Donny of Daytona ~ Watch out ! Don’t be fooled ! Venus and Sirius are fake


editor victoria’s comment ~ as i have felt and now simply know – a simulation. they took what was real and made simulations of it, put it down here (via projection) and called it “REAL”.  what is “REAL” is outside this fishbowl. and….oooh the mist wipes out the simulation.  destroys the hologram.  the plasma energies are the event energies which are powerfully incoming now…..which could explain why in each event type dream i see a white misty sky.  anyway good video below!



Published on Jan 17, 2019

Gina Maria ~ What is this by the sun?


editor victoria’s comment ~ i forgot to mention this today.   last night around 1am, i took a picture of the moon which was flopped down in a smiley position. not on its side.  i took pics but the position didn’t show up – it just looks like a big round light.  but obviously not round as it’s not quite 50% waxing position. anyway – first time i’ve seen the moon look like that! (it was setting in the west).



Published on Jan 15, 2019

Timeline Jumpage, “Stargate” Sighting, A(nother) Fake Moon Landing, and a CME [UPDATED]


Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ A portion of a current piece by Schrodinger’s Cat.  I would like to add that a Stargate is a mechanical construct that creates the energy field to allow a portal to appear.  They are not the same thing but do work together.  Interesting they call it an exit portal – which was my feel as well. And that CME I feel could be that Stargate powering itself.  It has structure to it that made me question whether it is indeed a CME.  


Also, someone accidentally got the following pic (after two normal pics) when they were trying to take a picture of rainbow clouds around the sun:

Thanks to the commenter who pointed out the video. The eponymous 333rd MrMBB likened the above to a stargate… which is indeed what it looks like, but… that’s not exactly what’s captured here. We’re still not sure what it is. This is an artificial construct… but it’s not a portal, exactly. It’s kinda… “vacuumy”… but… well, we’ll let you know when we find out. How’s that for vague?

[UPDATE: Ok, it’s just an exit portal, and a rather primitive one. It has a weird suction to it, which is why we said, “vacuumy.” Yes, vacuumy is a word. Now.]


Steve Olson/WSO ~ Red Cloud #2…This Time, FRANCE ++ Sun Halos Seen Everywhere Now


Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ Around the 11 minute mark he begins to speak of the moon and how it’s not showing up – at all – on a nightly basis now.  It’s at 6/7% waxing so we should be seeing SOMETHING.  I say that because several weeks ago two women on Lisa Harrison’s channel (women who commented) said that Saturn was disappearing and after Saturn, comes the moon.  I then linked a mainstream piece by NASA saying that wow – suddenly – the rings on Saturn are disappearing at a very fast rate (and for them by fast they said 300,000 plus years to which of course we know is as ridiculous as the system puppet scientists saying “ok we are going to begin a program of spraying heavy metals in the skies in order to deflect the heat from the sun away from the earth to stop global heating”…meaning lie lie lie must have a pretty sounding cover story to hide the truth and the truth is this simulated realm is being deconstructed and we be getting out likely via that stargate recently seen.  the cats had a commentary on that which i will link next.)  anyway just found it interesting that first the moon was struggling to appear “normal” and now – where is it?  oh moon, oh moon, wherefore art thou?  



Published on Jan 8, 2019

Steve Olson/WSO ~ Fireballs and Space Mirrors ++ Are YOU Longing for Home? Plus a photo of a halo


editor victoria’s comment ~ sharing for all of us who long for home.  i appreciate what he says about us being fragmented here.  and i also was intrigued by the images of the mirrors on the top of the church he shares plus the video captures showing the simulation in which we are in.  i recalled the dream i had last year where i saw shiny pieces of metal falling from the sky.  i was inside of a building that has a domed ceiling w/skylights watching this happen.  interesting isn’t it?  

the photo below was sent to me by one of you beautiful people.  i found it appropriate to link it to the video below.  on a side note – one of linea’s followers commented that saturn is no longer being seen.  she saw this on an astrological site she follows.  i found that interesting – lining up with all of the transitioning we are experiencing – within and out there.  


Premiered 6 hours ago

Image sourced from here.


[wpedon id=”208″ align=”left”]


Lisa Harrison ~ Deconstructing The Construct Ep #55


just got this one:  FOCUS ON YOUR INTERNAL MOVIE INSTEAD OF THE OUTER ONE.  ok then…..will do.

editor victoria’s note:  i am only 7 minutes in and already i am crying.  I CAN RELATE SO DEEPLY!   a very beautiful, painful, necessary listen.  for me that is.  i have been feeling as well – quite faintly/quietly – that big ME/ME’s are merging with me.  just this sense of merging.  and i have also been questioning my roles.  a few days ago, in the bathroom (where else?) i was frustrated with my child and the demands that go along with that and i was frustrated with my mate too and inside i was screaming THIS IS NOT WHO I AM.  i am not this role of mom and wife.  i am more than that.  i felt tremendous guilt and stuffed the experience away.  MUST STOP DOING THIS.  allow to understand and release and heal and BE.  anyway….i’m just going to share the comment i left on her page:  this morning i was bursting inside and what came out was impatience, frustration anger then disappointment (with my life and my choices) then this sadness of why can’t i just finally get this LOVE thing. why do i still cling to all of the damn stories? i keep coming back to this and now i am HEARING the questions instead of just the stories, if that makes sense. the mucus stuff OMG coughing up mucus – i have been doing that off and on for 2-3 years! began in my mouth in 2015. when i tuned in i was guided to speak words of love to release. yeah i am a S L O W learner because here i still am with the same symptoms. one day recently i sat at the table hacking away and my girl said “mom you are purging a lot of emotions now.” maybe the dying matrix is trying to remain intact by triggering our own programs to keep going. still grasping that all is a program. i know i am letting myself be triggered now. my question now: how do i be in that place of love knowing what i know – and most especially while still being here (when home is so longed for).i did begin to do the Hoʻoponopono prayer the past week – guided to do so – very effective in all of this esp. forgiveness of self. thank you for this one.

Published on Dec 12, 2018

Gaia Portal Update ~ 12/8/18 ~ Stereotypes of harmonics are cleared


“release comes from opened eyes”.  interesting considering what i have been pondering lately:  i got into this realm so i know i (we) can get out.  with these bodies.  i also was feeling a lot of chatter “out there” and tuned in as much as i could early this morning.  i heard/felt the timeline for by january.  i asked “what about this i will be home for christmas” and i heard/felt “that is being worked on as ‘fast’ as possible to keep that timeline.”  this morning i had a message from brother rick who had the same experience last night and received more or less the same message.  

and along those lines as i tuned in more i heard/felt that the event is also a program – but a benevolent one – that over-writes all of the false/lower vibe/harmful/deceitful code and turns all back to source original.  


Stereotypes of harmonics are cleared.

Clarities are accepted by all hu-manity.

Calcifieds are deconstructed and realigned.

Fears are confronted and held by the Light BEings.

Release comes with Opened Eyes.



Deconstructing the Construct ~ Lisa M Harrison ~ update 12/1/18 ~ Episode 54


editor victoria’s note:  this is a short one.  listening.  will comment more later if i feel the need…i am resonating w/the body purging (bowel stuff) which yes i had for a day recently as well as (an even more intense) the need to NOT connect with anyone.  i have had this day to myself more or less so far – NO interruptions and WOW does my energy need this!!

UPDATE:  after listening to this one i can say i have been having moments where i feel the need to tell some part of me to “WAKE UP” – having this experience for awhile now – so it was interesting to hear Lisa say that would be a choice for some to “wake up”…another interesting “got that too” moment was hearing her speak of the WI-FI fields and how all of that got put into a protective bubble – a message she received, i believe, just last night.  what’s interesting is last night as i lay in bed i thought about the Smart Meter that is on our neighbor’s home and how I have put certain elements in our daughter’s room to help protect her from that nonsense.  as i lay there i thought what else i could do when suddenly i had a quick and quiet (my messages within always come that way) message that said “no need to worry about that.  let it go.”  so i did….



Published on Dec 1, 2018