chills and tears…
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The best update I have read. It is my deepest feel and desire for all of this to be words of Truth manifesting…
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Intel Black Out” 1/21/18
Posted By: Mr.Ed
Just because you can’t see what is really happening…doesn’t mean that it’s not going on behind the scenes.
The Main Stream Media ‘Fake News’ sure won’t tell you about things like ‘Gitmo Prison’ being filled up with Cabal for ‘Military Tribunals’.
They won’t tell you about bad guys trying to escape earth and being shot down over Michigan by the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance ships.
They won’t tell you that 87,000 Pedophiles have been arrested so far.
They won’t tell you there are another 45,000 ‘Arrest Warrants’ waiting…plus 10,000 ‘Sealed Indictments’.
Reports of Nuclear Warhead Missiles in Hawaii & Japan “were real”…and were taken out by Pleiadian craft working with SSP Alliance.
It has been decided that this year (2018) people will be introduced to some extraterrestrials…which will be Pleiadians that closely resemble us.
This Government Shutdown is a distraction while the Military arrest the high profile cabal.
What they don’t know is…this shut down is the end for the corporate government and it will never return while all the criminals go to jail now. (the republic will take it’s rightful place)
Delays in the RV / GCR are to allow time to make sure it is safe for your money and protect your new accounts.
We are waiting on the United States Treasury to push the button for the RV / GCR to start and it is very close now.
Announcements will be made soon about NESARA / GESARA…the Restored Republic…new gold backed currency…new banking…prosperity and more.
Common Law will be restored when the New Restored Republic is announced to the public. (which is already in place behind the scenes and has been in control for some time)
Trump is not going anywhere…and he will be reelected for a 2nd term. (as he continues to drain the swamp)
Look for new technology to soon appear like ‘Med Beds’…’Free Energy Units’ and ‘Replicators’.
This will be the end for death based hospitals and big pharma pushing poison…as Med Beds will cure all diseases…repair any injury…replace any limb or organ and give you perfect health. (in minutes and free)
This same technology will make you young again to remain that way for the next 1000 years. (so you can spend all that money) 🙂
A transformational wave of high frequency energy from the galactic central sun (not to be confused with our sun) is to hit us in the next few days…which is said to cause the shift from 3rd to 5th dimension…which has been termed “The Event” by Cobra of the Pleiadian Resistance Movement.
This Event will be nothing to fear at all…but will mark the beginning of the ‘Golden Age’ of 1000 years of ‘Heaven on Earth’.
Soon you will be able to travel the universe and meet other forms of life which is never ending…
Sourced from here.
Private capture. FMI check out this article.
I appreciate this one ~ in particular the suggestion to keep all Divine focus on creating the NEW. I continually feel that ~ go within, feel what you Desire and focus all energy on that. Period.
You have been shown and introduced to some of Your Divine Gifts and abilities. Are You employing then for the better good, going in and planting goodwill energy seeds of Light?
I believe for the more powerful Ones currently among You, it would perhaps be more efficient and in line with the Ascension, to NOT Love any representation of the Dark. I feel that when Powerful Divine Ones put their energy into sending Love to the Dark Ones, it somehow keeps them energized to some degree. I suggest to ignore the Dark and put the full brunt of Your Divine Prowess, into CREATING THE NEW, which is absent of the Dark.
Each of You MUST follow what sets right with You, what resonates, for that is Your most reliable and dependable guidance tool, sub to the Source connection. It was indeed good in the “old days” to Love Your enemy and not stoop to that level, however, those days are over, and in reality, You have no enemies of concern. Enemies may still be there, but they have no power over You, You are Divinity, of Source, the HEAD HONCHO. No one messes with the Head Honcho, and when He/She has Your back, You are indeed invincible to anything in Creation. Think/Know for Yourself.
Everything that I have shared here on Facebook, was/is to empower You, and bring You back closer to Source, Many of You Know that Now, You Know it is real for the confirmations that You experienced, shows that it is. Erase All doubt and begin using Your Divine Gifts daily, getting in there real deep, at the foundation, and plant the True Good Seeds with Your mentality. Think and wish for what You wish to see, giving it an extra push with that Divine Energy from Your hearts. Let the old fall away, do not put a band-aid energy on it, the quicker it crumbles, the quicker the New takes its place. Support the good to the fullest, while minimizing support in the areas that YOU KNOW must be torn down. Keep UNITING in BIGGER GROUPS, UNITE THE BIGGER GROUPS UNDER AN UMBRELLA GROUP.
As an example of the Prowess of the Masses, LOOK AT THE LAST U.S. ELECTION, the amount that did NOT vote, almost half! This tells You that there is a huge acceptance that the Masses do not support any type of government, these Masses would quickly join a CHOICE that sets them free, they are seeking that choice. Take Canada as well, it has been proven recently that elections, in relation to voting fraud, are rigged. You cannot trust the “voter turnout” numbers presented because they are inflated, they are a lie. The Masses are ready to be called upon, We can/will give them a choice, a choice of freedom, or a choice of further enslavement and ownership of them.
Very quickly, it does NOT have to be built, a free energy Source can be given to the planet, upon the right conditions. In the blink of an eye, all value of money could be changed, equalizing the access. Economics is a farce, a lie, a deception that is unable to stay intact, it has two choices, implode or quickly transition into an equalized foundation. Those that did not share the wealth within the matrix, are efficiently being relieved, they will continue to rapidly implode. Currently, many wealthy ones are beyond redemption, not because they were judged, but because they judged themselves by their own actions and choices. There is no vengeance from the Light, it does not work that way, the vengeance suffered, is self-created by the ones that judged themselves. Every Human Soul Knows what is “right” and what is “wrong”, ignorance is not an excuse here, they were given multiple signs, ie; Trump winning the election when it was rigged against Him, even electronically. Globally this was seen. So something happened with perhaps remarkable odds, they should pay attention. As for Trump, a bit of his act needs cleaning up, and it will come very shortly. It is also a very real possibility that a president of the U.S., nor any other Country for that matter, will be required in the near futures.
I strongly suggest for every Soul upon Gaia, to never vote again in any election, in any country, this will reveal some Amazing numbers for You.
Our fleets are here, many Light troops on the ground, there is NO going back.
Love and Love
Sourced from here.
An Extremely Inconvenient Truthby James GillilandJanuary 5, 2018 |
America and the world are going to have to swallow a very large red pill. It is unfolding as we speak. |
America and the world are going to have to swallow a very large red pill. It is unfolding as we speak. I know I will get some extreme feedback from extremely ignorant people who have been brainwashed and programmed by CNN and the other lame stream media. A great master once said, “Who wants to be worshiped by wretched entities“. All I can say for those who take offense, thank you for establishing your ignorance and your character. These things need to be said. I can’t be PC correct either in doing so. There are those who already know of what comes next, to you – thank you for maintaining your integrity and keeping an open mind. I first want to disclaim being political, a democrat or a republican. I am an observer of the obvious. I would like to see a council of grandmothers or a Galactic Federation running the show however before that would ever happen, we have some serious cleanup to do. |
I would like to see a Council of Grandmothers or a Galactic Federation running the show however before that would ever happen, we have some serious cleanup to do. |
That being said I wish to begin by shedding some light on current day politics. Can this get any more insane? |
That being said I wish to begin by shedding some light on current day politics. Can this get any more insane? The very people accusing our president elect of insanity are totally insane suffering from Trump derangement syndrome and cognitive dissonance. They ignore the elephant in the room and focus on the flea. When confronted by the extreme collusion, illegality, and what can only be referred to as sick behavior they avoid, redirect then attack. |
These are mind control tactics straight out of the book. They will never give a straight answer. When they judge, condemn and point the finger there are twenty + fingers pointing back. Yes, I know there are three pointing back if using two hands 6 excluding the thumbs. The point I am making is the extent of the double speak and corruption. What they accuse others of they are guilty of times ten. |
People are defending Satanic, child sacrificing pedophiles, extreme embezzlement and extortion, let’s not forget a long list of murders, and the suspicious deaths of hundreds. Is that what you want to continue? Seriously have you not done any research, have you lost all discernment? |
Luckily there are those that have done their reasearch, they are the informed, the white hats, those who are honoring their oaths and they are stepping forward.They are the red pill.Luckily there are those that have done their reasearch, they are the informed, the white hats, those who are honoring their oaths and they are stepping forward. They are the red pill. If you are finding this hard to swallow grab a glass of milk because the days of ignorance, denial and deception are over. Trump was chosen by the people, backed by the military for a reason. He truly loves America and is doing his best in his own way to make America Great again although there are a few areas I have to express disagreement |
We have fuel-less energy. We don’t need to drill for more oil or create pipelines through the lands of the already oppressed and suppressed Native Americans. He did however sign legislation to bring these energy and alternative healing technologies to the open market. This itself will render most oil operations obsolete in the future. These technologies already exist in the black budget operations and are being built in garages around the world, some now are being manufactured. There seems to be tradeoffs being made in certain areas just to move things forward. |
I have gone a little off topic yet it is necessary to understand the big picture.There are three main agendas being carried out.End the cabals’ strangle hold over the world.They are responsible for the majority of the pain, suffering, poverty, even every war since Napoleon of which they funded both sides. Reestablish the Republic – ending the Federal ReserveTrump is here to reestablish the Republic which was taken over by the cabal, the bankster elite by the establishment of America Inc. and the Federal Reserve. Ending the Federal Reserve, the cabals’ strangle hold on humanity is the key to ending the extreme uneven dispersal of wealth, manufactured lack and poverty. Everything will go back to the treasury. Draining the Swamp of Extreme CorruptionDraining the swamp will take care of the cabal puppets, the extreme corruption, and the satanic child sacrificing, pedophiles, sexual predators, embezzlers, and extreme corruption. It is going to have a disastrous effect on the music and movie industry as well as multi million and trillion airs. Yes, the ones that own the politicians and the mainstream media. Now can you see it? Can you see why people in the music, movie and so many politicians are so against Trump. The ones screaming the loudest are the ones with the most to lose when the swamp is drained. In most cases they are the puppets of the cabal, the pedophiles, sexual predators and the extremely corrupt. They are the ones screaming the loudest and throwing the most stones while living in glass houses. Those houses are going to be shattered. That is what the military, mainly the Marines round up and over 10,000 indictments are all about. |
Those who are awake, who have developed a level of inner sensitivity and discernment, cannot be fooled by these talking heads and find them an insult to their intelligence. |
Those who are awake, have developed a level of inner sensitivity and discernment cannot be fooled by these talking heads and find them an insult to their intelligence. If Hillary has not figured out what happened that is what happened. Those with little or no intelligence – lacking in inner sensitivity and discernment – follow these leaders blindly. There are those who willingly and knowingly perpetuate their lies and deceptions who will have their names on these indictments and those who follow them who will be extremely disappointed when their false idols fall. |
The red pill is higher consciousness and due to a major influx of higher consciousness and energy, tyranny on every level will fall. The separation game is over. The unbridled greed and lust for power over others cannot continue in the days to come. Many call it the great reckoning or evening and that is now upon us. I would be extremely discerning on just who you tie your horse to in the days to come. The wagons of the dark hearts are going over the cliff. |
You are now in the world of opposites where most of what you think, what you have been told and what you believe and rely upon will be turned upside down. Why? Because it needs to get right side up. If it doesn’t it will not make it through the grand shift which is now upon us. Your soul wants to talk with youIt can’t as long as you are stepped in social consciousness and all the false programing. As long as you are kept distracted with your nose to the grindstone trying to manifest that American Dream – which when you wake up becomes a nightmare – your soul’s message is falling on deaf ears. |
Get out in nature, learn to meditate, listen to the enlightened ones not those boxed in by religious dogma or seeking fame and fortune. Develop your own discernment through the soul and learn to lead yourselves. Start creating heaven on Earth and live according to Universal Law. Hold your leadership accountable as well. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law. Get behind those who are draining the swamp and though not perfect are ending the cabal’s stranglehold on humanity. |
Stop fighting the very people trying to free you. The Stockholm syndrome has to end and it will end when humanity awakens to the lies and deceptions, steps into their own divinity and claims their divine rights. Unifying America is a step in unifying the planet. The cabal has no place on a unified planet the mass awakening spells their demise. The masses have no idea of the abundance that was taken from them and who took it. That is soon to be rectified. |
You are not alone in the universe, this will be revealed. Universal Law is Creator’s Law and Creator’s Law is coming to Earth. Those shiny brilliant lights appearing globally are part of the process.There is nothing to fear unless you have a long history of breaking universal law. If so I would do everything possible to right your wrongs.You’re running out of time. The quickening is here, it’s going to be a wild ride, there will be some chaos but remember chaos comes with change and change is necessary especially in light of the grand awakening. |
You are not alone in the universe, this will be revealed. |
Godspeed, You have my permission to send this far and wide. |
I continue to feel, as I have since the summer of 2016, that Trump (if he won), would not serve his full term. I saw nothing “bad” happening ~ just felt and continue to feel that he would step aside after doing what he came to do. He is not a politician. Never has been, never will be. He didn’t want this role but stepped up and took it on to do what needed to be done long long ago. Of course this could just be the timeline I am on for myself and have seen. Others may have a different perception. As timelines continue to (supposedly) merge, ALL of our perceptions may be changing and soon.
6 hrs ·
I have received a telepathic message from Saint Germain just 5 minutes ago. He said thank you. He seemed pleased with the typing and said something NEW: HE SAID THERE WILL BE TOTAL DISCLOSURE IN FEBRUARY. I asked what ‘total’ really means and he said IT WILL ALL COME OUT IN THE NEWS… and I asked ‘is it at the beginning or end of February?’ He said towards the END. So here is a prophecy again! He said that Donald Trump will not be running or be re-elected again because he has done enough and some things will be put in place to secure the situation, for instance it will never be possible again for any power to get any person elected because the system is rigged. They, these dark ones, will be defeated and will never be able to MISUSE the systems again. HE SAID ‘Your mind is racing!’.. He also said this TOTAL DISCLOSURE IS THE FINAL ACT…I said ‘formidable!’.. the closing of the curtains on this terrible scenario. Perhaps the closing of the curtains on the Piscean Age too, and low dimension! We are emerging into a new World! All according to the Divine Plan!…. Better recharge with the Tube of Light!… Love, christiine
By the way some channelers say that the Masters etc never give dates but it’s not so especially if the date or prophecy cannot be affected by human will, but what happened is that a channeler only accepted to channel on the condition that no dates would be given because something promised didn’t take place. But then people make rules out of some information and distort it. (that’s how I understand what happened). The date or event relating to Feb 18, 2018 for the end of the transition period cannot be affected by human will, so if they decide to give it, why not? my service is unconditional… that’s my argument! -Christine Preston
Read full article here.
Oooh, chills with this one peeps. My mate very rarely dreams. And yet last night he had a dream of seeing a cluster of 3 orbs ~ in black and white ~ from the perspective of being above the earth. He said everywhere he looked they began to appear ~ throughout the earth realm. So imagine our WOW moment when we watched this video below. I have this “feeling” that things are only going to get more “interesting”…
hmm….gotta let this one sink in before i draw any conclusion… how do you feeel reading this one?
The Light Sentinels: A Fatal Draco Attack on the Pleiadians and Peace Treaty (23th December 2017).
(Posted by The Light Sentinels, written by Music Man).
Once again the Cabal staged an event to cover up the truth (the Falcon 9 Rocket Satellites launch). Due to the scope of all involved, it could not be prevented from being aired, given how many Americans looked up to the Sky yesterday, 22nd December 2017, the news had to cover it too and the whole world watched it, nit quite understand what they had actually seen.
However, not for the first time, you were presented a lie, a HUGE lie. Only the top Cabal / Dracos, Pleiadians, and Us, the Light Sentinels know exactly what took place yesterday. I am now sharing with you the truth no one will ever tell you, as always.
If you dug deep, this is all the Intel you will have found, the version the Cabal told the world, for they needed a cover up story, given the sheer size of the event, they knew they would not able to hide it convincingly, until now of course:
” Watch SpaceX’s last launch of 2017 live right here:
This past year has been a great one for SpaceX. The company has sent rocket after rocket skyward, completing missions for a number of clients including NASA and private firms, and they’ve got just one more thing to do before wrapping up 2017 with a nice bow.
Tonight, the company will conduct one last 2017 launch for Iridium, a company that uses SpaceX’s services to place its satellites into orbit. It should be a fairly straightforward mission, but there’s one thing that makes this launch different from most of the others SpaceX has performed this year: the rocket won’t be coming back in one piece.
Tonight’s launch will be performed using one of SpaceX’s used — sorry, “flight proven” — Falcon 9 rockets. The company has made a habit of recovering this hardware and relaunching them later after a brief period of refurbishing. However, the rocket being used tonight will not be recovered, and will instead meet its demise as it falls back to Earth”.
Watch the Second Video on link:…/
Now what ACTUALY took place, 100% the TRUTH:
The Dracos developed a new Weapon, Technology to capture the GFOL Ships that are here on Earth. They want to systematically wipe the Sky of ALL GFOL Ships. Clear it for more Off World Dracos Ships to come and create War on Earth. The Stage was set for that. But the Light Sentinels put a stop to their evil Plans. Again.
According to the Draco / GFOL (Pleiadian) Peace Treaty which I have told you about, the GFOL are NOT allowed to intervene with Mankind and Earth. This Treaty prevents them from helping Mankind. The Dracos are far more technologicaly advanced and prevent any real significant contact between the GFOL and Mankind.
When I tell you all you read on wishful thinking sugar coated “Positive Channelling Messages” and all the others so called “Light Gurus & Prophets” tell you are blatant lies, fake GFOL stories about “Saving Mankind”, this is what I mean. It is all 100% FAKE (who do you think is actually behind these lies?). The GFOL cannot help you, not the way we need. So please stop perpetuating these lies by giving much credence to all these Cabal fabrication and lies.
Having said that, they ARE here. Blue Avians, Pleiadians, they have always been here. They monitor your air, oceans, making sure the Dracos stick to their part of their contract (Peace Treaty) and do not kill Mankind outright and yes, they help themselves handsomely of our minerals and riches too in the process.
They observe it all and report back to their Council. They are here respectfully, and PEACEFULLY. On 22nd December 2017 the Dracos BROKE their long standing Peace Treaty and viciously attacked the Pleiadians. Quite possibly killing many Pleiadians.
The REAL purpose of the Falcon 9 Rocket Launch yesterday was to intercept and capture GFOL Ships cloaked on Earth by creating that Plasma Bubble you can clearly see in the 2nd video posted (link above) and destroy their Ships. Clearing the way for a possible Invasion, which of course would have never succeed. For you are Fully protected. By the Light Sentinels. Be sure of that. No evil and harm will Ever come to you!
The Pleidian Ship was very large and was captured and brought back to Earth, most likely destroyed and all Pleaidians on it, KILLED. The Dracos will obviously flatly deny this. The object you see in the middle of the video’s main image is a Huge Pleidian Ship trying to escape, you also see two little pods leaving this Ship, carrying the surviving Pleiadians. You can see on the picture, at the very left extreme is the tip of the Rocket. At the bottom is one of the pods that did NOT manage to escape and got captured and killed. At the very top, already outside the Draco Plasma Bubble, is the second pod, the ONLY surviving crew from the huge Pleidian Ship.
I was on a call with the Gatekeeper yesterday when I was made aware of all this and send Her all that I had been able to find out and asked her to investigate it immediately (at this point neither of us knew what was going, except that what was being said and I was looking at did not add up). I only got word back from the Gatekeeper today.
Once She found out what was really taking place she immediately opened the C-2 Gate (the main one used on our Solar System, next to the Sun) to allow the surviving Pleidian Pod to escape our Solar System and go back home. Had that not been done by Us, they would have been dead by now too.
At C-2 usually there are many Ships “hanging around”, mostly Blue Avians. The Gatekeeper immediately engaged the other Light Sentinels, the Goddess Gaia and God Set, who is now back with his Godly Family. They both escorted the sole surviving Pleidian Pod and thus prevented a Counter Attack from the Dracos.
All at C-2 SAW this and knew something was not quite right and many questions were asked. The Dracos went, again, way too far and this time really screwed things up. For all purposes, the Peace Treaty is now Off; And All gloves are OFF!
The Pleiadians are a Peaceful and Diplomatic People. They will report back to their Council and in a few days time will return and will for sure want to know from the Dracos why they attacked them and broke their mutual agreement in the process. Will try and smooth things out and make Peace with the Dracos. If that happens, NOTHING will have changed. All will have been in vain! May it NOT be so this time?
I happen to believe we have reached a point that enough is enough, the Dracos have gone well beyond anything acceptable and this MUST stop at once!
So, my short fused and angry brother, the God SET (former Ernest Lader) is, as we speak, the Gatekeeper told me, having some SERIOUS (and I’d imagine very Loud words to the Pleiadians), telling them to go and “F.ING KILL them Mother F.ers!! (the Dracos, that is)” (He will have used much stronger words, which I cannot print here, for he always does lol!). Mankind surely will NOT want to leave this at that and poor cold waters over it, it is time we ALL ACT Together.
On 3rd July 2016 I wrote a 29-Page Report (which Ernest helped me greatly) to be read at a 5.000-Strong Council Meeting held at the Black Knight Pleiadian Ship. I was then chosen by the GFOL to represent Mankind (as a Light Sentinel Spokesperson, it made perfect sense) and put together a case for the GFOL to Help and Assist Mankind Free this Planet.
Despite the success and standing ovation applause it got, and reassurances that very evening when both the Goddess Isis (who was representing me, Ernest and the LS that afternoon, together with Osiris and RA) and the Pleiadian that got back to me, they never really fulfilled their promise “You don’t understand how complex this is Music Man”.
Yesterday and Not for the first time, We, the Light Sentinels saved the Pleiadians again. And rightly so. Despite our differences, We have never lost hope one day you would do the right thing and unite forces with Us, Earth’s Mankind Guardians, and hopefully the Beta Pictorians too. The time is NOW. The Peace Treaty HAS BENN Broken. NOT your fault. You now have your way completely open and free, We have Your backs too!
What a great Xmas Present that would be, to come onboard with Us and FREE this Planet from all those that embrace Darkness and support the Slavery of Mankind and the Planet. The offer is on the table my Pleiadian / GFOL amigos! You call.
Much Love and Light,
Music Man.
(The Light Sentinels’ Spokersperson).
The Light Sentinels’ FB Posts & Messages (No Channelling involved):