A bit more info/intel on those “cube-like” objects being seen around the sun


So I went back to when these objects began being seen – early on the 12th.  There are only 7 images to see.  On the 13th?  Four.  Cutting out the data.  In previous dates, there are updates every 10 minutes.  Now?  Every 2-4 hours (even at that – missing data obviously).

Below is the latest capture.

Interesting cloud formations by the moon tonight


There were, that I could see, 4 identical clouds – just varying sizes – side by side – a few hours after sunset.  Hopefully you can see them.  We had another day of intense chem spraying….and some haarp clouds…….as i have continued to feel all year – they are gonna be at it (their agenda’s) until the last moment….i did send a message to serialbrain2 asking about the chemtrails as he supports the theory the program has been taken over by the alliance…

The Logical Song ~ awesome song put to beautiful visuals of where we are


great depiction of where we are.  the families busted in – taking out the construct inside.  “won’t you please tell me who i am”.  we aren’t even supposed to ask the question – we’re supposed to just KNOW and we once did and we will again any moment now.  


Interesting tweets/images from Yellow Rose today


i read she is working on another video for VIMEO – with some better images than her video she released last night.  

Thoughts and Perceptions Out Loud ~ Cartoon Truth 👁‍🗨


editor victoria’s comment ~ a little graphic (and i have no interest in adult cartoons) – but i appreciate the direct approach when it comes to sharing truth.  as my mate and i were just discussing –  long winded speeches with confusing speak/words feel deceptive to me.  Truth Is Simple – albeit complex for the mind at times…
