Published on Jun 30, 2018
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
editor’s note: if you haven’t checked out this mutual awesome starseed incarnate’s website, please do so here. a really good insight into these crop circle patterns.
Sourced from here.
editor’s note: watching this, i think/feel/say aloud “what is THAT??!!” fun stuff to watch (for me that is). interesting steve says there continues to be an unknown energy field around our realm. hmmm could it be the energy field of the event awaiting to flood this realm once the matrix net is removed? could it be this is why so many of us are feeling (and some have seen it lately in visions/dreams) it is RIGHT HERE – because it is? i keep hearing “bus driver MOVE THAT BUS” in my mind (only of course it is remove the net!). the bible speaks of floods that wipe the earth. this time it is energy that wipes away the memory blocks, the DNA blocks restoring us to who we REALLY are.
Published on Jun 18, 2018
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cue close encounter’s of the 3rd kind theme…i also ponder – what space? just inner space, right because if it is truly “outer” space we will need that good inner dimensional wormhole traveling kind to get outta this realm. maybe make enough for several billion good souls so we can get outta here and the sheeple along w/their slave master’s they continue to support can stay here……of course the obvious answer is they already have such a fleet and craft.
President Donald Trump declared Monday he will move to make a new branch of the military focused solely on space.
“I am hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces,” Trump said during a meeting of the National Space Council.
“Our destiny beyond the Earth is not only a matter of national identity but a matter of national security,” Trump said.
“Our Policy Board will begin working on this issue, which has implications for intelligence operations for the Air Force, Army, Marines and Navy,” Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said in a statement. “Working with Congress, this will be a deliberate process with a great deal of input from multiple stakeholders.”
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A crop circle was discovered in France, between Sarraltroff and Goerlingen in the department of MOSELLE in the Grand Est region, on June 11, 2018. In this region it is the 7th crop circle since 2006, not far from that of last year in Lixheim. |
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