Message from Alexandra, March 4, 2019


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editor victoria’s comment ~ i have not shared from her or her site for a very long time.  i found this one on KP’s site and wow – does it resonate with me. i was particularly struck w/the concepts of the pit, and the west and east gates- which are the terms (and explanations) Yellow Rose uses…..i really align w/her 9 points….and as for the symptoms – except for the headache (my head just feels weird instead – pressure and wobbly shaking sensations now and then) – i have them all right now.  this morning i absolutely did NOT want to get out of bed.  if there were not things i had to tend to, i would have been in bed all day.  no doubt about it.  took another early evening nap and only took about 90 seconds to crash…..lately i have been allowing the knowing that i have played some dark rolls…forgiveness…and while i am still not absolutely sure yet given the memory wipe experience, i continue to feeeeel i volunteered to jump in to help free the prisoner’s.  totally would be in my character to do such a thing – that character piece that comes deep within.  freedom has meant something powerful and all knowing to me for as long as i have held a conscious memory/thought.  i likely became trapped – knew that was the risk in this game.  many of this hold this feel – hence the feeling of being lost and longing for Home…


Hey All of You Amazing Galactarians!

If you’re feeling a bit off don’t feel alone. This has been a huge transitional past week! You may notice physical symptoms such as sore throat, headache/migraine, extreme exhaustion, upset stomach, nausea, sinus drainage, congestion in the head and sinuses, and much more. You may also notice that there are days you can barely get out of bed due to lethargy, and depression and there’s a good reason for this. Most will just pass this shift off as flu.

The next thing that you may notice is that you feel like an emotional roller coaster, or what I would call emotional yo-yoing. And this is because you are entering a higher frequency again, stepping up with shorter “breaks” from huge incoming waves.

This is triggering all of the etheric bodies as well as physical systems within your body to acclimate to the new vibration and many might feel like they are within a “healing crisis”. The Creator of All That Is Was and Will Be along with Prime Creator are really cranking things up for our homecoming. This is all through LOVE!

Your mental body is in high alert for the significant shifts occurring and the discomfort this brings to your core identity programs. Your being is being reminded of the countless number of ‘end of the world age’ scenarios you have lived through but unfortunately, and typically, perished horrific deaths in the process.

There are many fear related programs that are being heightened at this time so be kind with yourself and others. These are such ANCIENT programs that you often don’t have a lot of control over them since you have never been able to “reach” them. They go back quintrillions of years ago at the beginning of The Game.

Don’t forget what Prime Creator is constantly reminding us of: The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end.

Now, part of this is due to things that Prime Creator continues to remove from The Game. And as he continues to remove more and more nefarious “items” from this reality, your body is literally going through a withdrawal experience. There is nothing but the best of intentions for you and a preparation for what is about to come! Do not forget He and The Love Lineage Team so love you, despite our history and our shadows.

So please be kind to yourself and do not forget that the animals are going through a similar “disruption” to their normal operations. Please be patient with them and understand that we are all getting ready for the momentous moment we’ve all been waiting for.

Remember there are three paths available; one is to the pit which is for all of those who wanted to annihilate Creator ‘s Children and Creations and have not one ounce of remorse in their hearts. Then there are those that are going to take a lateral path to the left (or west gate) and stay in the drama, but not the game. These are those who prefer to stay in the fight, resist truth and Prime Creator, and are just not ready yet for the leap! And then there are the rest, who are all working in various capacities to ready themselves for the big party! This is the right hand path or the east gate.

And let me tell you – it is one big massive universal celebration. We are not only monitored by so many to protect us and assist us, but many beings of light are absolutely fascinated by the “humans” arriving soon.

It has been said that many of us volunteered against all odds of success in helping to free Creator’s Creations. So many will view us with a curiosity that we don’t normally understand.

Lastly, you will be hearing a lot of dirt coming out about President Trump as well as Putin. I would like to pass on some messages I know and received this morning to relay to all of you:

1) EVERY ONE OF US has played both dark and light roles in this (yucky) game. Ask yourself this question; if you were hounded and hunted relentlessly, or your loved ones were decimated right in front of you, would your psyche be whole? Would you have feeings of revenge? Would you finally have had enough and seek justice in some capacity? Creator’s Creations faced this reality over and over again…we didn’t remember that this is a programmable virtual reality because it feels so real. We didn’t remember who we really are. We lost our ability to discern. Most of us don’t even now.

2) Even those who appear “dark or dirty” made correct choices at the end to bring this game to an end. In fact, MANY OF US DID!!! Many of us have provided The Love Lineage Team key intel to get this game stopped.

3) President Trump has been prepping for this end of game scenario as President of America for about 60,000 years.

4) Trump’s role required the strongest, wealthiest, most tenacious, most fearless, and most committed demeanor to fulfill his mission. The individual who played President had to have great wealth to avoid being caught in a corner by the heartless ones for need of funds. Let’s just say not many (if anyone) wanted this “part”.

5) When you read TRUST THE PLAN it means “reliance on integrity, ability, and character” of the plan. This plan is DIVINE AND BEYOND SCRUTINY!!! It has been created at the highest energetic level you can even imagine and WITH OUR HELP!!!

6) President Trump has proven himself countless times with ACTIONS he has taken through executive orders, peace negotiations, defending our country’s safety and citizens, and FINALLY HONORING THE VETERANS! Don’t allow the news to alter your commitment to your President at this final hour. And remember MOST OF US have been veterans in many many lifetimes to support Team Light in some capacity.

7) President Trump would not be in this position without REPORTING INTO PRIME CREATOR. And not only does he do so regularly, but Creator is in the driver’s seat. This is why Q states TRUST THE PLAN. No matter what Trump did in his past, which by the Way Provided us TONS OF INTEL, he is guided and monitored by Prime Creator!

8) What started out as a game for Creator’s children, intended for treasure hunts and hide n seek, was hijacked and sadistically locked down so none of us could escape. Rent the movie Tron, which gives you one example of how this took place. It was never intended for any of us to escape this reality.

9) What is most imperative right now is for each of us to IMAGINE what it will be like to be out of the game, surrounded by love, support, and stepping back into our multidimensional selves! The time is NOW to cast out the thoughts of doubt and fear and FOCUS on the celebration!

As John Lennon said “imagine all the people living life in peace.” Well we are about to experience that!

We have gone through tremendous upheaval to get to this moment. DO NOT ALLOW OUR MOMENTUM TO BE SQUASHED, sidetracked, diverted, or crushed on the goal we have today…to bring us all back to where we really belong with our True Creator! We do NOT BELONG IN A COMPUTER SIMULATED REALITY!



I would like to remind you not to forget your daily request for healing from Prime Creator. The Love Lineage Team works around the clock to assist all of you in preparing for this major event. Please take a moment and state the following with a pure heart intention,

“I accept and receive all of the cosmic and planetary work that has been done for me, all the aspects of my being, and my lineage. It is done. Thank you. “

I love you all,


If you need assistance with your thoughts, emotions and feelings at this hour, please try the following three essences I created with Prime Creator:

1) This Hugs For You

2) Restore Your Sanctuary

3) Mission Accomplished: Keep The Faith

They were designed to help us at the final hour.

James Gilliland Update for 2/26/19


editor victoria’s comment ~ lots of talk around this one lately.  thought i’d post it.  it’s the first week of march.  any one hearing/seeing of this?  



The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland



February 26th 2019

While in meditation I was told a very large Galactic Federation ship will be here in the first week of March. It has 49 shuttles each 220 feet wide. It is part of the changes rapidly unfolding on Earth. Most of your leaders are aware of and working with the Federation, the Orion Council of Light and Pleiadians. I have not been told as of yet their mission. The Earth has been under siege for thousands of years by darker forces which have infiltrated, almost all agencies, institutions and powers. You have been under a very suppressive Draconian or what some would call an Archon grid. This is coming to a close. The electromagnetic light spectrum on all levels has increased exponentially. The Central Sun connected to all other Suns has increased its flow of consciousness and energy. Consciousness, Light, Energy and Mass are all connected as frequencies of the same force. Due to free will and a lot of negative influence there has been a lot of miscreation outside of Universal Law. This solar system is in the boondocks on an outermost arm of the Milky Way. There are differences of opinion on whether we are even in the Milky Way none the less we have been left alone, some might say abandoned until the time is right.

NASA has released the charts on the increase of incoming energies, the Schuman Resonance is off the chart Tuesday it went from 7.8 to 74 which is one reason people are feeling out of sorts. This is all part of the awakening and healing or liberation of Earth. You can see it playing out on every level. The increase in social, economic, political, changes, severe weather, increase in earthquake and volcanic activity all are byproducts of these incoming energies. People are choosing between the upward spiral engaging their own higher consciousness and energy making their own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection, or the downward spiral leading to social, economic and environmental collapse. The days of tyranny are coming to a close, yet this will happen in stages. We are here for soul evolution, to gain the wisdom through experience learning from the past. This is where the wisdom from the Elders come in. There are Elders from Earth and Elders from the stars. The Elders of the Earth if awake are connected to the Elders in the stars. Your ancient ancestors are returning. They know the real history of Earth, the origin of your religions, and have a more expanded version of God far beyond the bearded images of the past.

What does this mean for Humanity? We are being given a golden opportunity to release the past, gain the wisdom from the experience and take a quantum leap in evolution. We can choose to join the rest of the Universe in Peace, reunite with the greater family of man, clean up the environment, put an end to most diseases and live a thoroughly loving, joyous abundant life. It is our birthright. We did not get into the mess we are in without interference. When I say interference, it exists on many levels, physical and non-physical. There in so much inhumanity on Earth because of non-human interference. This is being removed.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.”

Many humans have chosen to serve these non-human entities due to promises of power, fame, wealth etc. These are false promises and never end well. This is a disservice to God and country.

The real power is love and it comes from making your own personal connection with God/Creator/Great Spirit. Real everlasting fame comes from service to humanity, saints, sages and masters are the most remembered. The real wealth comes from within, wealth of knowledge, wealth of love, wealth of joy, a life of service to humanity and the Earth feeling good about oneself that is the real wealth, it is nonmaterial. The transitory and false fame, wealth, and power sold to you by social consciousness is a lie. When you awaken many will realize almost everything they have been taught and told were lies. The social engineering, conditioning and programming has all been a plan carried out by these negative forces seen and unseen that have enslaved humanity for eons. Again, these forces are replete throughout the agencies and institutions you have in error given your power too. Some refer to these energies as the deep state or swamp. It is global.

When you climb the ladder of fame. power and wealth in most institutions of this day and age it gets darker and more decadent. When your eyes are fully opened the truth can be devastating. The masks are all coming down, the truth is being revealed and the true character of everyone will be made known. Politics, Hollywood, and the major religions are a good example. Nothing is how it seems and nothing is real concerning what the lame stream media tells you. In fact, if you reverse what they are saying the percentage of truth would be much higher. The Great Awakening is here. How we deal with it and how much we resist it will be up to each individual. I would strongly suggest choosing Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All, “Universal Law” the upward spiral of evolution. It is time to listen to the Elders of Earth and the Stars. There are spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations which have conquered, poverty, disease, and live in harmony with each other and their environments. One would think it wise to follow their lead.

Be well, James Gilliland

ECETI Stargate the Official Channel YouTube

Schrodinger’s Other Cat(s) ~ The Veil Thins [UPDATE2]


i like their pov on this realm – all of it a hologram (projection) – all playing a role.  how most of US (our light bodies) are not within these vessels. we did get shrunk in here – everything was shrunk in this experience here.  yuck ugh huh?  transition out changes that.  they noticed the black line and maintain it’s a timeline jump.  i already commented on that earlier (although i did take a big nap around 8pm too – but that isn’t anything that unusual for me)…. pondering the whole real body being outside in stasis…too tired tonight.  off to sleep…


More and more, we’re having dreams of various people out in the world wearing nondescrip masks and costumes…

…masks and costumes that become increasingly thin and unreal and in the dream. In some cases the costumes and masks drop away… and there’s no one there.

Extras Revisited

This reminded us of people on the site asking us a while ago about whether or not the people you see around you are actual people and not holograms. We said that everyone has a spirit, which is true, but we’ve had lots of internal discussions on this since then and thought you might like a little more detail.

All the people around you are indeed holograms… but then again so are you. More about that in a moment. Many of what one person termed, “backdrop people” are not really backdrops as much as they are EXTRAS. While these extras aren’t necessary for our drama here onstage, they DO contain a spirit. They are real… they’re just not fully awake, not fully conscious, just going through the motions. We don’t need them to enact our various EVENT dramas, but they CAN awaken, and in doing so enrich the experience even more. They certainly don’t deserve scorn, quite the opposite.

And like we said, holographically speaking, you yourself inhabit a hologram. You are a non-local being (a spirit, or soul) having a local experience (in an illusion-body in space-time). More than that, you are literally a GYNORMOUS spirit, with only a teeny tiny bit of you in said illusion-body, in what some CATs call a “vehicle.” (It could be said that “spirit” refers to the larger chunk, and “soul” refers to the smaller piece, but these definitions don’t really matter.)


Yellow Rose for Texas’ response to my questions


Just copying and pasting the conversation.  As you can see the full Truth is not known by any one being here.  All will be known though.  (when she refers to the “eye” that is the exit point from my understanding –  a lens in space – a gate – like the metaphor “passing through the eye of the needle”….)  i feel more confident now that i was able to see my body outside of this realm because our families retrieved them from the controllers.  i appreciate her insight as to how many of us experience the energies differently as there are many different types of beings here…..

Love In Action Now
Hi Rose. I have a couple of questions for you that I’ve been pondering. 1) if these bodies are holographic projections, w/our REAL bodies in Statis in seclusion, why is this hologram feeling energies incoming (like so many others are)? is this because our REAL bodies are getting realigned again and there is a transfer going on to these holograms? my mate and i are wonder what would be the purpose of these energies that some say are changing our carbon-based being into a crystalline form – what would be the purpose of such an experience if we are leaving these projections at the end? 2) who is watching over our bodies in stasis? home? have the watcher’s changed (from dark controller’s to benevolent family/friends?)

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They did retrieve our bodies sometime back. There is another you operating ‘outside’. I’m aware of the energy change. Gives everyone hot flashes at the moment. Yes, I’ve heard the rumors of changing within, etc. Crystalline is interesting, because they don’t call it ‘dna’ above, and as close a word for description might be, in some peoples view, “crystalline”. But not as in ‘mineral, rock’. I think the proper term will be revealed. But rumors aside, from what was stated in the past, the eye has a particularly high energy field and we have to meet and match that energy, internally..internally because that is where the real ‘you’ is. Like a butterfly. Its quite possible, since there are many branches here, that some have different alterations they can feel, is the only thing that I’ve been able to find out about it. The reason “now” is because they are ready to go now, and you are beside the gate and its energy is buffering you.

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Staggering discovery reveals moon lies INSIDE Earth’s atmosphere


editor victoria’s comment ~ not a real moon.  you would think if we really did “go” to the moon, they would have known this back in the 60’s, right? discovered between 1996 and 1998 yet no release – instead it was just sitting in archives?  lol really now…..perhaps this is disclosure.  considering the source (NASA/SOHO) who knows…we’ve been moved around….maps are now different…..just interesting given the timing of this release…


Published time: 21 Feb, 2019 15:29

The Earth’s atmosphere is much bigger than previously thought, extending far beyond the Moon, a team of scientists have revealed. The amazing discovery was made thanks to data that has been sitting unexamined for over 20 years.

We now know that the atmosphere surrounding our planet stretches 630,000km (391,464 miles) away and is 50 times the diameter of Earth, thanks to the discovery and analysis of decades-old data by scientists at Russia’s Space Research Institute.

It means that the Moon is part of our atmosphere and not outside of it. In fact, it’s actually located right in the middle of our atmosphere, at an average distance of 384,400 kilometres (238,855 miles) from Earth.

“The Moon flies through Earth’s atmosphere,”explained study author physicist Igor Baliukin of Russia’s Space Research Institute.

The jaw-dropping data was collected by the NASA/European Space Agency Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) between 1996 and 1998 and had been gathering dust in an archive since then.


Who am I… or much more… What am I?


editor victoria’s comment ~ an interesting read….i’ve actually had a strong desire lately to really know not only who i am but more deeply – WHAT am i?  (and where am i?)…



It came in with a bang. An startling insight. The question of “Who am I” had been answered for me long ago. The further I moved into embodiment, I realized: The question now really is all around “What am I”?

This might sound a bit strange to begin with. Why would I care about what I am? Isn’t it clear? A spiritual being, in a human body? I thought so, too. The question of who I am I had answered for myself when I went through the first part of spiritual awakening. The clearing of the energetic patterns, the blocks, the empowering. More and more I understood, that awakening is actually not a journey at all. That would mean there is a destination, something to reach. No… it is an experience. A quest. An exploration. Not for the sake of getting anywhere. But for the sake of growth, expansion and learning. It is non linear. And I got it so clear. Anything I encounter on that quest, is actually a part of myself that is experiencing and exploring a different part of this overall map called universe, and more specifically planet earth. Collecting information for the source we all come from. So no matter what I see, encounter, experience: It is a part of the whole, a part of me – that is just how a hologram works…. So I got it. Who am I: The creative source.

“So no matter what I see, encounter, experience: It is a part of the whole, a part of me – that is just how a hologram works.”

Much more interesting it got when I really moved into embodiment. I had the feeling since a while already, that there is more to awakening than just meditating, breathing and keeping the frequency high. When we look at the process of creation, then at some point, we actually start to create. How many times have we read and heard that lightworkers are incarnate on earth to help humanity ascend and to create a New Earth that functions on a completely new mainframe. A higher frequency and codes that are based on 5D and above. Great! But what does that mean? January this year (2019) we could already feel that the time of talking about New Earth was over. We all kind of got tired of just talking about ascension and symptoms and methods. We had figured out how the universe works and how we transmute energy. We had cleared our stuff in large parts energetically. We could feel our bodies preparing to land this energy on the planet and being able to walk between the dimensions with ease. We could feel that urge that we are called to create.

“Who could have thought that this physical process would be so challenging once again.”

Who would have thought that this physical process would be so challenging once again. The physical body ailing, hurting, pushing cellular memory to the surface to release, and at the same time upgrading to be able to channel the higher frequencies in order to physically create. The energetic blueprint is established, so what is next?

We felt that our task is changing. What used to work did not work anymore. It did not feel right anymore to rely on tools or methods. Now it was intuitively being and doing what felt good in the moment. We had no choice really but to let go of the idea we could control anything or stay in our “spiritual comfort zone”. All we could do is move into the moment, into that zero point and create from there. Intention yes, expectation of specific outcomes no. We are now learning to reunite the past and future into the present moment.

Our experience from the past is a big clue on what is next. What we learned in our 3D past, combined with our unique talents and gifts, now serves us to walk between the dimensions. And it also helps us to find out WHAT we are.

“That means really finding out what our function is in this evolving human organism. It is so individual, no one else could fill exactly the same function.”

That means really finding out what our function is in this evolving human organism. That is so individual, that there is no one else in this whole organism, who could fill exactly the same function. And the process actually is a permanent striptease, showing us relentlessly what we are not. Everything that is not effortless for us, is what we are not. Everything that is not exciting for us, is what we are not. And it is funny, because when we first went through our awakening, we needed to learn to detach. To empower ourselves, to walk it on our own. To balance our feminine and masculine aspects. That was the shift from being dependent to being independent. Now that that is done… we enter the next phase… and that is becoming interdependent. No longer this means needing someone else to solve it for us or being attached and needy. Now it is all about sharing, joining our magical powers to become the living organism based on oneness and abundance that we all dreamt of. And we are building New Earth as we go. We are walking through the dimensions to inspire people, infecting the old system with the new way of living.

“We are walking through the dimensions to inspire people, infecting the old system with the new way of living.”

It is no longer about teaching, it is about leading by example.

To give you an example how much this is stripped down to the nitty gritty detail of learning what we are.

Agustí and I had been working on the movement/project/new model for society , and way of touching people through art experiences in their core to trigger shifts (Fast Forward, FFabric, FFellowism). Agustí is an amazing planner and plotter of blueprints, assembling different insights, experiences and ideas and amazing in provoking people to go beyond what they were able to imagine. Me on the other hand, I am superfast in understanding systems and structures and seeing where the flow is blocked. I love to put my finger onto those blocks to resolve them. I am a catalyst. I trigger people and systems to shift. I am really good at causing cognitive dissonances to blow the mind. I know what kind of experiences are necessary to create the conditions for such a shift. And I am good in translating complexity into a simple, down to earth language.

We both got so frustrated that the project despite all the things we did, did not ground and land. We both got tired, each time we came to the point when it was about making the necessary connections and actions to get things going. I did not like doing it, he did not like it either. And of course it did not work out this way. We did not do what we love in that moment. It was a huge effort and made us really tired. There was no way that our energy would excite anyone else or pull the right people and situations into our field.

“There was no way that our energy would excite anyone else or pull the right people and situations into our field.

A couple of days ago, Agusti posted: I am the heart, she is the heartbeat. And that is true. He is that structure, that connects everything, the pebble that causes the ripple. And I am the impulse, the beat to create waves. I keep the flow going. But I do not start the flow. I am not giving birth. And I am not the creative that goes into the nitty gritty details of things. It hit me like I was struck by lightening… That was exactly what the missing link was. The one that brings life force into the structure. The one giving birth. The one making the connections so that the flow could flow. It was such a relief to finally understand why we felt like going in circles and that we did not manage to land the project to really kick it off. And also understanding that we no longer can compromise on our function. We are not supposed to do it alone. With our human body, we have our specific configuration, specifically designed to do what we can do best. And we click into the fractal we are part of to interact and co-create by contributing what we truly love. To find our specific function to create and build new earth, we just gotta observe really well, what is effortless and fun for us. It is the thing that is least obvious to us and most obvious to others. Because for us it is so natural, it does not seem so normal and not special at all. And it is what others admire us and appreciate us for.

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg

Lisa Harrison ~ Deconstructing The Construct Ep #57


editor victoria’s comment:  i have just begun listening but want to share/get this out there to you all as i know many (myself included) have been waiting for some news from her….i scrolled through the words she shared below her video and WOW – resonating w/so much.  she says we are in the space before waking!  that explains my ongoing desire to yell WAKE UP to ME – whether that is just ME within me still slumbering or ME in stasis as I have seen on a ship (from home??) – much like yellow rose for texas has shared.  perhaps “the event” is the moment we FULLY awaken.  ??  (just heard/felt “at long last!”)….interesting too the reference (again) to Africa – as Toto’s “Africa” has been crazy on my mind lately – early this week especially (the lyrics are quite prophetic for this transition, btw).  seems quiet on that one though now.  and resonating w/the “cannot sleep before 3am”…..if i do happen to slumber off earlier i have been waking up wide awake at 3am (or sound there)….nightly now just wide awake….child included.  another new one – appetite – i don’t need to eat as i once did – dropped of suddenly this week and i noticed it yesterday and today.  i shared this on lisa’s channel and she just responded back saying she too has had her appetite drop off as well.  so………things are happening…..



Published on Feb 15, 2019

Ascension Update, separation of worlds, PUSH FORWARD


editor victoria’s comment ~ a new channel find.  i like her energy and resonate w/much of what she is saying.  i have been feeling that collective grief (which i feel is more about all of the ME’s who have experienced incarnated life here)….my sleep patterns have been strange – i seem to either be in a deep, quick sleep or i am suddenly wide awake.  last night i slept for an hour then was awake suddenly.  my mind was so needing to sleep but my body – my cells – were alive and trembling keeping me awake.  my daughter later told me she too was suddenly awake at the same time.  i appreciate her share on mama’s….and the family in general…and i too have felt our children flow where we “go”…..(the video is not coming up for some reason – just the address so you may have to copy and paste the link to view the contents.)


Streamed live on Feb 12, 2019