David Cowan info on the 2012-2019 period


i decided to just take screen captures instead of link each video.  if you wish to watch this 5 part series, go to Simon Atkin’s channel here.  scroll down until you find the series titled “The Birthing of a New World: From Slavery to Freedom”.  i remember watching that video series.  it was a few months prior to launching this website.  i had just gotten back into the “ascension/new earth/transition” narrative and was feeling the call to expand, gather info and present my stuff w/the world.  here we are today – almost 3 1/2 years later – at the end of this 7 year period.  i remember at the time thinking “oh wow we still have over 3 1/2 years to go?!”  in a way it feels like a lifetime – in another sense – it has flown by.  perhaps we have been in that space of “no time” for “longer” than we have once felt/thought.

Planet Mercury on Lasco takes a quick hop backwards. Wait, what??!!


so it took me a few times to make this video and as you can tell i decided to just keep going w/this one as i wasn’t in the mood to start again – plus the battery warning issue.  so here you go. the hopping planet.  watching this it’s as though “something” jerked on it –  like a model of a ball tied to a string.  as i said in the video:  not.  a.  planet.

Do “planets” go backwards on their transit?


I captured “mercury” doing a hop backwards on the Lasco in the last 30 minutes.  This followed a capture earlier today that showed missing data for 7 hours.  I will link the video of the backwards hop when I can.  I was barely able to make the video as the battery warning light went on so it’s charging up.  For now here are the two photos from earlier today showing the missing data.  It showed the movie going from 8:06 to 15:10.  Enjoy the show!  I think we’re in the final scenes…

Adam Foreman confirms: That “planet” on the LASCO is Mercury


editor victoria’s comment ~ i need to stick with my feel and no one else’s – esp. the unawakened system/nasa supporting people.  my original feel/research was this is the object mercury – and those lines were not “normal” (in terms of length).  and speaking of i appreciate his comment in noticing the “lines” (or masts as he calls them) and how far stretched out they are.  stability reasons.  energies and “choppy” (water) making these simulated objects very unstable.  END IT!


Some recent captures on the LASCO3…(just for fun)


as i link this, my mate is watching the recent WSO video i shared….and he said that one of the captures – 2 halos around the sun – shows refraction within the dome and the more the “top of the dome” lowers, the more halos we will see due to the increase in the refraction.  in a nutshell – the effect becomes more pronounced.  the halos around the sun are shrinking.  this is also what’s causing the double rainbow effect.  (i know this – last week i felt i could almost reach up and touch the clouds.  i could feeeeeel the experience in my body.)

you know what the event may be?  the actual physical vision many of us have seen?  the clouds literally drop down – engulfing us for a moment or two before it all ends – and we see where we have been.


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