#UNIVERSALCLEANUP : Overview of Alleged Sentencing Hearing Knoxville 7.17.18


editor’s note:  i will admit to only listening to the first 15 minutes of this one.  it was too painful to hear of the smugness and the abuse these criminals continue to pull in this case.  enough is enough.  a good point was made though by bz in that the DOJ we have in place now is different than it was when this fiasco began.  so focus and faith are put into the cleaning up of the system we see taking place and that this will trickle down into this case ~ even bringing forth a pardon (2).  anyone know how to request such a thing from a sitting president (aside from being kim kardashian)?

one of her supporters was commenting how we should feel.  (ooooh do not like to be told that ever – lol).  we are not to feel oh what was the word – it doesn’t matter – we were not to feel animosity towards the judge, attorney’s, etc. because they are source in body as we are and are simply unawakened to this.  i commented that i used to have this perception but now feel some are simply bots, ai’s, w/o souls.  not that this makes a difference ~ i am pissed and i have the damn right to feel however i wish as do we all and telling anyone how they “should” feel is just another program so i feel anger when someone proclaims enlightenment but still participates in the old game.   so yes i am upset about this and i DO hold ALL accountable who have not only created this system but who continue to play it out, causing untold suffering on far too many.  there are no lessons from that. only pain.  and this is not who we are.

that exit button – end game button – cannot come soon enough for me.  i am done playing in this game.  i am ready for my full restoration to Original Me and freedom to create/live/be/do.  i command this for all and i hope you will join me in setting this focused outcome.  much love, v.


Published on Jul 17, 2018

Some Thoughts on The Matrix Simulation (the virus), Living Souls


editor’s note:  the link below is the flat earth paradise video i linked earlier today….i just wanted to share her thoughts…(not sure how much more i will be focusing on the matrix, the programs, etc.  i am starting to feel the draw, the pull to Remember the experience of creating from love.)



The matrix ‘virus’ are those aspects of this world that are based in polarity (lack of light). The removal of these polarity viruses are definitely in effect, and the Full Removal of them is THE destiny.

There are living souls (Which are us starseeds)… and there are non-living souls (Which are all the other souls, which comprise most of the world, who are not real souls). These non living souls are not real souls bc they are constructed energy souls, created and sustained by the darkside, in order to uphold the polarity viruses.

They are actually, inverted (negative) aspects of ourselves, the starseeds, but whose consciousness is fractalized* out and attached to non-living souls. Basically, these non living souls are here to represent the parts of us, and of the old matrix, that we don’t like– in order to say NO to it with our own consciousness.

This has been done enough, and to the point, to which now full removal of the viruses are now imminent. I am feeling like posting about this tonight, nc duringhe day I kept tuning in to what was the matrix breaking down further at this time. I was also seeing how the viruses are being reactive right now, bc of this further breakown we are now having.

I am feeling that we living souls (starseeds) are feeling so weary. Me included. It feels like we are waiting forever for this ship to finally sink. Which brings me to my next point. Which is that, energetically, we feel*** the pull*** of this sinking ship (aka old matrix)… and it can make us feel drained, low energy, and that we* are dying when in fact it’s the old matrix that is dying. Our empathic nature feels the old matrix’s last throes of death, and we can sort of associate that feeling with ourselves! So if you are feeling mega-drained, you are definitely not the only one.

We are also having some major upheaval in Taurus and Cancer themes… home, family, material, survival… yhere are more than this at this time but I’m actually to tired to look it up… so many of us are throwing out the old, and it can feel highly* uncomfortable. Don’t judge yourself for lacking motivation… just BE in the currents of YOU.. and sense what’s going on without* labeling it. We need to give time and space* for this changes to occur (and for the old matrix to die)…

We may also feel, for those of us who have been awake for a long time, that we are coming into New spaces that are even further away than what we see in the rest of the spiritual community. This was bound to happen bc we naturally push the edge of consciousness. I had moments of anxiety today as I knew I was indeed leaving my old spaces, and feeling like great I’m going to be even further out on the fringe than I was before. Which was already far out to begin with. I’m sure I’ll be fine! But just a lot of new feelings are coming in that I didn’t have before, to which I also found myself judging them, bc my new spaces are quiye spiritually incorrect. And, of course they never matched 3d too well either.. but now I feel so far out. I know my soul is choosing this next space tho. This is all part of the Event and New Earth. Things are opening, closing, crashing, colliding, separating, fusing, etc etc… bc this is just stuff sorting itself to match the Event Point in the collective timeline. We are takking about so many personal timelines assimilating themselves to the Event and New Earth… therefore coming to “one” point in the collective timeline. A lot of maneuvering, is what I’m feeling. Oh and also it seeme non living souls are coming to new earth.. but their proccess is different than ours.

So anyway, with all this shifting and maneuvering… drop** the self-judgment… allow** the shifting to unfold in its time… consult with your heart… but give it space too bc the heart is undergoing a lot right now 🌏🌈

Sourced here.

Examing problems of economic reset [no fear porn] and how its unnecesary.


editor’s note:  this is a wonderful, very thoughtful piece.  t/y my faithful reader sword for sharing this one. love how your mind works.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Examing problems of economic reset [no fear porn] and how its unnecesary.

Many people are familiar with concept of economic collapse. This concept exist for long time, in many version (dollar collapse, global collapse, bubble burst etc.) mostly in so called fear porn. This concept had granted positive connotation with 70s and resurface of New Age movement. A part of fall of Evil Forces, A new beginning, freeing humanity from economic slavery, prelude to Nesara etc.

Starting from that point we have two kinds of economic collapse:

– Negative, issued by negative force, serve as way of creating chaos, conflict, poverty and giving cause to manipulate into war.

– Positve, fall of matrix, opening for abundance, reset of system etc. Issued by positive forces as part of liberation process.

With negative collapse its easy because we all agree that is a way of attack by negative forces, thus it dont serve any positive way for majority. But serve as way of consolidation wealth in their hands.

But with positive collapse its different then we thought at first glance. Now I will argue and point weak points of positive idea and try to debunk it:

First, most claim it will come before energetic wave, so called THE EVENT, thus society is not affected and transmutated en mass by light, they still live in matrix (mostly), some post Event major ideas as cashless society and advanced technology dont exits yet. So what about:

– Elders, people above 50 years would be in shock and mostly fear. Fear of what? Change. Most people wouldnt get any idea why its happening, even if truth would be told in front of them in short time. Especially for people who are aware that they will depend on country in future, very near future. Retiring is key here. Any move on pension funds create hysteric reaction in elder people, people unwilling for major changes in their life. Why? Health and job reasons. Thus there is danger of creating major wave of heart strokes in elderly population and any other health related problems (depression, psychosomatic symptoms, addiction and suicides…) when stability of their life and spouses were in danger.

– Low economic knowledge in population, how can you present that destruction of system (stable, not good, but stable) and not cause panic? Especially in groups that depend on system (single mothers, poor people, unemployed etc.) and people who are part of low level of system (goverment workers, public workers). For most people economic collapse would mean destruction of stability, stability of job, social programs, public health access etc. I here dont argue about efficient of system/matrix for everyman. But point how its hoodwinked into everyones life and what repercussion it can lead into. When you hear that bank where your hardworked money is stored and now is bankcrupt you dont cheer for it. Explaining to most:” oh they were bad guys, they stole you money, we will in close future give it back” wont be enough for many people. Other will ask more specific answer, of how this change in system will not affect this or that etc. And not kind ourselves if 10% people will start asking question in same time its hard to answer them.

– Time, 3 days of no access to bank account can be acceptable, but what if it extend, one week. So most companies stop their work, and people have free time, a lot of them? And they hear that money vanished, or they cannot access it. All focus on that, not on going to park for a walk. What about my favorite chocolate? I depend on it. And my neighboor taking drugs for hearth related problems? My fridge have only 1 week worth of food as most people who struggle to survive. Social institution wont be able in short time to help every in need. They have already problems with natural disasters who come in advance.

– Energy grinds, no matter how done, there is risk of creating a lot of negative energy, even in short time. Anger from lack of answer, Fear of losing pension etc. can create a very explosive energy that could be siphoned by negative forced (both physical and energetical) and use to manifest negative activities that would damage everyone. So maybe we should clear them before right? This is next argument.

– Negative forces, let say we cleared all energetical negative activity (no archons, demons etc.) so the grinds are clear. We still have physical people who belong to negative societies. Then clear them! Ok, so we need to control and install positive people in major agencies and goverment services, we need to remove sleeper agents, also control private corporations and clear them, got it! Juridiction for trials, doneSo now postive forces control and have full power in all of services? Right! Yes! Then if you control everything what purpose economic collapse serve? Instead  of fixing it?
Isnt better to do change every part of system that need to fix, redirect funds and goverment spending in diffrent fields etc. sparing ourselves from major unrest and elders from heart attack that they lose saving of whole life? Ummm…….

So maybe financial reset should come after the Event? Why would we need it then? When replicators come? Oh it will take time then..maybe. ET disclosure then…1 year…or when you ready…so you need money? No, not at all. After Galactic wave most people will instantly awaken, transmutation of their needs. Some people will directly ascend, those not need dollars. Some will develop their manifestation that will not need money. Other will awaken past lifetimes. Previous lifes are major deal here. Why? Because even remembering one life lead to realisation what kind of artifical and groundhog day life were. This makes en mass maturation of human-human contact that can lead to jump into barter system if needed or total remission for money, so all financial institution become obsolete.

Deconstructing The Construct Ep 46


editor’s note:  wow…………it is happening……….got some confirmation late this afternoon that “home” is now here…..i had a feeling tonight after i got out of the shower (yeah, not while i was in the water) was that each of us who are here for this are like holding our own piece of the puzzle – and together we are creating this transition – each being whether they are in full knowing or not – contributing an important creation.  anyway….watching – may comment more later – wanted to get this out asap.


Published on Jul 11, 2018