WTH??? Complete, AMAZING birds-eye view of the jaw-dropping sky spectacle from Phoenix City Cam


My mate’s analysis ~ team dark was trying to portal out.  Team light comes in through the left, enters the portal, does something energetically to stop team dark from leaving, keeping them here.  Who knows ~ I can get behind that theory.  Nonetheless, some really amazing footage over SE Phoenix tonight.  Share this ~ this one needs to go viral!  UPDATE:  I have watched this on a variety of channels with a variety of camera’s.  My feel is it was a rocket launch ~ with nefarious purposes ~ and the Galactic’s or White Hats/Alliance w/their advanced tech took it out.  


Complete birds-eye view of the jaw-dropping sky spectacle from Phoenix City Cam

Published on Dec 22, 2017


Amazing Light Captured in SE Phoenix ~ MRMBB333


Captured just minutes ago.  Interesting to note ~ what he says is the “moon” does not appear to be.  The moon is only at 15% illumination.  Could be a simple explanation…


Anyway, check out this video.  People are saying they are seeing/did see the same thing in Southern Cali.  Anyone else see this?


Amazing light SOARS over SE Phoenix

Published on Dec 22, 2017

Interesting Sky Phenomena


Anyone seen this before? I haven’t so I’m curious to know what it is..

Posted by Brittany Smith on Thursday, December 7, 2017

Live Meteors Capture ~ 12/4/2017 ~ NEVER BEFORE SEEN ~ Ongoing Signal Recording


As of this posting, this signal finally stopped at 30 minutes in, 6:15pm PST. Check out my videos below, which contain approximately 3 and a half minutes of video coverage.  I told my mate to go outside and watch the skies while I handle the inside tech stuff.  He runs back inside and says he saw a craft, a white glowing “star”, coming slowly out of the east.  It stopped above him, did a half circle, lit up and then slowly headed south and vanished.
