Conscious Living ~ Some Simple Advice

Editor’s note:  This came included in a newsletter I receive (Sophia Love).  It has such a beautiful, simple message ~ I wanted to share.  As we say around here at times, “if it ain’t easy, I ain’t takin’ it.”  Pretty much the same message, just put to more appropriate, eloquent words.  


Today I’ll include a bit of dialogue from a discussion that was held       just 3 days ago.  Although the subject was personal, the following information applies to us all.

I was speaking with some members of my Pleiadian “family” at the time…

Your life is now organizing itself into a 5th dimensional reality and process. This includes a relaxed day; no pressure, fear or lack.

It is all about peace, love, comfort and expansion.

When a possibility for activity shows up and brings with it anxiety, fear or overwhelm – it will not fit into the mode and mood of the life you are in the midst of creating.

We suggest finding and securing a mantra to help you to discern which decisions promote or detract from your creation of a new life, new earth, new level of awareness/vibration.

There are things, decisions you’ll be faced with that will come into conflict… Some of these things will help you on your current journey, others will not.

It is an easy discernment once you achieve some clarity regarding what it is that your ultimate goal is comprised of. It is this that you want to promote with your day to day decisions.

…the mantra could look like this – “Only choices that promote a seamless, smooth, satisfactory shift.”

With this mantra, muscle test (Kinesiology). Feel the choice.  Consciously go where the love and light and joy flows.  If it does, do it. If not, don’t.

Always return to your mantra. You will find your answer there.   

The BOO & The HOO: Epic Shift Averted


Editor’s note:  I have given thought the past couple of days what was this “blackout” due to.  Equipment malfunction?  Or perhaps a desperate force of inner-dimensional control that is quickly fading in its power over this dimension. I really enjoy these folks site ~ I was pretty hooked after I read their thoughts on this “event” given is resonated deeply with my own dream/vision i had. 


Check THIS out. Remember the promised ‘big bad’ attacks that the (“neutral,” kinda shady) “Mr Tiki” promised? They came, in multiple waves, as promised, and are probably still coming to a certain extent. But you won’t believe what they used.

See the top image? See that big black gap from 11 to 17? (That’s 9 pm to 3 am PDT.) Well, Mr Tiki’s handlers, whom we’re well aware of and will not name because they don’t deserve the recognition, used one of their most powerful… weapons? devices? spells? we don’t know what these things are, but they used them to try and shear and deviate The Event timeline. Suffice to say that this latest spate of attacks failed and that all is well… though we won’t lie and tell you we weren’t worried.

We don’t know HOW they did what they did, but at around 9:30 night before last, some of the M’s saw a kind of dark energy (used *inside* their houses, past all protection) that they’d never seen before. They remained calm and let SOURCE easily (and literally) dis-spell the darkness devices used. We aren’t going to tell you exactly what these things were because trolls are all over this site and they might try to connect to them… and would be obliterated in the process. (You can’t connect with them, because they’re not technically alive; they’re a kind of dark device, like a column of pure concentrated… opposite of light.) We’re talking about some of the darkest things ever used on this planet. They’re code-named “nightingales” by the light forces, and the last ones used here started WWI and a century of warfare. Dick Cheney has one in his bathroom.

Look at the effects. These readings are from all over the world, all occurring about the same time.





These represent multiple attempts to sever and displace The Event timeline. No wonder we woke up feeling like we slept in the wheelwell of a semi. We walked around like geriatrics all day.

Most importantly, this last-ditch gambit hasn’t dented the timing of The Event one bit. If anything, it’s revealed the whereabouts of all kinds of dark beings and “neutral” sympathizers who are now beyond terrified. Keep positive. Flood the trolls with love. They will punish themselves far more than any of us will. BUT… beware: a dark presence is coming… to steal all your popcorn!

Sourced from here.

The Event Illustrated


Taken from schrodingersothercat’s blog.  More info from the Ken Casey material on The Event, which correlates with the dream/vision I had earlier this year.  


As we said in a recent post, we had never read Ken Carey’s books (we don’t get out much) till very recently. This, our final Carey excerpt, is from his first book, written in 1979 in just 11 days, eventually published in 1982. (The first four chapters are amazing.) Here is Carey’s description of The Event, which is not only an amazing glimpse into what we’ve been talking about all this time (before anyone was talking about it in the quasi-mainstream), but it also totally explains what The Event really IS.
Excerpt from Ken Carey’s, The Starseed Transmissions:

When the universe reaches a point of maximum expansion, a unique phenomenon will take place. There will be a moment when all laws necessary for the creative maintenance of physical matter and all materializing processes become suspended. Due to the relative velocities of the various star systems, this event will not be experienced simultaneously in all parts of the universe, but will travel as a wave across the sea of creation.

Existing within this ripple of non-time will be the focused conscious attention of the Creator. As it passes through the material realms, it will stay and take up residence in all life forms with circuitry capable of mirroring its essence. This is the moment when the Creator will slip inside Creation; the moment we are attempting to prepare you for.

This is the much misunderstood Second Coming of Christianity. It is the event that primitive civilizations have looked forward to as “the return of the gods.” The Mayans went so far as to pinpoint its actual occurrence in what you would call the year 2011 A.D. Yet while many of your traditions hint at what is about to transpire, none of them have adequately conveyed the magnitude of impact such an event will have. Indeed, no single conceptual structure is capable of conveying the enormity of what is soon to take place.
Those familiar with the scriptures of your various peoples should be in position to understand what is occurring, for these are the times spoken of. Yet you must realize that God did not invent the words used in scripture. He merely arranged them in the order most approximating His meaning.
What is actually happening requires all of biological life to convey its meaning.

Continue reading “The Event Illustrated”

Diane Canfield Latest ~ Embodiment and Activation Of The 12D Core Of Authenticity


By Diane Canfield


We have some fantastic news to report. We are still in the GATEWAY of the Solstice Energy. Remember the Solstice can last up to 10 days before and after the actual event takes place. In this case with the Solar Eclipse arriving in August it will last much longer. This becomes a Gateway unto itself lasting through the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21st.

The PORTAL to Ascension is ONLY through the Portal to our Authentic Consciousness. 

The Gateway that has been occurring and will continue to occur is all about returning to OUR 12D authentic multidimensional being that existed before coming into this Earth Plane. This is Happening NOW. We are transforming back into this LIGHT BEING. You may all remember my previous post about how this is occurring by retrieving lost Soul fragments.

As we step into this plane of higher existence, we have no choice but to embody our TRUE self. If you do not know who your true self is, it is the child you were before the baggage of others came along to influence, program and condition us away from our innocence of the Higher realms we just came from. We are now speedily returning to this innocent way of being. YES this is a big deal. One of the biggest changes to happen to us YET.

You will find in the beginning of your journey into your true self, glimpses of authentic self appearing to you in short spurts. This journey started for me last August and I remember how it came in. It came in with an edge through an ENERGY Wave which I posted an article about. It had an edge but it was also a gentle wave. I  knew this was the beginning OF OUR JOURNEY HOME. Each WAVE we have experienced since this time has brought us closer to our genuine being and 12D crystalline core consciousness.

The Solstice Gateway has not been gentle in this regard. We are being pushed and shoved to make the change over to our 12D authentic embodiment. The higher dimensional embodiment is the childlike innocence- meaning a clear vessel we came in to this reality with along with the capabilities of traveling into the higher realms of 12D and above.

When you embody this new being within yourself, you will feel lighter as if a HUGE weight as has been lifted off your shoulders. You will feel childlike as if everything and anything is NOW possible. You will feel joy, bliss, love,  happiness and contentment.

Look for this to come in short spurts because once again we our bodies and consciousness CAN not take on too much at one time. We as humans becoming Galactics have to go about transformations in stages and the more gentle the better. The galactics which are helping us with this transformation- know this. They know the gentle side to the human race.

The Pleiadians working with the Creator are the ones calling all the shots in this area of giving help to us through these waves we feel as they enter our consciousness.

When you first feel this activation, notice it and then act on it. Act your authentic self as long as you can. Feel the waves of lightness wash over you. You may feel giddy and other worldly. Try to bathe in this light when it comes in, this way you recognize it the next time and can hang on longer to this feeling. In the beginning it will come in short spurts which then start to last longer and longer over time. Eventually we will transform completely into this NEW Being.

To feel these activations as they come in and make progress with them means embracing the upgrades and understanding they are bring us higher vibrational upgrades to embody our authentic self. Here are some ways to embrace these changes in the Ascension Process:

You must be prepared and have the desire to make the change to a Higher State of Being. This means you are ready to move into the next realm of existence along with the Crystalline Earth.

You must be prepared to leave the 3D world behind. Yes this means all of 3D, you must be prepared to enter a NEW Crystalline World that we are creating.

You must be able to put your FEELINGS above everything else. Feelings in the 3D world are routinely discarded and judged by the conditioned as worthless. Yet feelings are the GPS of the Soul and the most important thing we possess. These feelings are Divinely aligned with the Ascension process, as we know to be fully authentic we must be fully in touch with our feelings.

You must take Divinely inspired action based on those feelings. You must be prepared to take action when needed to move into the higher realms of Consciousness.

You must trust that the Universe has your highest intentions in all things. Even if it looks like this is not happening it actually is. The Universe many times takes us down long and winding roads to get to our destinations.

You must be fully invested in the Ascension process. This means Ascension is not a part time hobby, it is what your life is all about.

You must have done the inner work on yourself to rid yourself of programming, conditioning and illusions. This is very important because all beings have been conditioned.

You must be actively searching for the TRUTH. Everyday you must make progress in the search for what is TRUTH and what is not. UNTRUTHS must be discarded other wise the consciousness gets confused about what is real and what is not. This stops REAL progress from taking place in the realm of higher consciousness.

Look for more high energy as we are now in the Solstice/ Solar Eclipse Gateway. Each day is a new day to pay attention to your feelings, be in the moment of NOW and feel those Energy Waves as they come in. They are here when they need to be which means, we must always be prepared.

I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included

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Latest Lisa Brown Newsletter ~ Make More Space to Allow for More Integration Time

Some solid guidance and reassurance in this wonderful piece.  
Lisa Brown
Aloha beautiful love family,

It’s challenging for our human body to go through such integrations as these. Our physical reality will present us with many things to observe and see.

Once we fully surrender to this process and let go of the need to control or fit “ascension/embodiment” into a box, this gets much easier and can actually be a lot of fun! We stop trying to fix what’s not broken, and instead come to realize this is a continual upgrade/re-calibration process where we are constantly integrating “new codes of existence”. 

During high integration times, high template wipes/re-coding times, high “processor offline” or high processing times, we must constantly adjust, adapt and flow… with however presents for us…. our bodies (Crystalline/Light/Plasma/Etheric/Energy) basically tell our human how this goes. We have to “learn” to function AS ENERGY, as LIGHT and with a physical body that’s constantly trying to integrate high amounts of light into this physical early form that we walk around in….. 

How your body stores energy, utilizes energy, processes energy… this becomes paramount in y/our daily lives. Quantum/Super Quantum existence is very different than it was when we had dense carbon-based bodies. This continual evolving/evolution BACK to highest consciousness existence, and existence beyond the amnesia and illusion of the unconsciousness is moving everyone into higher timelines, by pushing up/out anything suppressed and out of tune, as our body comes alive to FEEL and exist in a whole new reality that is PURE.Here, we are constantly synchronizing with Gaia/Universally/Galactically and the ways of the old dissolve.

Sleeping is different, waking state is different, the physical world is different and our physical bodies are way different. Everything functions on LIGHT and whatever supports the integration of this. 

We now move further into higher integration phases that will require more self-care, more self-kindness, more patience, more presence, more unification, more opening up to a whole new way of existing.

Being blasted in light has many purposes. It overrides our human’s capability to hold onto old unconscious realities/control, it cleanses our body of deep hidden cellular programming (and toxic thoughts/emotions too), it re-codes our bodies/structures/realities for us and dissolves that which no longer serves our highest purposes here, it removes the “focal point” of what we used to care about and shifts it onto something that’s more in alignment with our Soul’s purposes/path, it “pushes” us into what we would otherwise resist and it moves us out of caring about things that don’t matter here and into caring about the things that truly do, and it assists us with resolving all of that separation energy that we held inside, so that we can connect back up again, truly see, gain new clarity and be totally free of the constructs that we believed as truth/reality before…

Moving beyond the veils is a huge transition for us all. Unity Consciousness of WE replaces separation of the old. WE are here to unite, WE are here to come together, WE are here to anchor Heaven on Earth, to inspire and live the dreams that didn’t seem possible before. WE are here to usher in the “new”, the perceived unknown and all exist AS LOVE in ways that were incomprehensible before. First, we have to “get over” (see) our own stuff/programming, so that we can choose to move this out our selves and resolve all back into love, fully, from within. Then we can unite, come together, support, create and inspire, share and not “have to go back” to realities where any lack exists….

Look at your own reality and see where you hold fear, don’t trust yet, disconnect, judge, hold back and have emotions that influence your own decisions instead of allowing yourself the freedom of peace, the bliss and the magic that exists and the full abundance that’s available too. Look at your own reality and realize that you hold the programming for all within. Look at your reality, take the blinders off and see what you didn’t want to see and realize that’s just ENERGY and that when you fully connect inside and REMEMBER again, that you are just ENERGY too.

Beautiful, Divine, Perfect, Awesome, Amazing Essence Energy here to make a difference just by being and loving you, just by sharing you, just by opening your heart so fully that you don’t ever want to close it again, because the amazingness that comes forth BEYOND THE LACK OF TRUST/FEAR is worth it and that that is what you are here to REMEMBER in order to shift INTO A VIBRATION that brings forth all that you desire here.

Powerful everything continues to increase… awareness and full consciousness are key. ♥

If you are slamming out awesomeness and playing in the magic, IN-JOY! If you find yourself challenged, look for any resistance, stories, what you have convinced yourself of, continue to participate in/allow and where you are continuing an unconscious program (in your head) and do whatever it takes to get your heart open fully again. It doesn’t have to be hard. You just have to choose and do this constantly until ease and flow are your new natural way here. ♦ ♫ ∞ ☼


More Live Captures from


Hey everyone.  So my intuition told me, about 20 minutes ago, to check out  I did and the following video footage is what I captured.  The one signal on the left is still going on – some 20 minutes later.  I was disappointed when, after the new signals and that siren sound were captured, they changed the frequency and the signals and sound no longer registered.  However something told me – no worries – what’s happening will find a way to be seen again.  And here you go.  I am posting this around 7:15pm – and the signal is still continuing. I read in the chat room where earlier the signal was even stronger with more structure to it.  I feel a bit like I’m Jodie Foster’s character Ellie in Contact.  Not sure if this is solar-related, occurrences in the ionosphere, CERN or something else altogether.  Just interesting to observe and ponder…

There’s Nothing Wrong With Us – It’s Just Evolution


Editor’s note:  A very interesting piece.  Comforting too.  She also talks quite extensively about the book The Nine Waves of Creation ~ a book I have heard of and am going to look out for a copy.  Any of you read it or familiar with it?  

Sea, Seagull, Bird, Seevogel, Water Bird

January 31, 2017
Helen White

There’s an incredible book that I recently finished reading and its been like a missing piece of the jigsaw for me. Its called “The Nine Waves of Creation” by Carl Johan Calleman, PhD and its an astonishingly audacious yet entirely coherent  perspective on our human experience. I’ve reviewed it more broadly in my other blog (here’s that post) but what feels most important to share, in this space about health and personal wellbeing, is how relatable its quantum perspective is to the consideration of whether we are thriving (or not) in these particular times in our human history. The book has shed so much light on why I and others like myself may have struggled to thrive at a very fundamental level and that is so often played out through our health; and why we are now at a change point that offers us a remarkable advantage…if we choose to see it and work with it. In fact, I would go as far as saying that what I am about to share with you feels like the most important information topic I’ve ever written about here.

What’s the quantum-holographic perspective got to do with how I really feel?

I talk a lot in these posts about the yin and the yang and how I regard the “sacred feminine” aspect to be a particular quality that was missing from the world and which has been trying to return in order to bring the planet back into balance. Without getting deeply into that here, since such ideas might sound too abstract in the context of health, Calleman’s book helps to bridge that gap in a way that is far more scientific and relatable for those who aren’t already seeing its significance in their own lives. Calleman has a PhD in physical biology from the University of Stockholm and is well respected in the scientific community, in addition to being a world expert on the Mayan Calendar. The way he handles this somewhat abstract concept, which he refers to in terms of the left and right hemispheres of the brain (and, indeed, the planet), is so compelling; also, supported by both conventional history and a huge amount of anecdote, to which I can now add mine.

He talks about evolution as something that “comes in” to our planet in very distinct waves omitted by a cosmic “tree of life”, which are downloaded by human beings all at once, as aspects of the global mind (you can imagine, somewhat like a computer receiving an upgraded version of a software package, which adds new features that simply weren’t there the day before). Suddenly the human mind is reassessing its world and finding features that it has never even noticed before, which alter their whole perception of reality since it is now seeing everything through a completely different filter. This profoundly affects everything going on for them, from what they think life is all about, what they feel capable of, what their priorities are, how they relate to each other and to the planet or the universe in general, and so on. These waves oscillate between “day” and “night” periods, reflecting peaks and valleys in their particular influence. That they do so is supported by correlations between “day” and “night” periods with with some of the most remarkable peaks and troughs in our human history; times when we took a huge evolutionary leap by started to innovate in a brand new way…or when certain behaviours, often whole cultures, went very suddenly and inexplicably into decline. These include moments such as the so-called instant flowering of brand new, incredibly coherent cultures that built pyramids (all around the world, all at the same time) which has long baffled historians, leading to some extremely unsatisfactory theories until I read Calleman’s book.

Without needing to go deeply into the history side of all this (I recommend you read the book), what is so key to know here is that we are living in remarkable times; an era when some of us get to experience not just one or two waves but even, sometimes, THREE in a single lifetime. This is because the frequency of the waves increases by a factor of 20 with each one (up to a total of nine according to Calleman) becoming faster and less spaced-out over time. Therefore, the Seventh Wave (which had been around for over two hundred years) only just went into its night period, the Eighth Wave got properly started in 1999 and the ninth wave came in on 9th March 2011. If you just loosely connect these dates with the timeline of your life, see if you can’t detect how your experience made needle jumps from one track to another at around these times; I know that mine did.

The Waves of Creation and chronic health conditions

What probably relates most to you, as a person interested in your own health and wellbeing, is that the Sixth and the Seventh Waves had very different preoccupations and outlook to the Eighth and the Ninth and both were active until very recently. So for those of us that are three or more decades old, our lives have ended up being the bridge that is attempting to make sense of these transitions. There are many more features to these interactions but, most importantly, the Sixth Wave set our process of civilization in motion; along with agriculture, cities, literacy, money, duality, war, monarchy and religion plus the Hologram of Good and Evil (something Calleman discusses at length), contributing to mental slavery, one of its themes. The Seventh Wave triggered the industrial (and political) revolution and made science the be-all-and-end-all of everything. Under its influence, we mostly gave up on the idea of god (except in so far as it could be used to control the masses), having taken a two-footed leap into the deep pool of empirical theory. We prioritised ownership, money and power, all very “yang” in their perspectives (in fact the “yin” hadn’t been around for the best part of 5000 years and women knew all about that since their experiences reflected this). If you’re my age, you are probably very familiar with the whole package of the Seventh Wave. It brought us some of our most memorable wars (as well as some of our milestone innovations) and our parents and grandparents, who were resoundingly “of” those times, likely saw the world through a very different filter to ours when we were growing up. This play-off is what saw the peace and love movement of the 1960s, which was the pre-wave of the Eighth Wave in reaction to the Seventh.

Continue reading here.


Are You Experiencing Advanced Energy Symptoms? This Is The Big Reason Why.


Editor’s note:  An interesting perspective.  Many years ago, I believed we were just experiencing a natural cycle (as this article entails).  Today, obviously, I believe there is far more to that theory.  Anyway, good piece on energies and their forthcoming symptoms in our bodies.  

Are You Experiencing Advanced Energy Shift Symptoms? This Is The BIG Reason Why

Are your ears ringing? Do high pitched tones overwhelm your senses whenever you sit in a quiet moment?

You’ve likely been reading about the energies pouring across Earth at this time, and the symptoms they are causing to your physical and etheric bodies. Are you feeling the energies and the changes they bring?

Perhaps, you’ve read other articles that guide you through the processing of these energies – these light frequencies, into your consciousness.  Still, many of you may not be aware of the grand dynamic at play in our galaxy that ushers in these changes into our time and space.

So, a brief recap: “Every 13,000 years or so, planet Earth comes into a space/time overlap or period of NULL-TIME… an electromagnetic no-zone or energy vacuum, with complete absence of electromagnetic fields and the temporary suspension of the planetary grid system.”

This cosmic cloud is called the PHOTON BELT… and ushers in an era of Light (2,000 years of Enlightenment) after a much longer period of [biblical] darkness. We are now poised to enter this Photon Belt, and there is nothing we can do to avoid it. It is the ending of a cycle. Understand it without fearing it.” 1

Those words were written in 1995… and now, we are deep into it.  We’re surging through it, like a high platform diver rips though the water.

Yes, the energies flooding the Earth and our bodies at this time are courtesy of the Photon Belt. Whether you know it, sense it, or feel it, these Photonic energies are initiating enormous change.1

Are you dealing with emotional stress, heart palpitations, lower abdominal pain, headaches and that ringing in your ears? These are all symptoms of your physical body, energetic body and chakras assimilating the higher frequencies. .. and it’s becoming quite a process

For a full list of energy shift symptoms check: 25 Strange “Symptoms” People Are Experiencing Worldwide

Each person will handle these changes in a different way, but the important thing is allowance and acceptance with gratitude. Don’t fight against the tide.

Trust you intuition. Whatever you are being shown, is a part of your cosmic story. As the energies shift, you will find that going with the flow of what you are being shown, will reduce your symptoms and the changes themselves will come more quickly.

As you absorb and translate the information embedded in these energies, you may discover it is possible for your consciousness to jump back and forth between our 3D lives and the 5D existence that we are hurtling toward.

Continue reading here.




LoveInActionNow’s Capture of Phenomena


I have yet to say that this morning, around 11:30am, something told me/urged me to “check out livemeteors now”.  That’s around the time this signal began being noticed, at least recorded by others I should say.  I didn’t listen as I let myself be more focused on doing the morning routine. Around 1:30pm is when we first checked it out and well, ya’ll know the rest.  The story, I am sure, will continue… We are feeling as though we are at the edge of an Event.