sadness encircles you because, one day, it will be the opus upon which you build your life.

We all know this: Our experience cannot always be manipulated. Yet, we don’t act as though we know this truth. We try so hard to manipulate and control our lives, to make creativity into a game to win, to shortcut success because others say they have, to process emotions and uncertainty as if these are linear journeys.

You don’t get to game the system of your life. You just don’t. You don’t get to control every outcome and aspect as a way to never give in to the uncertainty and unpredictability of something that’s beyond what you understand. It’s the basis of presence: to show up as you are in this moment and let that be enough.

Yet, we don’t act in a way that supports this lifestyle. We fill every minute with productivity tools and read 30-point lists on how to better drive out natural, human impulse. We often forget that we are as we are until we’re not. We are the same until we’re changed. We can move that a bit further by putting into place healthy habits and to show up to our lives in a way that fosters growth, but we can’t game timing.

Timing is the one thing that we often forget to surrender to.

Things are dark until they’re not. Most of our unhappiness stems from the belief that our lives should be different than they are. We believe we have control — and our self-loathing and self-hatred comes from this idea that we should be able to change our circumstances, that we should be richer or hotter or better or happier. While self-responsibility is empowering, it can often lead to this resentment and bitterness that none of us need to be holding within us. We have to put in our best efforts and then give ourselves permission to let whatever happens to happen—and to not feel so directly and vulnerably tied to outcomes. Opportunities often don’t show up in the way we think they will.

You don’t need more motivation or inspiration to create the life you want. You need less shame around the idea that you’re not doing your best. You need to stop listening to people who are in vastly different life circumstances and life stages than you tell you that you’re just not doing or being enough. You need to let timing do what it needs to do. You need to see lessons where you see barriers. You need to understand that what’s right now becomes inspiration later. You need to see that wherever you are now is what becomes your identity later.

“There’s a magic beyond us that works in ways we can’t understand. We can’t game it. We can’t 10-point list it. We can’t control it.”

Sometimes we’re not yet the people we need to be in order to contain the desires we have. Sometimes we have to let ourselves evolve into the place where we can allow what we want to transpire.

Let’s just say that whatever you want, you want it enough. So much so that you’re making yourself miserable in order to achieve it. What about chilling out? Maybe your motivation isn’t the problem, but that you keep pushing a boulder up a mountain that only grows in size the more you push.

There’s a magic beyond us that works in ways we can’t understand. We can’t game it. We can’t 10-point list it. We can’t control it. We have to just let it be, to take a fucking step back for a moment, stop beating ourselves up into oblivion, and to let the cogs turn as they will. One day, this moment will make sense. Trust that.

Give yourself permission to trust that.

Jamie Varon is a writer based out of Los Angeles. You can connect with her on Twitter, Instagram, and at her Facebook page.

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