Jon Levi ~ Our Real History


editor victoria’s comment ~ there seems to be some confusion with some of you – my wonderful readers/subscribers.  i often share videos put out by others.  i always state who the author of the video is and share a link back to their channel.  if it is one of my videos, i will say such.  this site – Love In Action Now dot com is run by me – Victoria.  i hope that clears up any confusion.  now i leave you with another awesome video by one of my favorite historian/investigators/truth-seeker… Jon Levi who, i feel, is quite spot on in his shares as to where we are and what our real story is.


47.8K subscribers

New intel (captures) on Venus


i decided to go back in time and see what happened in the days leading up to that explosion on Venus.  it was already experiencing damage – serious damage – prior to the “pit” showing up.  it got hit – and smoked for a ways until the Pit w/that bomb-like object inside did the “clean up” – the final kabam.

below are the images i captured.  Venus is on the pole off to the left – the Pit again is on the right.   you will see the shock-wave coming off of Venus showing it took an explosive hit.  (these are still images.  if you want to play around here w/this yourself go here).

images i captured go through 2/4/2020….(there continue to be no uploads past the explosion on the 19th – w/this particular camera/sat angle that is.)

when this is over i need to see the REAL movie.  i command to be debriefed as to what actually happened inside this realm…


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Follow up on Adam Foreman’s latest video of Venus


i was able to do some digging as i wanted to verify the images he captured for myself.  it is indeed authentic (as i felt it would be).  i noticed the image below is the last to be shown at the nasa site.  after the explosion, there is no additional data.  below is the last image available (at this current time that is).  notice the date is 2/19/2020…just passing along….



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Against the Grain ~ Melancholia size planet above Europe Rijeka Croatia February 2020



hmmm… recent days i’ve been guided to revisit the event dream i had – the only one i have had.  3 years ago i think?  anyway in the dream as i looked to the south i saw 2 planets – one very large and one smaller and off to the right of it.  this video reminded me of this image (although in my dream they were quite literally side by side and i was excited i could see them with my own eyes – finally – w/o having to rely on electronics w/infrared capabilities)…


9K subscribers

A new year’s video I made: More “planet hopping” on the LASCO


as ya’ll know i rarely make videos (not really my thing and know nothing about editing, etc.) – hadn’t planned on making any more given youtube’s latest policy – but i decided to take a recording of another “planet hopping” event.  get out some popcorn, add some music and have fun with it.  love, v.


52 subscribers


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Speaking of a “VAH”…..


w/in moments of posting my last piece on POTUS and his mentioning of a “VAH”, this one pops up on my social media feed first….no coincidence there…i know as a child snow globes used to kinda freak me out (not as much as clowns though lol)….and many times throughout my life i have felt something “up and out there” was watching me – and it wasn’t Source.  how often i felt like i was a fish in a fish bowl or a rat in a cage.  it’s because that is where we really are.  the event frequency removes the veil and we see the truth of where we are – and who we are.  #endsimulation  


Leak Project ~ There’s Literally a Firewall at the Edge of Our Solar System, Latest, clif high


simulation.  matrix.  quarantine.  indeed.  also sharing a photo capture below the video.  when i pulled this up, i paused it.  notice the time it was paused.  synch…


331K subscribers


Cube images update


UPDATE:  that little inner hunch told me to return to the nasa site and check out the dates when these objects began to show (11/12/19).  just as i suspected – nasa removed them.  they also added in all of the usual updates that occur every 10 minutes.  so what originally was a page of 4-10 photos showing updates every 2 hours is now many many photos updating at 10 minute intervals.  unfortunately i did not save every image but instead copied and pasted so i see those copied images have now disappeared as they are no longer available.  good thing i am now capturing what i am seeing and saving the image.  i also notice they removed images from 11/12 all the way through 11/15 – leaving just the 16th and 17th still up (for now).  i am capturing the remaining images from 11/16 and 11/17.


new positions…my perception as to what we’re seeing – these things are consciously/intentionally guided/maneuvered.  the 3rd image below you will see off to the upper right a light inside of one of the objects.  my feel is the light indicates a ship of some sort that places these cubes into position. i’ve seen several such images of light showing up on the inside.  OR the light could simply be a reflection of the sun too.  so if rose is correct and these are Borg like objects of the “enemy” – they’re really coming on strong now.  reminds me of a video game.  where’s the plug and the outlet?  let’s unplug this f’er and bring it to an end!  v.

