matrix doing its best to keep the fake going…….and failing miserably…..
Published on Jun 19, 2019
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matrix doing its best to keep the fake going…….and failing miserably…..
Published on Jun 19, 2019
more intel showing we have been moved. and we are closer to exiting. aaaaand projected objects w/in the simulation…
Published on Jun 11, 2019
editor victoria’s comment ~ something told me to check out the comments section in her latest video (one month ago) – a nudge said i would find something helpful. i did. these words could have saved me a lot of money and wasted hours spent on counselor’s couches over the years. lol i remember once thinking “something else is putting these thoughts into my mind” – then heard self-judgment at holding such a thought. any time ANY ONE says something along the lines that only WE are responsible for our suffering’s and trauma’s is also speaking a program. YES we are powerful. we are Divine. Amazing. but we’ve also been f’d with quite intensely. we are seeing this horror movie come to an end.
spot-on truth in her words – for me that is.
today’s read, at the end, we have 2 hours of missing data. see that round object on the bottom left corner? it’s been there for a few days – heading to the right. no clue. and you will see a sideways V-shape (a Chevron craft) object on the left as well as some sort of a craft on the right. the first image was later removed but i caught it. looks like a massive laser scanning the realm doesn’t it? a lot of activity…
editor victoria’s comment ~ thanks to brother rick for telling me about this one. below is a channeling that took place in 2017 for Denice, who together with Terran Cognito, speak with the being’s known as Thor, StanX and I think there are others….as i have mentioned i am no longer a fan of channeling so i take such messages with a big bucket of discernment – however when something feels “right” it feels “right” and i have that experience when reading some of the info Denice gleans. and her channeling is not typical as you will read below….plus she is not about her ego or “i channel 9D/11D etc. beings”…the feel i get from her has always been heart-centered….and when i saw them speaking of LeeLoo, well I was intrigued and wanted to pass along….
as to my thoughts/feels on this one – i am really deeply aligning w/this info being shared. i never did align w/the akashic records. felt them to be rubbish – controlled – something the controller’s wanted us to “believe”. and now i see why i began calling “new earth” – REAL earth – because it was the Original from where we came. the concept of every probability being planned for (and i feel that included played out) – aligning. and the concept on dimensions….aligning. and one thing i have been sharing with my mate is i KNOW we have the ability to “travel” (go to ) whatever creation we want.
Denice has been derided as “channeler” (by ones who rely on their own intuition an dreams) and while she is a highly skilled telepath (in pineal and heart based comms) she also has a biotech implant in her left ear that she gets direct communications from the data collectors.
editor victoria’s comment ~ i was once into the twin flame concept. it began in 1997/98. i was going through a divorce and simply knew there was someone else searching for me. as a result of the twin flame narrative, i fell for a lot of illusion and exaggeration. i have since come to feel that the biggest longing i have really had is for the rest of Me at Home – as well as family i have been apart from. i like what lisa harrison says about power couples – how the matrix is programmed to keep such people apart of when they do unite, the program throws stressors the couple’s way – health issues, financial struggle/job loss, etc. often they have been targeted throughout their life and carry a lot of trauma, illness, pain, etc. when they unite that crap comes to the surface and unless this is SEEN, the two can end up parting. i could write a book about the last 20 years with my mate. i see him as my partner here in this realm – in as much as it has been painful and HUGELY challenging at times as i mentioned previously. so lately i have been so focused on remembering on how we do it at Home. relationships. parenting. and it is different – easier and we have so much more support.
editor victoria’s comment ~ i am passing these along as a result of listening to Lisa Harrison’s latest video. if you have not watched it yet or have chosen not to watch it, she made an interesting point about the virus program as being most focused on the Vagus Nerve. the Vagus Nerve activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is what creates the calm response. i see why the creators of this matrix would focus on infecting that part of our bodies – make it more difficult to access the calm response by infecting it. and i also feel they installed the reptilian brain region in us to put us in the fight/flight/freeze response when faced with a situation that creates fear for us. stimulating the Vagus Nerve can help remove the virus and keep us in our Natural State of Being. for those that align i hope these are helpful. love, victoria
Published on Oct 9, 2016
here are some other breathing exercises as well as yoga positions:
Long, deep breathing is the best way to activate the vagus nerve. Even though the vagus nerve is already involved in our involuntary breathing, when we do it consciously it helps to improve vagal tone. This, in turn, gives the the body a chance to rejuvenate.
Here is a simple mindful breathing exercise. First, make sure to sit comfortably in a chair or on a folded blanket. Then follow this breath pattern:
In addition to mindful breathing, restorative yoga is an ideal way to stimulate the vagus nerve, as it incorporates both the breath and relaxing postures. Here are three beneficial restorative postures.
Sit with legs extended straight, and fold forward over legs. Keep neck and shoulders relaxed. Make sure to support the torso/arms/head with a chair, bolsters or pillows. If the low back is not comfortable, sit on a pillow or folded blanket. Hold for 10-15 minutes, breathing mindfully.
Lay flat on the ground with legs bent. Place feet flat on the ground, hips’ width apart. Lift hips, and place a block (or large book) under the low back/pelvis. Rest back down onto the block. Hold for 10-15 minutes, breathing mindfully.
Lay flat on the ground with legs bent. Place feet flat on the ground, and hold a block between the knees. Lay arms out in a T position. Take bent knees over to one side. Place another block, bolster or folded blanket underneath the knees if they do not rest comfortably to the ground. Turn head away from the knees. Hold 5-10 minutes, breathing mindfully. Then, repeat on the other side.
Walking meditation is a wonderful practice because you can do it almost anywhere and anytime. It involves very deliberating thinking about doing a series of actions that you normally do automatically. First, find a good location where you can walk back and forth for 10-15 paces, or where you can walk continuously for 10-15 minutes. Walk at whatever pace you’d like, breaking down each step as follows:
If possible, practice your walking meditation barefoot. This allows you to notice additional sensations as your feet touch the ground.
editor victoria’s comment ~ very interesting – amazing captures – AND what he says about his captures happening in the SW and SE – aligns w/the event dream i had where i was able to see all of the planets that are outside of this realm with my own eyes – in the SW sky…anyway i went to the photo editing site he mentions and will play around w/some of my own sky captures – see if there’s something more than what i can see w/my current photo program….
Published on May 18, 2019
editor victoria’s comment ~ oh am i resonating with this one (no surprise of course). MOTION sickness! yes! good way to describe the occasional nausea i experience. a few days ago i shared here that i felt i was on a big boat out at sea trying to find my sea legs – get my balance. i am also relating to the concept of being pulled out of the body – i experience that as well and have shared that here. my feeling began to expand on it and i just felt i was being pulled home but then nope – not quite yet. i am very teary now too. weepy – that began about a week ago.
now this is interesting – how she speaks of going to ancient places in our dreams. just last night i was at some sacred temple in vietnam – or perhaps cambodia. i could feel the humidity and heat on my body. i was in a bus and a man (who was local) was guiding a few of us. i questioned why i was there but i went w/the feeling/knowing i had to be there to revisit this site. what’s even more interesting is the other night – unbeknownst to me – my mate was watching a program on a newly discovered ancient site in cambodia. maybe this is part of the processing of the history of this realm as she says.
i continue to align w/her that our consciousness is merging with the rest of us at Home. the need now is deep for me to release all programming. i did some work with that last night with my bodies (mental emotional spiritual/energetic).
the empathic/intuitive/telepathic experiences she shares align too. yes the more we tune in to our Home Us – the more those experiences increase.
very interesting insight into the Vagus nerve. i studied that about 3 years ago when i first began having the term pop out at me via random articles that would come up or shares on social media. given the ongoing symptoms i experience i will be working with it again. that damn virus we’ve all been injected with – it is NOW for it to be removed. i am quite impatient when it comes to clearing/doing before we go….i just shared a visual w/my mate that i feel i have had one foot in this life here – as me victoria in this body with these experiences – just one foot – and the other foot and rest of my body are reaching forward at times desperately trying to find and manifest those visions of home i have had for over 25 years and the life long longing FOR Home.
staying the course…..
Published on May 18, 2019
editor victoria’s comment ~ another very insightful update (2 of 3)…as she says – and as i feeeeel – we are “back on track”…….very good explanation of the schumann spikes and the black lines (which as she says and as i have felt – aren’t always a timeline jump)…….i feel her and her team are very tuned in….all of these “tests” etc. were rigged – the entire game – controlled….hence the need to be gentle with one another as we have all been manipulated and f’d with…
Published on May 16, 2019