The Gift of the Solar Eclipse ~ Unity Consciousness


Received via e-mail by my mate.  ♥  A rather interesting channeled piece on the upcoming Solar Eclipse.  What I experienced in my dream showed the energies of this event removing the last of the old 3D energies within (most of the energies surround the illusions and pain of separation), which indeed would make room for a return to Unity Consciousness.  



Dear Suzille, you asked if the eclipse had any special significance, and our answer is “absolutely.” For one thing, the eclipse is something in which Americans from all over the country are interested. Therefore, the eclipse offers a great “unity of interest.”

Unity of interest provides a common ground where many Americans from different areas, and with different lifestyles, as well as across all economic levels, can share their “choice of perception.” Let us speak for a moment about the concept of “choice of perception.”

Everyone, is always creating their reality via their “choice of perception.” For example, one could choose to look at their unpaid bills, which they have no way of paying. This perception will likely make them very sad, depressed and even defeated.

On the other hand, if they chose to look at the bills they have chosen as the most important bills, and the ones they have paid, they will feel happier and more inspired to find a way to pay the rest of the bills.

In other words, when one chooses to put their attention onto the challenges of life, rather than the rewards of life, they will feel helpless and depressed. On the other hand, if they just look at the few bills that you could pay, and take a moment to deeply understand how you found a way to pay those bill, you can expand that creativity and self esteem to make you feel even better.

Most of you have heard the term, “What you think about –You bring about!”

“But how do I control my thinking?” we hear many of you asking. The answer is the same. What you choose to perceive has a great deal to do with controlling your thinking.

For example, if you direct your attention on a problem, your problem will expand. However, if you place your attention on the solution for that problem, you will feel more in control of your life.

When you feel in control of your life, you believe that you can choose to place your perceptions and your attentions on the components of your reality that you love, enjoy, are proud of, and very important, are centered around “service to others.”

Service to others places your attention on, “How can I help this person, this situation, this place, or even this thing. Then, if there is a problem, for example, you have placed your attention on “a door that you will open.”

In other words, you have already you convinced yourself on, “Yes I CAN.” Release the tag on lines such as, “This door is too big to open,” and return you perceptions to the “inner image” of yourself opening that “symbolic” or “real” door.

Whether or not you can open that door is less important than the fact that you have perceived that door, not as a barrier,” but as something WILL be able to open. With that positive message to your self, your mind and emotions will calibrate to find the solution.

On the other hand, if you had perceived the door as something that you could never open, there would be no reason to try to open it. Therefore, your self-perception would of yourself walking away from that door because you could NOT open it.

You are always perceiving you self, whether or not you are aware of it. If you are not aware that you are perceiving/watching your self, the opinions that arise from your perceptions will be stored in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you will forget your perceptions, as well as anything you could have learned from them.

Let us now address the eclipse. If you chose to perceive the eclipse as, “Big deal. Eclipses have never changed anything about me or my life.” Then you have denied yourself the opportunity to experience a “unity of perception” that is very rare in such a large and diverse country.

On the other hand, if you choose to tune into the energy field of all those who can perceive and who are choosing to perceive the Eclipse, you have allowed your perceptual field to join into the collective consciousness of all those who are watching, and/or thinking, about the Eclipse.

Yes, your thoughts are very much a component of your “perceptual field.” For one thing, if you do not think about the Eclipse, you will not remember to put yourself in a situation where you CAN perceive it, or place your attention on the fact thousands of people are able to see the Eclipse and have chosen to go outside and look at it.

You might say, “Just because they all saw it, doesn’t mean I can. I am not in the path of the Eclipse.” Yes, that is true that you physical body may not be in the path of the eclipse. However, there are many people who can see it, at least for a moment.

Therefore, if all you do is to place your attention on your own inner perception of the Eclipse, or on the television or computer screen. Why do you do that? Because “what you thing about, you bring about.” Even though you were unable to perceive this event, your consciousness was focus on the same thing that thousands of other people’s consciousness is focusing on.

Therefore, you have chosen to perceive a group energy field. With so many people placing their thoughts and expectations on the same thing, you have joined into a group energy field that was created by so many people gathering to experience the even of the Eclipse.

This degree of Unity Consciousness goes beyond time and/or space. Therefore, you will NOT see the Eclipse at the same time zone, or from the same place as others who perceive it. However, you have joined into a group energy field of people, from different places and different time zones, who have chosen to direct their perceptual field on that event.

In fact, you may watch it on television, or on your computer, as these machines will allow you to direct your perceptual field into the same energy field that thousands of others are tuning into. It is this unity of “choice of perception” that is important. Even the people who will actually be able to perceive the Eclipse within the same time zone and at the same place, will all have different lives, ages, and histories.

Therefore, everyone will be looking through their own perceptual field, which has been created from all their interests, manners of thinking, reasons for watching, or even those who are not able to perceive the Eclipse at all, but are directing their thoughts and attention onto the same thing as many thousands of others across a very large country.

The gift of this Eclipse is UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. Even if only a few people realize that the Eclipse has activated this sense of Unity Consciousness it does not matter. This united human consciousness, focused on one event, will create a beacon into the higher dimensions saying,

“We, the human on Earth, are able to choose to look up into the sky without fear or superstition. We, the humans of Earth, are becoming evolved enough to unite our consciousness on the same event that travels across the entire country, starting at one of the last states to be colonized, Oregon, and ending at on the first 13 colonies South Carolina.

While everyone is “looking into the sky,” perhaps they will see our Starships that will fly a bit lower to be more recognizable. In fact, what if the eclipse brought in the New Age of full disclosure that we, the members of your Galactic Family, are constantly with you.

We have come within the NOW because YOU have called us. Just as humans no longer believe that an Eclipse is an omen for the “end of the world,” more and more of them are fully aware that we, your Galactic Family, are here in your skies ready and willing to assist you, if you ask.

Yes, Gaia is a “Free Will,” and we will respect your free will to see, or not see, that we are with you. We are here within this now to tell you that,

“You are not alone, as we, your Galactic Family, is always with you.”


There is more about the eclipse on before its news,stories by indian in the machine! we are ALL starting to tune in to the unity concenieseness! FOCUS IN UNITY ON THE SAme THING ,THE NEW EARTH AND ALL LIFE!

To read the piece in its entirety, please click on this link.

Last Night’s Messages


I have stuff coming out my pores today.  I take one day off to rest and awaken to a buzz of activity.  Well, the “activity” actually began late last night.  I was meditating after midnight on the upcoming eclipse energy wave and the big event wave.

To begin with, I had a dream a few nights ago.  I was observing myself hanging out with a group of people.  I saw a flash of energy come up from behind and above me.  The part of me that was observing was able to literally feel what my body was experiencing.  I then heard this was the energies of the upcoming eclipse and it was not what I thought it was. The message I received was this particular wave of energy was cleansing out remaining energies of lower density/3D.

I certainly felt that in my body.  I watched myself as the energies in my eyes changed.  I could feel myself being so light.  It was wonderful!

I think back to the cellular memories I have received this past year of being in Lemuria and the physical sensations of the time.  What I felt in the dream was very much what I recall feeling in the Lemurian dreams.

Light Bodies.  In physical form.  Truly beautiful and amazing.  It is coming.  Keep intending.

So last night as I am in my meditative state, I thought to my dream and asked my Higher Self for more information on this eclipse and the event. Here is what came flowing out of my core:

The Solar Eclipse is a cosmic event.  (no further details)

The Event (or wave 3 or solar flash, etc. etc.) is a Solar event in that it is energies coming from our Galactic Central Sun.  I did not ask for a date but heard September 27th.  (I am always dubious on dates as timelines change with our focused intentions so I do not take that one seriously. But still found it interesting and could be in alignment with the dream I had of this event.  It felt early fall given the trees and clothing I saw people wearing.  Schrodinger’s Other Cat’s blog has said they feel it is an October event or early fall.)

I then had (another) feeling one of the objects of Nibiru will be what is eclipsing the sun.  I have linked of this previously with a researcher of Nibiru saying the same thing.  This is not a real solar eclipse how we have known them to be. Earth, along with this entire “system” has been moved and this is part of the purpose/process of our Ascension/Awakening. That’s why it is blowing the “every 3-4 centuries” science out the window.  (Which, btw, I have written almost a dozen people about this without a response from anyone.)

After that last one, the transmission was over.

This is how I see things today.  The last one I remain highly cautious. Total discernment mode.  How this will play out, well, experience will answer that, which includes our intentions.

So think high to vibe high.  


Lions Gate ~ August 8, 2017


Thank you to reader Deborah for forwarding this one to me.  Quite interesting for me personally as last night I was guided to listen to some releasing work (Judy Satori) and part of it included releasing karmic ties to your personal soul group (which interestingly enough included the number 44).  

Today is August 8th and marks a very special energetic peak for the 2017 LionsGate. The LionsGate happens every year and begins from the 26th of July until the 12th of August, and this happens due to the constellation alignment with Sirius A/B, Sun and Earth.

Once the Sun of Sirius and our Sun combine energies, this opens a powerful window of transformation for our Earths Morphogenetic field and memory. The Binary Suns of Sirius is the Mother Sun of ours due to our solar gravitational pull is orbiting Sirius. Why this is important, is that through the LionsGate window there is a geological opening happening in Egypt.

The Sphinx is a guardian and gatekeeper to the Halls of Amenti which is the womb space and hold the records of Earth. Currently, the IODP team is in Egypt to assist with this transformative energy and has a global team of 49 dedicated Souls working the grids during this phenomenal time.

We will be posting regular updates about our findings and service work. You can stay in touch via our facebook page:

Now today is the day to gain access to the deepest records of your being and ancient self. As the Suns of Sirius combines with our Sun in a direct alignment, we all will be receiving this energetic upgrades in full momentum.

There are six opening in total around our planet. However, Egypt’s portal was the significant passage used in Atlantis before the Grids blew and the collective’s consciousness fell. This womb space in the central core of our planet and holds all the records of every civilization that came here and consequently holds the genetic records of each human race.

This is important because our species is undergoing a genetic mutation and transformation into a new template. So today is an opportunity to tune into Egypt and receive the messages from you ancient self and set in motion what role you choose to play in this Golden Age.

The Particle Convergence is upon us (21st August Solar Eclipse), and this is the time to jump timelines into your highest potential and transcend the karmic memory from your past.

The Institute of Divine Potential will continually be updating our Facebook page with Live feeds and videos sharing the latest in Egypt.

Stay tuned in,

With Love The Family of the Divine


Breaking News On The Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Case


Let’s intend this one folks.  Looks like those at the top don’t want trouble and legal ramifications and are in negotiations with Heather and Team.  And consider subscribing to Neil’s channel.  He is a very dedicated citizen journalist in this truth movement.  

HUGE Breaking News- Share Share Share

Today’s Energies and Some Thoughts On New Earth



(you will have to forgive me for typing in all lower case.  that is my natural way of typing and today i am just not concerned with proper grammar skills.)

Image result for BIG A FRAME HOME image


not as intense as yesterday but still zzzzzzz.  leftover sleepies.  i did ground and integrate/release yesterday.

i noticed something new today ~ an inability to tolerate the smell of my bathroom cleaner.  it is one of those organic/all natural ones and i have used it for years.  not anymore.  immediately my inner self said “NO” to the smell today.  ok then.  from now on vinegar and water ~ if i can even tolerate that scent much longer.  may just turn on the hose and spray down here shortly.

i am indeed sensitive to smells – which really went through the roof in 2004.  this was before i was aware of energies and ascension and changing body chemistry.  at the time i wasn’t sure what to think – it kind of bothered me.  so indeed anything chemically – unnatural – sends me into a tizzy of “MUST LEAVE NOW”.  i can also actually “feel” the frequency of the scents/odors.  so at times a scent may just resonate with my frequency and i am fine.  other times a scent may be mild – totally natural – and i cannot stand to be around it.  must vacate scene.

ok – deep breath with this one as this is some new stuff i am presenting. i am also receiving some insights into new earth.  i am going to keep much of it to myself as it is highly personal but i do feel ok in sharing this (and please know this is just my perspective/feelings):  the realm of new earth, that frequency “construct” is already in place.  we can now choose to go. while these energy frequencies are allowing us to Remember and giving us the chance to heal/let go/purge, there will not be one such energy wave that puts us all there at once, for lack of a better description (although i still see this event people speak of as such an energy wave that NO ONE consciously escapes the experience it brings).  it is a CHOICE at this point. an intention.  the frequencies, the structure, are in place to support us. there are others there.  teams to help us acclimate.

weeks back i was intending to go – and stay – and my higher self said “are you really ready to do this?”  baby, it was a powerful experience! the feeling i received was ok we can do this now.  but is human self ready to let go?  and i mean TOTALLY LET GO.  leaving behind certain people (temporarily as ALL will be rising to the occasion, so to speak, along this journey).  leaving behind the “stuff”.  ALL of the old ways of this 3D construct.

not that there isn’t “stuff” on the new realm.

human me became afraid and said “no stop”.

the feeling was kind of like the feeling i remember having when i entered this world.  an energy “vacuum” sensation that happens in an instant. transports us – only this time of course it transports this entire vessel.

it is indeed a totally new experience and feeling.  new earth.  i am so grateful for the dreams/visions i have had over the years of this beautiful realm.  the feeling – this total sense of “YES ~ everything is ok”.  i am also believing this is not an end point – but a step “up”.  some will stay. others will go on to other experiences. kinda like stepping out of a mud puddle you have been in for a very very long time ~ that disappears permanently once you remove yourself.  and the sweet land you place yourself upon is in absolute alignment with who you are – at the moment.  i must remind myself energy NEVER remains static for long.  it MUST explore/move/expand/experience.  i believe this is why most of the population has varying levels of claustrophobia.  our energy bodies and human bodies have been more or less stripped of this ability ~ certainly to explore it in a manner that is limitless.

i wish to add one last thing:  anyone who would say you aren’t ready.  this isn’t how this process works.  etc. etc.  pay them and such words no attention.  your inner self will KNOW, ok?  listen to him/her.  if you feel you are truly ready to go, truly done with this realm, go within and explore this further. go BEYOND the desire that simply says “i want to ascend”. see what comes up for you.

that is all i have to share at the moment.  it’s hard to share when it’s a feeling and something i have seen.  so i am no longer convinced this is about us being in a state of total healing in as much as a total willingness to surrender and let go and just…go. any healing needs will be taken care of upon transition.  love works like that, imho.  it’s like taking a leap into the unknown.  higher self knows when ego is ready to align.  just like ego knows to trust higher self.

a symbiotic relationship taking us Home.  (that one deserved a capital letter)


August Gateway: Massive Activation of the Crystalline Grid


August 1, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Gatekeepers opened the August Gateway passage on SUNday, initiating the August 3 – 25 acceleration. Feel into the cosmic forces at play during this massive influx of Divine Light. Keep your focus on Unity Consciousness; expand to cosmic-level perspective as this New Light organizes our realities for the highest interests and outcomes. Your Galactic Self, Christed Self, Cosmic Self will be merging with your consciousness, if you prepare and welcome this forth. A greatly amplified leveling up for some, an initiation for others.

As our Solar System arrives at this area of intensified photonic light, it creates embodiment via Divine DNA templates, unification of the multidimensional Self, and stimulates higher levels of creativity. Be present with this passage; honor and light-ground those creative ideas, intuitions, words, images, sounds, movement and geometries into this reality as the higher frequencies stimulate the crystalline DNA encodements.

Crystalline Gridwork and the Gateways have revealed an amplification within Gaia’s crystalline core. She will be stimulated by influxes of Light, then emanate that Light forth to fully activate the crystalline Grid network. We will be experiencing light codes from both off-planet (Solar and Cosmic) as well as planetary in a New way. Connect with Gaia and Solaris often; remember to align with the pure organic Ascension. See this video and text for details on amplifying the crystalline grid and your own crystalline consciousness.

Remember the passage BEFORE the Solar eclipse will be an active passage. This includes Solar Gateways, Cosmic Triggers and an intensification of the Cosmic Stargate to remove-all-blockages-to-Ascension. The Now preparations are key to our service during this passage. Let us focus on amplification of New Light Now, so the eclipse can do what it can do best; co-create with Divine Will.

Transcending Lower Realities

Revelations through the Heart must be honored to align with the highest trajectories for your Ascension. Honoring, feeling, expressing your Divine Heart and Divine Love creates a global raising of consciousness through the Unity fields of Divine Love and the Crystalline Grids. Remember the HUman heart grid is a strong component of the Crystalline New Earth Grid system, because it is Divine activated hearts which have co-created the New Earth with our Higher Selves and Future Selves.

Lower timelines drop away as the higher realities of Christ consciousness are embodied. The archetypal realities of Old Earth are rapidly transmuted as we embrace this next level of Ascension. This is a Divine dance, a synchronized vibrational exchange of higher light, expansion, integration and leveling up. It accelerates as time dynamics shift to accommodate a less dense, less linear version of collective realities.

Speed is an increase in complexity, or the amount of change and unusual events which occur within our experience. Photonic light is Divine order; connecting events, synchronizing trigger points of change, organizing our realities into Unity consciousness. It connects the dots, causing unification. Acceleration is witnessed by the higher timeline in the increased amount of change happening within our experience of linear time.

When we say a lot is going on, it is this organizing function of photonic light. It is a reflection of the macrocosmic reorganization, or rewrite at the Universal level. Harmony is commanded and achieved in the higher realms, and our denser reality mirrors this on the microcosmic level through more widespread shifts in consciousness.

We have evidence of rapid shifts in consciousness in just this lifestream. Collectively we are creating peace, order, and harmony as we consistently hit collective tipping points in our evolution. Individually we witness multiple incarnations in one lifestream. Rather than one linear unfoldment of a few lessons and experiences per lifetime, we now complete soul intentions and move on to accelerated evolution and Ascension – in just this lifetime. This is a reflection of the larger operation of complexity; more change and more reordering happening during this passage.

We expand to permanently merge with the future self. This is more evidence of the timeline collapse into Zero Point; focusing on what we are becoming rather than what we have been.

Resolution of conflict within assists the resolution of conflict without. The collective is moving away from conceptualizing unity consciousness as a theory or catch phrase, and applying the inner work to the outer projection of the external reality. We participate in the co-creation of our Ascension, and own our Divine right of Mastery.

The Bridge of Christ Consciousness

The templates for spirit-in-form change as the lower timelines drop away and higher vibrational realities become available. Applicable archetypes which bridge the worlds, like the Solar Cosmic Christ, are embodied en masse as the New templates of Self emerge. Christ consciousness is a bridge between worlds, which is why it has the savior connotation, and why masters said we would do All this and more. Just like a Primary Christed Ascension timeline, we utilize it as a Gateway to a new experience, because it bridges dimensions and densities.

We create new foundations during this passage; New templates to transition us to the new experience. Shedding old archetypes – old templates of HUman behavior, beingness, Jungian types, Dogma, belief systems, classic lifestream types – is similar to shedding lower timelines. Lower entanglements or beliefs seek a new home when the energetic support is gone. Divine HUmans abandon the old definitions, and transcend the patterns of the past.

Identity Crisis: Embrace the Unknown

There is a bit of an Identity crisis as this occurs; identity is strongly tied to the egoic, mental and emotional structures. When people cannot define themselves by old templates or archetypes, they seek a new one – or at least a temporary belief to help them feel secure in their beingness. We see this in the polarity of identifying with a galactic identity or ancient identity in the last decades; using a past or future association with another civilization or star system as a way to stabilize the lower self’s need to seek-an-archetype which fits the emerging new self.

When we surrender and open up to the present moment, the light and intel available in this timeline-shifting passage reveals the New crystalline way of beingness. There is great freedom in this, and freedom is an intention of the New Light and Galactic Stargates we are rapidly moving into. This also applies to the resolution of Lemurian and Atlantean timelines and their associated ancient conflicts, which completes with the Solar eclipse across the USA.

On a personal level, we choose to engage with evolution and stay a step ahead through our Ascension process. When enough of us choose to embody the new crystalline template – the Divine HUman – we shift into high gear on a collective level. It dissolves archetypes which are not applicable to the new realities and higher timelines. Many have taken on the challenge of embodiment of the New Template, Solar Cosmic Christ, or crystalline state of consciousness. We have heard embodiment changes everything for the last few years, and now we reap the fruits of that endeavor.

All of these events are vibrationally orchestrated; each step synching with another, influencing various aspects of our journey. This creates massive acceleration in the Shift, such as timeline and density drop-off.

Here are our collective focus points for August:

Thursday, August 3: August Gateway begins
SUNday August 6: Global Unity Meditations
Monday August 7: Full Moon (11:12amPT) and Partial Lunar eclipse
Tuesday August 8: Lion’s Gate peak
Friday August 11 – SUNday August 13: Cosmic Trigger
SUNday August 13: Global Unity Meditations
SUNday August 20: Global Unity Meditations
August 21: New Moon and Solar Eclipse (see this post and video)
August 25: End of August Gateway, connects to September 21-25 Equinox Gateway
SUNday August 27: Global Unity Meditations

Let us all honor this truly sacred passage of our Ascension. Embody your Divine Creator-Beingness Now. Breathe, be the impeccable compassionate Wayshower as things amplify. The external effects are what they are; take note of the revelations within your Heart. Let every thought, word and activity align with New Earth/Primary Timelines. Send that Divine LoveLight forth to all of creation, in Service to Source.

Links to related material:
Video: August Gateway and the Timeline Split
Article: The August Eclipse: Metaphoric and Mystical
Video: Transcending Archetypes
Video: Podcast including bifurcation description, resolution of higher realities
Video and PDF: Crystalline Grid Basics
Global Unity Meditations on SUNdays: Details and free mp3 HERE

In Love, Light and Service,

Sourced from here.

MUST READ: An Excellent Summary of our Strawman Accounts and The Case Against Heather Tucci-Jarraf by Sophia Love


If EVER there was a piece on my site I wish all would read, it’s this article.  Thank you and much love to Sophia Love for breaking this down in layman terms.  Please share far and wide!  This is INDEED one of the most important court cases.  The outcome affects every one of us.  We are on the cusp of TRUE FREEDOM for ALL.  Please find time to join in the Global Meditation this Friday, August 4th, 2017 at 10:00a.m. Eastern Standard Time.  


There’s a court case happening right now in Washington, DC.  Follow this blog (click here) and this man, Neil, (here), for up to the minute updates.  Google “The Strawman” and # HATJ. Read this article (click here). This “identity hearing” is being called one of the most important cases, worldwide, of this century. It’s being referred to as a pivotal moment, equal to the day that Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat on that bus in 1955 (click here). You’ll want to be informed.

It’s been aptly named (“identity hearing”).  Here’s why you should care:

We all begin the same. We are bits of eternal essence, birthed into physical form.  You may refer to this as “soul”. From this point on, we enter life as we’ve constructed it, into whichever society our mother was a part of.

Now physical, we are declared property, and given a number. That number is what “allows” us to operate commercially within the society we’ve entered. It is necessary in today’s society, in order to conduct any “legal” enterprise, or to be considered for employment; to “earn a living”.

Realize in which circumstances that number is demanded/required. You do not need it before breathing, moving, skipping, climbing, swimming, running, jumping, dancing, making love, eating, drinking, sleeping, singing or loving. These activities can only be performed by one who is alive. You do not need to “earn” them. They are a function of you, in physical form.

We all end the same. We leave our physical form and return our focus once again to eternal essence. You may refer to this as soul. From this point on, we continue life as we’ve constructed it. This will vary individually, according to our beliefs, as all constructs do.

As you are reading this or hearing this, your current focus is Earth. The story you’ve entered was already happening before you arrived. This may be before Rosa Parks got on that bus, or after, it matters not. You are here now because you wanted to see how it ends; not your life or Earth’s, but the story.

So, you have a number. Those that decided to number you, are not human. They look human, but instead they perceive themselves to be “humanities owners”. It turns out that George Carlin, and many others before and after him, were right (click here). They don’t give a damn about you.

They are the International Banking family bloodlines, 6 or 8 families I believe, and they own the planet. They’ve been told many times to give it up and move elsewhere, yet they won’t let go because of greed. We find ourselves here today, at the doorstep of not just financial freedom, but actual freedom. You’ve never experienced that, regardless of what you’ve been told.

These families consider you to be property. They are not the faces and names plastered all over your media. You do not see them. Their only interest is in holding on to the planet and a few humans, to keep them comfortable while they are on it.

This is a great deal to take in (if you haven’t already been following it). There are many truths that will elucidate this. Here’s an article (click here). It illustrates some of what’s been done with our numbers and associated value. I’ll try here to summarize our story up until this pivotal moment:

  • You are born.
  • You are numbered (think, in the United States, Social Security Number)
  • Your physical embodiment has a value immediately (this value is millions or billions)
  • This value, which emerges directly from your physical embodiment, is now assigned to your number.
  • Your number and value is represented as YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (i.e. ALL CAPS YOU).
  • The ALL CAPS LETTER “YOU” declares you (actual you) to be legally lost at sea, and now gone. (this part is a bit fuzzy)
  • Since the system/firm/bank/family/entity that numbered you, also owns you, they can now use ALL CAPS YOU for trade.
  • When you work “for a living”, you add value to the ALL CAPS YOU (Remember, you can’t be employed without a number)
  • When you take out a loan, you are borrowing from your own account (ALL CAPS YOU, which, by the way, is owned by the bankers), and charged interest until you pay yourself back.
  • Your owners use ALL CAPS YOU for collateral. This is because no one else has claimed ALL CAPS YOU (i.e. – you must be still “lost at sea”)
  • What is happening in Washington, DC this coming Friday, is that someone (Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, # HATJ) is attempting to set legal precedent – that she is the physical embodiment of her ALL CAPS, numbered representation.
  • She is NOT that ALL CAPS representation, (which is the legal fiction that has stolen her actual value, transferred it to a dollar amount, used it as collateral and charged her interest if she attempts to use any of it) – but the actual physical embodiment, and therefore value, herself.
  • She is the value – period. She is not “lost at sea”. As such, she is entitled to the value assigned to her at her birth. It is not the property/value of the ALL CAPS FICTION.  She is that value.
  • That ALL CAPS FICTION in fact represents a physical embodiment of eternal essence – you may refer to this as soul.
  • She cannot be owned or used as collateral. She is the value. Period.
  • As that value has been assigned a dollar amount, she is the holder of that dollar amount. This amount is, in the USA and for Heather, being held in a Treasury Direct Account at a Federal Reserve Bank, (which is not “Federal” but in fact a bank owned by one of the families previously mentioned).
  • It is not the dollar amount that is important, it’s the value. That value cannot be monetized. That value is you. You are eternal essence, physically embodied and priceless.
  • Your value has been monetized this way for commerce, which has supplied the owners with the tools for their slavery trade.
  • The undoing of this will happen when enough of us (the slaves in this story), let go of our desire for stuff.
  • This stuff, which costs money, which you now know comes directly from your own soul, is only worth what you decide it is worth.
  • It is the “greed” (which has been demonstrated to us by our owners) that keeps us stuck. We can see only one option, and it is to hang on to our stuff. If we all let go at once, we would be free. Behold the baboon (click here). He is only caught by his own efforts; he refuses to let go until it is too late.  It is not too late for us.
  • This story ends with release. What happens now is global awareness of the slavery trap, via the trial in Washington DC this Friday, August 4, 2017, at 10:00 AM EST. This ultimately results in a release of our monetary value by the owners.  It ends now. It is the end of that story.
  • Simultaneously, it is our own letting go.  For once we realize our worth; our value becomes paramount.  It translates to cash because society functions that way now. Once we behold in each other, a value that is equally worthy – we release the death grip on the value that is fiction. There is where our real power lies. It lies within.
  • It’s not yet determined how exactly we get there, yet for sure we are free. This now moment is akin to that Rosa Parks moment.  One of us has stood up and said “enough”.

What you can do now is share this story, every way that you can. There is no one untouched by these events. Visualize what your life looks like once you have access to the commercial value that has been yours since birth. Hold that vision. It becomes your reality now.

Our friend Jack Sturgeon has an idea.  He’s asked for each of us to meditate on love, freedom, and realization of value, for all concerned (owners included), at the moment the hearing begins; Friday, 8/4/17, 10:00 AM EST. He is applying the principles he outlined in this video (Click here for “It happens within”).  Here is his logic:

How many conscious people do we need to flip us into “Sovereignty” and
“Abundance”?  I believe about 3,000 people, then why isn’t anything
happening?  It is happening, but it doesn’t happen in a blink of an eye.

1) The mathematics has already been done, it amounts to this: the square
root of one tenth of one percent of the entire field.  To visually see
this, the entire field is 8 billion people.  One tenth of one percent of
the entire field is:  .001 x 8,000,000,000 = 8,000,000.

2) That’s 8 million people.  Take the square root of 8 million: the
square root of 8,000,000 = 2,828.4 or rounded off, 3,000 people.

3) That’s three (3) thousand people minimum meditating during the
Heather Hearing Case to get favorable results for “WE THE PEOPLE”.

So, share this blog. Join us for a global meditation on Friday, 10 AM EST. It is time.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this.

With so much love,

Sourced from here.

Must Watch Video! It Will Not Be The Moon Eclipsing The Sun for Next Months Eclipse


Editor’s note:  Readers know I wrote a piece in late June questioning why we were having another solar eclipse in my area – just 38 years later when this goes against decades of science tracking 100% path of totality for any given region which states the mean frequency is every 3-4 Centuries.  I have written numerous folks about this, including those in the science community, including one of the scientists behind this theory, with no response.  My mate and I have postulated the theory that it is not going to be the moon eclipsing the Sun but Nibiru or one of the objects following it.  Bingo!  That’s exactly what this researcher says.  Take a listen – he says this at the 7:20 mark…  What’s interesting is a couple of days ago I decided to let go of the whole search and just let it Be as it is going to Be.  Less than 48 hours later, I hear this…  

WSO – IMAGE OFF ISS Astronaut Helmet – Alej Lujan Shares his Stuff!

Sophia Love ~ July 31, 2017 Newsletter Piece

Editor’s note:  Received via e-mail in a newsletter put out by Sophia Love. I don’t much resonate as I once did with the notion that evacuation of the planet will (possibly) be necessary.  For me that is an old timeline. Much of the rest is in resonance with me.  Enjoy.  

There is another hearing on this case this coming Friday, at 10:AM (she is referring to Heather-Ann Tucci Jarraf’s case in D.C.). Send your positive energy to all concerned in this case; for the best result for everyone on the planet. It is our collective power that changes everything. Another source validating the changes that are happening, can be read here.

A powerful article can be read here, from “The Urban Howl”.
 “Keep choosing love and we all win”.

There is an immense strength in the messages from all sources; off planet and right here on planet earth. There is a powerful energy that takes hold of us now, and it is this energy we are charged with wielding. It is felt in the frequent 3 AM beckoning and in my  full inbox. We are at choice.  The flood of posts, article and videos can feel confusing and overwhelming.

Choose always what resonates and ultimately supports your highest good. This is how we create the world we dream of.

Finally, for a visual representation of what it is we are doing. Here is a description of a supercell thunderstorm, which sounds like what we are up to –

“Supercell thunderstorms are a manifestation of nature’s attempt to correct an extreme imbalance.”
Perhaps this time lapse video journey will give you an idea of magnificent power you hold. Sometimes, it helps to visualize.

July 19th, 2017 @ 3:33 AM

Is there someone who wants to connect?


There is, Sophia.

It is I. It is One. There is something to say.



The world moves rather quickly now toward its new destination. This is not a different place so much as a different atmosphere. By that is meant frequency. All around you is changing while all around you remains the same. It is a concept that is a challenge to define. For some of you it may go relatively unnoticed.

Please try to explain. It is something we are all anticipating and envisioning and wondering about.


Yes. The reason, or one of the reasons, for reaching out to you so often now, is to assist with the definition. The transition is not something that happens in your everyday.

None of you will have a conscious memory of doing this so you can use it for reference. You’ll be taken by surprise, as this proceeds and moves along.

I want to be clear on the fact that it is moving along and that catastrophe is not in the plan.

There will be earth shifts and alterations that render parts of the planet inhospitable, if only temporarily.

A move inside the earth or off the surface will be necessary.

How you orchestrate or participate in the orchestration by others is being self-defined. You will create this as you have created all others.

The newer frequencies are fast moving and coming at you right now. There has been a buffer to lessen the effect and to help make it more gradual. It is all but removed now.

You feel this.

The random internal fluctuations of your physiologic systems are testament to their effect. You cannot expect to move through this unaltered.

There will be some, and these will, more often be those who have been here longest, who will not fare well. They will be having a challenge and stubbornly insisting on remaining unchanged.

It will be hardest to deal with them as there is nothing in their life’s doctrine that tells them the very atmosphere they live on is altering their emotional, physical and spiritual body. Yet, that is what is happening. Their insistence on standing in one place and unmoving will result in breakage – like a tree that doesn’t bend in the wind.

How can they be helped?


Talking about your similar feelings and noticing will help.

These beings came here to experience the shift as you did – only it may not be in full consciousness for them.

It happens anyway. There is no right or wrong way to proceed now and each one of you is a gift for the other. All reactions are necessary and each of you who intend to proceed through the shift to live beyond it, in a new world, will be doing just that.

Intent dictates result. The fact that it is spoken aloud matters not. So the landscape changes around you now and the full force of the changes has not yet arrived.

There is acceleration now, not so much because of where you’ve moved, but because of what protective barriers have been taken away.

This is necessary to again allow for a gradual acceleration.

It is very close and you must notice this.

What is unnecessary falls away.

What is not serving the whole is either leaving or ending or becoming so very clear that it cannot be ignored or missed.

Those that insist on continuing in a service to some destructive intent or gluttony or exclusively selfish ends, walk their own path. This is where the road forks. It becomes clearer now.

Don’t confuse those who are having trouble adjusting because they are not conscious of the changes going on – with those who are acting in destructive and negative ways. They are not the same.

Assist your brethren with love and support. You will be clear on those who never intended on the new frequency – they stick out like sore thumbs, esp. now.

Trust that inner emotion when considering what to do and how to proceed. This is what becomes the most effective guide for the course to be followed. You know what to do and it will turn out always as you intend. You will be fine.

You are so very much loved.

This is what I came to discuss. That is all.

Thank you.


Goodbye Sophia.

This conversation ended.