Michelle Walling (live) ~ The Great Comeback- Phoenix rising


(i wish to thank sister D for guiding me in this direction.)

i can really relate to her words – in particular the passion part and the ways in which the matrix attacks those the most who are awake – attempting to “make it” and share our message with the world.  it is time to Unite Together and create a dynamic energy field – our own – be supportive of one another – TRULY being supportive as in interaction, giving what we can, building our own community even at the distance level.

i have had this feeling too that we are in the middle space –  not in the old but not in the new.  the term “purgatory” has been going through my mind lately.  as a “former” catholic i am quite familiar w/the term and it does seem to be a suitable one for where we are now.  not in hell but not in heaven (so still feels like hell at times).  hell being here/underworld – heaven being home (Original Creation).

anyway – i sense a change in her.  more grounded.  softer.  i admire her strength – her courage.  that happens as you pull yourself away from this false reality in which we have resided in.  i just had an image of walking down a hallway – a hallway lined with agent smith’s throwing knives your way – laughing – yelling – accusing and other attacks.  they can look like smith’s or they can look like your family, your partner, etc.  KNOWING these attacks are an illusion – aren’t about YOU – even though they sting and you feel it viscerally in these vessels – they are STILL NOT. ABOUT. YOU.  and the more you stand and face them – say “NO” or whatever words/action you choose – the more empowered at that quiet space you become.  today was a royal bitching circus for me and i stood solid throughout as best as i can – focusing intensely when i was able to not slip into old thought patterns of helplessness.  i know i need to practice not powering over another or using the energy of others to get what i need or to protect myself – and to stop feeding the powerless storyline.  it is tempting – oh today it was tempting – but if i am to walk the talk i KNOW that is ALL old ways of being that 1) isn’t WHO I AM and 2) is NOT what i wish to participate in therefore it is NOT what i will choose to create.  do i want to create more of the same movie script or do i want to create what is REAL and PURE?

although…….when money is a part of the equation and i hear “follow your heart – don’t worry about the money” – i feel i have something practical to add to that piece as i have been following my heart and thinking outside of the box for years – and my passions alone don’t pay the bills – well – not yet.  open to what is new – truly supportive – and oh to feel safe in just being me and having that be enough.  



The Great Comeback- Phoenix rising

Posted by Michelle Walling on Saturday, September 7, 2019

Visual of where we really are


editor victoria’s comment ~ i have felt claustrophobic/trapped throughout this known incarnation cycle.  i have also felt in my body on numerous occasions over the years, as i glanced upward at the night skies, that i was inside of some tube, being watched and i am much too effing small.  shrunk. what a relief it has been for me to hear the words of others who have confirmed – at least hold the perception and feel – of what i have felt for many years.




Interesting Captures on the LASCO by Adam Foreman


there is 3 hours of “missing” data on the LASCO today…..he likely captured some of that data (he’s good at that!)…….




“And in today’s NASA news – we don’t know WHAT to put up.”  


“And today boys and girls, we will be working on our ABC’s.  Today’s letter of the day:  “B”‘…………

Real alien structure of our Sun? Our Sun in the form of bee honeycombs! August 20, 2019


so first there was this alleged massive explosion at the sun on August 19th – then this appears on the same day.  some are saying it’s a lens fracture – but that doesn’t make one little bit of sense as if that were the case the edges would be jagged. or perhaps the simulation glitched and are we seeing the energetic net around this realm (aka the “MA Net”)?  i have had dreams of seeing the “ma net” as well as a dream i had weeks ago where i woke up saying “something’s happening to ed” (“ed” being the name of the being associated w/the sun according to yellow rose).

so…………oh yes – i will do my best to remind myself to share the visual/vision i had this morning as i dozed.  as long time readers know – i don’t get visuals – very rarely.  my stuff comes from feels and maybe a flash of something – but this one lasted awhile.  it was an image.  will share later (draw and take pic)

first the “explosion” event:



and the video of the “net”:

Published on Aug 20, 2019

A Good Example of what this Construct “looks like”

we don’t move.  all revolves around us.  the event is when we see where we are and “get out”.


AMAZING Tweet (Vincent Kennedy) showing the Construct and the VAH’S (ships)


this is one of the most exciting tweets i have seen.  where the diagram originated from – i don’t know.  this is validation for what Yellow Rose has been saying for years.  we are on a ship.  the “planets” we see are ships.  it has ALL BEEN FAKE here.  simulation of our Original Experience to keep us pacified.  thank you Laura for passing this one on. exciting “times” we are in.  “Disclosure Imminent”.  the energy feels different today – much lighter.  yesterday felt heavy.  dark conscious being’s being expunged/transmuted were very active yesterday – desperately seeking new hosts.  today – Lighter.  easier to be in the authentic heart space.  my experience that is – as is my mate’s.  love, v.


a theory as to what this is: