Two relevant videos: MRMBB333~ Oregon woman spots GIGANTIC craft in sky – Says ” Coolest thing I’ve EVER recorded!” and WSO/Steve Olson ~ Resisting Resistance and The Funky Time We are In


editor victoria’s comment ~ pairing these two videos up as i feel both of them are showing what is going on right now…..first in the MrMBB333 video – the video footage of the lightning – was more than lightning.  it was more evidence of the space war that continues.  my mate and i feel they use these storms to rather “hide” their battles – and they may use the energy of these storms to power their craft as well.  and then there are the myriad of cloud formations that clearly, to me, show cloaked craft.  also of interest to me – is when Mike says the clouds look so low it is as though you could reach up and touch them.  as i said in my piece earlier today – i had a feeling in my body that the realm got compressed again.  

i also pondered the possibility that these cloud ships and craft we are seeing now aren’t really big – we’re just small in here.  as yellow rose has said – we got shrunk.  i know when i saw myself on the outside i was much taller/bigger than i am now.  i also feel these stories about ancient “giants” are really us.  

in WSO’s video, steve speaks of feeling quite low in mood the last couple of days.  i mentioned that yesterday – how i was struggling to hold the faith.  continued in to today but not as strong.  a collective feel and perhaps as steve alludes to – it is “them” sending in this frequency to encourage us to give up.  and i “feeeeel” it is one of those divine moments when President Trump shared that video (that i linked earlier today) encouraging all to essentially have faith – keep going.  as steve says – this leads to the end of the matrix.  as he was speaking i was feeling into his words and i told my mate “when the inner dimensional entities are removed, the program here ends and we get out.”  as i said that he said he got chills.  

so much of this concept of “ascension” has included a LOT of programming. rules.  should’s.  behaviors practiced deeming us worthy or not.  lots of fear. all of it?  absolute nonsense.  everything i know/feel myself to BE says this is a simple narrative (Occam’s razor) – we are in a matrix/hijacked realm where people are held captive and the actions (war) to end the controls of the realm thus freeing the people continue – nearing the end.  or as i found today on twitter – the following tweet by Adam Foreman (woops – the tweet is no longer there so here’s the image he shared):


375K subscribers


117K subscribers

Within A Dream Within A Dream 🔮 Part 1


editor victoria’s comment ~ interesting….”the future you are about to experience already happened.”  i have pondered, more than once, that where we are “going” (back Home) is actually us experiencing in the future. when i saw that craft/orb that felt so much like Home the first thought i had was “us from the future”.  so it is possible….to return/merge the piece of us still here in this experience ?  expand expand expand to understand and innerstand just what the frig is going on….


6.3 Earthquake strikes near Puerto Rico/ Electrons spike at time of quake/ Proton level hits 138 – BLUE KOOL OH YA


ok what’s most interesting to me in this one is the acknowledgement that the CCMC Tools, LASCO C2 and C3 are down and have been for days.  hmmm…(ya’ll know my feel – and hope – matrix tools are going offline – for good ?)


19K subscribers

One Harmony ~ The EVENT Update – Why God and other aliens have not SAVED US!!!


editor victoria’s comment ~ don’t let the title dissuade you.  the title just goes into answering the question:  “WHY doesn’t God/Benevolent Aliens help us?!” as he says – they are – by breaking down the matrix code.  

another SPOT ON video – in my feel.  also aligns w/the dream i had earlier this year where i saw myself in a room – in stasis. my REAL body.  yeah – mind blowing.  it was then and it continues to give me chills when i hear other’s who hold the same perception.  again this continues to be an experience of GETTING OUT and GOING HOME.  it is time to simplify this. the matrix really was a documentary.  

i can look at this logically.  if you want to pull us out of this giant computer simulation – you do it slowly by hacking the original program.  you then slowly pull the projected consciousness inside here – out.  that is what is causing our symptoms of memory loss, dizziness and indeed that ongoing feel of being between two-worlds.  i am fully done hearing this ramble about having to activate our DNA here.  i am instead focused on connecting w/ME on the outside.  THAT is where my real Self is. i call on Her at times to send me Original Energy in this holographic projected vessel in here to keep going, give me energy when needed, etc.  but restoring this vessel?  not aligning w/that for some time.  as i said two nights ago i think it was i suddenly knew – my consciousness spoke to me – and said this vessel is indeed foreign.  so we DO get “downloads” here – from US on the outside.  the hacking is two-fold:  breaking down the matrix grid and the matrix programmed in US.

so….any entity who wants us focused on staying here….who says we have to earn our way out….do a myriad of techniques and blah blah blah is just another matrix program wanting us to stay put and give it more of our energy.  NO MORE.  DONE.


One Harmony

13.1K subscribers

One Harmony ~ 1 Of 15 EVENT Update – THE Spirit MATRIX


editor victoria’s comment ~ truth (or as i could call it – energy containing information that has not been compromised/hijacked) is really flowing in now.  very interesting info in this video which overall aligns with what i and many others feel/see.  btw i love this man’s voice.  i once asked him if anyone told him he sounded like Bob Ross and he said no.  lol  so i have since named him “The Bob Ross of the Awakening”.  


13.1K subscribers

A very useful description on the matrix and our experience in it


MATRIX CLARITY ~  seems to be the two key words of the day today….


White-out is now – uh – Wite Out WHAT??!!


no.  no no no it is not.  i used this stuff prior to the days of computer’s and even typewriter’s w/the self-correcting tape while in high school and college.  i used this stuff in the office environment’s i used to work in while IN college.  it was White-Out.  period.

but now – now take a look at what it is.  no thank you matrix game – not having these changes anymore.  nice try – we’re on to the “game”….

(image taken from a target page)

BIC® Wite-Out® Correction Fluid, 0.7oz - image 1 of 2