I have contacted Yellow Rose for Texas to see her take on what we are seeing. My feel is this may be earth on the right – getting ready to portal out via the sun (as she has spoken of and others as well). I find the flashing “lines” going through this object fascinating – almost as though something is pulling the object along. Whatever “it” is – it’s on a direct course for the sun.
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editor victoria’s comment ~ video 1 of an anticipated 3….interesting leeloo first made contact just a few weeks after i started this site…as i have suspected for some time now (and stopped sharing that narrative) – the ascension to 5d was another program to keep us in this space…still in the program of separation/power over……what we are experiencing is brand new – never created before – and to make sure none of “this here” will never happen again (something i was chanting out loud yesterday actually – i stopped what i was doing in the kitchen and began saying that)…..
i align w/her saying there was another attempted hijack – but that was stopped….i would not be surprised if this happened twice – once last fall and another earlier this year….i could FEEL (and was saying) “what’s taking so long?” i could feel stagnation and it didn’t feel natural or loving….i do feel as she says that this was cleared up and out – those who did the “dirty deed” were removed and held responsible – and now things are moving again (i am definitely feeling this energetically)…interesting insight into the different realms (5 of them according to her perception of info received)….Home continues to resonate as it really has since i can remember longing FOR home during childhood….
as she says – our next experience – is based on what WE EACH desire….FREEDOM….no more of this free will power-over others….yep yep yep yep yep…..
editor victoria’s comment ~ i have felt strongly inside for almost 2 years – i can even say “know” – we have been moved. i have also as strongly felt/known that this object people call nibiru/planet x/wormwood is one of the “objects” helping the process. the images below are amazing.
editor victoria’s comment ~ this is a beautiful, easy to understand video. i am deeply tired tonight so not much energy to share all of my thoughts. overall i align w/her truth. as i have shared in previous posts, i had a preview of how it feels to exit – it was a literal experience of being lifted up and it was an energy that lifts us up. i have had the packing dream. for the past 2 years i have gone around my house and requested certain items “go to the new”.
i appreciate her speaking about dimensions and timelines being part of the program here for this morning in the shower i had an insight on dimensions – how this concept that there are many versions of Us playing out in these dimensions was part of the hijack – the separation. i don’t consent to that. i want ALL OF ME creating in ONE experience. and i also appreciate her speaking of channeling’s and even downloads. i found that interesting (i had not given much thought to the downloads theory). perhaps that’s why i have never really aligned w/the idea of laying in bed and receiving downloads. when i do receive info – from ME – it is never forced or asked for. it just flows. so i feel i know the difference now. when i have demanded and things have come – that has likely not been truthful – or full – info.
i also liked what she said about history – and even our alleged ancient books. i never could get myself to get into ANY of it over the years. no matter what ancient texts i have studied or picked up or videos i watched – ANY and ALL info related to alleged “real” history – never aligned. and one last comment – she made about this being a simulation – every thing in it. driving home today i had that feeling come from within – and just knew – everything here is a simulation. another synchronicity.
please leave your comments if you have them. if you have questions you can go to the video on rose’s you tube channel and ask her there. she is very generous in responding to people’s questions. or you can leave them here and i can ask her myself via twitter. i have no dates to give. i have let that go – even though i feel very ready most of the time. trust yourself. go within. we are being guided by US – what is within and what is at Home – wherever that “home” is for us.
That is Mercury on left, Jupiter on Right Eve’s face starting to cross the page. Final call. Mercury had to give up the people they owed to Eve. Jupiter made his dump to the pit, I think ..then moved forward toward the gate on right. He’s waiting now.
editor victoria’s comment ~ Here is what Adam has to say about this video and what we are seeing: “Earth is currently sitting in EVE’s pupil. As the sequence progresses, Jupiter is seen moving to the right, As it disappears off screen, it appears to get destroyed with an exploson. The other thing to note is that EVE’s left eye appears to be shut as if Jupiter is denied exit to the WEST.”
Adam aligns with (and communicates with as I have seen on Twitter) Yellow Rose for Texas. there is indeed an explosion. Rose said we were “in the eye” of Eve one week ago (in a comment I saw her leave on her youtube channel)….IF this is how this transition goes, we are at the Exit…with the other channels i watch showing signs of the cracks in the sky (matrix) growing in size, well let’s just say I feel big change as well as ending is in the air……transition remains a good word.