editor’s note: ok just gonna share a lot of photos with descriptions below. i am trying to upload 2 brief videos on youtube to share but am not being allowed to do so. the first video (which i was guided to make) was of an obvious cloudship right next to venus (a photo is included below). i watched it for awhile, went inside plugged in my camera to upload, then went to the kitchen window to look outside and the entire thing was gone. no way would a cloud of that size fully disappear like that within what was perhaps a minute at most. earlier today while in the kitchen i heard “you are gonna capture some really cool things in the sky later tonight”. i forgot about it until i saw. the cloudships began appearing about 8 pm. as i looked at one of them around 9:30pm, i asked “what is it i am really looking at?” and immediately heard “your form of transportation in the near future.” YES BABY!! girl is soooooooo ready for this! [wp-svg-icons icon=”cool” wrap=”i”]

sneaking this one in ~ captured yesterday ~ a cool rainbow column

sharing this one full size. hopefully you can see the bottom of a greenish object at the top along with a massive round object above the sun and a cool “cloud” formation off to the right.

i looooooooooooved this one. i watched it for awhile. check out the white “line” running through it….

this is the circular cloudship i mentioned above next to Venus that after watching it for awhile, disappeared in under a minute. 
check out the orb/object above the cloud (near the top and off to the left)

i took this shot looking directly up and did not see the orbs or the bright white object near the top.

cool cloud w/some orbs

cloudship with an unknown light at the top right (not seen w/the naked eye)….as we watched this one my mate says he saw a flashing light within the mass…looking NNW

same object as above w/some orbs…
hope you injoyed. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
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